• Published 9th Mar 2015
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Climbing the Mountain 2 - Talon and Thorn

Baron Mounty Max may have thought his troubles were over with the recent changes to the Night Court but instead they may have just started as he has to deal with host of new problems during his second session at court

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23) Month 1 - The Return

Duchess Fragrant Posey glanced at the large station clock once again, Max’s train was late. She scowled impatiently and returned to her pacing. Normally she was much better at waiting than this, but she had put off several fairly important meetings to be here, and of course it was going to be the first time than she’d seen Max in almost two months now. She sighed. In some ways, it was rather worrying that his train being delayed by a few minutes could make her feel like this, make her stomach squirm thinking what could have happened to him, make her wings itch to propel her in the direction the train would be coming from just to get to him quicker, make her heart skip at the chance to be with him again. It was worrying, but in a very, very good way.

It had been in this very station that she had first met Baron Mounty Max, not much more than half a year ago now. Had it really only been that long? In some ways it seemed like only yesterday that he had clambered into her life, in others, well it was hard to believe that there had been a time before she’d met him, that she had truly been alive then. She remembered a grey time when she just went over the motions of ruling, of living, without her heart being involved, doing her duty for duty's sake. Then her dim, loving, foolish, handsome coltfriend had climbed the Canterhorn to meet her at this very station. She fought a losing battle against the silly smile that spread across her face as she thought about him. Max was a stallion who didn’t do anything by halves. When he wanted to climb a mountain he climbed it, when he wanted to help somepony, nothing would stop him, and when he loved, it was with his whole heart. His very presence had brought colour back into her life, had reminded her what her duty was, how her life should be lived.

She sighed again, looking back up at the clock. She hoped the train would get here soon before she became any more... sentimental. Still, it would be very nice to see Max again; she had missed him greatly while they had been apart. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a small gaggle of press ponies stalking about, making her pull up the hood on the cloak she wore. She supposed the train station must be a good place for them to find stories, but she really didn’t want to be pestered right now.

Suddenly there was a whistle from further down the line and the ponies around her all started to prick up their ears. Carefully unfolding her wings from under her cloak, she took a few flaps and lifted a short distance into the air. Yes, there, rising up the mountain was the train, smoke billowing from its stack. She wanted to swoop forwards, to be the first to greet it, but she contained herself, no need to draw attention.

Fragrant waited a few more painful moments as the train slid to a stop and one by one, the coach doors began to pop open, depositing their passengers. She scanned up and down the train’s length, hoping she wouldn’t be disappointed. After all, she was not even positive that Max was even on this particular train. He had telegraphed Notebook a copy of his schedule a few days ago from Rushia, and her ex-assistant had been good enough to pass it on to her, so he should be on this train, but this was Max, after all. He might even be scaling the Canterhorn like the last time he had traveled to Canterlot. She certainly would not have put it past him, even if it was dangerous, and that was just one of the things that made her lo... care about him a lot.

Then she saw him! He was struggling with a number of cases, as well as his own packed saddle bags, as he leapt from the train followed by an elderly grey goat. The summer had apparently been good to him as he appeared even more muscular than she remembered, although both his brown mane and grey coat looked like they could do with a trim. Still, she would be lying if she didn’t admit that his wild look didn’t light a certain fire within her. His tail, well it was also longer than usual, but still short by Canterlot standards, short enough to cause her to have a little difficulty focusing on the rest of him. Almost without her conscious control her wings struck out again and she glided forwards over the heads of several other ponies before coming to a halt a short distance in front of him.

Now she was so close to him she was struck with a sudden wave of shyness, what if he didn’t want to see her? He wasn’t expecting her after all, what if something had happened to weaken his feelings towards her while he’d been away? Then he looked up and the smile that spread across his features obliterated all of her worries.

“Fragrant!” he called, loud even in the crowded station, while bounding over towards he with his forgotten luggage scattered across the loading dock behind him.. For a moment she considered, desired even, to let him encircle her with his legs and for their lips to meet so she could greet him as he deserved. Then reality rudely intruded on her fantasy. Their relationship was a secret and the press were about. One wrong move and they would end up in the society pages. There would be no more privacy then, no mercy. She quickly shied back from him, wincing at the hurt and confusion on his face, before holding out a hoof for him to shake.

“Welcome back Baron Max,” she said in her best formal court voice, hoping he would catch the implication, as well as her nervous glance at the distant press ponies.

“Oh, um, thank you Duchess Posey,” said Max, brow furrowed as he shook her hoof.

