• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 2,195 Views, 404 Comments

Climbing the Mountain 2 - Talon and Thorn

Baron Mounty Max may have thought his troubles were over with the recent changes to the Night Court but instead they may have just started as he has to deal with host of new problems during his second session at court

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22) Harvest Festival: Day 5, The Leaving

Max let out a bleary groan as the light invaded his eyelids. He had stayed up far too late last night given he would be walking for most of the day. He had to get to Praris by the evening to catch the train to Canterlot. Still, maybe he could get a few more hours of sleep in if he hurried the trip...

No, he still had some packing to do, and he wanted to make sure he said his goodbyes and Mrs G was making the trip with him. She could manage a good turn of speed when she needed to, but certainly wouldn’t be able to manage a fast trot all day. At least he could probably get some sleep on the train.

Groaning again, Max levered himself from his bedroll. It was going to feel strange to sleep somewhere else after camping outdoors for the last two months. Scratching himself, he opened the door and walked out into the sunlight beyond. He made a quick trip to the river to wash, then headed into town to get a bite to eat before packing up his tent. He took specific care to sweep it clean, inside and out, before dragging his home of the last few months to his new home that he had never really stayed in yet. He chucked the battered tent into an empty cupboard on the off chance he might need it again here, because he certainly would not need it in Canterlot. Most of his stuff was still there, awaiting his return, so at least his bags for the return trip would be light.

He ran through a quick itinerary of what he needed to do. Before he left, he should have some last words with Conn and Noble to make sure they were secure in their new jobs. Then he needed to pick up Mrs G last, because she deserved a lie in. Maybe he should talk to Piste, or more probably not. They had sorted most of their problems out yesterday and the mayor probably had enough to do before the town returned to normal.

Plan in mind, he headed off towards the library.

There was a long pause after Max knocked on the library door but eventually it opened to reveal Noble’s head, topped with a tangled mess of curls and knots that might be able to be turned back into her mane with a few hours of careful combing and trimming.. “Huh,” she mumbled blearily, “Oh, morning Max.”

“Morning, is Conn about?” he asked cautiously. He wasn’t entirely sure how well last night’s date had ended for his two representatives. He hadn’t seen much of them and thought they might have left the dance early, but what they had left to do he didn’t know.

“Conn? No, he went to say goodbye to his mother. Can’t have been long ago, I fell asleep again.”

“Ah, I’ll talk to him later. I just wanted to have a few words with you before I left.”

“Sure come on in,” she said, opening the door and leading him in. She gathered up the bed clothes scattered over the settee before sitting down. Max took a chair opposite.

“I just wanted to say that I haven't regretted for a moment taking you on as part of my team. I’m sure you’re the perfect pony for the position.”

“Thank you, baron,” said Noble, practically glowing with pride.

“You and Conn should be able to deal with any problems that might occur while I’m away, just talk anything out with each other. But, if you do need any help, never worry about bothering me. It might take a while to get a telegram to Canterlot and back, but I’m always going to be happy to do what I can to help you. You’re my link with the people of Nulpar. I’m here to help you.”

Noble screwed up her face a little as if confused, then relaxed. “Of course Baron.” She paused for a moment. “Are you really sure about this?” she asked biting her bottom lip. “You know I’m only just out of university and I was only fifth in my class and...”

Max held up a hoof. “I trust you, you’re a smart mare. You ran the meeting with the Trust and Fisher’s lot perfectly, and you’ve shown yourself to be reliable and skilled. I think you’re the perfect pony for this job, and don’t let anypony ever tell you otherwise.”

“But what about the thing I’ve got with Conn? I know it’s not that professional, but he’s so sweet and I’ve never really had a coltfriend before. Am I doing this all wrong?” she asked, suddenly looking unsure and very young to Max.

Max rested his hoof on her own. “Do you like him?” he asked.

Noble bit her lip, then nodded.

“Then what you’re doing is right, both of you deserve to be happy and I don’t think it’ll affect your work at all.”

Noble still looked unsure but seemed relieved. “Thank you, Max.”

“Just listen to the council, but remember you’re the chairpony, so don’t let them walk all over you either.”

“Don’t worry Max, I won't.”

“Good,” said Max. Getting up, he walked over to Noble before giving the younger pony a hug. “I’ll see you when court closes again.”

Mrs G’s house wasn’t far away, a mid sized cottage near the river, and Max arrived in only a few minutes. He knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by Brian. “Madainn Max,” he said.

“Madainn Brian,” replied Max, “Is your mother ready?” he asked, switching to goat.

“Maybe you can talk some sense into her?” he replied.

“What’s wrong?” asked Max frowning.

“There’s nothing wrong!” came Mrs G’s voice through the wall. “It’s long overdue!”

