• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 2,196 Views, 404 Comments

Climbing the Mountain 2 - Talon and Thorn

Baron Mounty Max may have thought his troubles were over with the recent changes to the Night Court but instead they may have just started as he has to deal with host of new problems during his second session at court

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40) Month 4 - Buttergrass (Part 2)

Greengrass whistled cheerily to himself as he stepped down from his coach outside of the Fields’ estate. He was wearing a tuxedo in the latest style and had spent the last hour or so since he had returned to Canterlot getting himself fully washed and groomed. Maybe tonight wasn’t a romantic event, but he thought that any mare would be lucky to be seen out on the town with him. He strode towards the house’s door, only stopping to shudder a little at the state of the gardens. The sooner Buttercup got somepony to look after them, the better. Taking a last moment to make sure his bow tie was straight, he took a deep breath and knocked sharply on the door.

“Just a minute!” came Buttercup’s voice from inside, apparently unnecessarily as only a few seconds later the door was swung open to reveal a pony which definitely did not look like Buttercup. The mare was of her approximate size, but instead of a curly orange mane, her’s was black, mostly it was done up in a mohawk but a few untidy spikes stuck out in random directions as well. A thin golden chain reached from the mare’s ear to her nose. Her coat was lime green but most of it was covered by a tattered black dress, a tight corset was wrapped around her barrell, but the skirt part had apparently been torn into strips. Black bands ran around each of ankles covered in silver spikes. The mare towered over Greengrass, which wasn’t unusual, but much of the height seemed to come from her iron clad feet, with each shoe being almost a hoofs width in height.

“Huh!” Greengrass gasped, unable to comprehend the creature in front of him but also unable to drag his eyes away from her.

“That good, eh?” said the mare with Buttercup’s voice.

“What? Buttercup, is that you?” he managed after a few moments. “What are you wearing?”

“This?” she trotted around in a circle making her hooves clatter loudly against the ground. The movement made the dress slide off of her flanks revealing that her tail had also been dyed black and was like her hooves, bound by black spiked straps. “Do you like it? It’s an Inky Rose original! Dad got it for me for my last birthday. I had to take it in a bit - I’ve lost some weight - but I think it still works.”

“Your father got you this?” Had Rollings mental condition been worse than he’d thought? Getting his daughter torn clothing?

“Well, he didn’t know he was. He said I could get what I wanted, and this is what I wanted. He wasn’t all that happy when he saw it, but he hid it well.” She seemed to deflate for a moment. “Think of the good times,” she mumbled to herself.

“It’s supposed to look like that?” he asked cautiously.

“I’ll blend right in at the gig,” she assured him before running a critical eye over his own outfit. “You might stand out a bit though.” Her smile turned rather nasty. “Maybe if we tore it up a bit it might come off as ironic?” Greengrass stepped back. While Buttercup tearing off his clothes brought to mind some interesting situations, the jacket had been expensive.

“I think I’ll be ok as I am,” he finally managed.

“If you’re happy. Come on, we better get going. I can’t wait!” Before he could protest Buttercup grabbed Greengrass and pulled him out into the street and towards the coach. “The Bouncing Bird,” she cried to the chauffeur, who seemed to recognise the location and nodded. The two nobles only just got into the coach before it started to pull off.

“What type of concert is this?” asked Greengrass.

“It’s not exactly a concert, it’s a gig. Crescendo is playing at a club, so there will be dancing. It’s modern music, very modern, it’s called Metal!” said Buttercup glancing out the window. She certainly seemed excited about it.

Greengrass felt a little better. He’d never been very keen on dancing, but his mother had insisted he take lessons as a youth, so at least he wouldn’t be entirely out of his depth. He bit his lip as he tried to recall something about current musical trends. He really missed Notary for this sort of thing, because he had a fairly good memory but she really was - had been - a font of knowledge about everything large and small. “Wasn’t there something about mind controlling ‘metal’ music a few months ago?”

“That was Thrash. I can’t believe he was doing that! I went to one of his earlier shows. I really thought he had talent.”

“How did you get into this?” He looked her outfit up and down again “This thing. It doesn’t look like the kind of thing a well brought up member of the court should take part in.”

