• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 2,193 Views, 404 Comments

Climbing the Mountain 2 - Talon and Thorn

Baron Mounty Max may have thought his troubles were over with the recent changes to the Night Court but instead they may have just started as he has to deal with host of new problems during his second session at court

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25) Month 1 - An unexpected intrusion

“Max! Are you paying attention to me?” hissed Fragrant.

“Huh, oh, yes right, sorry,” muttered Max blearily.

“Are you alright?” she asked worriedly.

“I’m fine, sorry carry on.” In fact he felt about ready to drop, he’d only gotten an hour or so’s sleep during the day for various reasons. For a start, after the rather enjoyable events of last night he’d found it rather hard to get the memories of Fragrant, the feel of her under her hooves, the sound of her groans and whimpers, out of his mind. He’d only just managed to finally still his brain when he’d been awoken again by a pounding on his door; he’d barely made it to the entrance before the guard had almost broken the thing down. They’d apparently received a report that an intruder had been seen breaking into the building, he assumed that one of his neighbours had thought he was the intruder after leaving his house unattended for so long. It had taken a while to prove to the guard that he was in fact himself and not a thief. By the time that had been sorted out and he had managed to stagger back to bed it was already mid-afternoon. He’d been awakened again, seemingly only a few minutes later, by the delivery of his official robes for the ceremony. It was just as well somepony had been on the ball, he hadn’t realised he needed any. One look at them and he’d figured out he’d need at least one other pony to help him put them on. At that point he’d more or less given up on sleep and got himself tidied up before heading off to ask Mrs G for a hoof. By the time he’d done all that he was already a bit late for his appointment at court. Luckily, once he’d gotten to the castle he’d managed to find Fragrant quite quickly.

“Good, now pay attention, I didn’t know you weren’t aware of the opening ceremony and there’s a lot to do. I meant to mention it this morning before we, er... got distracted,” she flushed and looked away, appearing extremely cute despite the large powdered wig covering her normally immaculate mane. That by itself was a minor miracle as the rest of her outfit managed something that Max had until today considered impossible: it made her look frumpy and unattractive. The long heavy robes in the colours of her province dragged on the floor, covering her entire body and legs; and the large ruffle around her neck looked awkward. Max’s own neck covering was much smaller but was uncomfortable enough to make him fantasise about tearing the thing off and stamping on it. None of the surrounding nobles seemed pleased with their dress, at best they seemed to be grinning and bearing it. “Now where was I?” continued Fragrant.

“Um, the speech from the throne I think.”

“Yes, the princess normally reads out a speech she prepares with input from the court laying out any major legislation we plan to implement this year,” she took a deep breath, “But this year nopony knows what it says, as far as I know she hasn’t asked anypony for suggestions,” she lowered her voice, “some say she might disband the court, but I, I don’t think she would, not after giving us a second chance.”

“I can’t see her being so cruel, not unless we did something more to warrant it,” said Max trying to sound cheerful, but still feeling butterflies in his stomach. Judging by the fearful murmuring around him, he wasn’t the only one intimidated. The room they were in didn’t help his apprehension; it was a large chamber not far from the gates of the castle, however with the entire court present it was quite cramped. The worst part of it were the papers covering the walls. They appeared to be notices, but when Max had examined one closer he had found it was the death warrant for a previous member of the court, several centuries past now, signed with the princess’s own mark. There were dozens like it lining the walls at eye height. A clear reminder of the price of treachery.

“Now, it is very important to remain calm during the speech, it is considered very bad form to show support, or disagreement, with the matters raised.”

“Ok, I’ll try.”

“Good, once that is done the court is formally opened and we can get down to business. The first thing is early day motions, these are business that were cut off due to the court closing. We’re going to propose Fields’ bill then, it’s a rather tenuous technicality, we’re actually tacking it onto a totally different bill which didn’t even see committee, but given the situation I don’t think anypony is going to argue. Once that’s out of the way...”

At the far end of the room the great double doors leading into the chamber swung open with a loud creak. All talking in the chamber came to a halt, through the door approached a tall while unicorn in the full ceremonial armour of the captain of the guard, his plume stretching above and behind his head. To each side of him stood the ranking officers of the guard. Shining Armour marched forwards ignoring the assembled nobles, including his father, as they parted to let him pass. Behind him the doors swung closed again. The procession came to a halt in front of archduke Bobbing Fisher. The archduke’s outfit was slightly different from the other nobles, a hugely ornate hammer was strapped to his side. “My Lord Defender,” announced Shining Armour, “The castle's cellars have been searched and have been found to be free of sun cultists, or any other enemies of the crown.”

