• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 4,611 Views, 329 Comments

Equestria Guardians - Jacoboby1

Twilight Sparkle was your average everyday nerdy student. But a new town presents a new life and problem aside from tests. An Evil is coming through, and Twilight may be the one of the few that can stop it. But can she do it alone? Or among Friends?

  • ...

Chapter 17 "Crusaders"

Chapter 17



“Maniac Mansion”

The library of Canterlot High School had a unique location, and because of that, a unique shape. It was located under the rotunda that adorned the school, so it was a large circular room, two stories tall. It had all the amenities that one would expect of a school library. Copiers, computers connected to the internet, and books of course. There were lots of shelves in the main part, and in the upper part of the library. Some of the shelves were curved, of course, to fit into the round room that was the library, but they were filled with all the books the students would need for both recreational reading and research. The computers were located in the center of the library, right beneath the peak of the rotunda, at a circular table with an octagonal column in the center, supporting a horse head bust.

Despite all these utilitarian features, however, the library was quite beautiful. Like quite a few of the rooms of Canterlot High, the architect wanted both beautiful form, as well as utilitarian function. Placed around the library were tables, other than the computer table, where students could work or read. By the entrance, of course, was the check-out desk, where books could be checked out and returned.

Applebloom almost ran into an already stressed Cheerilee as she got inside. She spotted her two friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sitting at a table. “Sorry Ah’m late! Somebody had the dumb idea tah get Mr. Rich talking bout the latest stock market ratings.” She said, catching her breath.

“So why’d you call this meeting anyways Applebloom?” Scootaloo asked. “We aren’t going to try making music videos on Maretube again are we?”

“Hey, they said we were hilarious in the comments,” Sweetie Belle said, trying to cheer the group up.

“Problem was, Belle, we were trying to be taken seriously,” Scootaloo said with a sigh.

“Anyways!” Applebloom said, sitting with her friends. “The reason Ah called y’all here was cuz of all the weird stuff that’s been going on.”

“Like that chocolate rain and stuff in the park?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“That was bizarre,” Scootaloo said. “Pinkie Pie had all these buckets everywhere, told me she was fulfilling supply and demand. Her supply, and her stomach’s demand.”

“That wasn’t very nice, Scootaloo,” Sweetie chided.

“Hey, I know they made up, but that doesn’t excuse her from missing Rainbow Dash’s games,” Scootaloo said crossing her arms.

“Movin’ on! We have no idea what’s been goin’ on,” Applebloom explained. “Private’s not investigatin’ this stuff anymore. So Ah was thinkin we could pick up the slack!”

“Us?” Sweetie Belle squeaked. “Take up the slack? But we don’t know anything about investigation, or where to go to find out what any of that stuff that was happening could have originated.”

“Say, Applebloom, didn’t you kind of have a crush on Private?” Scootaloo asked.

“AIN’T IMPORTANT!!” Applebloom yelled.

“SHH!!” Cheerilee shushed at Applebloom’s yell.

“Sorry Miss Cheerilee…” Applebloom said then spoke up, “Jus’ think about it. If we can find stuff and get it on camera we’d be totally famous all over Maretube. Scary stuff gets lots of views on there.”

“If we wanted scary stuff on Maretube we’d just play that game with the animimatron-” Scootaloo stops mid sentence as she saw Sweetie Belle hide under the table. “Ugh, sorry Belle, I forgot how much you don’t like that game.”

“Stupid Button..making me play that scary game...jerk…” Sweetie Belle grumbled under the table.

“Ah’m not talkin’ about let’s plays, y’all. Ah’m talkin’ bout tha stuff that’s supposed ta have, like, ghosts an’ monsters in it,” Applebloom said bringing up a search on MareTube to give them an idea.

Their search lead them to a local lore forum site. They all looked at the screen and saw an article with a picture of an old mansion. “Glimmer Estate,” Applebloom read. “Despite having been abandoned for at least forty years, this mansion has remained intact. Nobody knows what happened to the original owner, Glimmer Song, but her and her family suddenly disappeared from the home, leaving nothing but dust and strange noises coming from the mansion.” Applebloom grinned and cheered, “Sound’s perfect!”