Brian rolled his eyes and led Max into the sitting room, which was packed with goats. Conn, Sealbhach and Caoimhe were all present, taking up much of the free space.

“I don’t want your house, mother!” cried Brian.

“I don’t care if you want it or not, I’m giving it to you. This place was good enough to raise you three in, it’ll be perfect for you to raise my grandchildren in,” she said with finality.

“I can get my own place!”

“Kids are more expensive than you’d think. I never had enough to give you all what you deserved, I want to do right by you now!” exclaimed Mrs G.

Brian looked over to his wife for support, but she nodded to her mother in law. “You’ll always have a room here if you want, Mrs Grobhar.”

“Oh, I can stay in Mounty Hall if I need,” said Mrs G, airily waving a hoof before turning to her oldest son. “Just make sure that you keep Sealbhach out of trouble. I’m giving the place to both of you.”

“Actually, I probably won’t be home much, Mum,” said Sealbhach in Equestrian. “I’m going to be on the road as a Maxie.” He fidgeted a bit. “I thought it was about time I did something with my life.”

Mrs G blinked. “You don’t have to do that, you know. I’ve never been less than proud of you.”

“Well, with Brian getting married and even Conn getting a mare,” he winked at his brother who blushed a little, “I thought I should do something to make a name for myself, outside of being the best lover in Sadlzburg of course. I thought the whole Maxie thing would be a good way of helping the province like you and Conn do, Mum.” He looked over towards Max, who nodded.

“We need all the help we can get, and I’m sure you’re be really good at the job,” said Max.

With a little difficulty, Mrs G got up from her chair and wrapped her youngest son up in a hug. “I really am so very proud of you,” she muttered. She gestured to Brian, who trotted over to get hugged as well. “I’m sure you’re going to be the best father ever, and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise,” she whispered. “I’ll be back to spoil my grandkids.” Then she turned to Conn. “Look after the province for Max while he’s away, and remember you’re the one in charge. Don’t let the mayors and the like push you around, you’re smarter than most of them put together anyway. And,” she sighed, “follow your heart, I know you’re not your father,” she said hesitantly, before leaning forwards to hug him as well, then Brian and Sealbhach rushed forwards as well in a group hug.

“We’ll miss you mum,” said Brian, tears in his eyes.

“Hush, now,” said Mrs G pulling back blinking quickly. “I’ll be back before you notice.” She took a deep breath. “Now help me with my bags.” She headed off towards the stairs with Brian in tow.

Max headed over to Conn while they were waiting Mrs G to return. “She’s right about you being smarter than most of the council,” said Max, “and I’m sure you’re going to be great at the job, you and Noble will be a great team.”

“Thanks,” replied Conn. “I just hope I can do as good a job as you would.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem,” chuckled Max. “You’ll probably do better, but if you do need help, I’ll just be a telegraph away, even if that means heading into Praris, at least for the moment. I’m sure the folks around here will lend a hoof if you need it. Sparks, Welcoming, Piste, they’ll all do whatever they can to help, even Honeybun, maybe.”

“I’ll try to remember that,” said Conn, “and I’ll do what I can to help Nulpar.”

“Try to have a good time as well,” said Max, “All work and no play and all that.”

“I’ll do what I can.”

“I’m sure Noble will help you with that,” said Max with a wink, causing Conn to blush again. “She’s a nice filly, a bit blunt, but I know she likes you.”

“Well, mum doesn’t entirely agree.”

“She can be a little stubborn, but if she really was against you two, you’d know it.”

“You’re probably right,” agreed Conn.

“I’m ready,” announced Mrs G. “We better set off, we don’t want to miss our train, do we? Canterlot and Duchess Posey will be waiting.”

Now it was Max’s turn to blush as he accepted an extra set of bags from Brian. Mrs G gave a last round of hugs to her sons and daughter-in-law before they set off along the path out of town.

On the way, Max became a little concerned with the way Mrs. G was favoring one hind leg. "Are you all right? You didn't overdo it last night, did you?"

“I’m fine, I’m not that old yet.” She followed his gaze. “Oh, well I guess it’s been a while since I got some action... I haven't gone dancing for a while either.” Her eyes looked into the distance of a moment, a small smile crossing her face. “I certainly remember why I married Jurgaghan now.” She gave a wink.

Max frowned for a moment, then his eyes went wide as he realised what his assistant was intimating. “Oh, um, errr, right.” He stuttered, trying to put considerable effort into suppressing the idea of Mrs G and her ex-husband doing, well, married things.

Mrs G gave a laugh as she walked past Max, her gait still a little uncomfortable. “I’m sure your mother and Doctor Martin enjoyed the dancing as well. The whole town did.”

