• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 4,611 Views, 329 Comments

Equestria Guardians - Jacoboby1

Twilight Sparkle was your average everyday nerdy student. But a new town presents a new life and problem aside from tests. An Evil is coming through, and Twilight may be the one of the few that can stop it. But can she do it alone? Or among Friends?

  • ...

Chapter 28 "Trials in the Dark Part 3"

Chapter 28

“Trials in the Dark Part 3”


“Two Last Secrets”

Sunset stumbled out of the door, new phoenix sword in hand, looking a bit confused, but for the most part all right. The others gathered around, congratulating her.

“You made it!” Twilight said, hugging her sister tightly.

“Yeah. Yeah I did,” Sunset said, hugging Twilight back.

Relief came over the group as Sunset hugged her sister Twilight. From the look on Sunset’s face it was quite a personal ordeal. They let Sunset to go sit down and rest a while.

Celestia looked on proudly at the group. “Well done all of you, I can see that you are all advancing thanks to this. But the trials are not quite over yet.”

Private and Twilight looked at each other, Private sighed, “Look I’ll-”

“No, I’ll do it Private,” Twilight said, firmly, although inside she was more nervous than that one time she came home with a B+ on a math test. It kept her up for months, and made her doubt herself horribly.

“If you’re sure,” Private said, worriedly.

Twilight just nodded and walked to the door, Private could have sworn that he caught a look from Celestia. It made him sweat a little.

Twilight put her hand on on the door, looking at her mentor, her friends, and her boyfriend. They’ve always been beside each other in one form or another for the last few months...but this time, Twilight would face something utterly alone.

She then pushed open the door, like all the others, she fell into a white light…


Smoke was the first thing that Twilight saw and smelled when she first came to. She looked on in horror…

Canter City was nothing more than a burnt out ruin. Buildings were leveled, and burned. Ash filled the air, and the place looked like it had been hit by some manner of firestorm. Bricks, glass, and other debris littered the streets and sidewalks, lamp posts were flattened, or bent, and sidewalks were cracked and broken. It kind of reminded her of the worst section of the Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3, but only she wasn’t safely on the other side of a computer screen, exploring the ruins of Washington D. C.

She walked forward, nearly tripping over some of the debris, climbing over some of the bigger pieces when necessary. She also stepped in something...Her brain repeatedly trying to reassure her it was just a puddle of water…

As she walked on she looked on a rather horrible sight, one that nearly brought her to tears more than seeing her new home be destroyed. Laying in the middle of what used to be a large plaza, was all eight of the guardians, including herself, all laying down on the ground in total defeat. Their bodies covered in bruises and cuts...their weapons broken...and Twilight was nearly in tears when she saw Rainbow...one of her wings wasn’t there anymore…

Twilight fell to her knees, staring at the carnage, and looked around for the villain that could be responsible for it, wondering who could have done such a thing to them all. This couldn’t be happening. This shouldn’t be happening. Their friendship was so strong, so powerful, it should have stood up to the threat, whatever it was.

“Don’t bother looking, he’s probably blowing up the entire eastern seaboard by now…” A cruel voice said. Twilight looked and saw, herself, but with a cruel expression Twilight would never give on her worst day, and green eyes she briefly saw Celestia have when she used dark magic. Dark Twilight just smirked as she sat on a broken piece of debris. “But does it really matter what villain took us down? You didn’t think this was going to last forever didja?”

“What kind of question is that? Our bonds are strong, as is our friendships. Why wouldn’t it last?” Twilight demanded.

“Simple, the magic part of the Magic of Friendship wasn’t good enough,” Dark Twilight said. “All eight of you, dead because you were too weak to save your friends. What arrogance we have, thinking that we can solve everything with just a blast of magic. Clearly...our limits are what cost us everything.”

“And… who are you to think that I think that way? Sure I can use magic, but I don’t think that’s the only way to solve things! My strength is that I have a brain, and know how to use it, and I know not to depend only on magic alone. That’s why I have my friends, that’s why I know I can depend on them to help me, when I falter. That’s why I work to keep the bonds strong. I never thought I could solve it alone!” Twilight retorted, glaring at the dark vision of herself. “I was never so arrogant to think I could do it alone, or just use magic to solve everything.”