“You want to go and check out an old abandoned mansion?” Sweetie asked. “But… Won’t we need, like, fancy stuff to get readings and the other stuff they do on those ghost shows?”

“You know those ghost shows are all totally fake, right?” Scootaloo queried a smirk on her face. “It’s all special effects, and doctored footage. And those so-called experts are paid to lie.”

“Maybe, but if we check it out we can at least disprove the article, which goes on to say that ghosts still haunt the place,” Applebloom added.

“How are we going to do that?” Sweetie asked. “I mean we can’t exactly go there at night.”

“We’ll jus’ stop by on the weekend,” Applebloom said. “Say we’re out uh, playin in the park or somethin’.”

“Maybe we should claim we’re going camping?” Scootaloo asked. “This way we can carry more stuff with us, like rope and flashlights… It is an old mansion, after all, gotta be prepared for if the floor gives way.”

“Right,” Applebloom said. “Ah’ll see what Ah can find in the barn at home.”

“Maybe I can ask around and see what else we could use for ‘camping’,” Sweetie Belle said, and looked over at Scootaloo snickering. “What’s so funny?”

“By ask around you mean sweet talk Cross” Scootaloo said, smirking as Sweetie Belle’s face reddened.

“Hey! Cross is just a smart guy who is really helpful when I need him!” Sweetie Belle retorted.

“In other words you’ve got him wrapped around your little finger,” Scootaloo said with a grin.

“Scootaloo!!” Sweetie yelled.

“SHHH!!” Cheerilee shushed them again.

“Sorry…” Sweetie said, sighing as Scootaloo chuckled.

“Anyways, with all that done the Crazy Mystery Crusaders are ago!” Bloom cheered.


That Saturday, the girls traveled to the Glimmer Estate. It had not been that easy to get there. The yard was overgrown and made the way difficult, but once they reached the house, itself, they couldn’t help but stare. It was a large, dilapidated building its original color lost to staining, and plant overgrowth. Any visible wood was gray with age, a lot of the windows had been broken, and the old stained paint was cracked and peeling. Even in daylight, the place looked intimidating.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sweetie Belle asked. “This place looks like it could fall down, any minute.”

“It’ll be fine,” Applebloom said, taking a camera out of her bag. “If only Scoots would get here.”

Running down the sidewalk comes Scootaloo. She catches her breath, “Sorry guys, had to ditch a little annoyance,” She said.

“Tailspin?” Sweetie asked. “Why didn’t you bring him? We could have sent him in, first.”

“Because the guy just won’t take a hint,” Scootaloo grumbled, crossing her arms. “I mean who does he think he is? Holding the door for me. Sharing his last cupcake at lunch. Trying to carry my books to class. It’s super annoying that he doesn’t think I can take care of myself.” She took a crowbar out of her bag. “Let’s get this door open and get this over with.” She said, beginning to work at the door.

“Gotta hand it to Scoots,” Applebloom said with a sigh.

“About the only Tsundere I know who gets mad at a guy for actually being nice to her.” Sweetie added.

After a few minutes of work, the door creaked open, revealing a dark and dusty foyer. At the back was a grand double staircase leading to the upper levels. Dusty furniture in high Victorian style was scattered around the room, and portraits in heavy frames were on the walls. Except for the occasional creak of wood, the place was eerily quiet.

The three quietly moved into the mansion, the floor creaking as they stepped along.

“Geez, even in daytime this place is creepy,” Scootaloo said, looking around.

“Maybe we should head back…” Sweetie Belle said.

“Dun worry guys,” Bloom said with confidence. “We got this all we need to do is press ONWARD!!!” She took one step forward. With a loud groan, the floor on which she had been standing gave way. Bloom screamed as she plummeted into the darkness below. Bloom groaned as she landed on the hard floor below. She sat up, wiping away the dust and looking up at the hole.

“Applebloom! Are you okay!?” Sweetie Belle asked as Scootaloo shone a light down at Applebloom.

