• Published 6th Aug 2015
  • 2,253 Views, 169 Comments

A Punk's Love: The Story of Straight Edge - AC Punk

A new kid has arrived at canterlot high, and he has the hots for a certain country girl.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Welcome to Canterlot

It is a normal summer morning in the town of Canterlot. Everyone is going about their business, most of them dreading the end of summer vacation. In a house not far from Canterlot High School, an eighteen year old boy is asleep in bed; he arrived in Canterlot by plane late the previous night. Sleeping soundly, he is awoken by the annoying sound of his alarm clock. Groaning, he turns in bed and cuts it off, wishing to return to his dreams. As he begins to fall asleep once more, a loud revving noise forces him awake, causing him to fall to the floor; he groans in both pain and annoyance as he begins to get up. Upon reaching his feet, the blanket covering his face falls to the floor, revealing his long black hair. Getting to his feet, he walks to the bathroom and begins brushing his teeth. Afterwards, he grabs a tube of hair gel and gels his hair back to reveal his face.

"Straight, Breakfast is ready!" a voice calls from downstairs.

Straight acknowledges this and grabs a shirt from his room before heading downstairs. He enters the kitchen to find a girl, about the same age as him, in a purple t-shirt and sweatpants standing beside the countertop. She apparently noticed him, because as soon as he enters the room she wraps him in a hug.

"Straight, I haven't seen you in so long!" she says while Straight begins to struggle for freedom.

"Jess, I talk to you all the time over the phone." he replies.

"We haven't seen each other since the seventh grade. When I say that, I mean in person."

Straight sighs, jess releasing him from her grip, and grabs the food she had prepared for him. The two catch up and talk about their childhood until Straight decides to check out the town. Putting his plate in the sink, he puts on his everyday clothes and grabs his hoodie before leaving the house.

After a bit of walking, Straight finds himself in front of Canterlot High, where he will be enrolling for his senior year. Upon first glance, the place seems pretty normal, Straight suddenly thinking the Magical disaster accounts jess had spoke of to be nothing more than a made up story. As he begins to walk away, Straight accidentally walks into a girl, both of them falling to the ground.

"Sorry, my bad." he apologizes.

"No, It's alright. I should've paid more attention." she replies.

As Straight offers to help her up, he suddenly feels strange as the girls face comes into view. Once on her feet, the girl thanks him.

"Well, thanks for the help. My names Applejack by the way." she explains. Straight snaps back into reality before the situation becomes awkward.

"Uh, yeah. My name is Straight Edge." he says. Applejack then squints, looking closely at Straight's face.

"I don't think we've met before. Are you new around here?"

"Yeah; I'm originally from Chicago, but my folks sent me to live with a close friend because I was in a 'unhealthy' environment."

"Well, pleasure to meet you Straight Edge."

"I prefer to be called Punk, but that can wait for another time."

The two say their goodbyes and Straight heads back to Jess's. Upon arriving, he heads up to his room, the girl he just met being the only thing on his mind for some reason. In an effort to get rid of the thoughts, he grabs on of the comic books he brought from Chicago and begins reading. After a couple of hours, his attempts to get Applejack off his mind end in defeat. As he leaves his room, he finds jess in the living room watching television.

"Hey Jess." he says, grabbing a seat on the couch.

"Hey Punk, how was your walk around town?" she asks.

"Pretty good, I checked out the high school, but didn't get to head into town to check out the local stores."

"Did you meet anyone?" Straight immediately averts eye contact.

"Uh, yeah. I met someone when I was leaving the school."

"Oh really; who was it?"

"Some girl named Applejack." he begins to blush upon saying her name.

"You like her, don't you?" Jess teases.


"You're face says otherwise."

Groaning in defeat and annoyance, Straight heads back up to his room. Once inside, he falls onto his bed and puts on a set of headphones so he can listen to some music. All the while, his thought race through his head; a new school, a new town, and new friends. As the day draws to a close, straight climbs out onto the roof of the house to stargaze. Once there, he lays down on the roof and gazes into the star lit sky. Using the silence to think, he wonders if life had intended for him to come here, and if so, what else will it have in store for him. Putting his curiosity to rest, Straight reenters his room, proceeding to getting ready for bed. As he finally gets into bed, he goes to sleep with a smile, knowing whatever roadblocks Canterlot will put in front of him, he will get around while flipping off the people who put them up. As he drifts off to sleep, his eyes suddenly shoot open as the sound of fireworks exploding fills the area. Groaning, he places a pillow over his head in an attempt to muffle the sound, wishing whoever is shooting off pyrotechnics would stop.

Early the next morning, Straight is out on a morning run. He finally manages to get into town and check out the local shops. As he makes his run, he smiles at the sight of a martial arts academy, knowing he will be able to continue his Muay Thai training. As he finishes his run, he stops by the school, the parking lot filled with teachers cars, a hint that school is about to begin. Shrugging the dread of summer ending off, he heads back to jess's for breakfast, ready to start his senior year of high school.

Author's Note:

A big Shout out goes to BlueSun52 and Zeroxdoom for allowing me to join the little world they have created alongside Azure_Shadow, CogWing, BRyeMC, and KillerRobotQuote.
These Guys are amazing Writers, and you should check out there OCs Stories as well.