Dark Twilight...laughed…”So like us, to pull a friendship speech out of our ass in order to hide the fact we clearly have no idea what we are doing. As for who I am? Well, I think a Persona reference is appropriate, ‘I am thou and thou art I’.”

“You’re not me,” Twilight said frowning. “Sure I have insecurities, but I’ll never be cruel. I’ll never be some sneering jerk who puts others down to prop herself up.”

“Well being little miss goody two shoes is what caused this to happen…” Dark Twilight said, gesturing around her. “All this destruction and pain because you weren’t strong enough, you were weak. Soft. You were not strong enough to defeat him, so...want me to describe in detail the pain our friends went through? Before they came to lay here...how Private valiantly tried to protect you, only to become broken thanks to the blast? How about Rainbow? Who’s lost a wing thanks to you. Or...maybe dear sweet Sunset...the last to go…”

As Dark Twilight spoke all of this, Twilight heard screams, cries from her friends, a chorus of pain and suffering...with her friends playing the choir. Twilight listened, tears streaming down her eyes. Had she been being too good, trying to be too pure? Was there something she could have done, some spell she refused to cast before that she could have used… But that would mean giving in to the dark side, though she could strive for anti-heroism, but… no that wasn’t her. She wasn’t the gritty anti-hero type.

She fell to her knees, looking on the corpses of her friends as Dark Twilight came up to her. “Course...this is all a vision of what’s to come...you know the way to prevent this. All you have to do, is give in, let Dark Magic take hold. You’ll be stronger than even Celestia, you’ll be able to save everyone...isn’t that what you want? To keep your friends safe?”

Dark Twilight extended a hand to Twilight, grinning cruelly. “Do we have a-”


Dark Twilight was taken aback when Twilight smacked the hand away.

“Never. You can take your Dark Magic and shove it up your ass! I will never become an evil bitch like you! Sure I’d have power, but I’d turn on all my friends, because that crap corrupts you, and turns you against everything you ever loved! I’ll never take Dark Magic! I’ll work harder, become stronger, without it, so I can help my friends, when they need it most!” Twilight shouted, glaring at the dark apparition.

“YOUR FRIENDS WILL DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!” Dark Twilight screamed readying magic.

Twilight summoned a barrier, easily sending the magic bolt Dark Twilight launched flying. Twilight kept her glare. “We’ll live because of each other.”

Before Twilight’s eyes the scene of decay and death faded, to a simple black void. She stood there, and watched as her Unicorn Guardian Beast walked towards her. It neighed happily, and it’s horn glowed. Twilight saw her staff reappear, and before her eyes it transformed, becoming more ornate, with a pair of smaller stars orbiting the large six pointed one at the end...Twilight could feel the magical power radiating from the staff…

“Thank you,” Twilight said, taking the staff, and bowing to her guardian beast. “Thank you so much.”

“...Take care of our Preventus…”

“What?” Twilight said, before everything faded to white.


Twilight stumbled out of the door, staff in hand, and looked up seeing her friends alive and well, and tears started to stream down her face.

“I’m so glad to see you all,” she cried, going from one to the other hugging each of them. “I should really work on spending more time with all of you.”

“Don’tcha fret none sugarcube,” Aj said, smiling at her warmly. “This whole thing’s got us all feelin’ a little introspective.”

Rainbow then looked at Twilight, “What’s wrong, you look like you’re seeing a ghost.” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Rainbow just, for me, could I see your um...wings?” Twilight asked worriedly.

“Um...okay Twi whatever you say,” Rainbow said, shrugging, and let her wings come out of her body. “There, cool as always, now what were you so-”

Twilight then hugged Rainbow tightly, tears still falling from her eyes.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Rainbow said, nervously. “Getting really sappy...like, 20 percent more than usual.”

“Sorry… I’m just so happy that you’re all here,” Twilight said wiping her eyes, and looking around at her friends. “You wouldn’t believe what I saw… But you’d understand why I’m so…”

Celestia walked up to Twilight, saw the expression on her face and said kindly. “You don’t need to tell us what you saw Twilight, this is a very personal trial. Please, take this time to rest from the ordeal.”

Twilight nodded, going to rest on a nearby crate, alongside Sunset.

Private gulped, and looked at the door, he then began walking towards it, a chill running down his spine...he put his hand on it, and a wave of cold came over him.

