• Published 6th Aug 2015
  • 2,253 Views, 169 Comments

A Punk's Love: The Story of Straight Edge - AC Punk

A new kid has arrived at canterlot high, and he has the hots for a certain country girl.

  • ...

Chapter 12

The Trip Part 4: Homecoming

The final week of Training went by and Lethal Legend finally got what was coming to him. Thanks to video surveillance, the coaches managed to discover Lethal using Anabolic steroids to make himself "bigger". Due to this violating company policy, Lethal was Sent home immediately. Afterwards, Straight finished his time up and was invited to go full time after high school, an offer he accepted with much gratitude. Straight and his friends then flew another seven hour flight home with Colt to Canterlot and headed straight home afterwards. Literally passing out on his bed, Straight stayed in a bent over position throughout the night as his Mom came into his bedroom and draped a blanket over him.

The next morning, Straight woke up early as usual and went on a morning run, something he does regularly on the weekends. As he reaches downtown Canterlot, he finds an all too familiar group of cars parked outside Sugarcube Corner. Laughing, he enters the establishment.

"Morning guys." he says upon entering. Seeing him, the group of friends all go slightly pale in expression.

"What's wrong," he asks before looking down, "Did I put my pants on backwards again?"

"You put your friend in the hospital." a straight haired pinkie pie explains.

"What, I haven't done anything to harm Soul. The thing with the Dudley Boyz was Treble's idea."

"HEY," Treble remarks, "I got raped by a pie, you have no room to talk." Sunset then pulls out the poster Warhawk bought in Japan.

"Does this ring any bells?" She asks. Upon seeing it, Straight's expression changes to that of a cold hearted individual and he turns to leave, but not before Jess and Knock Out walk in.

"Straight, you're back." she says upon seeing him. Staight pays the two no mind and walks past them,slamming the door with enough force that the glass window shatters.

"What the hell's gotten into him?" asks Knock Out. Jess then turns to the others and grows pale upon seeing the poster.

"Guys," she begins, "please tell me you didn't show him that poster."

"Why, he put a guy in a neck brace for half a year because of a stupid belt." Rainbow Dash accuses. Knock out then slams his fist on the table, gathering the attention of all the patron in the building.

"Listen to me you self centered egomaniac," he begins, "You have no idea what caused that match; so before you go around pointing accusations at people for things they've, why don't you look in a mirror first." Rainbow sinks into her seat after that.

"Guys," they all turn to Jess, "We need to talk."

Two hours later...

The entire group of friends, minus Straight, are in the basement of Jess's house, the movie room the be specific.

"You even have a computer projector!?!" asks Soul.

"Yes, now sit down." she replies before inserting a DVD into her laptop.

As the show begins, a logo appears in the screen bearing the name , UNDERGROUND WRESTLING FEDERATION. As soon as the first announcer is heard, the disc cuts to the end of the entire program. Straight is seen hugging a boy with blue reptilian eyes, jet black hair, and Light blue skin. As they break the hug, the boy opposite of Straight grabs a microphone.

"And Straight Edge," he begins, "I just want you to know... I hate your fucking guts!" He then kicks Straight below the belt and hits him with a brain buster before going to grab a chair. By the time he returns, Knock Out has entered the ring and stopped him from doing any more damage.

Jess then cuts off the projector and turns the lights back on, A lone tear rolling down her face.

"It gets me every time." she says. The group of friends the turn to her.

"Who was that?" asks Rarity.

"That was Nathan Knight, Straight's former tag team partner and life long friend." Knock Out explains before wrapping an arm around Jess who begins to cry. "Those two were close, and I mean close. Hell, you could've called them brothers before that night." Jess then gathers herself and begins to explain.

"David and Nathan were one of the best tag teams in the UWF," She pats Knock Out's shoulder, "Knock out here was one of he top singles competitors alongside Straight," She places a hand on her chest, "and I was the top female wrestler. We all worked for this insane, highly dangerous wrestling promotion called the Underground Wrestling Federation, or the UWF for short. Straight and Nathan were scheduled for a rematch to try and recapture the tag team titles that nigh and they failed. And let me remind you that this type of promotion didn't script it's storylines, They made a story by letting the competitors make a rivalry. Everything that happened was real when it came down to the Wrestlers, and the fighting was full contact like it is in japan. David and Nathan hugged it out after a little bit of hostility between the two, and then Nathan just snapped. All of our shows were on YouTube at the time and Straight went back stage after Knock Out saved him. The interviewer asked him for an opinion and he just grabbed me and lost control of his emotions." She explains, struggling to fight tears.

