• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 4,611 Views, 329 Comments

Equestria Guardians - Jacoboby1

Twilight Sparkle was your average everyday nerdy student. But a new town presents a new life and problem aside from tests. An Evil is coming through, and Twilight may be the one of the few that can stop it. But can she do it alone? Or among Friends?

  • ...

Chapter 11 "Fall Formal Part 2"

Chapter 12

The Fall Formal Part 2


Bitchy Antagonist Double Feature Part 2

Twilight blinked open her eyes as she saw the devastated Fall Formal. Tables were upturned, punch bowls shattered, students shielding their eyes from the bright light. All were completely frozen including Celestia and Luna…

“Like the spell?” Sunset said, walking smugly forward. “Found it in one of Celestia’s old texts. Turns out your former selves used this spell when they wanted to get out of danger. A sort of.. last resort Witching Hour…”

“Well… It’s certainly impressive. I just wonder why you can’t accept the simple fact that the peasants found you revolting,” Twilight observed, summoning her staff. “You’ve proved, once again, you’re nothing more than a spoiled little brat who’s a real sore loser.”

“All I will prove is that I am far more deserving… as a guardian as a Fall Formal Princess… as everything…” Sunset said, summoning her sword. “You getting Magic was a fluke, and I will prove it right now!” Sunset screamed, and was about to slash at Twilight when-

“FLUKE THIS!” Rainbow yelled, suddenly getting between Twilight and Sunset, blocking Sunset’s attack with her own twin blades.

“Oh, so the little tomboy thinks she can stand up against me?” Sunset mocked.

“You bet! I hate bullies like you!” Rainbow yelled, kicking Sunset in the stomach, knocking her back.

“We gotcher back Twi!” Aj declared, as the other elements came running to stand beside their friend. Aj summoned her gauntlets, slamming her fists together. “Yer the one who split us up weren’tcha!?”

“Your reign of terror on this school ends now Sunset!” Rarity uttered, summoning her whip.

“Nobody is going to suffer under you anymore!” Fluttershy said calling forth her bow.

“Nobody likes a meanie pants!” Pinkie said pulling her cannon out of hammerspace.

“Oh this is just precious! You all think you stand a chance…” Sunset mocked. “You all have been playing guardians for a weeks and you think you can take down somebody who’s been fighting for over a year?”

“You bet! GUARDIAN BEAST! GRYPHON!!” Dash yelled, causing her large gryphon to come forth and charge at Sunset, claws beared.

Sunset grinned, summoning a gout of flame from her sword, blasting the gryphon and sending it crashing into a wall. “Your little chicken doesn’t stand a chance..and neither do any of you…”

“Not one-on-one. But we know something you never bothered to learn,” Twilight said looking to her friends, and then sending a barrage of magic missiles to distract Sunset. “We know how to fight as a team.”

Fluttershy nodded, and started shooting her arrows, pinning Sunset’s boots in place.

Rarity flicked her whip to lash at Sunset’s sword hand, hoping to make her drop the weapon. Sunset growled as the sword was indeed knocked from her grasp. Rainbow’s Gryphon had come to it’s senses, and prepared to lunge at Sunset again. Sunset held up her hand, “GUARDIAN BEAST! SALAMANDER!!”

The large lizard came out of a magic circle and tackled the flying creature. Gryphon and Salamander fought as Sunset regained her weapon, barely managing to dodge one of Fluttershy’s arrows. She, in her fury, summoned a gout of flame sending it towards Rarity.

“RARITY LOOK OUT!!” Spike yelled suddenly, coming over and pushing his love and guardian aside, taking the brunt of the blast. Spike was ready to feel the pain, only to look down at his tux, and sees a burnt hole, but his skin was intact. “Huh…”

“What!?” Sunset yelled. “What is this brat doing here?! Why is he moving?!”

“Do allow me to show you, darling,” Rarity said glaring at Sunset with the fury of a protective mate. “GUARDIAN BEAST DRAGON!”

Spike stood over his magic circle, and Sunset came face to face with a large and angry purple dragon. “What...a dragon...how is that…?”

“Spike...do show her out…” Rarity huffed.

Spike roared at Sunset, with a force so loud that it caused Sunset’s stance to falter. Sunset launched a stream of flame at the dragon. Spike countered with a gout of his own...one that was far more powerful than Sunset’s and sent Sunset flying out of one of the doors towards the soccer field outside.

“You think...an overgrown lizard...can beat me…” Sunset said, standing as the girls all ran outside, Spike however, couldn’t fit his large body through the doors.

“Do take a rest darling, we’ll handle things from here,” Rarity said, waving her hand and causing the dragon to slowly be consumed by green fire that would return Spike to his human form.

“You think you can beat me...you all are pathetic…” Sunset mocked.

“Sunset, stop all of this!” Twilight implored. “You can’t win against all six of us!”

“Yeah, ya varmint! Ya tried ta be a sneaky pete, an’ split us up, but we’re back, an’ we can kick yer sorry butt from here ta Crystal City!” Applejack yelled, then pounded her fist on the ground. “Guardian Beast Fenris!”

Aj’s large orange wolf came out of a portal, howling and growling at Sunset. Rainbow’s Gryphon knocked Salamander aside, and flew to stand by her master Rainbow. Rainbow brandished her blades, “I can’t believe you were the one who made me let my friends hang! NOT COOL SHIMMER!”