“Uh, is it just me, or is the door looking more, dark magicy?” Pinkie said, pointing to the door, indeed the aura was getting brighter…
Celestia’s eyes grew wide, “Private! Get away from there!” She cried, running towards him.

“What?” Private yelled, but then the door suddenly opened, and everything went to white.


Private awoke and his eyes grew wide, he was in a room he thought he’d never be in...that he never wanted to see again...it was a dark, featureless room, shaped like an old medieval circle dungeon.

It only had the one window, high enough that his...seven year old body couldn’t reach. He tried to reach up to it with his little hands...but he couldn’t...he just couldn’t reach it.

“No, no I can’t be in here!” Private cried, looking around horrified. “Hey! Let me out of here!” Private screamed in both of his voices.

He then heard footsteps, no, nonononono! No he couldn’t be in here! Private looked as the door opened, and a man stood there, his face obscured by the darkness. But he knew the voice anywhere…

“Preventus, we talked about you making a racket…” The voice said...the voice belonged to one man, one man that Private hated above any man. The one man that Private never wanted to see again…

Adamus Eye, his grandfather.

“Please Grandpa!” Young Private yelled. “Tell me what I did wrong! Why are you keeping me here?!”


Private screamed as a whip suddenly hit the seven year old boy across the back. Private cried in pain, whimpering as the whip mark joined the many scars along Private’s back…

“You know very well what you did boy, first you had the gall to be born a bastard, then you had to go and tell your father you had no interest in inheriting the company. The company I BUILT with my own two hands! You would throw it all away for the dream of becoming a miserable detective...you want to know why you are here? It’s because you are the biggest disgrace to the Eye Family name that’s ever come about...it’s a shame I couldn’t get your brother too…”

“Leave Tailspin alone! Neither of us did anything wrong!” Young Private begged, “You aren’t some kind of great hero punishing me for something I did! You’re just mad that Dad didn’t listen to you, and married somebody he loved and not what you wanted!!”

“ENOUGH!!” Adamus yelled, and the whipping continued, as the rain fell outside..and Private looked away, not able to watch anymore.

“For a whole week he had us…” A voice said, Private looked up and saw himself, only with a cruel expression, green eyes, and scars all over his body. “A week of whippings, of food deprivation, of him trying to convince us we were wrong for even being born…”

“What are you?” Private said, glaring at his counterpart. “Tell me!”

“Oh come on, you’re the detective Private, use that head of yours,” Dark Private said.

“Some kind of reflection of me?” Private guessed.

“Bingo,” Dark Private said, “and this lovely little scene didn’t even get our dear grandfather to stay locked away forever. He bribed the jury, convincing them that we were miserable liars. That we made up the injuries in order to tarnish the good Eye name.”

“But he did go to prison!” Private yelled, “He did go away!”

“Not forever thanks to his lawyers,” Dark Private said. “You know he can always weasel his way out of anything…all those days beating you, mocking you...making you feel like nothing…” He then pointed at Private, “We both know the reason why sweet Twilight has never seen you shirtless, and it’s not because you’re a skinny twig.”

Private put a hand along his shoulder blade, and reached under his trenchcoat...feeling the scar along his shoulder that was usually buried under the layers of clothing he wore.

“So many scars, all there because Adamus had his way…” Dark Private said.

“So what does this have to do with anything?” Private retorted. “I got out, I proved Adamus was guilty! Everything was fine! I’m happy!”

“No, you’re powerless is what you are.” Dark Private fought back. “You must’ve been so excited when you got the guardianship, it meant you could be with Twilight. It meant you could be useful to her..it justified your existence to her…”

“Shut up!” Private yelled.

“And what happened when you found out that somebody was trying to take her?” Dark Private said…

Private suddenly remembered...the rush of power, the joy he found in causing Flash to suffer...he wanted to hurt Twilight...to take her away and he...he…

“Yes, you know what lies within you, that power that made you strong. The power that made him suffer for what he tried to do.” Dark Private said as Private tensed up. “Because we all know you would’ve lost without me-”

Private’s eyes suddenly glowed green, and he put his hand forward, launching a terrifying force of power that sent Dark Private flying. Private growled, glaring at his doppelganger. “C’mon bitch...keep talking and I’ll show you what I’m like when I let the control down…”


Celestia banged against the door as the aura increased around the door. She fired a magic bolt at it, only for the door to stand defiantly intact. “Damn, somehow the dark magic in the room has increased. We can’t blast our way in.”