To his surprise Buttercup stuck her tongue at him. “I can have hidden depths you know.” She smiled. “I have to admit when I started it was a bit of a rebellious phase, something to try and get Dad to pay more attention to me, but after a while the scene grew on me. I like the freedom, the rawness. The way I can just let everything go and be myself for a bit.” She sighed. “It’s been awhile since I got to go to a gig. I’ve been so busy with Dad and work and stuff. I guess you were right. I do need some time off.”

“It doesn’t sound relaxing to me, but if you like it...”

“I do. Look, if you don’t want to come, I’ll be fine by myself. You’ve already done your best to, well, trick me into having a good time.”

“Nonsense,” said Greengrass. “It wouldn’t be proper for a gentlestallion like me to allow a mare to go to a show unescorted.” She raised an eyebrow. “Ok, I have to admit you’ve got me curious. Let it never be said that I’m not willing to have my horizons expanded.” Greengrass had to admit he did want to see what this Metal thing was. After all, Buttercup certainly seemed interested. Almost like a different mare, both physically and emotionally from how she had been earlier.

“If you’re sure.” The coach came to a gentle stop outside a large building. Above it was hung a magically illuminated sign of a blue bird bobbing up and down. Outside a short line of ponies dressed in a similar style to Buttercup stretched around the corner. “Last chance to back out,” Buttercup said while stepping down from the coach. Greengrass shook his head.

“I guess it’s time for you to show me what I’ve been missing,” he said stepping into the queue. He got a few strange looks from the other patrons but nopony said anything, apparently happy to just chat excitedly amongst themselves. The line moved forwards quite smoothly and it wasn’t long before they were standing before a large black coated, bald headed, earth pony stallion who blocked their entrance.

He examined them closely through dark glasses. “Tickets!” he intoned.

“Can we pay on the door?” asked Buttercup.

“Sorry, sold out. Better luck next time,” said the stallion not unkindly.

With a smile Greengrass started to step forwards, a hoof reaching for his coin pouch, it shouldn’t be to difficult to arrange entrance for them. Despite his somewhat fallen status he could probably buy the whole club if he wanted. Before he could say anything Buttercup stepped up to the bouncer her body only an inch or so from his. “Please,” she said breathily, “I so wanted to see the show tonight. I’ve been waiting for so long.”

“Um, err,” gasped the surprised stallion. Greengrass was just as surprised by her actions.

“Are you really sure there’s no room?” She reached out a hoof and rested it on the largest ponies chest. “I’m not that big,” she pressed even closer, her coat sliding against the stallions while a playful flick of her tail caught him on the muzzle. “I’d be so very grateful.” She looked up into his face eyes wide.

“Well, um, there have been a few cancellations,” said the bouncer with sweat starting to run down his face, “I can probably—”

“Great,” said Buttercup, quickly stepping past the still stunned stallion. “Pay him, won’t you Greenie.” She strode off into the club with both stallions eye’s following her and the swing she had put into her step..

Greengrass shook his head and quickly passed a number of bits off to the other pony before almost galloping off into the club after Buttercup. “I didn’t think you had that in you,” he said with a smile.

She blushed. “I’m not the perfect noble’s daughter all the time. I can be a bad mare sometimes. I think you might be a bad influence on me.”

“Oh, I’m sure that was all you, I had nothing to do with it. Maybe the perfect Lady Buttercup has unexpected shallows.” Ahead of them the door into the main room of the club opened and before Greengrass could say anything further, all of his senses were assaulted. The smell and heat of hundreds of active ponies washed over him. He blinked, most of the club was moodily lit but here and there were blinding lights. Finally he was near deafened by the sound, a mass of voices all shouting over amplified music and each other. “What is this!” he yelled hoping Buttercup could hear him.

For a moment the baroness looked just as stunned as Greengrass felt, but slowly a wide smile spread over her face and a shiver passed through her body. “Isn’t it great!” she cried back in excitement. “It’s been too long since I’ve been to a place like this.” She turned towards a stage set up on one side of the room where a number of ponies were playing what Greengrass assumed was supposed to be music. Several were playing what looked something like heavy guitars to him and one was pounding on a large set of drums. “Looks like the warm up band’s still going. Good, I don’t want to miss Crescendo!”