Fragrant had mentioned that the search was generally symbolic since an attempt had been made to assassinate the court by a group of crazed ponies almost a millennium ago, but with the return of Corona the act had become rather more practical.

“Your diligence is commended,” announced Fisher.

“Thank you sir. Now I must ask that you and the rest of the court disarm before approaching the throne.”

“My loyalty is weapon enough,” replied Fisher ceremonially as he lifted his hammer and passed it to the captain. The other guards strode through the crowds searching each of the courtiers for non-existent weapons. Once each member had been examined the guards took their places at each side of the door.

“This means the princess’s procession has returned to the castle, we should be summoned soon,” hissed Fragrant. Max nodded, he really didn’t know why the princess had to set out from the castle, tour the city only to return a few hours later, it was probably symbolic of something or other, maybe her return to the city years after the defeat of Corona? However, he only gave the matter part of his consideration, the majority of his mind was on what Fragrant had told him before the guards’ arrival.

“So, any bill could be proposed,” he asked, “if it was started last session, even if it hasn’t been to committee.”

“Well yes, it’s normally used for things we were due to debate in the last session and ran out of time for but the actual strictures are quite loose... Max, what are you thinking of?” she said looking worried.

Was this a possible chance to put forward his road building bill? Thought Max. Fragrant had told him to be patient, to wait a year or more, but Greengrass had suggested he seize any chance he got. he knew how much his people needed this, how even securing a little help for them would make them trust him again.

“Max!” continued Fragrant sharply, reading the emotions passing over his face, “Don’t do anything hasty, you shouldn’t...” She was cut off by a loud hammering from the door.

“In the name of Luna Equestris, let me pass!” came a cry from the other side of the doors. After a moment they swung open to reveal a black coated earth pony mare with clawed hooves and snake like eyes, the head of the princess’ bodyguard. “Mares and stallions, the Princess commands that the nobles of Equestria,” the mare stiffly bowed to the court, “attend Her Majesty immediately at the Selenic Cathedra! A new ruling body is to be formed now that our country has passed from the day into the night!”

After a moment the court started to take their positions, the viceroys at the front with the lesser nobles behind them in order. Fragrant looked back at Max for a moment and she trotted towards her appointed position. “Please don’t do anything stupid,” she whispered.

In procession, the combined night court marched through the corridors of the castle heading from their meeting room towards the throne room. The corridors were lined by what seemed like the entirety of the castle staff all dressed in their most formal uniforms. Keeping order were rank after rank of guards. The effect was more than a little intimidating and made Max think once again of the rumours of the princess disbanding the court. Finally, the nobles found themselves at the gates of the throne room, the massive armoured doors were closed and barred. The court came to a halt for a moment before Viceroy Night Light stepped forwards.

“We who have been summoned, request entry,” he announced before knocking once the door.

“Not all who were summoned came, those who came recognised the authority of the crown” came a reply from the other side of the door reminding the court of the period shortly after Corona’s defeat when Equestria fragmented and many of the nobles refused to send representatives to Canterlot. The youngest Viceroy bowed to the door and backed away.

“However, not all who have come may be worthy. How can you serve the crown and Equestria?” came a slightly muffled voice from behind the door.

Vicerene Wallflower marched forwards. “We, the brave, the powerful, the noble, request entry,” she stated as she knocked twice.

“Those who came ruled well during the long day but those attributes alone were not enough,” the vicereine bowed to the door and returned to her previous position, “What will you sacrifice for the crown and Equestria?”

Finally Puissance, the oldest of the three Viceroys, stepped forwards. “We the humble, the meek, the wise, request entry to serve.” The words sounded a little strange coming from the old mare’s lips as she knocked three times on the door.

