• Published 6th Aug 2015
  • 2,253 Views, 169 Comments

A Punk's Love: The Story of Straight Edge - AC Punk

A new kid has arrived at canterlot high, and he has the hots for a certain country girl.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The Heist of the Century

The following week, Straight Edge has gotten a custom to his new life in Canterlot; the people are friendly, the atmosphere is welcoming, and the local martial arts dojo has quite the assortment of training equipment. He is currently walking through the hallways of CHS towards his locker.

"Straight!" Pinkie pie exclaims, grabbing he back of his jacket.

"Gah!" he exclaims in surprise, "Pinkie don't do that."

"Sorry, but Zero needed to see all of us, pronto."

"Why?, if I may ask?"

"THERES NO TIME!!!" Straight is then picked up by the pink skinned teen and carried above her head in the direction of the meeting.

"This is new." Straight thinks to himself.

Upon arriving at the meting room, Pinkie throws, literally throws, Straight inside and shuts the door. After regaining his senses, Straight looks around and finds everyone to be waiting in the surprisingly roomy closet.

"Hey Straight." Says Soul.

"Why am I here?" Straight asks out loud.

"Because you have been chosen to partake in a task no on has ever attempted before." A voice says from the shadows.

Turning around, Sraight sees Zero sitting down, a flashlight hed up to his face, grinning. Sighing at this, Straight gets back to his feet and looks at Zero like everyone else.

"Hello, welcome to my corner." Zero begins.

"Just cut to the chaser Zero, why are we here?" asks Soul.

"Ugh, Fine . We'll do it the old fashioned way." Zero then hits the light switch. "I gathered you all here to assist me in completing a task that just might help us get one up on those Crystal Prep snobs."

Hearing the name of the school causes a little red flag to go up in Straight Edges mind, but he stays quiet and listens.

"I'm sure you all are aware that we haven't beaten them in the annual Friendship games for the past several years."

"What's this have to do with us cuttin' class?" Applejack asks.

"Look, here's my idea... We're going to steal the crystal heart."

"WOAH, HOLD UP!" Straight Edge exclaims, "I already got busted for larceny back in Chicago, I am NOT going back to juvenile."

"You went to juvy?" Swift asks.

"Getting off topic!" Zero exclaims, "Now, first were gonna need supplies fro Thieves r us, then we'll all meet up at My place to draw up a plan."

Straight finally gets to leave after ten minutes and is approached by Applejack.

"Hey Straight." She says. "Mind if I walk with ya to class?"

"Not at all." he replies.

As the two arrive at Study hall, they sit down at the same table. After a while, the two begin to converse.

"So, mind if I ask a few questions?" AJ asks.

"Shoot." Replies Straight.

"Where exactly did you live while you were in Chicago?" Straight Sighs at first, but answers anyway.

"I grew up in public housing, a place called the Bricks. Had a life changing moment when I turned ten then got put into a orphanage. Adopted a year later."

"Wow, must've been hard for you growin up."

"Nah, just have to know who's who and where to go and you'll be okay."

"How come your folks aren't living with you here in Canterlot?"

"Mom and Dad had to stay in Chicago for a little while, so I came on ahead to get my schoolwork settled while they find a decent house."

"Who's you're folks; you're adopted ones I mean?" Upon hearing the question, Straight scratches the back of his head and answers in a uneasy tone.

"I really don't wan to talk about them right now." He replies, "It's better if you meet them in person."

"Oh; do you know when they will be moving to Canterlot?" Applejack asks.

"Not a clue." Straight replies.

As school finally comes to an end, Straight Edge is walking home when a dark green jeep pulls up beside him. Shooting it a confused glance, He has no time to react as he is pulled into the backseat. As Straight opens his eyes, he finds his arm pinned behind his back and his leg between the legs of an unknown person. As he begins contemplating a way to escape his kidnappers, his mind is thrown into a tailspin as the jeep hits a pothole, causing a certain girl to get thrown on top of him.

"Watch where you're drivin' Warhawk!" a country voice exclaims.