Max winced at something else he’d rather not think about. “It did seem like everyone was having a good time,” he admitted. He nodded in greeting to the few ponies they were passing on their way out of town. The streets were still a little bare but starting to fill up as the sun started to rise in the sky. Many others were getting ready for their journeys as well. Some out of towners would be staying for the rest of the day, but most would start heading off in the next few hours, often in large groups on their way back to their home settlements. In some cases the trip itself would take a week or more, given they’d be ladened down by newly purchased supplies. Hopefully, his planned roads would help make the trips quicker, easier and faster, thought Max.

The two of them had just made it to the edge of town when they met a small crowd of ponies and other species apparently waiting for them. Max was surprised to see that most of the local leaders seemed to have gathered. “What are you all doing here?” he asked looking around.

“Well we couldn’t have you sneak off without giving you a piece of our mind!” said Iron stepping forwards. Max wavered a bit, not sure what was going to happen next, before the larger stallion stepped forwards and slapped him on the back, almost knocking him over. “Thank you Baron!” he roared.

There was a general cheer from the group.

“We appreciate all that you’re trying to do for us,” said Minty Fresh.

“We’re probably not the easiest group to rule,” said Barrel.

“I can’t say I entirely agree with all of your decisions,” said Silver Fir, “But I appreciate what you’ve done for my daughter and the trust you’ve put in her. I’m sure she’s destined for greatness.” She continued proudly, a few of the other leaders grumbling a bit at that.

“Thank you,” said Max, “Thank you all.” He looked around the crowd. Less than a year ago these had been his peers, in some cases his rivals; it was jaw dropping to think that they now trusted him to look after their people and settlements. “But really, I’m working for you, I just need you to be able to agree on what you want me to do. That’s that I want the council to do. You all run Nulpar just as much as I do.”

“Yeah, we just had a meeting,” said Arctic, “We’ve got a few suggestions,” she unrolled a scroll which stretched down to the ground and kept going.

Max’s eyes bulged. He hadn’t expected all that.

“Don’t worry,” said Arctic with a laugh, “It’s mostly blank.” She turned the sheet to show that only a few lines were filled. “Just a few suggestions about farming subsidies and the like.”

Max let out a breath. “I’ll certainly see what I can do, but we’ll probably have to do what we can for ourselves before we look for help from outside. I’m sure that won’t be a problem for us. Like I said at the council, we’re used to going our own separate ways, but if we see our neighbours in trouble we’ll do all we can to help. When I was travelling Nulpar, whenever I could stop at a house I was always offered food and somewhere to stay. Regardless of how little some of our people have they’re always ready to share. We just need to let that generous spirit out and work for the betterment of all.”

A cheer went up from the crowd. Max doubted that all of them were behind him, but at least they were all willing to fake it for the moment. It was nice to think that he had some support behind him when he was away at Canterlot.

“Well said, Baron,” said Glacial, “I’m sure we’ll all do what we can to work together.”

“That’s all that I can ask for, that Sadlzburg, Sharpside, the Aeyrie, Neighagra, Pinegraves, Herdstone, Snowtown, the Folly and all the rest work together. We are all so much stronger together than apart. With just a bit of trust and hard work, I’m sure we can transform Nulpar into somewhere that the rest of Equestria, and the rest of the court will be proud of. I’ll do whatever I can in Canterlot, but I can’t do anything without your support!”

This time the cheer was louder, and Max liked to think, heartfelt.

“Thanks for that, Max,” said Piste, pushing his way to the front of the crowd. “I’m sure we can all make you proud.” He held out a hoof for Max to shake. In a moment, a whole forest of limbs was reaching out towards him and he pumped them one by one until his hoof was sore.

“I’d better be off now,” Max said finally, “If I don’t leave now, I don’t know if I ever will! If nothing else, it’s really hard to get a good mead in Canterlot!” A few laughs passed through the crowd as they started to wave goodbye to their leader. “I’ll be back as soon as I can!”

With his spirits high and the support of his people behind him, Max started on his journey back to distant Canterlot and a new season at the Night Court.

Author's Note:

Thanks to docontra, Mooncalf and Georg for editing and to Rainbowdoubledash and Grass and Clouds 2 for their suggestions.

Well we're finally out of Nulpar, this 'Nulpar arc' was originally going to take me 2-3 months and take up about the same number of chapters and here we are a year later, 22 chapters and a word count not a lot shorter than the whole of the first Mountain. So I'd say the story got away from me a bit.

Now this is nowhere near the end of the story and I hope to continue Max's adventures in the new year back in Canterlot. However, I would like some advice on how to format this all, should mountain 2 end here with Max leaving Nulpar and the next season start back at Canterlot with Mountain 3 or should I carry on the story in this season? Originally the idea was that each 'season' of Mountain would match a L-verse season but given the size of this story I don't want things to get to unwieldy, any suggestions?

Comments are always welcome.

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