“How did it increase?!” Rainbow yelled. “Is there somebody else casting Dark Magic in there?!”

“No, it shouldn’t be possible…” Celestia said, “It’s a closed dream, Private should be alone with the dark magic...it should only increase unless…”

“Unless what?!” Rarity asked. “What is causing this increase in power?!”

Celestia thought, then blinked, then turned to Twilight, giving a strangely...cold look at her. “Twilight? Has Private encountered Dark Magic recently?” She asked firmly.

“What? Come on there’s no way Twilight would keep something like that from-” Pinkie began.

Twilight looked uncomfortable, biting her lip. “Uhm… It’s… possible that he has…” she said with obvious reluctance. “But that was months ago…”

“And you were going to tell me this when?!” Celestia yelled, she rarely raised her voice to her students. Everyone in the room was stiff, unsure of how to handle this.

“So Private, what, has some dark magic in him?” Aj asked.

“What... happened?” Celestia demanded of Twilight.

“It… was because of Flash Sentry… He was going to do something to me, and Private kind of… snapped,” Twilight explained.

“I see…” Celestia said.

“You mean...like me?” Sunset asked, worriedly.

“Not like you at all.” Celestia said firmly. “If it’s going off like this then...I can’t believe I was so foolish!”

“Sister, wait there must be-” Luna tried to intervene.

“There CAN’T be another explanation Luna,” Celestia snapped at Luna. “I can’t believe I was so foolish to allow this!”

“What’s going on?” Fluttershy asked. “What’s wrong with Private?”

“...That tyrant I told you about? Sombra?” Celestia said, turning to the group. “He wasn’t exactly, celibate in his day. His descendents walked among ponykind...Private’s pony counterpart was one of them. But he didn’t show any signs back in Equestria...it must’ve been the reincarnation that brought them out.” She then summoned her spear in her hand. She then turned to the door, “Applejack? Rainbow?”

“Yes’m?” Applejack said coming forward. “Whatcha want us ta do?”

“...Restrain Twilight.” Celestia ordered. AJ and Rainbow looked at Twilight then with obvious reluctance grabbed her arms.

“Professor, what are you going to do?” Twilight asked as her friends restrained her.

“...Private, as a descendent of Sombra has a very high amount of dark magic, inherent in his bloodline. His pony counterpart had it, so now he does...the increase in magic only tells me he’s losing control, what comes out of that door won’t be Private anymore..but a monster…” She gripped the spear tightly. “I will do what I must.”

“What? NO!” Twilight cried, straining against the two strongest girls in her circle of friends. “Please! You don’t know that for sure!”

“She’s right! Ya can’t think this is right!” Aj retorted, fighting the urge to just let Twilight go.

“It’s what has to be done, I’ve seen this time and time again…” Celestia said, readying herself…”He will fall…”

“NO!!” Twilight screamed, “PRIVATE!!!”


Private blasted the Dark Private again, huffing as he stood there, his eyes glowing green.

“Good good, you took the offer, the only one of your so called friends to do so…” Dark Private said as he appeared behind Private.

“SHUT UP!” Private yelled, blasting more magic at the dark apparition.

“You have it in you, you know it’s power can make you do anything!” Dark Private yelled. “You could kill Adamus! Make him suffer for what he did! You could have the world at your feet! Become more than just the weakest guardian!”

“SHUT UP!!” Private screamed, falling on his knees. “I’m not...I can’t...I have to be…”

“Strong enough to protect Twilight? Isn’t that what you want to say? To be useful? To prove that you’re worth something? That you somehow have a right to live because of her? Well what is it you worthless boy?” Dark Private yelled.“Come on! Prove you’re so mighty! Strike me down! Let Dark Magic claim your soul so that you can be all powerful! So that you don’t have anything holding you back!!”

Private roared, raised his arms, preparing a force of dark magic that could unleash such terrible power! He will accept it! He will use it to destroy everything evil! He will be strong! He will be-

“PRIVATE!!!!!” A voice cried…

It gave Private pause, the energy fading from his hands and his eyes…

“What are you waiting for?!” Dark Private yelled. “Kill me!”