She leaned in closer and whispered, “I’m sorry, but we’re in public.” It had sounded easy enough to keep their relationship secret when she had suggested it, but the reality was more painful than she’d thought. “I really have missed you,” she added. Fragrant’s eyes glanced around at other couples around the station expressing their feelings much more openly. It just didn’t seem fair.

“Me too,” breathed Max, “You look really good!” he said louder.

“Thank you,” she grinned. It was gratifying that he’d noticed, she’d been following the instructions of her personal trainer to try and work on her flight muscles. She wanted to surprise Max by taking him for a flight sooner or later. “You look healthy as well.”

“Nothing like fresh mountain air, you know,” said Max, striking a striking a dramatic pose with one hoof lifted up slightly and his head angled much like a stallion on the covers of a fashion magazine, except for the goofy grin.

Fragrant covered her mouth to try and hide a giggle, both at Max’s actions and the fact that Canterlot wasn’t on ground level either. “I wasn’t sure when you’d make it. You didn’t write,” she added with a disapproving tone.

“Well, I did try. I wrote a lot, but it was the posting that was really difficult," he said, rubbing one hoof across the back of his neck. "We really don't have a post office in Nulpar. In fact, I wound up carrying some of the letters that were going where I was going. I'm still carrying a lot of the letters to you I was intending on posting, but if I had tried to post them at home, they probably wouldn't get to you for another month or two."

“Well, you can read them to me later,” she suggested, “We can have dinner. Did you get my letters?”

Her heart seemed to beat a little faster as he smiled. "Yes, there was a lot of stuff waiting for me when I got to the station at Praris, mostly official things from Notebook but your letters were in there too. I read them on the train,” he said as he started to load up with luggage.

“How are you, Mrs Grobhar?” asked Fragrant while picking up one of the goat’s bags.

“I’m well, thank you dearie,” Mrs G said with a smile as she swung a bag onto her own back. “I’m going to be a grandmother you know,” she continued with pride.

“Congratulations!” said Fragrant.

“Thank you. My oldest, Brian, got himself married; the kids should be due before the end of the year. Conn found himself a mare as well, no chance of kids there though,” she trailed off.

Fragrant glanced over at the press ponies who were starting to pay some attention to the three of them. “We should be off. I have a hired carriage waiting.”

“Does Forming still have yours?” asked Max.

“Yes, she deserved a reward for her work as my stand in. She should be returning to university in a week or so. I’ll have it back then.”

“That was nice of you. How’s she doing?”

“Very well. She wrote to me from Los Pegasus. I think she was enjoying herself.” Fragrant was a little worried that her niece might be enjoying herself a little too much. There had been some reports of her and her friends in the papers. Still, she was young and that was the time to do foolish things.

The three of them trotted out of the station and onto the street where Fragrant’s hired carriage stood, its chauffeur waiting patiently. The green stallion quickly moved forwards to take the bags from his employers but Max waved him away and began to load most of the luggage himself. Fragrant handed over the bag she was carrying and rolled her eyes. Her stallion really should learn that it was proper to let servants do their jobs; it was, after all what they were paid for.

As soon at the carriage was fully loaded it took off through the twilit streets of the capital towards Max’s house. The trip was short, Max’s house was quite near the station, too near in Fragrant’s opinion. It was a distinctly middle class area of town, not in the higher tiers nearer the castle where most of the courtiers lived. She understood that Max’s finances were not as considerable as most of his peers, but small factors like your residence’s location could have a significant effect on your social status. Sighing, Fragrant filled the journey with a quick run down on forthcoming events Max had certainly missed during his absence..

“Buttercup’s ennoblement is in the morning,” she explained, “It is the last of four ceremonies.”

“Isn’t that a bit odd? It was only me when I had my ceremony,” asked Max.

“It’s quite common to have multiple ceremonies at this time of year, to bring in new courtiers just before the court opens. Courtiers joining part way through a session, like you, are less common mostly to replace courtiers who have fallen sick or died part way through a session. Although the overall number of new starters is extreme this year and it has been necessary to make some changes to the schedule. You have actually missed quite a number of ceremonies over the last few days. It would have been better if you could have returned earlier.”

“Sorry, but I did have quite a bit to do at home,” said Max apologetically.

“I understand, and you are not the only one to have missed the enoblements.” She glanced out of the window of the carriage at the citizens of Canterlot as they zipped past. “Still, it may be best to at least send apologies and your best wishes to the new members of the court. You could do with the good will if you intend to put forward your road building bill in the next few years.”

“I was rather hoping to do it earlier than that, this year if possible.”

Fragrant turned back to her partner. “Max, it is almost unknown for a noble to put through new legislation in their first year, and when it has happened the proposer was of the highest rank. You need to be patient, build your support first.”