“You were the one who mocked my generosity, and made me resent everyone, because of your lies. You, madam, are last year’s fashion!” Rarity declared stepping up, readying her whip.

“Sorry Sunset, but you’re not invited anymore!” Pinkie declared, “Guardian beast! Rockodile!” Her large stone alligator came out of a magic circle behind her, brandishing its rows and rows of teeth.

“It’s over now. I wish I didn't have to do this,” Fluttershy said, glaring at Sunset, “but if it means keeping my friends happy and safe then I’ll take you down! Guardian Beasts! Holy Swans!” She shot her arrows into the air, causing the beautiful swans to come out of magic circles in the sky.

“Oh Twilight, you think you and your five friends have a chance against me?!” Sunset yelled, preparing a fire spell again…


The shot sent Sunset’s sword flying out of her hand again. There stood Private, holding his rune covered revolver.

“Count again. There’s Seven guardians for you to deal with,” He said, brandishing the gun like some kind of action hero.

“But...you can’t be...the Elements…” Sunset said, then shook her head. “Nevermind! Salamander! Slaughter those wannabe Guardian beasts!”

Salamander groaned, getting up and hissing weakly, all along it’s body there were claw marks from its tussle with Rainbow’s gryphon. It’s fire was also significantly smaller. It looked at Sunset pitifully.

Sunset growled. “I SAID GET THEM!” She ordered.

“Now we see your true colors. Your cruelty and apathy toward any creature that isn’t you. You order your gravely wounded Guardian Beast to fight, when you should send him away, so he can rest and recover. Now you know why Magic would have never chosen you. Magic is a gift, meant for somebody who would protect the helpless, and defend the weak. It’s not just some relic that would grant power to whoever wields it!” Twilight stated, standing strong with her friends.

“No...no I can’t...I will not accept this…” Sunset said, gripping her fists tightly. “I will not let this happen...you stole my glory...my world...everything...it’s all your fault, Sparkle….” She slowly raised her head, and opened her eyes...revealing her normal light blue eyes were replaced by green ones with purple irises...and they seemed to glow with an otherworldly aura…”I will destroy you now...and forever…”

“Whoa, may want to see an eye doctor Sunset…” Pinkie said.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Twilight uttered. She was feeling a sense of deja vous, like she had seen eyes like those before, somewhere. She couldn’t remember where, exactly, but something inside her was screaming that they were Bad News.

“If you want to achieve victory...toss aside all that is useless…” Sunset said, and held up a hand to Salamander, suddenly a stream of green and purple magic flowed into Salamander, causing the Guardian Beast to screech in absolute pain.

“Hey! What are you doing to it!?” Rainbow yelled.

“Tossing it aside...for something that will destroy you all….”

It was a horrific thing to watch, Salamander kept screeching, almost pleading with Sunset to stop. But Sunset was too far gone to listen. Salamander’s body twisted, writhed, and bent, until its fire turned bright green. It fell to the ground, and almost like something out of a horror movie...something was starting to push out of Salamander’s body....

Nothing short of a fiery demon sliced its way out of Salamander’s back with flaming claws. It cackled madly, its hair aflame and its eyes green like Sunset’s. It grinned with sharp teeth and then let out a horrific sounding screech as it stood on two legs, stepping out of the Guardian Beast as if it were a sleeping bag…

Sunset grinned madly. ”Now here is a beast of true power...Infernal…”

“Oh my...goodness…” Fluttershy said, looking up at it.

“That...that just ain’t right…” Aj said, her eyes still on the corpse of Salamander.

“I...why does it…” Private said, tilting his head at the beast, feeling his own strange sense of deja vu.

Rarity was already screaming at this point.

“Rarity! Cut the dramatics! We need you!” Twilight ordered.

“B-but darling…” Rarity stuttered, still staring at the monstrosity.

“Yeeeeah, she never had the stomach for horror flicks,” Pinkie observed with a nod.

“Kinda yer fault that ya showed The Thing that one movie night,” Applejack muttered with a roll of her eyes.

“Whatever it is our Guardian Beasts can take it down!” Rainbow said, pointing to her gryphon. “Slice it up like you did Salamander!”

The Gryphon screeched and followed her master’s orders, zooming towards the Infernal. The Infernal stood there..then madly grinned as it dodged the beast’s talons...and stabbed the gryphon right in the stomach.

“NO!” Rainbow yelled, watching her guardian beast get tossed aside like a rag doll.

“You can’t hurt Dashie’s beast like that!” Pinkie yelled. “Fluttershy come on let’s take it!”

Pinkie’s Rockodile and Fluttershy’s swans tried to put up a fight against the infernal, their sheer numbers keeping it at bay for a while.

“Oh if only Spikey could join…” Rarity said, looking back at her beloved as he was still laying inside the gym.

“Ah’ll help out, get em boy!” Aj yelled to her Guardian Beast.

Fenris joined the party, managing to bite one of the Infernal’s arms with his massive teeth.

“I should call mine,” Twilight said. “You, too, Private. They’ll need all the help they can get against that thing.”

“Right!” Private said, readying his gun.