“Those who were accepted knew not only how to rule but how to be ruled. Enter” came the reply as the echoes of the third knock died away. The great doors swung silently open in a midnight blue aura and the throne room itself was revealed. At the far end on a high throne sat Princess Luna Equestris in her full ceremonial garb. on her head sat the three tiered, six pointed crown of Equestria and all of its dominions. Her hooves were clad in silver shoes with intricate patterns inlaid in them. A great diamond the size of a foal's head was embedded in the silver peytrel that covered her chest. In her left forehoof she carried the ceremonial mace, a four-foot-long silver and jewel inlaid staff while in her right she carried her rather more practical personal weapon, the scythe Nightbringer, its plain and functional curved haft made of almost eight feet of black wood while its long blade glowed brightly, supposedly made from a mix of fallen star metal and moonlight.

The court, somewhat nervously, entered the room and knelt in their ranks in front of their monarch. Luna was not alone at the far end of the room, six smaller thrones were placed lower on the plinth although only three of them were occupied by ponies. Fragrant had explained that these were the thrones of the exarchs, the rulers of Equestria’s protectorates, and were brought out for them to use if they were present in court. To the right of the princess Max could see a tall thin pink mare with both wings and a horn clad in a velvet cloak, she could only be Cadenza, the exarch of Cavallia and Luna’s fellow alicorn. The second exarch was, judging by his costume, the exarch of Pferdreich, Max understood they were ruled by a council and would send one of their number to such events, the final Exarch was a mare he didn’t recognise at all. To the left of the plinth with the thrones on and stretching almost to the doors were members of the judiciary and on the right were the diplomatic corps. In front of both groups stood various members of the military, their uniforms and medals glittering.

All was silent for a moment as Luna stared down at her government. “You believe yourself worthy of serving Equestria,” asked the princess, her voice both soft as silk and hard as diamonds.

“We do your majesty,” intoned the assembled court.

“You are willing to give all you have for the good of your people?”

“We do your majesty,” repeated the court.

“You are willing to sacrifice, to suffer, to die if need be, for the betterment of all?” she asked again her eyes flickering across the crowd.

“We do your majesty,” replied the court for a third time.

“Then approach!” she intoned. “And offer me your oaths of loyalty on behalf of your ponies.”

The courtiers formed into a line from the most important to the least and started to line past the princess and the symbols of her rulership she bore. One by one they pledged their loyalty to the Equestrian throne and the alicorn who currently sat upon it. Eventually it was Max’s turn, he wracked his brain for the correct words. “I offer you my service and the service of all the peoples of Nulpar,” he intoned, “I will follow you in both war and peace.” The words seeming almost archaic, dating back to a more literally feudal time.

“I accept your service, in return I offer you my protection and the protection of all of Equestria, in both war and peace,” replied the princess, resting her hoof on Max’s head for a moment before he shuffled past and the next noble took his place. Finally, after almost an hour the entire procession was completed.

“My court is now gathered and all oaths are made, my land is whole once again,” proclaimed Luna, “Now is the time to reveal my instructions to you for the coming year.”

The three viceroys stood, with Puissance moving rather stiffly to the fore. They came to a halt just in front of the princess. A pink page in a rather plain uniform compared to all the formal outfits on show approached and handed a tightly rolled scroll to the elderly pegasus who took it without acknowledgement and held it out to the alicorn who took it with a nod. The three courtiers then carefully walked backwards away from the throne and returned to their previous positions as the princess slowly unrolled the scroll in her aura.

“My Lords and Ladies of the Night Court,” she began in a neutral voice, “I charge you with the following duties over the forthcoming year. Actions must be taken to reduce the excesses of the court and to improve their standing in both my, and the citizens of Equestria’s, eyes.” Max let out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding, it looked like the court wasn’t going to be disbanded, not now at least. “My court will be required to show increased transparency in its actions and an increased willingness to put aside their personal disagreements to work together for the benefit of all of Equestria. Any further signs of corruption or attempts to abuse the power granted to you will result in the harshest of punishments.” The princess looked up from the scroll to run her gaze over the assembled officials of all branches of the government. “Given the events of the last year and the return of my sister I bid my court to strengthen the links between the nation and its allies on this and other continents. Diplomatic actions will be increased so that we may face future threats in a unified manner, I bid my foreign ministry to increase its efforts to organise state visits to all of our allies to show that Equestria will support them if needed.” Glancing over, Max saw Vicerene Wallflower nodding gently along with this announcement, she didn’t seem all that surprised so presumably the princess had discussed the idea with her before.