“I know, but Nulpar really needs the help,” he sounded distraught. Fragrant rested a calming leg on his back.

“I understand your worry for your province, and it does you credit, but Roam wasn’t built in a day.”

“I know,” sighed Max as the carriage came to a stop outside his house, “But I might not have the time.”

“I’m sure your ponies will understand that you’re working as hard as you can for them.”

“I don’t think that’s always true,” said Max with a sigh.

Max hopped out of the coach as it came to a stop outside his house. Reaching out a hoof he helped first Fragrant and then Mrs G down from the vehicle as the chauffeur started to unload their luggage. Then he trotted over to the house and unlocked the door, the inside smelt a little musty and there was a thin layer of dust covering the furniture. It had been several months since anypony had lived here, he had offered Notebook the run of the house while he was acting as his stand in, but the pegasus had his own home in the city.

“Would you like to come in?” he asked Fragrant.

“I am afraid I can’t stay long. I have a meeting in about an hour,” she explained, looking a little dubiously through the door.

“I didn’t think Court was in session until tomorrow?”

“The various ministries and committees never really stop, even during the summer. I normally try to return to court a week or so before its formal opening to catch up.”

“In that case I better get into the swing of things as quickly as possible,” he said with a smile, “Give me a few minutes to get my luggage squared away and make sure Mrs G gets back to her place then I’ll head off to the castle.” He felt a bit stiff after all that time in the train; he could probably do with some action to loosen up again. “Notebook sent me lots of reports while I was away. I read most of them on the train, but I should probably catch up in person.”

Fragrant winced slightly at her ex-assistant's name. “Are you sure you do not want to unpack first?”

“No, I can do that later. I want to strike while the iron’s hot! Now where are your cases, Mrs G?” he asked.

“Just leave them here, dearie,” said the goat, “I’ll head up to the castle with you, and we can sort them out later.”

“You’re sure?” The goat nodded. Max took one quick look inside the house to make sure all of their luggage had been piled inside before closing the door and turning back to the chauffeur. "Right! Off to the castle!"

The trip to the court took longer than the one from the station and Max enjoyed watching the buildings rush by as the carriage maneuvered through the streets. After all, it wasn’t that often he traveled this way. Outside, the sun was rapidly dropping and the lights of the city were flicking on one by one. He glanced around the carriage, Mrs G had produced her needles from somewhere and was knitting what looked like small hoof warmers while Fragrant was likewise gazing out the window. “It’s nice to be back in Canterlot,” said Max, “Still, given the choice I think I prefer Sadlzberg. There’s so many ponies here but I know so few of them, not like home.” He shook his head, feeling a little homesick.

“There is something about your home city, isn’t there?” said Fragrant, “I sometimes fear I don’t spend half as much time in Cloudsdale as I should.” She leaned back against Max, her eyes still locked on the ponies outside. “It really is such a special city, even amongst cloud cities: so much history, the cloudiseum, Hurricane’s haunt...”

“I probably won’t get to see it,” said Max, gently rubbing his cheek against his marefriend’s neck, letting the perfume of her mane fill his nose, “Unless I sprout wings.”

“It’s not entirely impossible you know,” she replied settling against him, “Not the growing wings part, but there are many non pegasus visitors to Cloudsdale. It just requires some careful magic/” She was struck with an idea. “I visited your province this summer, so maybe you can visit mine next summer?”

Max smiled. “I think I’d like that,” he said, looking into Fragrant’s eyes.

“Are you two done canoodling?” asked Mrs G. “We’re here.”

Max’s head flicked around as he noticed the bulk of the castle outside the window. Blushing, Fragrance tried to pull away from him but somehow one of his legs had made its way across her back and didn’t seem to want to let her go. After a brief and secretly rather enjoyable struggle, they managed to separate themselves. Not meeting his gaze, Fragrant brushed down her dress and stepped from the carriage, followed by Mrs G and Max. She quickly paid the driver before leading the party through the gate into the castle itself.

“You will need to renew your security clearance as soon as possible,” she said as she signed Max and Mrs G in as her guests. “It can be quite a tedious task and - it takes several hours - but it is necessary.”

Max nodded as the three of them made their way through the castle towards the lower level where Max’s small office was situated. Max waved at a few nobles and servants as they passed. “There certainly are a lot of new faces around,” he said.

“It is common for new courtiers to start at the beginning of the court's term,” said Fragrant, “And of course there has been an almost unprecedented turnover this year. There are a lot of new ponies to get to know. I have been busy greeting most of them so far.”

Max nodded. “Maybe a bunch of fresh faces will help around the place? Get a lot of new ideas circulating?”