“I...I can’t…” Private said, shaking his head. He then looked at his dark aberration. “I know who you are, you’re the voice inside of me telling me what I already know to be a fat load of bullshit. I know I’m not the strongest guardians, of course I was happy when I discovered I was a guardian. It meant I could be with Twilight in both halves of her life…”

“So why do you-”

“I don’t kill you because, I know that there isn’t just darkness in this world. Yeah, I suffered for seven days and nights in that cell. Yeah, I have scars, but I’m still breathing now. I’m alive, I have real friends, I have a duty as a guardian, and above all else I have this insatiable love I hold for the greatest girl on earth! Dark magic is a great rush, sure, but it doesn’t make me the kind of man Twilight would love! It makes me a monster that spends all his time bemoaning his own suffering, rather than realizing that I’m alive! That hope, that light that is the future is what will keep me going! I refuse shortcuts! I refuse to give into despair anymore! I may toe the line, but you’ll never see me cross over!”

“NO! You will give into despa-”

“How do I know hope works? Because you didn’t finish this scene…” Private said, pointing behind him at the dungeon.

Adamus was about to raise his hand to whip Private, when suddenly it was grabbed. “Who dar-”


Adamus went down like a ton of bricks, Private looked up, and saw his father Irenaeus standing there. He looked down at Private, and gently picked the boy up. “Let’s go home, Preventus...let’s go home…

“...That hope is what I live for…” Normal Private said to himself, and the scene faded...and Private looked on to see his guardian beast walking towards him. He then saw for the first time, scars covering his beast’s body. Private walked to him, pressing his hand against the scars gently.

“We both are broken pieces aren’t we? Fighting for her?”

The unicorn nuzzled Private gently, and Private’s gun floated in midair before them. Private then saw that the gun became more ornate with golden filigree, and a polished wood handle...and by it’s side, a sword appeared, long and not really ornate, save for runes along its center.

Private took both, and looked to the unicorn. “I came close to falling didn’t I?”

“Close, but our Twilight will always pull us back…”

“Huh?” Private said as everything faded to white.


Celestia stood ready, watching the door warily, then… the dark magic went back to its normal level. This caused Celestia to blink in some small surprised, but she shook her head, and kept her spear at the ready. She wasn’t going to allow another monster into the world. If Private came out, and he was taken by the dark magic, she’d perform her grim duty.

Twilight struggled against her friends, tears streaming down her eyes as she did so. Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at each other worriedly, but both quietly resolved to be there for their grief-stricken friend, no matter what happened. Sunset looked on, biting her lip, worried for both Twilight and Private. Pinkie stood to the side, her hands over her mouth, blue eyes wide and worried. Rarity and Fluttershy stood by one another, both watching the scene play out, their hearts aching for poor Twilight.

Luna looked down, then quietly summoned her scythe, ready to back up her sister. She knew that they had to prevent the monster from escaping, if a monster he had truly become. She wasn’t happy about it, but she would do it. It was a grim reality the guardians would have to face, but Luna hoped their bonds of friendship would help them through.

The door suddenly opened, everybody tensed as they waited for the horrific monster to come in, Celestia ready to charge with her spear..

But no monster came, instead, Private stood there, in the door, eager to run to Twilight and tell her of his success...only to be faced with a spear being pointed inches from his face. “Um...I guess the secret’s out…”

Celestia kept the glare, then dismissed her spear, walking towards the office of the old warehouse. “You. Twilight. Now,” She said firmly. Applejack and Rainbow let Twilight go, and she looked at Private with mixture of guilt, and happiness. Guilt at telling their secret, and the happiness stemming from seeing him come back as himself.

Guilt was all that was on Private’s face as they both walked into the old office. It was sparse, mostly thanks to it being abandoned years ago. But it was a place where privacy could happen if needed. Private and Twilight stood as Celestia slammed the door behind them with magic.

Celestia stood in front of them. “I cannot believe this. Do you have any idea how lucky you are to even be standing here young man!? If the dark magic had fully consumed you, you would be nothing more than a soulless monster! And Twilight! I cannot believe you didn’t tell me immediately that such a risk was apparent! You knew all this time!”