“Ah’m fine!” Applebloom said, standing up and dusting herself off. “Just a lil fall is all.”

“Stay right there!” Scootaloo said. “I don’t think the floor is safe to use the rope against, so we’ll find a way down!”

“Ah’ll see you guys then!” Applebloom said back. She pulled out the flashlight she had brought, and turned it on, moving the beam around the room, trying to get her bearings. She looked around what had to be a basement of some sort. She then shone her light on...a large broken glass tube. Like something out of those Science Fiction movies.

“What in tarnation…?” Applebloom said, quietly walking up to the tube and examining it. She saw something caught in the glass. She pulled a pair of tweezers out of her bag, and picking up...Red hair. “What tha hay? Somethin’ was in there?”

She tensed up as she heard something behind her. Bloom spun around, quickly, shining the light where she heard the noise, eyes wide, her breathing becoming faster as fear took hold. Sure they had come to investigate supernatural threats… However they were woefully unprepared for anything like animals that may have decided to use the old house as a lair.

She heard a noise again… and saw it was just a rat.

Applebloom let out a sigh of relief, but then jumped as she saw a large lion like creature grab the rat and feast on it. It did resemble a lion, but it’s fur was white and it’s mane was blue. It devoured the rat, then turned its yellow eyes towards Applebloom.

“Oh… shoot…” Applebloom muttered, gulping. Every part of her screamed at her to run, but she was frozen with fear. They weren’t expecting anything like this to be here.

It crouched and walked slowly towards her growling, and baring it’s teeth as it was prepared to make a meal out of her...it then crouched and leapt for her, claws extended. Applebloom jumped out of the way just in time, letting out a shrill scream when she did. The creature tried to pounce on her again, only to be tackled by a red blur.

Applebloom looked up and saw a red headed boy her age. He was clad in a ragged bit of jumpsuit. His body looked half starved, and lanky. The creature got its bearings again, and tried to lunge at her...until the boy grabbed a broken shard of glass from off the floor, tackled it again and began savagely stabbing the lion in the throat.

Applebloom got up, pulling the rope from the loop on the pack, and quickly turning it into a lariat. She twirled it a couple of times, and lassoed one of the creature’s legs to keep it from clawing open the strange boy who had come to her rescue.

Soon, the creature fell limp after one final stab from the boy. The boy looked to the rope on the creature’s leg...then up at Applebloom...he dropped the glass shard, and backed away from her, his orange eyes showing fear as he backed slowly into a corner.

“Oh… Hey. Don’ be afraid of me. Ah was jus’ tryin’ ta help ya,” Bloom said “Thank ya, by the way… That thing was plum scary…”

He didn’t move, just seemed to huddle more into the corner. Applebloom then noticed just how, starved he looked.

“Hey, ya want somethin’ ta eat?” Applebloom asked, pulling out a granola bar from her pack. “Ah’ve got plenty, so Ah’m happy ta share.”

He slowly crawled back into the light. Like a dog with a treat before him, his eyes looked on the granola bar. There was a bit of drool coming out of his mouth.

“C’mon over. Mah sister made it, so it ain’t got none of those nasty preservatives, an’ has plenty of appley goodness,” Bloom said unwrapping the bar, and holding it out to him. “Keep tryin’ ta convince her ta make some with chocolate chips, but so far no dice…”

He sniffed it a little, then dug into the bar like he hadn’t tasted anything like it his entire life.

“Yup, that there’s Apple Family cookin’. Once ya taste it ya get hooked,” Applebloom said grinning. “We grow all our own apples, too.” She dug in her pack for another bit of food. “Anyway, why are ya here all alone? Don’cha have a family that’s missin’ ya?”

He tilted his head at her, eating a bit of the food and finally he said, “Grandma…family...”

“Where’s yer Grandma now? Did she jus’ leave ya behind?” Applebloom asked.