“GUARDIAN BEAST UNICORN!!” Twilight and Private shouted in unison summoning their unicorns to join the fray. Private’s charged right at the Infernal, knocking it back with a swift headbutt, skewering it’s shoulder with his horn. Twilight’s unicorn launched a barrage of magical attacks at the demonic creature. Overall, the beasts were holding their own against the Infernal, but as it suffered more and more damage, its attacks became more unpredictable. It’s claws managing to slice up Fluttershy’s swans.

“NO!” Fluttershy cried, running towards her fallen beasts.

“Flutters wait!” Aj yelled, chasing after her.

The Rockodile tried to hold on to the Infernal’s arm, only to be thrown aside into some bleachers.

“Rocky!” Pinkie yelled, running for her beast.

“Pinkie don’t! It’s too dangerous!” Rarity yelled.

“I’ll get Sunset!” Rainbow yelled, brandishing her blades, summoning her wings and was preparing to slice Sunset to ribbons...before Sunset smirked and disappeared.

Private looked and saw a small flame forming under Twilight. “TWI LOOK OUT!” Private yelled, pushing her aside, just as a flame shot out of the ground. Suddenly a circle of flame surrounded the pair. Sunset appeared inside with them.

“I figured your lackeys would be stupid enough to throw themselves at my beast…” Sunset said mockingly.

“The concept of having friends just seems to escape you. Maybe it’s because you’ve been such a bitch, you’ve never had a single one,” Twilight said standing up, getting ready to defend herself.

“Who needs friends when all the power in the world is at my fingertips?!” Sunset said, conjuring up a huge fireball in her hand. She was preparing to launch it at Twilight, only at the last second...she threw it at an unsuspecting Private.

Private yelled in pain as he took the blow to the shoulder, knocking him onto the ground.

“Private!” Twilight cried, then ran to stand before him, staff at the ready. She kneeled down beside him, trying to remember the healing magic Celestia taught her. Only for her thoughts to be interrupted by Sunset’s screaming, Sunset had resummoned her sword, and was preparing to strike her down with it. Twilight barely summoned a barrier to block the sword in time.

Sunset screamed madly, swinging the sword against the barrier, each time causing Twilight to falter a little. “You stole everything from me! I’ll kill you now! Nobody will remember you! Everything will be as it should be! MINE! MINE! MINE!!” With every hit, the next swing was more intense. It took all of Twilight’s concentration to keep the barrier up in the face of Sunset’s onslaught.

“You…” Twilight panted, as she concentrated on the barrier. “Sound… like… a… two… year… old…”

“WHY! DON’T YOU! JUST! FALLL!!!!” She screamed and with one mighty swing, shattered Twilight’s barrier. Twilight, fully depleted of her power, fell to the ground...and her tiara fell to the ground just out of her reach…

“Twi…” Private said weakly.

Sunset slowly walked to the crown, and picked it off of the ground, Twilight’s gem proudly displayed on it…”At last..after all this time...it’s all mine…” She raised the crown over her head.

“Sunset! Don’t do it! It’ll overwhelm you!” Twilight pleaded, trying hard to get up to prevent Sunset from putting on the crown.

Sunset growled, and kicked Twilight away. “You’re nothing now! The power...is all mine...after all these years of groveling before Celestia...I have it...the power….” She then slowly put the crown on her head, a mad grin on her face as she awaited all the power. But her expression quickly changed as something far different happened than she could have ever dreamed.

Sunset was suddenly contorted with excruciating pain, her body arching back as she screamed in agony. Dark angry flames flickered over her body, transforming it, every transformation obviously causing Sunset even more torment. Her skin turned an angry shade of red, as her eyes seemed to have flames dancing from them, their irises turning the light blue of a gas flame. Bat-like wings sprouted from Sunset’s back, as her hands turned into claws, and her teeth became sharp fangs. From her rear, she grew a red and yellow flame-like tail, and her hair no longer hung down her back but stood above her head looking like a torch. Her dress also took on a flame motif, with alternating red and yellow stripes, a strange black corset around her stomach area, and a yellow bustier that preserved Sunset’s meger modesty.

“Oh my...goodness…” Fluttershy said, looking up at Sunset.

“What...what happened to her…?” Aj asked, shocked.

“She’s gone all EVIL Knievel!” Pinkie yelled.

“Sunset put on my tiara,” Twilight explained, getting up, slowly. “She thought it was just a relic that gave power. I don’t expect she thought she’d end up looking like something out of The Book of Vile Darkness, though. This… is bad. Really bad.”

“Never mind her outfit looks positively tacky…” Rarity said to herself.

Sunset cackled. “Yes! Now I don’t need that pathetic beast!” she said gleefully. She flew to the Infernal, stabbing her claws into its chest, her body glowing as she absorbed the power in the demonic creature causing it to screech, again, in agony. Slowly it started to fade away as Sunset hungrily took its power into herself.

“... Oh… the fecal matter has impacted the rotating blades,” Twilight uttered, slowly retreating. “I think we’re in trouble…”

“TWI!” Rainbow said, zooming over to the fire circle. “Grab Private, I’ll give you guys a lift!”

“We’ll distract tall dark and crazy over ‘ere!” Aj yelled, smacking her fists together and charging at Sunset. “C’mere ya crazy bitch!”