“You would have kicked him out of the guardians, and erased his memories, wouldn’t you? To prevent another Flash,” Twilight asked. “And… I knew, but I was able to pull him out of it, to stop him from turning… It… didn’t seem like a problem, because I would strive to always be there to keep him from falling…”

“Twilight, it’s okay.” Private said, walking forward. “It was my fault Celestia, I should’ve told you immediately...if you feel it prudent to pull me fro-”

“While normally your desire to martyr for one another would be romantic.” Celestia said coldly. “I’m afraid this risk factor is too great. Private, I am pulling you from active guardian duty indefinitely. It’s clear you are too much of a danger to the group.”

“What?! How can you do that? He passed his test!” Twilight demanded. “He pulled through, and came out better for it! How can you say he’s a danger to the group!”

“Twilight don’t, it was my screw up I shoul-” Private tried to say to her.

“No. I won’t accept it. Private is one of us. He is part of the bond that keeps us all together. Without him I’m not as strong, and I’m sure the others would say the same!” Twilight declared sternly. “He is both my friend, and my boyfriend, and he’s been a good friend to the others as well. His element is that of Hope! Finding that last shred of determination in the midst of despair! And don’t you dare say he didn’t do that during his test!”

“...Private, leave us, do not speak a word to the others.” Celestia ordered.

Private looked at Twilight, then Celestia, then nodded and headed out, leaving student and mentor alone.

Celestia turned to Twilight, “Twilight, I am removing him for your own good. We are not playing a game, this is a war Twilight. If there is any risk that you or the others will get hurt, then I will remove it.”

Twilight blinked, and some part of her just...snapped. “How can you be such a massive hypocrite!? You let Sunset and Luna run around just fine! But when Private has some dark magic in him suddenly you’re reluctant! I just went and told you that he overcame the darkness during his test!”

“Twilight, it’s for you-”

“Stop saying that!” Twilight yelled. “You know what happens when you try to push Private away! Need I remind you of the whole Nocturne incident?! How can you be so completely and utterly unfeeling!?”

Celestia stood silent, her eyes seemingly...far away for a moment...before...a tear fell down her cheek…

“Am...have I really gone so cold…?” Celestia said, her mask cracking…

“Professor?” Twilight asked. “I… I think you may have been cold, but I think it’s because you’re worried about what’s coming. You’re worried about making the same mistakes. Honestly I don’t blame you, but shutting out Private isn’t the answer, nor is walling off your heart.”

Celestia reached up and wiped away her tears, “When..when did you get so smart? Millennia of living I have done, yet I’m still the biggest fool…”

“Professor Celestia?” Twilight said, shocked to see Celestia vulnerable like this.

“I know there is no power in the world that would convince you and Private to break apart. I know for a fact he did pull himself out. I just... I keep dancing on the line between mentor and mother figure...that I forget you are strong enough, and smart enough to make your own decisions…”

“It’s okay. You worry about us, and that’s understandable,” Twilight said going up to her mentor, and hugging her. “Just… sometimes you’ve got to know when to let us fly on our own.”

Celestia then embraced her student tightly, ripping off the mask she had been hiding behind for so long, and in it’s place...was simply Tia, worried to death about Twilight’s well being. They were like that for quite a while…


“So I’m not being pulled from active duty,” Private said as he and Twilight walked down the street towards school. “I still can’t help but feel I dodged three bullets.”

“Professor Celestia and I talked it out… She was just being a little overcautious,” Twilight replied. “She was worried about making the same mistakes, and history repeating itself, and all that crazy stuff.”

“Twi…” Private said, taking her hand. “Just, promise me that when I do fall, you’re gonna be there to pull me back okay? And I’ll promise to lift you up when you’re about to fall too?”

“Always,” Twilight said, squeezing his hand. “I will always be there for you, I promise. Better or worse… Et cetera, et cetera.”

Private just smiled at her, “Gosh I cannot wait until we both graduate from College…I’d run right out and propose after that.”

“I’d suggest eloping, but our parents, both sets, would kill us. Possibly Shiny and Cadie would happily join in, too,” Twilight said with a laugh.

“Don’t forget Rarity, she,” He then went into an imitation of the purple haired teenager. “Simply MUST design your dress, my darling Twilight otherwise, I’ll feed you to Spike!”

Twilight laughed at the impersonation, then looked up into Private’s eyes. “I love you, you know.”

“I love you too…” Private said, and was about to kiss her...when…


“Damnit…” Private groaned as they, both went to answer their texts.

“It’s from Rainbow?” Private said.