“Grandma...find monsters...said they were from...somewhere else.” The boy said. “Told me fight...said I was...like them but...different…”

“Ah don’ understand…” Applebloom said looking confused. “Yer Granny made ya fight monsters, an’ said you were like the monsters but weren’t? That’s plum weird…”

“Said...world was bad place outside...needed...monster hunter...made me...with monster blood…” He said, pointing back to the tube.

“Made ya?” Applebloom said going to the tube, and shining her flashlight on it. She looked at it closely, and remembered it was where she had found the red hair, before. “Don’ really care ‘bout ya bein’ made or whatnot… Don’ look like yer Granny’s here anymore…” She examined the tube a little closer, and spotted a serial number on it...and a name, Tyran...well, Tyran was all she could make out, the rest was smudged away. “Is… Is your name Tyran?”

“Think...so...Grandma said...was easier than full name to say...so...Tyran,” He said, tilting his head in thought.

“Nice ta meetcha, Tyran,” Bloom said turning back to him smiling. “Ah’m Applebloom. Mah friends call me ‘Bloom’. Uh… Y’know ya can’t stay here, right? Ah wouldn’t feel right ‘bout leavin’ ya.”

He shook his head suddenly, and said fearfully, “Can’t leave, Grandma would...get really mad...hurt…” He felt along his shoulder. Applebloom could see some scars and bruising that were clearly not made with claws and teeth like the lion.

“Then she ain’t much of a Granny, is she? A good Granny wouldn’t hurt ya like that. Maybe a spankin’ ifin’ you’ve been really bad, but nothin’ like that,” Bloom said. “Ah’ll take ya to my Granny. She’ll show ya what a Granny’s supposed ta be like.”

“But can’t…” He stops when Bloom pulls another granola bar out of her bag.

“There’s food,” Bloom said, holding the granola bar. “Don’ know what’s takin’ mah friends so long, but… C’mon. Ah know yer hungry.” She started toward the stairs, using the bar to lure Tyran out.

Tyran followed along, hunger overriding any sense of fear of Grandma…


Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo meanwhile, have been searching high and low for an entrance to the basement where Applebloom fell. So far however, no such luck.

“Geeze, you’d think there’d be a way down,” Scootaloo griped, as they searched. She was impatient, but understood the need to take it slow. After all they didn’t want to fall like Applebloom had done. “What is it going to take, some kind of secret passage?”

Suddenly, a male voice cried out, “SCOOTALOO!”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both yelped, and turned around.

Standing there, were Cross Eye and Tailspin Eye, Private’s cousin and brother respectively. Both freshman alongside the girls at Canterlot High. Both of them were holding flashlights. Tailspin himself was shorter, with long blue hair and sporting a dark blue jacket and jeans. He had that boyish charm that got a lot of girls to like him… except Scootaloo. The other was Cross, who was a conventional nerd with messy black hair, thick glasses over green eyes. He was sporting a green jacket and jeans...and blushed brightly at seeing Sweetie Belle.

“What are YOU doing here?!” Scootaloo demanded, glaring at Tailspin.

“Yeah, Crossy, I thought you had a lot of stuff to do for Rarity,” Sweetie Belle added.

“‘Crossy’?” Scootaloo asked smirking at Sweetie.

Cross just blushed in turn. A long time ago, Cross discovered a personal talent for sewing. Rarity offered to help him refine such a talent, it did give him ample time with the other sister of the Belle family. Cross always found himself nervous around Sweetie Belle.

Tailspin stepped in for his cousin. “I... actually overheard you guys talking a few days ago about heading to this place. Cross found out where to find it and, we thought we could help out.” He said, and nudged his cousin. “Isn’t that right Cross?”

“Oh um, right…” Cross said, adjusting his glasses nervously. “I uh...finished up my work on those jackets Rarity wanted and thought I could assist in this endeavor…”

“Oh… Well if you’re finished, you can help us find a way downstairs. Applebloom fell through the floor…” Sweetie said twirling a strand of hair around her finger, looking at Cross with a shy smile.

Scootaloo just facepalmed. “Geeze… May as well be useful since you’re here.”