Twilight carefully put her arms around Private trying to spare his injured shoulder as much as she could. “Are you sure you can carry the both of us, Rainbow?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“Uh, Athlete?” Rainbow pointed out, grabbing Twilight’s hand and carrying them as best she could over the firewall and onto the grass outside of it safely. “Okay...maybe you two were a little heavy…” Rainbow said, huffing a little as she landed.

“I was about to say you’re a soccer player, not a powerlifter,” Twilight observed, as she carefully lowered Private to the ground. “Private, are you okay?”

Private put a hand on where Sunset hit him on the shoulder. “I think so...I can’t believe I let her get me…” He said, grunting a little in pain.

“Obviously she’s not above using cheap tactics,” Twilight said smiling at Private briefly. “But… I think we’re in trouble… I’m not sure how we can beat her…”

Aj meanwhile was knocked back by a fireball. Sunset was relentless in her assault, slowly pushing all of the girls into one large bunch around Private.

“It’s over now, Sparkle! I have all the power in the world! Your little Magic is nothing compared to what I wield!” Sunset yelled, laughing maniacally.

Rainbow sighed, and said: “Guys...if we don’t get out of this...I’m...sorry I was such a jerk…”

“Rainbow, it was her…” Fluttershy began.

“I know I know, but...I still fell for it.” Rainbow said, looking at her friends. “I still said those mean things to all of you...let my stupid pride get in the way of what counted…”

“I think we all did, darling, not just you,” Rarity said putting a hand on Rainbow’s shoulder.

“An’ Ah let mah stubbornness get in tha way of keepin’ tha best friends Ah’ve ever had,” Applejack said shaking her head.

“I wasn’t really listening to what you all wanted…” Pinkie said. “I just kept partying without thinking…”

“All of us… screwed up…” Fluttershy said.

Twilight squeezed Private’s hand a little. “I have..no idea what to do…”

Private looked up at her, and squeezed her hand back. “Twi...you can’t...give up...hope…” He said, weakly...as his eyes slowly closed.

“Private…” Twilight said, tears in her eyes. “Please...don’t…”

Sunset grinned. “TIME TO DIE!!” She shouted, summoning a huge fireball above her head.

“I...don’t want to lose all of my friends…” Twilight said.


Private stood under a bright silver sky...he didn’t know what caused him to come there, or why he began saying what he did...but he stood firm, looked up to the sky and shouted.



Sunset launched the fireball directly at the group, but suddenly it was stopped in mid air, and dissipated. The girls all looked down at Private, out of his chest came six cords of pure white light. They could almost hear a chanting sound in the distance. The cords all flew and touched each girl’s heart. They began glowing and… a miracle happened. One by one, a bright light spiraled around each girl, effecting an amazing transformation. One by one, they each grew pony ears, and their hair became much longer and styled into a ponytail. Rainbow Fluttershy and, most surprisingly of all, Twilight sprouted wings in blue, yellow, and lavender respectively.

Suddenly the girls began to float up to confront Sunset they all connected by an aura of light.

“You may have the Element of Magic,” Twilight said, her voice taking on an otherworldly tone, “but you can’t control it. It is but one part of something greater and more powerful that unless you change your ways, you’ll never understand.”

“NO! I AM ALL POWERFUL!!” Sunset yelled, launching a powerful attack at Twilight.

Only for her attack to get blocked by a simple barrier conjured by the girls.

“You aren’t going to win this round Shimmer!” Rainbow yelled.

“Ya can’t break us!” Aj added.

“Your lust for power and hurting others ends here and now!” Rarity yelled.

“Nobody splits up friends like us and gets away with it!” Pinkie yelled.

“We will not bow to you anymore!” Fluttershy yelled with vigor.

They all joined hands, and from each of them their Elemental color flew into the air forming a rainbow, and began to spiral around Sunset Shimmer. It spun round and round, engulfing the demonic form. Sunset screamed as the light completely engulfed her, launching a rainbow colored beam of light into the sky.


Twilight opened her eyes when it was all over, she stood among her friends, still transformed from the battle. She couldn’t see Shimmer. All that was left was a large crater. Rainbow spoke up after looking at herself. “Cool! Wings and ears this time!” She said.

“Ears?” Fluttershy said, and gushed after looking at them. “Aww, they look so cute Rainbow..”

“Cute?!” Rainbow yelled. “I’m not cute! I’m badass!”

“So cute when she’s in denial,” Pinkie said, giggling.

“Oh! Goodness, these pony ears are adorable! Maybe some clip-ons… Hm… I should see how sensitive they are first, before trying those… And this longer hair… Well it’s still manageable, and it looks marvelous!” Rarity gushed, spinning around gleefully.

“Shoot… Jus’ what Ah needed. Ta look more like a workhorse than Ah already do,” Applejack said with a roll of her eyes.

“Applejack Apple, you look like no such thing!” Rarity griped, glaring at her friend.

“Aw, Ah’m jus’ joshin’ ya, Rares,” AJ said chuckling.

Twilight ran over to Private, tears starting in her eyes as she knelt by his motionless form.