As his eyes started to get used to the lights, Greengrass got a better look at the room. Around the stage was a large area where lots of ponies were dancing, probably. Some of them might have been fighting, or maybe having fits. A large bar area was set along the opposite wall where a smaller crowd were gathered buying drinks. In between was an open area where the remainder of the ponies were standing in small clumps shouting at each other. There were a few tables and booths against the walls but they all looked occupied.

“Bee!” came a cry from nearby causing Greengrass to turn. “Bee Cee!” A pegasus mare with a shiney copper coat and a short cut silver mane was swooping down towards them. Her outfit consisted of a range of black bands studied with spikes. Buttercup apparently recognised her as she cried a response.

“Metallica!” called Buttercup as the other mare crashed into her and enveloped her in a tight hug. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”

“Manowar managed to score tickets,” said the new mare once she released Buttercup. To Greengrass’s surprise, she seemed to have left the baroness unpierced despite the number of sharp edges on her outfit. A muscular unicorn stallion with a rainbow coloured mane and a ship cutie mark barged his way through the crowd and nodded.

“I haven’t seen you about for ages! I thought you’d died or something,” he said.

Buttercup winced. “I’ve been busy,” she said, “but at least I can make it now,” she continued, rallying.

“So who's the square, Bee Cee,” asked Metallica pointing towards Greengrass, “your date?”

“No,” said Buttercup rather quickly. “This is,” she paused, “Greenie he’s a friend from, from work. It’s his first time here.”

“A virgin, eh,” said Manowar with a grin giving Greengrass a powerful slap on the back. Then he frowned and stared at the other stallion for a moment.

“Well, in all this anyway,” grumbled Greengrass. “I managed to persuade Butt—” He paused, because it did not sound like Buttercup’s friends knew her real name. “I managed to persuade Bee Cee to take the night off and have some fun.”

“Too much work makes Jack a dull colt, right? Bee’s always been a bit secretive about her job. What is it the two of you do?” he asked suspiciously.

“Anyway,” said Butterup, changing the subject. “Looks like the show is about to start!” Greengrass realised that the music had stopped, the chattering all around had started to die away as well. Looking over towards the stage he saw that the previous group were moving off as an illusionary cloud started to cover the area. “Come on!” cried Buttercup grabbing his hoof and starting to drag him towards the dance floor. “We need to get a good spot!”

She shoved several ponies out the way as she barrelled towards the front of the crowd. It seemed like every head in the place was looking towards the now totally concealed stage. For a moment, the herd was almost totally silent. The air almost seemed to crackle with anticipation, and Greengrass felt his flank start to drip with sweat. He certainly hadn’t felt anything like this at the previous concerts he’d been to. Only a few court sessions had provided such a rush.

Suddenly, a single voice spoke out from the crowd. “Crescendo!” it chanted, “Crescendo, Crescendo!” The word was taken up by more and more of the crowd, faster and faster, louder and louder. Even Greengrass found himself joining in. It was almost like magic. He caught Buttercups eye and saw the excitement burning there. For a moment, the chanting stopped and then the music started. At first, it was actually quite gentle, with a repeated tune played on some string instrument. Then the drums started, a sound more felt through his hooves than his ears. Around him the crowd started to yell and bray, Buttercup and her friends were bouncing up and down as were most of the other ponies around them. The music seemed to coil around inside of him making him want to stomp his hooves and shake his head, it kept getting louder and louder.

The cloud on the stage started to clear, revealing a few ponies in outfits of a mix of black and silver playing away. Suddenly, a pegasus dropped from the air wrapped in a black cloak. It landed on three hooves, causing a further cheer from the crowd before tossing its cloak aside to reveal an electric green coated pegasus mare with a purple and black striped mane. “Crescendo!” the crowd yelled as she scooped up a guitar from the floor and leapt into the air as she started to sing with an amplified voice.

“I tuck you in, warm within, keep you free from sin, until the Nightmare she comes!”
“Sleep with one eye open!”
“Clutching your pillow tight!” screamed the mare.