“Furthermore,” continued the princess, “I instruct the court to increase funding benefiting the common ponies of the nation, investment is to be made into infrastructure and public buildings.” Max’s heart leapt a little, that was exactly what he wanted to do! It was like the princess herself was supporting him! “It is not to be forgotten,” continued the princess, “that this nation is built upon the backs of its people and that in times of trouble heroes may arise from the most unexpected of places,” the tiniest trace of a smile crossed the alicorn’s muzzle. “Such heroes should be supported by the court whenever possible.” The princess paused for a moment, cocking her head slightly and frowning before continuing. “On the issue of the return of my sister, I bid my court to take what actions they deem appropriate to protect their people from her. However, I warn against overconfidence or rash actions, my sister is a threat to the whole of the nation and is not to be taken lightly. the court is charged with the protection of their ponies, but I am ultimately responsible for dealing with my sister.” The last line was delivered with rather more emotion than was normal for such a formal speech. Max felt a bead of sweat roll down his neck, the chamber felt stuffy and there was an aura of tension starting to build. “Other measures will be laid before you as are needed,” concluded the princess, “My Lords and Ladies of the Night Court, may harmony aid you in your duties.”

Max glanced around again. something seemed to be wrong, the feeling of tension was still growing and most of the ponies in the area seemed to be affected; many were looking around with worry and some with full blown fear in their eyes. Several of the unicorn guards had their horns glowing. Suddenly Max’s ears popped as if there had been a change in pressure. At the front of the chamber the princess leapt up from her throne. “My little ponies!” she cried, “Do not be...”

The centre of the chamber suddenly erupted into an inferno. Flames blasted out in every direction rolling towards the assembled members of the government as well as high into the air. A range of panicked neighs and screams could be heard as ponies of all types tried desperately to avoid their doom, tripping over each other as they went. Max’s head desperately jerked back and forth searching for Fragrant amongst the mob. There she was! Near the approaching wall of fire, pushing Buttercup ahead of herself as the two of them tried to get to safety. He braced himself, ready to charge towards her. Then just as suddenly as it had appeared, and before the court could realise the flames produced no heat, the bank of fire rolled back upon itself forming into a gigantic figure towering over all others in the chamber, a white mare, her mane and eyes made of flame. She sat upon a throne, the twin of the one occupied by the princess, and upon her head sat a duplicate crown. “Be not afraid!” thundered the giant, “The true ruler of Equestria, Queen Celestia Equestris, wishes to parley with the body known as the Night Court!” it exclaimed.

Around the chamber the court almost as one stopped their fleeing and turned to stare at the figure in astonishment. The momentary panic over, the guards started to push forwards weapons ready. “Hold!” came a cry from Luna, as she rose from her throne, ceremonial mace abandoned but Nightbringer held in her aura. “This is merely an image of my sister, she always did like to make a dramatic entrance,” she muttered.

The burning figure turned to the smaller alicorn, glancing at the weapon she carried, and gave a gracious smile. “I see you still wield my gift, sister.”

“It still holds its edge, sister, and you too have accepted my gift,” replied Luna enigmatically, “Yet, despite my generosity, you choose to invade this ceremony!”

“I would speak to your court, sister, as their ruler, and you have no power to stop me.”

“Do I not?” asked Luna, her horn glowing brightly. for a moment nothing happened and Max thought he saw a bead of sweat creep across the princess’ brow, before the gigantic image of Corona started to fade. The tyrant sun looked alarmed but then Luna’s aura fell silent and her form stabilized. “I am not so weak that I cannot dispel a mere trick of the light. However, I do not fear anything you can say to my court, you have my leave to speak, sister, although you should do so on your true terms with no further enhancement,” said Luna with a nod and a slight smile.

A look of supreme annoyance passed over Corona’s face as she accepted her sister's permission with bad grace. Her illusionary form diminished in size until it only stood a head or so larger than Luna. Scowling, the white alicorn turned to the assembled ponies before composing herself. “Members of the Night Court,” she began, “Know that your government is an illegal one, falsely formed when my sister unjustly usurped my throne a millennium hence. You have no true authority due to the treachery that your council was born from.”

Max blinked in astonishment, he had not expected to hear such a reasoned argument from the mouth of the Tyrant Sun. He would have expected her to rant and rave about crushing them all, or something similar. He hadn’t been present when she had besieged Canterlot but from what he had heard she had acted quite mad at the time. Around him, several other members of the court were likewise confused by the alicorn’s word.

