• Published 6th Aug 2015
  • 2,253 Views, 169 Comments

A Punk's Love: The Story of Straight Edge - AC Punk

A new kid has arrived at canterlot high, and he has the hots for a certain country girl.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Meeting the Parents and the Opportunity of a Lifetime

Straight Edge is currently at his new house, a two story home that could be considered a small mansion when one steps inside, with his friends and their parents. Straight's Parents thought it would be a good idea to have an open house to meet the other parents in the neighborhood. While the adults occupy the upstairs area, Straight and the others are downstairs in the basement. As they all look at the wall of pictures, Zero and Warhawk are shocked to see the pictures of a Eight year old Straight on the shoulders of his father's best friend.

"You got to meet Colt Cabana?" Warhawk asks in shock. Straight looks over at them, he and Rivet are preoccupied with watching Applejack and Rainbow Dash having a match on WWE2K16.

"Uncle Colt?" he begins, "Yeah, I met him about a month after Dad adopted me."

"YEAH, GET SOME OF THAT!!!" Exclaims Rainbow who just hit a finisher with her created character.

"Uh Dash," Rivet begins, "You have to pin your opponent to win."

"What?" she asks. It is at this moment Applejack locks in a submission hold and wins the match.

"YEE HAW, looks like I won." she says with a grin.

Rainbow can only stare at the screen as Applejacks character begins celebrating. Seeing this, Straight takes his leave and heads into one of the other rooms. As he enters one, he finds Rarity staring at a wall covered in awards, and championships.

"Hey Rarity." he says, "Where's Clyde?"

"YES, CAVS WIN!!!" Clyde exclaims from beyond the wall.

"Never mind, what are you looking at?"

"What is all of this?" she asks gesturing to the wall.

"This is my dad's stuff from when he wrestled, mostly stuff from his days in Ring of Honor and a couple of things he managed to get from WWE as collateral when he tried to take them to court."

"Not the plaques, that!" she points to a framed piece of clothing. straight look closely at it.

"Oh, those are the pair of trunks my dad wore the night he won the WWE championship at Money in the Bank." Rarity turns to him with a shocked look on her face.

"Your Father wore nothing but a pair of undergarments in front of who knows how many people!?!"

"Your allowed to wear whatever you want to when you wrestle; My dad wore his trunks, a pair of kick pads, ad some knee pads."

"I still don't see why one would something so revealing in front of thousands of people."

"Says the girl who designed her own swim suit." Straight then begins to leave the room as Rarity turns to him in shock.

"How did you know about that?" she asks.

"Clyde showed me a couple of pictures from the summer. Nice sun burn by the way." Straight then closes the door, leaving a red faced Rarity to contemplate hos she will punish her boyfriend.

The Next Morning...

Straight wakes up the next morning and does his normal routine before heading downstairs, leaving his hair long to prepare for the cold days to come. As he enters the kitchen, he sees his dad looking at a newspaper, a diet soda on a coaster, and his mom placing bacon into the microwave.

"Morning guys." he says with a smile.

"Morning David." replies AJ.

"Hey son," Punk replies, "Before you get to school, a letter came in the mail for you." Punk hands him said letter as Straight walks out the door, a V8 can in hand.

As he arrives at school, Straight finds his friends waiting for him. As he exits his car, he looks at the letter his dad gave him. what confuses him is the return address.

"Why would I be getting a letter from Tokyo?" he wonders. The thought is put to rest as he meets up with his friends.

"Morning Straight, or is it David?" greets Sunset.

"To you guys, my name is Straight edge; to my folks, I'm David Brooks." Straight replies.

"Yeah, when were you going to tell us your folks were celebrities?" asks Rainbow.

"I was, but fate kept me from telling you guys before they arrived." Rainbow then notices the letter.

"What's that?" she asks reaching for it. Straight moves the letter away from her upon seeing this.

"I was just about to open it until I saw you guys." Straight then breaks the seal ad opens the envelope.

"Dear, Mr. Brooks..." Straight goes silent as he reads over the letter, his eyes becoming as wide as dinner plates when he finishes.

