• Published 6th Aug 2015
  • 2,253 Views, 169 Comments

A Punk's Love: The Story of Straight Edge - AC Punk

A new kid has arrived at canterlot high, and he has the hots for a certain country girl.

  • ...

Chapter 5

An Awkward First Meeting

It's Saturday, which means Straight Edge is asleep in bed. Jess, on the other hand, is downstairs making breakfast. She is currently putting waffles in the toaster when the doorbell rings. Confused, she heads to answer anyway.

"Why would someone be stopping by this early in the morning?" She asks herself. Her answer comes when the door opens.

"And I'm telling you that we should've at least asked before coming over here." Applejack says.

"Straight said it was okay for us to come over." Replies Rainbow Dash.

"I don't think he meant this early in the morning Dash." Says Sunset. "And I'm pretty sure soul and the others didn't want to either.

The boys say nothing as Soul quietly snores next to a very irritable Warhawk. Seeing them, Jess sighs quietly and speaks.

"Uh, can I help you?" Jess asks. The group of friends all turn to her and are at first shocked to see the once uniformed Crystal Prep student standing in the door way wearing a tank top and Sweatpants, Tattoos imprinted on her right shoulder and bicep.

"Is this where Straight Edge is staying?" asks Applejack.

"For the time being." Jess replies, "Do you know him?"

"We're friends of his from Canterlot High."

"Oh yeah, he was telling me about you guys." Jess then gestures for them to enter, "Come on in, I was preparing waffles."

The group all enters the house, the girls following Jess into the kitchen and Warhawk dropping Soul on the couch before joining them.

"So how do you know Straight?" Asks Sunset.

"We grew up in Chicago together." She Explains, "we first met when we were about six years old and have been close ever since; I guess you could consider us siblings now that I think about it."

"Where is Straight if you don't mind me asking Jess?" asks Warhawk.

"I think he's still sleeping; I usually don't wake him up on the weekends." She explains, "His room is upstairs on the left."

Warhawk nods at this and heads upstairs, a now awake Soul right behind him. As they reach the second floor, they come upon a dor with several warning signs on it.

"Is this the room she was talking about?" asks Warhawk.

"I woke up like ten minutes ago, I wouldn't know." Soul says with a yawn.

The two friends enter the room to find it empty, But are shocked when they spy a certain picture frame sitting on the night stand.

"Is that Straight Edge?" asks Soul, picking up the picture in question.

"Yeah, that's him all right." Replies Warhawk.

"Its not nice to snoop around someone's personal belongings." a voice says behind them.

The to friends turn around to find Straight Edge in a pair of sweat pants, putting on a t-shirt. Tattoos run the length of both his arms and the Seven virtues of Bushido are tattooed along his spine. Seeing the two boys in his room, he points to a lone kendo stick hanging on the wall.

"We may be friends," he states, "but you have ten seconds to get out before I grab my little friend on the wall over there."

"Wait a second, you don't really mean that do you?" asks Soul. Straight responds by placing his hand on the weapon.

"Oh hell, he's serious." Warhawk says. "RUN!!!"

The two friends run out of the room, dropping the picture in the process. Seeing this, Straight picks up the frame and sighs upon seeing the image housed inside.

"Wish you guys would hurry up and get here." He says before placing the picture back on his night stand.


"So, correct me if I am wrong, Straight Edge actually set himself on fire." asks Rainbow Dash in disbelief.

"You'd be surprise at what Straight has done in the eleven years I've known him." Jess replies while showing the picture of Straight covered in ash from fire, giving a thumbs up and smiling.

Before they could say anything else, Warhawk and Soul come diving over the couch.

"Soul, what's got you so scared?" Sunset asks at seeing her boyfriend hide behind Warhawk.

"That is what has me so scared." He replies while pointing to the doorway.

The girls all turn to see Straight Edge walk across the hall and into the kitchen.

"Morning Jess." he tells her, not noticing the other visitors.

"You're scared of Straight in a shirt with no sleeves?" asks Sunset.

"No, he was threatening us with a kendo stick." replies Warhawk.

"Oh yeah," Jess says, "I forgot to tell you to knock first." The two boys look at her with annoyed expressions as the girls quietly laugh.

Straight Edge then returns, a mug of coffee in hand, and heads downstairs. Seeing he teen disappear, Rainbow speaks.

"Where is Straight headed?" she asks. Jess scratches her chin.

"Well, seeing how it's Saturday, I'm gonna say he's going to Gym downstairs." Both rainbow Dash and Applejack beam at hearing this.

"You have your own work out room?" Asks Rainbow.

"Yeah, but my dad uses it mostly." Jess replies before standing up, "You wanna see it?"

"UH, Yeah!" replies Dash.

The group then heads downstairs to find a large room filled with body building equipment, in the far end is a punching bag and sparring target. Upon seeing it all, the group is shocked.

"How did your folks pay for this?" asks Applejack.

"I think it has something to do with my parents being journalists for ESPN, or something like that; I don't really know." Jess replies.

The group then hear what sounds like punches connecting and follow them. The source is revealed to be Straight Edge in the middle of a practice session.

"Does he always do this, Jess?" asks Sunset.

"Every weekend morning, then he heads to the gym in town," She replies, "But you haven't seen anything yet."

The group all looks confused until the sound of straight yelling fills the room and punching bag falls to the floor, the top of it torn open with sand coming out. the group, all shocked, looks to see Straight panting. He turns around and notices the group.

"Oh hey guys." he says, "When did you get here?"

"We've been here the entire time!" exclaims Dash. "And mind telling me why your not competeing in the Equestria Gams with strength like that?"

"I don't really care for them." the group all ooks at him shocked.

"What!?!" they all ask.

"Hey, I live with a student that attends there, we get along just fine." He replies.

"You should at least join your classmates in the games." Sunset says.

"Again, I don't care for them. Now I have to get back to work so if you don't mind-"

"Please?" Asks Applejack. Straight turns to see her with a pleading expression.

"Fine," he says giving into the guilt, "I'll join the team."

"GREAT!" exclaims Dash, "You can participate in the martial arts event."

"Wait, martial arts is sanction by the school?" the grop nods, "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME!?!"

"You never asked." Replies Pinkie through a window.

The group all turns to her as she removes her head from the opening and disappears.

"How did she?" asks Straight.

"It's Pinkie Pie." States Sunset.

"Don't Question it." the rest of the group says in unison.

Author's Note:

So, Straight Edge has joined the Wondercolts in competing in the Friendship Games. What will happen Next...? I don't know.

Maybe You'll finally tell every one That Straight Edge's Real Name is*muffle*

I'd keep that trap of yours shut Pinkie. At least until the Next update.

What about the fact that his Parents are *Sleep dart penetrates neck* ZZZZZZzzzzz

Thanks Swift *Hands money*

Swift: Anytime.