Many of the ponies around were singing along as they cavorted around banging their heads next to and in one or two cases, off of, each other. Buttercup was seemingly fully at home standing next to Metallica with the two of them bouncing up and down hooves flailing around. Greengrass had to admit that the sight of so many ponies seemingly out of control was more than a little frightening to him. Still, there seemed to be a certain unity to the crowd. Despite their aggressiveness and occasional accidental blows no fights were breaking out.

“Take my hoof! We’re off to never never land!” cried Crescendo before the music came to an end. The dancing stopped and all eyes turned to look up towards the pegasus over the stage.

“It’s good to see so many ponies here tonight,” she called, her voice still amplified, “and others as well,” she added as a pair of hippogriffs began jeering.

“Last night was the Nightmare’s own night so I expect she’ll be nice and tired now! But, during my show, no ponies going to be sleeping!” There was some laughing and cat calls from the crowd. “So now we’ve had a bit of a gentle warm up, is everybody ready to rock!”

“Yeah!” cried the crowd almost as loudly as the music had been.

“I can’t hear you!” called Crescendo holding a hoof to her ear.

“Yeah!” screamed the audience.

“Good, now I don’t think that last one put much strain on Lime’s horn,” behind her the unicorn with the guitar stamped a hoof in a dirty gesture. Grinning Crescendo returned the sentiment with one wing. “So you really want him to wear that thing down to a nub? Not that it’s not all that nubby already.”

There was a roar of agreement from the crowd.

“Good, so here we have a little ballard I like to call, Through the Fire and the Flames!” The guitarist in the band took a deep breath and his horn sparked as a purple aura started to fly up and down the instrument at ridiculous speed causing a torrent of notes to vomit forth from his instrument.

Around the band, the crowd once again threw themselves into their dancing. “Come on Greenie! I love this one!” cried Buttercup her sweat soaked mane framing her face, her eyes glittering in the dim lighting. She grabbed him and pulled him further onto the dance floor before beginning to thrash around. Greengrass did his best to match her movements.

Greengrass couldn’t help but smile as he looked back towards the dance floor. He could just about make out Buttercup and Metallica still dancing away to the music. He’d given up after a few songs, because his injuries from last month were acting up. Him and Manowar had headed to the bar, managed to find a booth, and were sipping their drinks. The scene was starting to grow on him, but he couldn’t seem to bring himself to be quite as liberated as Buttercup was.

That wasn’t a thought he’d thought he would ever have. While the mare seemed to be able to throw herself heart and soul into whatever she was doing, he found himself rather too self conscious, or maybe a little too paranoid to fully enjoy himself. On the dance floor, Buttercup jammed her muzzle forwards towards her partner and started to aggressively kiss her. Metallica seemed surprised for a moment before returning the affection with just as much, if not more force. Greengrass looked away blushing as a tingle of arousal, and a little more surprising, of jealousy ran through him . He really was seeing all sorts of different sides to his fellow noble today. She certainly wasn’t the simpering goody goody he’d thought she was.

“So,” said Manowar turning towards his drinking partner. “What brings a Duke to a place like this, Greengrass?”

Greengrass’s eyes narrowed. “You know who I am?”

“It’s not like I’m a barbarian. I read the occasional newspaper, and you’ve been on a few front pages.”

Greengrass nodded, that was a bit of a problem when you were famous, it was hard to go anywhere without being recognised. It did give him an excuse to wear disguises sometimes. “Just because I’m a noble doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the music here.”

“True,” said Manowar after a moment. “I guess BeeCee is a noble as well? Is her name even BeeCee, Greenie?”

“And is yours Manowar?”

“My mom is a marine!” He explained looking a little irritated.

Greengrass narrowed his gaze, was it just a coincidence that both Buttercup’s father and her ‘Auntie’ Quicksilver had served in the marines? It was the smallest branch of the Equestrian armed forces. Could Manowar have been positioned to keep an eye on Buttercup? Or was he just being paranoid? “If BeeCee hasn’t told you her real name, I’d guess she doesn’t want you to know,” he replied.