“Private? Private, please, be alive…” Twilight begged. “Please, I can’t lose you, now…”

Private groaned, slowly opening his eyes and looking up at the girls surrounding him. He blinked at the sight of the ears. “Okay..did Sunset kill me and send me to cosplay heaven? Cuz those ears are just adorable…” He said with a smile.

“Gee, I didn’t know you had a thing for pony ears,” Twilight giggled.

Rarity giggled, covering her mouth. “Does explain his infatuation during the musical number.”

“Hey! Aren’t we forgetting about Evil Knievel?” Pinkie said suddenly. Everybody turned back to the crater. Slowly but surely, Sunset came crawling out...back to normal this time. Her clothing was all torn up, her hair a mess, and tears were in the young girl’s eyes.

“I...don’t understand…” Sunset said weakly. “I...had the power but...it was...horrifying…”

Nobody spoke a word as Twilight walked quietly over to her.

“It was...painful...I couldn’t...stop myself…” Sunset said, looking up at Twilight pitifully.

“You tried to force it,” Twilight said quietly. “You weren’t meant to wield Magic. Magic, and the rest of the Elements, are a gift to those who would use their powers for good. Also, there’s the whole reincarnation angle. I wielded Magic, and my friends wielded the other elements, in Equestria but it was to the same purpose. We used them to protect others. You just wanted it for your own selfish ends, to be the most powerful, because you thought you were so much better than everybody else. You only saw a relic, a way to gain power over others. You wanted the power, but not the responsibility.”

Sunset bowed her head, and summoned her blade again, holding it before Twilight. “In that case...you beat me… proved me wrong… and now you’ve earned your victory… I only ask that you make it quick…”

Twilight took the blade. She stood there, hefting it a moment, before she stabbed it into the ground. “That may be how you roll, Sunset Shimmer, but that’s not the way we do things.” Twilight then held out her hand to Sunset. “It’s going to be a long road, and you have a lot to make up for, but back when I first met you I saw a spark of goodness in you. You fought to save the people in the museum from the ogre. I would like to rekindle that spark, and help it grow, if you’d let me. You made a mistake. A mistake that nearly cost my friends and myself their lives, but… I will not lower myself to murder.”

Sunset stared up at Twilight, utterly baffled. “You...don’t make any sense Sparkle… All my life I've been better at everything than anyone… All my life I've met people who were only interested in themselves excelling...but you… You don't even want the power you were… freely given… You only took it because you care about these people… just… how… How can you see the world in such a way?" She asked, pleading and tears falling from her eyes.

“It’s because I’m not selfish. When I excel, I want it to go toward making the world a better place. A place where everybody can live together and be happy, their lives made easier by the things I have accomplished. I became Fall Formal Princess by bringing the school together in harmony. I was chosen by Magic because I didn’t want you or the people in the museum to die. Now I offer my hand to you, in friendship, because I don’t want you to continue down this disastrous path you’ve been walking and want to show you a better way,” Twilight said smiling down at Sunset.

Another thing happened that was a first for CHS’ history...Sunset Shimmer broke down crying in front of everyone. Twilight, looking concerned, reached down and helped the sobbing girl to her feet.

“Sunset?” Twilight asked, looking worried. Much to everyone’s surprise, Sunset glomped Twilight, hugging her tightly as she cried on Twilight’s shoulder. Twilight was startled at first, then hugged Sunset back, letting her cry it out.

“I..didn’t expect...mercy…” Sunset managed to sob out.

“I wasn’t just going to murder you, after you were defeated,” Twilight said with an eyeroll. “I mean, come on, that may be how dark and gritty antiheroes roll, but have you ever seen that in the magical girl genre?” Twilight paused then facepalmed. “Oh great… Pinkie’s contagious…”

Sunset...chuckled…”You’re an idiot Sparkle..”

“Oh, quit trying to be a tsundere,” Twilight quipped, grinning.

“That’s Rainbow’s job!” Pinkie added.

“Shut it Pinks!” Rainbow yelled.

“The...hour should be over soon…” Sunset said, and then looked at the devastation of the battle. “I…”


Everybody looked on to see a very mad Luna stomping towards them. “Destruction of school property, running out unchaperoned during the dance, and COSPLAYING?!” Luna yelled...and secretly launched a healing spell, Private’s shoulder began healing itself up as if he was never hurt.

“Vice Principal Luna, you know what really went on here, right?” Twilight asked. “And what’s wrong with cosplaying?”

“Of course I know...but they don’t..” She said, gesturing quietly back at the student body slowly examining all the damage to the school. “So who is responsible for all of this?”

“Uh…” Twilight began.

“GAS LEAK!” Pinkie yelled. “Totally a gas leak and not a freaky monster attack no sir!”

“Then explain the crater…” Luna said, crossing her arms.

“Uh...really bad gas leak?” Pinkie tried.

Sunset walked forward to Luna. “Vice Principal Luna...it was all my fault, a stupid prank that went wrong. I take full responsibility and will accept any punishment you think is necessary.”

Luna blinked, not expecting Sunset to be so apologetic. “Well. This is new…”

“Uhm… We saw it was going wrong, so we tried to help her contain it, before it, you know, blew up the whole school, and seriously hurt somebody,” Twilight added.

“The uh, crater was where we tossed a very large firecracker she was about to set off…” Aj said.

Luna raised an eyebrow.