“However.” she continued, her face softening. “Since my return I have studied both this and previous courts, and find that despite my sister's influence you have done your best to administer my lands and the ponies in them.” Her voice hardened again. “The time of my return to my true throne is approaching and those who support my rule will be rewarded, I offer you now the chance to swear loyalty to me as many of your ancestors once did. Houses Blueblood and Schere among others once supported me and achieved high status in the past and could again in the present.”

Max noticed several of the courtiers glaring at Viscount Blueblood having been reminded of his family's ancient treachery. The stallion bristled under their gaze and blushed under his white coat. “The past of my family is not today!” he blustered. Count Kibitz of Schere also spluttered in protest.

“I see,” continued Corona her facade starting to crack as her frustration mounted. “And the rest of you, surely some of you would follow the true ruler of Equestria?”

A moment’s silence passed before Archduke Fisher stepped forwards. “We will never serve the Tyrant Sun!” he spat definitely, “We will fight you with all our might and industry!”. A loud cheer went up from the rest of the court, although Max noticed a few of the members edging back from the figure of the glowing mare.

“The princess is our one true ruler,” announced Night Light.

“You have no authority in this court,” said Puissance, the old mare taking a step towards the image of the solar alicorn.

“You can jolly well sod off!” exclaimed Wallflower. There was another round of cheers from the crowd and even a few laughs.

Corona seemed quite shocked by the response and several moments passed with her mouth flapping up and down like a fish. Max thought it actually looked quite funny, that such a powerful being could be so undone by dissent; he guessed she wasn’t used to being told ‘no!’. “I understand that you may fear for your lives and those of your families if you publicly declare for me at this time,” she finally rallied “but if you do wish to serve me you will be given the opportunity to pledge your support secretly.” Several members of the court looked around at each other nervously, wondering if any of their neighbours would take up the Tyrant’s offer.

“We will fight you no matter the cost!” Max heard Mellow’s shrill voice through the assembled ponies. Pushing through the crowd while adding his own voice to the crowd, Max finally came upon Fragrant. Reaching forwards he locked his hoof on her own. She smiled and turned towards the image of Corona.

“Equestria will stand! Cloudsdale will soar! Corona will fall!” she chanted. Smiling, Max copied her.

Enough!” cried Corona, momentarily silencing the crowd as she glared upon them, her eyes blazing even brighter. “If you are not willing to follow me, if you choose to stand with my traitorous sister, know then that I will show no mercy when I am returned to my proper place! I swear this on my returned...” and just as suddenly as she appeared she vanished.

Princess Luna stepped forwards, her horn still glowing from the spell used to dispel her sister's form. “I apologize for the interruption my court, I have taken steps to ensure that my sister will not bother us anymore. Given the current events I would not expect you to continue with your duties for today. The guard will escort you from the chamber and court will reconvene tomorrow,” she announced before starting to turn away from the court.

“Your majesty,” said Night Light stepping forwards, “May I speak?”

The princess stopped and turned back. “You have that right, Viceroy.”

“I hope I speak on behalf of the whole court when I say that we do not wish your sister's message to interrupt the proper functioning of the court. That would be tantamount to letting her win, in whatever small way. We have important business and do not want to delay it. With your permission I would like to ask that court be continued as normal.”

A look of surprise spread over the princess’ face and she looked up at the rest of the court. “Is this the will of the whole of the court?” she asked.

A chorus of agreement rang around the chamber.

“Very well,” said Luna, her horn glowing, “I declare the nine hundred and seventy eighth session of the Night court open.”

There was a flash and the entire court found themselves no longer in the throne room, they had been transported to the great debating chamber by the princess. Every member was packed into the lower level of the chamber. Only the princess herself sat above them in her own personal box overlooking the room.

“My court,” she declared, “I bid you advise your monarch.”

Author's Note:

Thanks to Rainbow Double Dash and Grass and Clouds 2 for their suggestions and to Do contra for editing.

Much of the general ceremony around the opening of court is based on the opening of the UK parliament although as Luna is an absolute monarch much of it is switched around to show her importance in the whole thing. In the UK version it is the Queen who gets ready in a room with a copy of the execution order for Charles I just to stop her getting to uppity. :pinkiehappy:

The inclusion of Corona in this chapter was actually quite a late addition but I felt she wouldn't stay away from such a ceremony.

Comments are always welcome.

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