Manowar seemed to consider the situation for a moment. “I suppose you’re right. I had her pegged as a poser from the start, ‘cause we get enough of them.” He nodded his head towards a small group of ponies to one side. They didn’t look any different to anypony else to Greengrass’s eye, although maybe their outfits were a little more expensive. “But she seemed to want to join in with the rest of us. She’s a fun mare to have around.” He took a sip of his drink. “You the reason she’s not been around for a while?”

“No, that was nothing to do with me. I’m the one who convinced her to come along tonight. I think she needed a night off.”

“You might be right,” he said looking back onto the dance floor. “She really is partying hard to night, certainly letting it all out.”

“I hope she doesn’t do anything stupid.” There was letting off some steam and there was going to far.

“Don’t worry,” said Manowar. “She’s amongst friends. Isn’t that right?”

“Yep, somepony needs a breather I think,” said Metallica suddenly appearing next to Greengrass with Buttercup leaning against her. The baroness was panting, her flanks soaked with sweat. “And maybe some hydration. She’s been partying a little too hard.”

“I’m fine,” said Buttercup grabbing Greengrass’s drink and swallowing it in one gulp before gasping.

“That’s won’t hydrate you,” said Metallica. “Man, go get her a pitcher of water. Make that two.”

Buttercup looked like she was going to argue before she took a deep breath and slumped into a seat by Greengrass. “You’re right, thanks.”

“That’s a sensible filly,” said Metallica with a grin. “Got to say I’ve missed you these last few…” She thought for a moment. “Wow, it’s got to be almost six months since I last saw you.”

“Yeah, things kept getting in the way,” said Buttercup breathing heavily. “I kept meaning to contact you, but...”

“You could have written. You know where I live. Although you never told me where your pad was,” she said pointedly.

“Here you go,” said Manowar as he returned with two jugs of water in his aura. Buttercup took one thankfully and sipped at it for a moment before emptying about half of it down her throat and then tossing the remainder over her face before resting her head on the table. “Ok, I needed that,” she sighed. “I don’t remember dancing taking that much out of me before.”

“You do look a mess,” said Manowar bluntly. “You’ve lost weight and you look like you haven't had a good night's sleep in, well, ever.” Metallica glared at him but he only shrugged. Greengrass had to agree with his assessment.

“No, he’s right. Somepony—” she looked up at Greengrass with her mane forming a dark puddle around her chin as the dye started to wash off “—pointed out I’m not taking proper care of myself.”

“You’re not in trouble are you?” asked Metallica, her brow creasing, “I’ve had friends take things too far before. Booze, salt, happyroot...”

“No, it’s not that it's, well.” She sighed closing her eyes. “My father died.”

There was a moment's silence despite the background noise of the club before Metallica reached out a hoof and pulled Buttercup close. “Oh, I’m so sorry. You said he wasn’t well but I didn’t think…”

“It was sudden,” said Buttercup blinking quickly, it looked like she was only just managing to hold herself together. “I thought he was sleeping but, he...” She stopped, just looking bewildered. Greengrass reached out a hoof across the table and she grasped it. Next to him, Manowar did the same.

“I’m sorry,” said Manowar earnestly.

“Th-thanks. I’ve tried to keep it together, but everything just seems so heavy!”

“It’s not so heavy if you share it all with friends,” said Metallica.

“Yeah, I know you’ve got some secrets,” said Manowar, “but you can talk to us.”

“Thanks, I, I will,” said Buttercup starting to compose herself again. “Maybe not today, but when I feel... I don’t want to impose.”

“Hey, you were the one that carried me home after I got totally sloshed at that Iron Filly concert last year. That was an imposition!” said Metallica.

“Yeah, and that time when those unicorns tried to kick my ass at the Hard Rock! I think that blue guy is probably still singing soprano after that kick!” Greengrass raised an eyebrow. Another surprise about his companion, and he couldn’t help but think potential blackmail material. He tried to push that thought away.

Buttercup blushed and let out a giggle. “They were really large targets! It’s just a shame he was such an ass!” She sighed. “Thanks, I’m lucky to have friends like you.” She looked around the table at Metallica, Manowar and Greengrass.