“A very big firecracker.” Rarity said, smiling.

“Whatever happened,” Luna said, then looked to Sunset. “You will take part in cleaning up the damage you caused during this event. You can also expect detention for the next month at least.”

“It’s the least I deserve, Vice Principal Luna,” Sunset said with a sigh.

“As for the rest of you, I suggest waiting for your...cosplay to wear off.” Luna said. “Then you may return to the festivities.”

“Okay, Vice Principal Luna. Uhm… We’d like to help with the clean-up, too, if that’s alright. We kind of helped it get into this state, even if we had good intentions,” Twilight said with a sheepish grin. “Easier to repair property damage and replace items, than having to deal with hospitalizing students and possibly ten tons of lawsuits.”

“It’s okay, really…” Sunset said. “It’s my mess to clean up.”

“In the immortal words of Rainbow Dash: ‘Friends don’t leave their friends hanging’,” Twilight said with a particularly pompous air.

“I do not sound like that.” Rainbow pointed out.

“I was trying to make the quote sound important,” Twilight quipped.

“Whatever the case, you don’t need to do it all alone…” Fluttershy said, coming up to put a hand on Sunset’s back.

“Yeah! Maybe later we can totally throw a ‘we just saved you from yourself party’.” Pinkie cheered.

“Funny,” Sunset said, rubbing her arm. “I don’t think I ever went to your parties…”

“Well in the immortal words of me,” Pinkie said, smiling and imitating Twilight’s tone. “There’s a first time for everything, even Pinkie Parties.”

“Alright all of you, head back inside and have fun. As for you, Sunset, I’ll take you to the broom closet,” Luna said, gesturing for Sunset to follow.

Twilight’s friends eventually filed back into the Fall Formal as their ears and wings disappeared. Twilight’s was taking the longest so she ended up sitting with Private on the bleachers.

“Some party huh?” Private asked, smiling.

“I’ll say. Winning the crown, epic battles, magical transformations, the power of friendship and even a heel-face-turn,” Twilight said with a grin.

“Still no idea on what caused those ears, wings and L'oreal commercial hair?” Private asked.

“Well these strange cords of light came out of you, and touched all of us,” Twilight explained. “We then heard this strange chanting, and then we transformed. It was right after you told us not to give up hope, and went unconscious.”

“Don’t really remember what happened when I fell unconscious...just this weird place with a silver colored sky.” Private said, shrugging.

“Private… Something similar happened to each of us, when we were being tested by our Elements,” Twilight said staring at him.

“Hmm, but I wasn’t tested...I don’t think...I just thought really hard that I wanted to stop you guys from dying...next thing I know I woke up to my girlfriend having adorable pony ears,” Private replied.

“Well… You’ve been true to yourself, this whole time, I believe,” Twilight observed. “No need to test you on the mistakes of the past, because you didn’t drive your friends away, or act in a way that was contrary to who you are.”

“I guess so, I’m still new to all this magic stuff.” Private said thoughtfully. “Still wanna know what I did though…”

“So… You liked the pony ears, hm?” Twilight asked with a smirk.

“Don’t get the wrong idea.” Private said defensively. “While I will admit to them being cute, I don’t have a weird fetish for them. I mean, the closest ‘thing’ I have is for big nerd glasses…”

“Really? Huh. Too bad I left mine at home,” Twilight observed, as they walked back into the gym, everybody resuming dancing and having a good time.

“What did you leave at home?” Private asked, curiously.

“Oh, just my big nerdy glasses. I only wear them when I’m going to read a lot so I figured I wouldn’t need them at the Fall Formal,” Twilight replied casually.

Private’s eyes went wide at that, staring after Twilight as she grinned and skipped back towards the school. “Wait! Twi! Tell me more about those glasses!” He yelled, chasing after her.

Hints of rumors were starting to go around about Sunset’s supposed involvement. Sunset, herself, just tried to stay out of everybody’s sight too ashamed to even look anybody in the eye.

After the party was over, Sunset ended up sweeping debris from the destruction of her ‘prank’. She quietly worked her mind on a million different things at once. She sighed and pressed onward to clean up the mess she made.

“Hey. Want a hand finishing up?” Twilight asked as she, Private, and her other friends came out of the now finished dance.

“No I got…” Sunset turned, seeing it was Twilight. “Oh...Twilight, no I got it,” She said, using Twilight’s first name for the first time. “Don’t you have a boyto-...I mean, boyfriend to be with?”

“He’s over there trying to impress me by hauling that piece of ceiling to the dumpster,” Twilight said pointing to Private doing just that. “And I don’t think they expect you to finish everything, tonight.”

“Twilight, no, seriously, it’s my fault everything happened. So it’s my responsibility to clean things up. I know, we had a moment and we are… sort of… friends but please just let me do this okay?” Sunset implored.

“Even Aria T’loak couldn’t retake Omega by herself, you know,” Twilight said with a small smirk.

Sunset groaned. “Shut up before I take your helmet off and sneeze on you, Tali…” she snarked.

“You. Are so. A gamer,” Twilight said grinning.

“Laugh it up,” Sunset said, chuckling. “Anyways, Luna wants me to at least handle most of it on my own. I’ll finish it and head home… I’m sure you don’t want me to cut into your after party with Private.”