"Wait, Appleajck!?" Straight questions, "You got kidnapped to?"

"I wasn't kidnapped." she says turning to face him, "But I wish we could have found a bigger car."

Straight finally realizes that everyone of his friends are in the car, most of them playing a game of twister in the back seat of two door 4X4. The vehicle finally stops in front of Crystal prep and the group of teens falls out of the back, Straight himself gasping for breath.

"Claustrophobic much?" Asks Soul.

"Cut me some slack, for all I know, you guys were some group of kidnappers." Straight replies.

"Alright everyone, lets get down to business." Zero says. "Our mission is to steal the Crystal Heart right out form under the noses of these prep school snobs."

Straight shows signs of slight irritation at the insult, but he keeps them hidden from everyone. After explaining the plan, the entire group begins the heist. As they sneak inside and past most of the security, they finally arrive at the school's center and there target, the Most prized possession of Crystal Prep, the Crystal Heart. As Zero approaches the object, he begins to lower his guard in disbelief that his plan actually worked. Until...

"Straight?" a voice asks. Straight Edge turns in the direction of the voice and goes wide eyed, his mind filled with fear.

"H-Hey Jess." he replies weakly. She then looks at zero and look of dis approval appears on her face.

"I thought Two months in Juvenile Detention taught you not to play pranks on the rival school." she says before Zero and the others bolt for an exit, the crystal heart still in it's case.

As they arrive back at the car, straight climbs into the back area behind the seats and keeps quiet as the group all begins trying to figure out why the heist went south. Straight manages to avoid confrontation, until Rainbow Dash opens her mouth.

"And lets not forget about You!" she exclaims, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling into view for everyone to see. "Care to tell us why a Student at Crystal Prep Knows you?"

"Her Name is Jess, she's my best friend and I'm staying with her until my parents find a house to stay at." Straight replies, trying his best to avoid eye contact.

"Yeah right, for all we know you could be a crystal prep snob like the rest of them." Rainbow says.

"Dash, there aint no need to be like that." Applejack says.

"Oh, so now you're on his side?"

"I ain't on no one's side, but you should at least calm down and think about this."

"And why should I?" she asks in a very agitated tone, "It's obviopuslly clear that Backstabbing Spy cost us the ultimate prank."

"Dash, I think I'm gonna side with AJ on this one." Rivet says. "You should calm down."

"I am not gonna calm down, Straight is the whole reason we got into this mess, He obviously called that snob of a rich girl before we picked him up and told her that- GAH!!!!"

All eyes turn to the back of the car, except for Warhawk, to find Straight edge holding Rainbow's arm in a very painful position, anger in his eyes.

"I don't care what you think of me," he begins in a serious tone, "But I am not gonna let you insult the person that has been more of a sister than a friend." Straight releases the hold and opens the back door of the jeep.

As the car heads down hill, Straight jumps out of the vehicle, landing with a thud and rolling to a stop after three seconds. Getting up off the ground, h grabs his arm in pain as blood trickles down it's length and begins dripping from his middle finger. Spitting in the direction the jeep went, he turns in the opposite direction and begins walking home.

Later that day, Jess is in the kitchen preforming first aid to Straight Edge's bleeding arm. as she begins cleaning the wound with peroxide, a very awkward interrogation begins.

"Mind telling me why you were at crystal prep?" she asks.

"My so called 'friends' wanted to steal the crystal heart as a joke. You know me Jess, I promised to never do something that stupid after I went to juvey." he explains.

"Yeah," she replies while placing ointment on the cut, "Still cant believe we won the Football game on a hail mary."

"Same here." Staight Edges phone then rings. "Bets its my 'friends' calling to say they have another heist planned." As Straight answers the phone, his attitude changes dramatically and a lone tear falls from his eye as he mutters a single word.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait, I have been dealing with some stuff IRL and haven't found time to Write. Now that I'm back, I plan to get to Straight Edges Parents arriving by the end of September.

Sorry For the Wait and I hope you guys aren't mad at me.