“Yeah, and the night’s still young,” said Manowar taking a glass from the table. “To BeeCee’s dad!” he announced.

After a moment Buttercup raised a glass as well. “To my dad!” she said clinking the glass against the stallion’s. Greengrass and Metallica followed suit. Then they downed their drinks together.

“Right! So back to the dancefloor,” said Buttercup standing up. “You too, Greenie! Let’s make this a night to remember!”

“I. Am. Ir-on. Mare!” declared Buttercup as she stomped her way down the road, her thick shoes making clattering noises. “Du du du-du du-du du du”. Greengrass couldn’t help but smile. The show had carried on until the early hours of the morning, and he had to admit he had enjoyed himself. Maybe he wasn’t quite as much of a fan of the genera as his companion but the company had certainly been fun.

“Well, Iron Mare, are you sure you don’t want to get a taxi home?” he asked. Autumn was certainly drawing on now, and after the stuffy warmth of the club, the air seemed shockingly cold although it did soothe his aching limbs. He’d certainly sleep well tonight.

“It’s not that far, plus the air will help me sober up a bit.”

“How many did you have?” he asked.

“About one more than I should have.” She closed her eyes for a few moments and walked in a more or less straight line. “I’ll be ok.”

Greengrass nodded, he’d kept under his normal limit. It was a rather paranoid habit but he didn’t like the idea of being caught unawares. “I’m surprised you’re going back to your place, it looked like Metallica might be more accommodating.”

“You saw us on the dance floor?” she asked sharply as her face coloured.

“You certainly seemed... close.” He had to fight off the image of the two mares trying to inhale each other’s faces.

“We’ve slept together before,” she said bluntly, “tonight was, well I got caught up in the music, the mood, I really wanted a chance to just work off all the stress, but it wouldn’t be fair to use her that way.” She shook her head. “I need to balance things a bit more. Plus she’s with Manowar now, although she said they aren't exclusive. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind joining in with us again.” She shook her head. “I think I need to get a few things sorted out in my head before I start something, even something casual.” She sighed. “Plus I guess I should be honest with them about who I am. That’s always made me feel a bit guilty.”

“How did you end up as BeeCee anyway?”

“It was the first thing that came to mind when I met them.” She sighed. “It was at my first Metal gig. I’d heard about some outrageous new music and I wanted to see what it was all about. Dad said no, so I snuck out when he was napping. I had no idea what I was doing and I met Metallica at the show. I thought if I told her who I was she wouldn’t want to be my friend or would treat me specially. It was sort of nice to have somepony who didn’t know who I was, who didn’t think of me as my father's daughter, or as a baroness to be.”

Greengrass nodded. He could certainly see the attraction to a certain amount of anonymity, although it was also useful to be able to intimidate others with your rank if necessary. “Nice to see you’re not always a goodie goodie.”

“We both know that’s not true. I did feel really guilty when I got home, though. Dad was worried sick, but he eventually recognised I was almost an adult by then. I could go out and do things on my own, as long as I told him where I was going. I don’t think he ever really understood Metal, but he did respect me.” She gave a far away smile and then shivered. “It is rather cold out isn’t it.”

Greengrass quickly slipped off his jacket and rested it over Buttercup’s back. “Thank you.” she said pulling it close. He tried to hide a shiver as the cold of the night bit harder. “You’re certainly acting like more of a gentlestallion than on our first date.”

“Our first date?” he asked in confusion. He’d hoped he’d remember if he’d dated Buttercup in the past.

“You don’t even remember? I guess I wasn’t all that memorable then. It would have been three, maybe four years ago, at Lady Purity’s Débutante ball?”

Greengrass frowned. It did sort of ring a bell, it had been before he’d taken on his father's position and his parents had pushed him to take part in various society events. There had been a certain amount of match making with other noble scions of around the same age as him as well. He remembered a rather shy and awkward filly a few years younger than him. He’d tried to be polite but really he’d found the whole thing a boring waste of time. “That was you?” he asked.