"What's it say?" asks Soul.

"I cant participate in the Friendship Games." Straight replies.

"WHAT!?!" they all exclaim in shock.

"What do you mean you can't participate?" asks Applejack. Straight then his letter.

"Dear Mr. Brooks, we would like to cordially invite you to partake in a once in a lifetime event as we allow a specific set of individuals to undergo a three week training seminar at the New Japan Pro Wrestling dojo here in Tokyo. Also, a chosen few might just impress us enough to receive a Contract to further their career as a fighter. We wish you the best of luck and hope to here from you soon. All expenses will be paid for you, your adult handler, and two guests. The event begins next Sunday, we hope to here from you soon. Signed,‎ Naoki Sugabayashi (Chairman of NJPW)." Straight's friends can only look at him as he finishes reading.

"You're going to Japan?" asks Clyde.

"Maybe, My folks would probably send Uncle Colt as the Adult supervisor, but it says I'm allowed to bring two friends." Everyone's eyes light up at hearing this.

"So, who are you going to take?" asks Warhawk.

"None of the girls since they have to participate in the friendship games." the girls all groan at hearing this, specifically Rarity.

"And here I was thinking I would get to sample some foreign fashion designs." she says.

"If they can't go, then that leaves us." Swift says.

Before Straight could say anything, the bell for first period rings and he makes a b-line for the class room. As the class begins, Straight asks to go to the principals office. Wen asked why, he says it's personal. As he arrives, he knocks on the door.

"Come in." a calm voice replies. Straight does as told and enters the room to find a pale woman with multi colored hair sitting behind a desk. she is looking over student transcripts.

"Uh, Principal Celestia?" Straight says in a nervous tone. She looks up from a folder.

"Good morning Straight Edge," she says, "is there anything I can do for you?"

'Uh, yeah." he hands her the letter. "I need you to take me off the Wondercolts roster for the Friendship Games." As Celestia looks over the letter, she begins to understand the reason behind Straight's decision.

"You're Going to Japan?" she asks while going to her computer.

"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, How could I turn it down?" he replies. she chuckles at hearing this before turning to him.

"I have no problem with you going," She then grabs a picture on her desk, " I'm more concerned with who you will be taking with you on this trip." Celestia then hands Straight a hall pass and he leaves her room.

As Lunch draws near, Straight is sitting at a table alone, looking over the letter. He is thinking about what the trip is going to be like, getting to see Uncle Colt after so long and spending it with two of his friends. His train of thought is derailed as he feels an arm wrap around his neck and pull him into a hug.

"Straight, my main man. How are you?" asks Zero.

"Zero, you and I get along about as good as Natsu and Gray from Fairy Tail," he explains. "How would I be your main man?"

"Oh, we just mess around is all. Have you decided who is going with you to Tokyo?"

"Why are you so interested, I thought you were grounded?" Zero then laughs at hearing this.

"I don't want to go, I got plenty of Japanese stuff back at my house. Besides," He then pulls out his phone, "I have to take my sister to the orthodontist next week, something about her having a recheck since getting her braces off."

"Well, who do you think I should take?" Straight asks.

"Look man, it's your decision. I could care less who you take, but I would like it if you would bring me back a Blue Exorcist Manga." Straight laughs at hearing this.

"And here I was thinking I'm the only guy that reads it in the entire school." Zero then gets up.

"I'll see you in gym class, good luck with your decision." he says before heading to another table.

Straight goes back to staring at the letter as lunch continues, wondering who he should take and how the others will react.

Author's Note:

Look Out Tokyo, here comes Straight Edge.
So, I decided to not write a chapter on the Friendship games, Instead, the two chapters after the next update will be about Straight Edge and two of his friends being in Japan. I leave it up to the readers and the other authors in the POME Universe to decide who those two friends will be, let the comment war begin.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and the story as a whole. If you did, leave a like and favorite this story, Your support is the only thing that keeps me going.

Until Next time, it's the man, the myth, the legend, AC Punk.