• Published 6th Aug 2015
  • 2,253 Views, 169 Comments

A Punk's Love: The Story of Straight Edge - AC Punk

A new kid has arrived at canterlot high, and he has the hots for a certain country girl.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Making a Friend

Today is the first day of school, students and teachers alike all returning to school now that summer vacation is over. Straight Edge is currently walking along the sidewalk towards his school. Today he is wearing a pair of denim jeans, his tennis shoes, and a shirt depicting a CM Punk logo on the chest; he is also wearing hand wraps with a black X on the top of each of them. As Canterlot High gets closer, his brown eyes making out the image of the dome that sits atop the school, Straight begins to think about what his friends are doing back in Chicago.

"Hey, Wait Up!" a voice says from behind him. Turning in the direction of the voice, Straight spots a boy about his age wearing a World of Warcraft shirt, camouflage pants, and a sleeveless shirt over his black t-shirt. The kids long brown hair covers his face as he finally reaches Straight and bends over, panting from running up to him.

"I waited for you, aren't you going to introduce your self?" Straight asks him.

"Give me... a second," the boy says in between breathes, "Right, I'm Warhawk."

"Straight Edge, but you can call me Punk." Straight then begins walking again.

"I've never seen you around here before, are you new to town?"

"Yeah, I flew in from Chicago three days ago."

The two finally arrive at the horse statue in front of the school. As they head towards the door however, Straight is is suddenly stopped by a girl with light blue eyes, Dark blue hair which had been done up into a pair of pig tails, and silver skin. She was looking at Straight with a big grin.

"High, I'm Solar Wind. What's your name?" she asks him.

"Uh, I'm Straight Edge. And the guy with the beard is Warhawk." Straight replies.

"Wind, don't go running off like that." a voice says.

A boy then approaches the three, this one being about an inch taller than Straight, he has yellow eyes, Black spikey hair, and gray skin. He was wearing a black hoodie, a black t-shirt with the Japanese kanji for wolf written in green on the chest, a pair of dark green pans with a chain coming from the pocket, and a pair of strap boots.

"We were both heading to the same place, Zero." Wind says to him.

"I know, but you still shouldn't run off like that." he replies.

"Can you please move?" Straight asks. the two siblings look to him at hearing this.

"I am trying to have a conversation with my sister pal." Zero tells him.

"Yeah, well she looks like she can take care of herself with out some crazy overprotective brother watching over her."

"What did you call me?"

"You heard me, now can I please go inside?" Zero then grins.

"But of course, And let me be the first to say welcome to Canterlot High." he then slaps Straight across the cheek.

Wind gasps at seeing this, but Straight chuckles before returning the favor by slapping Zero. A few seconds pass before the two speak, zero turns his head to Straight and smiles.

"You know something," he says, "I kinda like you."

"Wait, what?" Wind asks.

"Same here." Straight replies.

After the little fiasco is finished, Straight and the others head inside. Upon entering the building, they are met by two kids; One if them being a boy with white hair, blue eyes, Black pants,and a white hoodie; the other is a girl with Red and Yellow hair, she is wearing a ligt blue shirt with a skirt and a dark green army jacket. They both turn to Straight and the others and introduce themselves.

"Hi, are you the new transfer students?" the girl asks.

"Uh yeah, I'm Straight Edge."

"I'm Zero Gravity."

"And I'm Warhawk."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all; My name is sunset shimmer and this is Soul Writer."

"Welcome to Canterlot High." Soul says.

The group continues to converse amongst themselves until the bell rings for school to start. At this point, the teens all leave each other and head to their first period classes, Straight's being Physics. As the day progresses, Straight is on his way to the cafeteria for lunch. Upon arriving, he is surprised at the amount of students eating. When he first arrived in Canterlot, he believed the school to have a much smaller student body, but he's been wrong before. Straight grabs his plate and food and sits at an empty table. He at first thinks he'll have the table all to himself, Until...

"Mind if I sit here?" a voice asks.

Straight turns to find a boy who appeared to be the same height as him with gray skin, black hair, and Blue eyes wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt with a basketball on the chest, the basketball having a music note on it.

"Sure, I don't mind." Straight replies.

"Thanks, my name's Clyde by the way, what's yours?" Clyde asks while taking his seat.

"Straight Edge, I transferred in from Chicago." Straight says while taking a bite of his food.

"Oh that's cool, you got any plans for doing stuff here at the school. You know, joining a sports team, club, or anything like that?"

Hearing sports teams triggers a memory to play in Straight Edge's head. It's back at his old school in Chicago; he's in the gym while the basketball team is practicing. One of them said something and Straight ends up spitting in the star players face. shaking his head, straight answers.

"I have a couple issues with jocks so I don't think I'll be joining anything right now." he says.

' Oh, well if your ever interested, Coach Iron Will is looking for students to join the Track team." Clyde explains.

"I'll keep it in mind."

Clyde and Straight Edge continue to talk until a voice calls form the far side of the cafeteria. it belongs to a girl wth plae white skin, Blue eyes, and purple hair.

"Clyde, could you come here for a second, please?!" she asks.

"Sure ting! be right there." Clyde says.

"Who's that?" Straight asks.

"That's my girlfriend Rarity; now if you'll excuse me." Clyde gets up and walks to her table. Straight laughs as a faint memory plays in his head.

"Some things never change." he laughs.

As the day comes to a close, Straight Edge leaves the school and heads ]home. Upon getting inside, he finds Jess in the kitchen with her head on the counter top, she's wearing a dark burgundy Sweater vest and skirt. She groans before looking up at Straight.

"Is everything alright?" he asks at seeing her.

"You would be like this to if you went to crystal prep." Jess replies in an exhausted tone.

"It can't be that bad."

"I'm team captain for the Shadow Colts Soccer team. I have to make sure the team gets the practice schedule and I also have to get my parents to sign a bunch of papers and turn them in tomorrow or else I cant participate in any extra curricular activities."

"Okay, maybe it is that bad."

"I just want to get some sleep right now, I'll see you this evening when mom and dad get home." she begins to walk to her room.

"Hey Jess, I'm gonna head into town and see about enrolling at the gym they have there."

"Alright, I'll tell mom and dad."

Straight Smiles at hearing this and sets his school stuff in a chair before leaving the house once more, this time heading into town.

Author's Note:

And Two is done. For those of you wondering, the main part of the story will start in the next update (where Applejack and Straight Edge begin starting a relationship). Also, please refrain from posting comments involving former WWE Superstar CM Punk, or the WWE in general.
If you post a comment, please let it be about my story. I like it when people comment about the story and give suggestions on what I need to improve on or when they offer assistance. I am also looking for someone to draw my OC. If you are interested, PM me and we'll talk.
Thank you and Enjoy.