“I hope so, although I fear their inexperience may cause problems. After all,” she said with a smile, “look what you managed to do when you started: contempt of court, getting into a fight with the Minister of War,” her eyes sparkled.

“Well, I like to think I’m over that by now,” blustered Max, blushing. Behind him, Mrs G let out a cackling laugh.

“We will see, baron,” said Fragrance as they arrived at his office door.

Scowling a little because he thought he’d settled in at court by now, Max opened the door to reveal the small office that he and Mrs G had shared for the last half year. His assistant's desk filled much of the outer room, and his own office, just large enough for his desk and a few filing cabinets, was barely visible through the door set in the far wall. The other door to the left led through to the records room and its row of filing cabinets. Behind the nearby desk sat a thin blue pegasus hunched over some papers. He looked up as Max entered before standing and bowing to his visitors.

“Good evening Baron Max,” said Notebook warmly, “Duchess Posey,” he continued more stiffly, “Mrs Grobhar,” he concluded.

“Evening, Notebook. Thanks for looking after the place while I’ve been away,” said Max walking over and shaking the other stallion's hoof. “Anything important happened recently?”

“I assume you’ve been traveling for the last week or so, so I’ve put together a report of the various happenings for that period. I can give you a verbal run down of it if you wish.”

“Maybe in a bit,” said Max. His temporary assistant certainly seemed very efficient, but he wasn’t sure if he was quite up to a lot of bureaucratic bafflegab right now. “I think I’ll just settle back into the place for the moment. I’ve brought back some notes and papers from Nulpar,” he added with a gesture at his saddlebags.

“There is one important issue that you will probably need to deal with first, sir. Given the large turnover of courtiers over the last few months I have been able to expedite a request for more office space.”

“More office space?” asked Max looking around the room.

“Your quarters are rather small, Max,” said Fragrant, looking around the cramped and dingy office, “The size and position of a noble's office is a common measure of prestige within the court. It is good that Notebook has managed to obtain a more suitable location.” She nodded to her ex-assistant.

Max opened his mouth to argue that he liked his current rooms and there was no need to move, but then he considered the situation. His standing at court was a measure of Nulpar’s importance to the rest of Equestria, him working from a pokey office showed how little his people mattered. After his promises to help his people it would be wrong to turn down a chance to advertise them better. “Thank you. Can I see the new place?” he asked cautiously.

“Of course, but it happens to be in one of the Pinfeather towers, I’m afraid.”

Max looked confused, but Fragrant gave a sharp frown at the news.“It is the name given to some of the upper towers,” she clarified. “They are closer to the Council Chamber, and the offices there are significantly larger than this one, although rather awkwardly shaped for non-pegasi. Still, I think you will like the location.”

Since a visit to the new office location seemed advisable, Notebook led the small party through the castle and up. There was a lot of up in their trip, up stairs and up more stairs, and even up through stairs still lined with the raw rocks of the Canterhorn as they climbed the towers that made up the upper parts of the castle. Finally, they came to a halt in a part of the structure that Max had not visited before. Notebook produced a ring of keys from somewhere and unlocked the door before entering. Max followed him, eagerly looking around the room beyond. It was larger than his previous quarters, although not by all that much. Two desks, both covered with a thin layer of dust, sat facing each other. They took up much of the room but still left space for several ponies to mill around. There was a window set in the far wall which gave a view down over the main body of the castle. Around the wall a spiraling set of stairs lead up into the ceiling. Max trotted over to a small door set in the far wall and regarded the danger sign attached to it. “Where does this lead?” he asked.

“It is a landing pad,” explained Notebook, “As the Duchess said, these rooms are normally assigned to pegasus courtiers. This door allows access to the office from outside via wing.”

“It’s nice to have a view,” said Mrs G glancing out of the window, “Could do with a bit of a polish though.” she ran a hoof over the desk and examined it critically.

“I’m sure we can get the place tidied up, Mrs G,” said Max.

“Would you like to see your rooms?” asked Notebook glancing up the stairs.

“There’s more?” asked Max in surprise.

“Another three stories.” The pegasus spread his wings and flew up to the top of the stairs, Max galloped up the stairs after him, while Fragrant and Mrs G followed at a more leisurely rate. The floor above proved to be a filing room. A small desk was set in one corner but most of the wall space was filled with rather battered looking cabinets, several covered by dust sheets. The level above was apparently meant to be the office of the noble himself, given the impressively ornate desk sitting in the centre of the room; Max briefly wondered how the thing had ever been brought up here. Most of the walls were covered with empty bookshelves and portraits of ponies Max didn’t recognise, although a small fireplace was set into one wall with a picture of the Princess hanging above it. Equestria’s monarch stared back looking a little cross-eyed. To Max’s disappointment the room was windowless, although it was well lit by magic lanterns which flickered to life as they entered.