“Right let’s check out-” Tailspin was cut off when they heard a roar. All four of them turned, and saw a large lion just like the one Applebloom would face down in the basement. Only these four weren’t defended by a feral boy.

“That’s...different…” Tailspin said.

“It’s unlike any creature on this earth…” Cross said, “It’s coat is such a bizarre color…”

“Let’s admire it later! RUN!!” Scootaloo yelled as all four of them ran away from the monster. It gave chase as the group split up in the chaos, running around the maze of hallways. Tailspin and Scootaloo managed to get themselves inside a study. They slammed the doors behind them, and pressed against them as the monster tried to barge its way in. They held firm, and let out a breath as the monster supposedly gave up and they could hear it run away.

Tailspin leaned against the door and slid down it to the floor. “That...was too close…”

“Yeah… we came here looking for ghosts… Not weirdly colored lions…” Scootaloo uttered sliding down to the floor, too. “We were expecting weird voices, spooky shadows… Not to have to run for our lives…”

“Wait...where are Sweetie Belle and Cross?!” Tailspin said.


They were in fact hiding in a small study. They hid under a desk together, hoping that the small barricade they set up in front of the door would stop the lion from getting in. They heard the beast slowly walk away. They both let out a breath, realized how close they were to one another, then scrambled to get out of the desk.

“S-sorry I pulled you under there...the adrenaline was messing with my head…” Cross apologized, blushing a little as they got out from under the desk.

“Oh, it’s okay. That probably saved us… But… Wow… I wasn’t expecting lions… Did they escape from a circus or something?” Sweetie asked.

“Well their fur is a totally bizarre color. Even if they did escape from a circus you would’ve noticed paint or something coming off the fur. But it looked totally natural.” Cross said, pacing as he delved into full nerd mode. “Perhaps a rare species? No if they were they’d be on front page news and not in some mansion. Why let them roam free to, did they escape from their cages? Were they abandoned alongside this mansion…” He looked at Sweetie Belle for a moment who was giggling at his nerd mode.

“You are so smart, Crossy,” Sweetie giggled, smiling at him. “You know… They could just have their fur dyed like that, too… They do have hair dyes that won’t come off unless you use something special for it… Or was that fabric dye...”

“Could be either, but I don’t think I want to meet a person who dyes lion fur for a hobby…” Cross said, gulping and blushing a little at Sweetie Belle’s smile.

“Me neither… But… How are we going to get out with those lions there?” Sweetie asked, looking at the door.

“All we can do really is hope that the others can find a way to us,” Cross said.


Tailspin opened the door slowly, peeking out. “Okay, I think the lion’s gone.” He said, and looked back at Scootaloo. He faltered a bit as Scootaloo closed the door, crossed her arms and glared at him. “Oh...uh..I see you want to talk…”

“Just what do you call yourself doing? You and your constant belief that I’m completely helpless! I’m so sick and tired of it! I don’t want your help, I don’t need your help, and I never asked for your help! I just want you to leave me alone!” Scootaloo griped. “Or should I start taking stronger measures to tell you that I’m not interested?”

“I came cause I was worried Scootaloo…” He said nervously, “and on a different note, did you change your hair or something? It looks nice.” He tried so hard to change the subject and pull out the charm...

Of course Scootaloo was having none of it. “Don’t change the subject! Why do you worry so much about me? I can take care of myself!”

“Well, you were going into a dangerous place and…”

“We KNEW we were going to a dangerous place! We told our sisters we were going camping so we’d have an excuse to bring the equipment, like rope and stuff so we’d be safe! We even made sure to come during the DAY!” Scootaloo retorted. “But oh no. Mister bigshot Tailspin just has to believe that I’ll be helpless as a babe in the woods, so tries to come running to the rescue!”

“I don’t think you’re helpless Scootaloo. In fact I really admire the fact you have such a handle on things. I just help out because I really like you.” Tailspin said, trying to give his most charming smile that would have most girls eating out of his hands. Scootaloo, unfortunately for Tailspin, wasn’t “most girls”.