“Geeze. At most, we’d kiss. If we tried anything more, my brother would probably chase Private to the state line with a baseball bat… Or his police taser,” Twilight groaned. “Never mind we’re not even ready for that sort of thing. Our Guardian Beasts may be, but we sure aren’t… Uh… Long story. You’ll probably laugh.”

“Must you be such a goody two shoes with even that Twilight?” Sunset said, rolling her eyes.

“I have an overprotective big brother with a police-issued taser,” Twilight retorted. “Never mind a little brother who’s easily bribed with any kind of cookie under the sun. I kind of have to be.”


Private ended up driving Twilight home after they helped do enough work before Sunset essentially shooed them off to do work on her own. Private looked over to see Twilight looking out the window. “Twilight, she’ll be fine. She can’t finish it all tonight, we’ll come by early tomorrow and help her,” He said encouragingly.

“I know. I just want to make sure all the good I’m doing, with her, sticks, you know?” Twilight said looking at Private with a smile. “She’s got a long road ahead of her, and I’ve got to pound into that stubborn head that she won’t have to walk it alone.”

“You still did a good thing, trying to help,” Private replied. “I just hope others are going to be as convinced as you are she’s turned over a new leaf…”

“That’s part of her long road. Gaining people’s trust, and showing that she’s different,” Twilight said with a huge sigh. “But everybody deserves a second chance. Even Sunset Shimmer.”

“It’s a lot easier to get people to fear you than love you. But Love tends to stick a lot easier than most would think.” Private said thoughtfully. “I mean, ask Azula.”

“Fear doesn’t inspire loyalty. That was Azula’s lesson. Too bad she was too far gone for the lesson to stick,” Twilight said nodding. “But with Sunset, I knew I had seen some goodness in her. Just have to help her let it take root and grow.”

Private smiled, and kissed Twilight on the cheek suddenly. “I’m sure you’ll help her get there…” He said, grinning.

“I’m sure I’ll eventually have help,” Twilight replied, grinning back. “I think I can count on you, at least.”

“Well, I’m willing to take a potshot at a crazed guardian who eventually turned into a She-demon.” Private said, going back to driving. “I think I can handle just about anything at this point.”

“Really? Because I may say something scary,” Twilight said as she twirled her hair in her fingers. Twilight then took a deep breath and said: “I love you.”

Private suddenly slammed on the brakes in shock. He brought them to park at the side of the road. He blushed and breathed a little quickly. “Twi...I um...well…guess you were right…” He replied.

“Good thing I warned you in an area with no traffic,” Twilight observed. “It’s… It’s true, though. I really do love you.”

Private looked over and found himself lost in Twilight’s eyes. “Um… well… when did you… find that out?” He asked nervously.

“Talking to my sister-in-law, Cadence. Remember her? You probably saw her briefly, when you met my brother. I swear… She had to have been a Princess of Love in Equestria, to know so much about it,” Twilight said, laughing.

“Well… it’s going to sound crazy Twilight,” Private said shyly, “but, I think I loved you from the moment I first saw you…”

Twilight smiled, then a look of surprize and awe came over her face. Then it turned into a look of pure bliss, as she beamed at him. “You… you have? Oh wow…”

“I mean, you’re brilliant Twilight,” Private said, his own beaming face on her. “Gorgeous, smart, nerdy like I am, and not to mention pretty badass with magic…”

“Well… You’re pretty smart, yourself, handsome, as big a nerd as I am but in different areas, and you can be pretty badass yourself,” Twilight blushing at all his compliments. “Is it any wonder why I love you like I do?”

Private smiled, reached over, and pulled her into a lovingly tender kiss. It was a kiss that Twilight returned eagerly, her arms wrapping around his neck. In the back of her mind, Twilight was glad that Spike wasn’t there, just then. I’m sure he would have qualified this kiss as “funny business” according to Shining. Private held Twilight as best he could despite their positions in the car. He was very tempted, but still conducted himself as a gentleman. He too was worried about Shining Armor.

They eventually broke the kiss, gazing at one another. “Twi...I um...it’s getting late and I should get you home…” He said, smiling a little.

“Yeah. Good idea. Don’t want Shining to chase you with his taser,” Twilight said with a chuckle. “Cadence is on your side, though, but sometimes he gets away from her.”

“Let’s just hope it isn’t ‘sometimes’ right now…” Private said to himself as he drove Twilight home.

“Here here,” Twilight said feverently.


Spike blinked his eyes open, and watched as the street lights passed by the car window. He yawned and stretched. “Only wish it didn’t completely knock me out every time I changed… Whaddya think Twi? Think there’s a way to make things easier?” He said.

“Welcome back, Spikey-Wikey. Twilight is riding with Private, by the way. You’re just stuck with me… And honestly, I haven’t the foggiest when it comes to magic, and transformations. Sorry, darling,” Rarity said, glancing over at him, as she drove.

Spike’s eyes grew wide. He blushed brightly as he came to comprehend everything. I’m in a car...alone...with Rarity!?

“Aside from the whole epic battle versis the force of selfishness, how did you enjoy the formal?” Rarity asked, trying to get the poor guy talking, and take his mind off her proximity.