"Straight was in a state of depression for a few weeks afterwards; he was very distant from Jess, me, his parents, you name it. I finally convinced him to come fight in a match he was scheduled for, and he ended up running out during the main event and attacking Nathan."

"What happened to them, weren't they friends?" asks Fluttershy.

"In this kind of business, you have do whatever you can if you want to be world champion. Nathan chose the easy way by taking out the top competition, and then he beat me the week after to line up a number one contenders match, which straight interfered in. The two would enter a rivalry that would gain international fame through social media. Everyone wanted to see them end it once December rolled around," he then puts another Disc into the projector.

"What are we watching now?" asks Soul.

"The match that ended it all, or so we thought." Knock Out replies before pressing play.

Forty Five minutes later...

"And Nathan places Straight on the top turn buckle." a commentator explains.

"That's a dangerous place to be, especially for these two when you take into account all of the shots to the body and head with the foreign objects." the second one adds.

Nathan then traces his thumbs along his neck as if he were saying, you're dead. Climbing to the top, he grabs straight in an attempt to DDT him from the top rope. Before he could do this, Straight low blows him Counters with a head-butt. As Nathan staggers to the ring's floor, Straight grabs him and positions him upside down while standing on the top rope.

"Wait, isn't that the... oh my god." Clyde says upon realizing what's about to happen.

"No way, Straight Edge is looking to end thus once and for all." The commentator says. The entire audience then cries out in a multitude of screams and gasps as Straight jumps with Nathan in position, landing knees first.


The crowd counts with the referee as he reaches three and everyone cheers. Straight climbs the ropes to celebrate as a medical team arrives to tend to Nathan, who has to stretchered out. The projector then cuts to black as Everyone looks at jess and Knock Out.

"What happened next?" Applejack asks.

"Staight went on to win the UWF Title for a record third time and woul defend it for the next three years. Nathan would end up being hospitalized for a concussion and minor blood loss, but he just disappeared after that match. I don't know what happened to him." Jess explains.

"Listen guys," Knock out begins," Straight and Nathan were as close as two people could be. After Nathan attacked him, the two of them were never the same. They have taked to each other since that night, and I don't think they ever will."

"But, can't we do something?" asks Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah, Don't even think about doing something." Jess says with a stern tone, "Nathan and Straight earned rivalry and match of the year for that, but that was the only good thing that happened. Those two went at it both inside and outside of the ring. Me and Knock out had to literally separate the two of them on a daily basis. They went from the best of friends to the worst of enemies. If you want to find out about their rivalry, feel free to stay and watch it from the beginning; Knock Out will put the DVD's in order for you." Jess then walks upstairs as Knockout arranges the Disc set.

"See you guys Monday." he says.

"Wait, you transferred to Canterlot High?" asks Sunset.

"Yeah, Both jess and I did."


After watching the entire rivalry from beginning to end, Straight's friends all head home. While Applejack is walking to her house, she bumps into a boy in a hooded trench coat.

"Sorry, my bad." she says before heading on her way.

As she walks away, the boy removes his hood to reveal his jet black hair and Light blue skin. He stares at her for a moment, awestruck by her appearance, before an idea pops into his head.

"I wonder if she would go out with me next monad after school?" he asks himself before continuing on his way home.

Author's Note:

Straight and Nathan, Best friends turn Bitter Foes. What will happen as Nathan reignites their rivalry? Or even worse, what will happen when Straight sees Nathan again? Find out in the next Update.

Chapter 13:A Rivalry Renewed

Also, I am going to be taking a Hiatus from Fimfiction for while, writing wise. My Laptop is having to be sent to the manufacturer so it can be repaired. I will try to keep you guys updated on my phone, but I don't know when I'll get it back. Last time I sent it away, It was to fix the border that holds the screen. This time, the entire screen needs rewiring. I don't know when I'm sending it, probably at the end of the week, but I'll let you guys?gals know ahead of time on a Blog or something.