“Nice to see I made an impact. I don’t entirely blame you. I think our parents might have been considering a match and you tried far too hard to be the dashing young stallion for the first half of the night, you just came off as slimy. Then you lost interest and ignored me for the rest of the night.”

“Slimy!” laughed Greengrass. “I hope your opinion of me improved!”

“A bit,” admitted Buttercup, “when you’re not trying so hard, you might actually be a half decent stallion.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment then,” said Greengrass bowing.

“Here we are,” she said nodding towards the door to her house. Greengrass was surprised how quickly they’d made it here. It was almost a shame the night had to come to an end.

“I hope you had a good time?” He had to admit today had turned out rather more interesting that he’d planned. He certainly hadn’t expected to be drawn into the city's seedy nightlife.

“Yes, yes I think I did. I know you tricked me into the whole thing but I probably needed it. You never did say who made you help me.”

“You didn’t win our bet, so you’ll just have to live in ignorance,” he teased.

“I’ve got a fairly good idea. Duchess Posey, most likely. Then again, I don’t think she’d trust you enough, so Baron Max? Or maybe a joint effort between the two of them?”

“I’m sorry, my lips are sealed,” said Greengrass making a zipping gesture. “But the two of them are rather close aren't they. Very close if the rumours are to be believed.”

She grinned. “Oh yes, close. I’m fairly sure they’ve been going at it like rabbits since the gala. You should have seen them dance the tango!” She looked a little wistful.

“I was rather, busy, at the gala,” said Greengrass hesitantly. He didn’t want to be reminded of the night.

“Oh, right, sorry,” said Buttercup peeling off the jacket resting over her shoulders and passing it back to Greengrass. “I guess it’s time to say goodnight,” she said with a yawn. “I think I’ll be sleeping in tomorrow, but I have got a lot to get done.” Greengrass frowned, he’d hoped that he had gotten her to take things a little more easily. “I’ll have to look into getting myself an assistant, maybe more than one. I really need to make sure I have more me time. While still carrying out my duties fully,” she added.

Greengrass nodded. “That’s a good plan.”

Buttercup turned towards her door for a moment, then swayed back. She leaned forwards slightly, her coat almost glowing in the light of the moon. As if drawn by a magnet, Greengrass found himself being drawn towards her. His lips started to part for a kiss when something gently tapped against his chest. He looked down to see Buttercup’s outstretched hoof. He looked back at her face, she looked somewhat confused. Trying to hide his blush, Greengrass leaned back again and reached out, taking her hoof and shaking it. “Ah, well, um, good night then.”

“Yes, good night. You know, you’re not as bad as many of the court say. Maybe we could meet up again somewhen else, as friends?” It felt to Greengrass as if she highlighted the last word.

“Of course, if your reputation can stand hanging out with a scoundrel like me? I’m sure we can do something together. Maybe next time I’ll choose the music?”

“Maybe.” Buttercup turning away and entering the house. “But nothing too boring,” she added as the door clicked shut.

Greengrass stood still for a minute, clutching the jacket she had returned to him. He sniffed it, her scent drifted into his nostrils. Well, he thought after a moment, that had been unexpected. He didn’t know what had come over him really, she was an attractive mare but... Anyway, he had carried out his agreement with Baron Max and had quite a good time doing it. Not only did the baron owe him, but Buttercup was favorably inclined to him as well. Not exactly the most powerful allies at court, but every little bit helped and if nothing else his day out had been better than staying at home by himself moping.

He turned away from the house and set off in the rough direction of his own estate. Yes, he thought as he whistled one of tunes from the club, overall it had been a good day.

Author's Note:

So now this chapter is the same number as my age!

Again if things go to plan this will be published on the day after my birthday, probably on the way home or after I get home.

The next few chapters aren't very planned out yet, I might be diving into the lives of some of my secondary characters again with Confidant and Mellow and maybe another look at the lives of non pony residents of Equestria. After that I should be more or less met up with the Hearthwarming chapters I wrote last year. I'm not sure if I'm going to do anything chistmassy this year, I don't have anything planned but I don't really want to break my tradition, possibly a sequel to 'Why?'

Thanks to Georg, Grass and Clouds 2 and Rainbowdoubledash for their help.

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