Finally, the group ascended to the very top of the tower, although with a slight delay due to the final door being sticky enough that it took both Max and Notebook to finally get it open. The room beyond seemed to be an afterthought in the construction of the building. The roof sloped steeply to an extent that Max had to lower his head to avoid knocking it against the ceiling at the edge. Quite a large bed was set in the centre of the room and dominated much of the space, although there were a few pieces of furniture scattered around, including a small gas stove. The entire room was circled with windows set, oddly, at about knee height. Max suspected that the room had been created after the tower itself was completed and the windows had originally been used to light the room below. Rushing around excitedly, Max gazed out at the view around the building. For the first time he realised how high up they were, certainly not the tallest of towers but the view out over the castle and the city below was commanding. “Wow!” he exclaimed, “It looks amazing!”

Fragrant couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm. “It is nice, although this room is rather cramped. Still, as you have your own house in the city, I doubt you will be spending all that much time here.”

Max nodded. There had been a few late nights when he’d slept in the castle, and this place would be more comfortable than the small fold-out cot in his old office. “Is that another landing pad?” he asked pointing to a door set in one wall.

“I believe so,” Notepad searched through the keys for a moment before opening it. Outside was a small, and rather rickety, wooden platform perched high above the city. Max rushed out and stared down over the edge the wind blowing at his coat and mane.

“This is amazing!” he commented. Fragrant fought back a instinct to pull her wingless friend back from the precipice.

“It is not very practical for you,” she said.

“Certainly not if you go sleep walking,” commented Mrs G. “Still, I can see certain advantages to having a secret entrance into your bedroom from the air.” She nodded towards Fragrant who blushed.

“The accessibility was one of the reasons why I chose it,” said Notebook, a grin breaking through his formal appearance.

“I think it’s perfect,” agreed Max, “Thank you for this, Notebook.”

“It was not that hard. I happen to have some contacts in the right place. Given the number of new courtiers, and your comparatively good standing at court, you were probably overdue an upgrade.”

Fragrant smiled at Notebook, she knew from personal experience that he was glossing over what could be a very complicated and involved process. Then she remembered the reason why he was now her ex-assistant and her face hardened again.

Notebook noticed the change in the Duchess. “Now that the Baron has returned I should be able to take up my new position with your organisation once he has settled in.”

Fragrant nodded imperiously, then her stance softened a little. “You have done good work here, I think you are due a few days off before you rejoin my service.”

“Thank you my lady, but I am eager to get started again.”

“Very well,” she turned back to Max who had been watching their exchange a little nervously. Fragrant had mentioned her issues with Notebook to him, and although he partially agreed with her, he still felt that she could be more forgiving of him. Still, he had been her assistant. “I am afraid I will have to be off now, I have a meeting with Duke Sands in a few minutes.”

“Ah, can I meet you for lunch?” he asked hopefully.

“I already have a working meal planned with the chiefs of the southern reach weather teams, and I will be in and out of meetings until the ennoblement ceremony in the morning,” she said a little mournfully. Max’s ears drooped. “I hopefully have a,” she paused for a moment, “rather important meeting with the princess shortly after that. But we should be able to talk once that is done, maybe share a meal?” Behind them Mrs G and Notebook discretely let themselves out of the room to allow the two nobles a moment's privacy.

“I think I’d like that,” Max gave a yawn, “I should probably take a nap somewhen, I still need to get back to court hours.”

“That is one of the reasons I prefer to return to court earlier Baron. It gives me time to adjust my sleeping pattern” said Fragrant stepping forwards and giving Max a gentle hug. “I’ll see you later.”

“Goodbye,” said Max, returning the hug and gently placing his lips on Fragrant’s cheek. “It’s good to be back.”

“It is good to have you back,” she said releasing him before stepping over to the door to the outside. She spread her wings wide for a moment, enjoying the feel of his eyes flowing over her form before leaping into the air and circling the tower twice, waving at Max before swooping down towards the body of the castle.

Author's Note:

Hi, sorry it's been a while since I last posted anything but I've got about 4-5 chapters ready to go up over the next few days / weeks. After that I'm working on a Cadenceverse story and then back to mountain, that's more or less the pattern I have in mind for this year, a month of mountain and then a month of something else. We'll see how that goes.

Thanks to RDD and G&C2 for their suggestions and to Do Contra and Georg for editing.

Comments are always welcome.

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