“Huh?” He said, and then snapped out of his stupor. “Well um, it was great. I mean I got to spend time with you and all. The whole epic battle is pretty standard day for us if you think about it.”

“Hm. A bit true, but I would hate to get so blasé about it. We did end up saving Sunset from herself, after all. A pity you missed the pony ears. They were adorable,” Rarity said, as they continued toward Spike’s home. She seemed to be taking the scenic route, though.

“Yeah, I’m sure you’d look great in them…” Spike said, twiddling his thumbs nervously.

“Why so nervous, Spikey-Wikey?” Rarity asked, glancing at him.

“Well, I’m in car with you...I’m still trying to comprehend even that fact…” Spike said, blushing.

“I offered to take you home after the Formal. I figured Twilight and Private would want some alone time without you there to report the goings on to Officer Armor. A skosh overprotective, that one, but he means well,” Rarity observed with a chuckle.

“Yeah, he can be like that…” Spike said, chuckling.

“And there’s the fact that I’ve grown quite fond of you, as well,” Rarity added.

“Well… yeah… You gotta be fond of me as your Guardian Beast and all…” Spike said, blushing.

“It’s… more than just that, darling,” Rarity confessed. She then pulled the car into a nearby lot, parking it, so she could talk to him and not be distracted. Rarity turned to him, and looked him in the eyes. “You’re my Guardian Beast, true, but my fondness of you stems from more than just that.”

“Rarity why did we park…?” Spike asked nervously.

“So I can talk to you without worrying about traffic, and signals, and all that,” Rarity said waving a hand toward the road. “And more than that I want to be sure you can truly understand…”

“Rarity I just, you’re such an amazing girl. You’re beautiful, generous, like a princess. But I’m...not a prince at all. I’m the dragon.” Spike said sadly. “I probably tried to shove you into a treasure horde in my old life.” he said, recalling Twilight talking to him about Equestria.

“You know, even as a dragon you were you. Affectionate, kind, sweet, caring, and a consummate gentleman. As a dragon, though, you could be brave and protective. Not once did you act like you wanted to shove me into some hoard. You are a prince among dragons, My Spikey Wikey,” Rarity said smiling warmly down at him.

“Geez, Rarity,” Spike said, turning very pink. “You’re making me blush and stuff…”

Rarity smiled and bent down, cupping his face in her hands. She then, slowly, brought her lips to his in a sweet, tender kiss, causing Spike’s eyes to go really wide in shock. Spike’s eyes soon became half lidded as he returned the affection Rarity was giving him. He reached up and touched her cheeks, trying to deepen the kiss. He wanted more, craved more of his beloved Rarity...He did falter a bit when his fingers brushed her well kept hair, knowing how much effort she put into it.

Rarity paid it no mind, however, as she tilted her head, parted her lips and deepened the kiss. There was something about Rarity, tonight, she seemed to want him, crave him, need him in a way that he had never been wanted or needed before. All too soon in Spike’s eyes, Rarity pulled back gripping the side of her seat. It was obvious she was trying to get a hold of herself.

“Rarity I...wow…” Was all Spike could say.

“I’ve… got to control myself,” Rarity panted. “Lest I do something that will have your brother chasing me with a bloody taser.”


“You’ve reached Sunset Shimmer! You’d better have an important message otherwise get lost.”

Sunset Shimmer walked quietly along the sidewalk, and waited for the message to play itself out… Sunset? Where the hell are you? Those incompetents at the school called me, claiming that you pulled some manner of… practical joke. You, of course, would never do such a thing, but those fools are saying you did, and you… confessed to doing it! What are those idiots talking about, Sunset! You had better call me back! and tell me what is going on, so I can have those two idiots fired!

Sunset just kept walking, trying to think of every reason not to do this...as another message played…

Sunset Shimmer, if you know what’s good for you, you will answer this phone right now! I have been talking to your principals, and they STILL insist that you were a little fool, and confessed to some manner of prank. You know you aren’t supposed to pull such childish foolishness, Sunset. You know what happens when you are anything less than perfection. You had better get home, right now… You know what happens, when you disappoint me.

Sunset tossed the phone into a trash can and took off into the night, not hearing her mother’s last message…

Sunset Shimmer, if you don’t get home right now, not only will you not be able to change in front others in gym class for a month, I will take each and every one of those foolish games you think you have hidden in your room, and break them while you watch! Do you hear me?! You will pay for losing the Fall Formal crown, AND for thinking you can get away with pulling some kind of prank without getting your ass beat, you little bitch! I made you, and I have every right to break you as I see fit! Do you hear me?!

Sunset ran as far and as fast as she could and found herself in the central park. She quietly summoned her sword. “Guardian Beast..Salamander…”

The magic circle that formed was fractured and broken...before Sunset’s eyes was an almost unrecognizable mutated Salamander the remnants of her guardian Spirit. It’s eyes looked up at her, fearfully, obviously wondering what more she could possibly want of it.

“Salamander… I’m so sorry… forgive me…”

It’s gaze held, it shook its head slowly and reached one of its paws for her. Sunset took it, gently. “After all I’ve done…”

It moaned a little, not wanting its master to feel guilt…

“Salamander… I’m so sorry… I’ll… make it quick…”

Salamander gave a happy little hiss, then closed its eyes as Sunset raised her sword…