“If you ‘really like me’ then why can’t you accept that all the cheesy romance stuff doesn’t work on me? Why can’t you see I’m not going to be won over by some silly gallant gesture?” Scootaloo argued glaring at Tailspin.

“I just can’t see why me helping out is such a bad thing! I’m actually crazy about you Scootaloo! Me helping out is just showing I care!” Tailspin implored.

“I can’t be just some floozy that swoons just ‘cause some guy helps her out!” Scootaloo yelled. “I’ve got to be strong, and tough, like Rainbow Dash! She doesn’t let that Ray guy close to her, so I’ve got to follow her example!”

“Um...I’m trying to be nice to you!” Tailspin said, letting his frustration come in.

“Whatever, let’s go find the others and get out of this freak house.” Scootaloo said, walking out the door.

“One of these days…” Tailspin said with a sigh.


“Whew… We’re lucky we found those stairs. Now… Come on, Tyran, there’s lots of yummy food at my house,” Bloom said, carefully keeping the granola bar out of Tyran’s reach. “Now where were those guys… Ah thought Ah heard ‘em up here…”

Tyran looks away from the bar for a minute, sniffs the air then says, “Monster...here…”

“Another one? How many are here?” Bloom said looking worried, as she put away the bar, and took out her lasso.

Tyran tilted his head, and held up one finger.

“Okay. Let’s find it. Ifin’ we double-team it, we can take it out right quick,” Bloom whispered. “Then it’ll be safe ta find the others.”

They quietly moved through the hallways until Bloom spotted the lion creature sniffing around, growling and looking into some rooms. Tyran reached into his tattered clothing, pulling out another glass shard.

“Stop...it again…” Tyran said quietly.

“On it,” Applebloom whispered, twirling the lariat around her head then sending the lasso to ensnare the beast. Once the loop pulled tight, she ran around a nearby pillar, using it to pull back against the monster’s lunging, and trying to get free. Tyran then dived onto the monster once it was stuck, pinning it down and stabbing the glass shard into the creature. It struggled a little, and almost knocked Tyran off, until Bloom channeled her big sister and kicked it right in the snout, stunning it long enough for Tyran to flip the creature over, and stab it in the throat until it could move no more.

“Ooo wee… We did it, Tyran! You were awesome!” Applebloom exclaimed beaming happily at him.

“Slain monster...what Tyran do…” Tyran said, almost, shocked by the praise Applebloom was giving him.

“Yeah, but don’ mean Ah can’t say thank ya for doin’ it,” Bloom said smiling at Tyran. “Now… Let’s find tha others, and get outta here. Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo! Where are y’all?”

“Applebloom?” The door opens, revealing Sweetie Belle and Cross standing there. “Applebloom!!” Sweetie Belle said, running to her friend. “It was so scary! That lion almost ate us!!” She squeaked.

“Good to see your...who’s this?” Cross asked, looking at Tyran, who just looked bewildered at the sight of other kids.

“This is Tyran. He helped take care of that mean ole lion,” Bloom replied. “You shoulda seen him. He jus’ lept on that old lion’s back, like it weren’t nothin’.”

“Huh,” Cross said, looking Tyran over, he held up one of Tyran’s lanky arms. “He’s malnourished...he should be seeing a doctor not go running around fighting monsters.”

“Doctor…?” Tyran said, tilting his head.

“Somebody who can help ya,” Bloom explained. “We’ll take ya there after Ah getcha outta here.”

Sweetie Belle giggled. “Looks like Private has competition…”

“Oh shut it, Sweetie. C’mon, let’s find Scoots and get outta here,” Bloom griped.

“Won’t have to look far!” Scootaloo said, coming over with Tailspin. “We heard all the fighting, seems somebody else took care of the monster bashing…” She eyed the corpse left behind.

“Let’s do the happy reunion once we’re outta here!” Applebloom said, she took Tyran’s hand and led everybody out of the horrible mansion. Tyran resisted a little when they got to the door, but a good shove from Scootaloo forced him outside.

They all caught their breaths once they were at least a block away from the mansion. “That was, really creepy,” Tailspin said.

“You can say that again,” Sweetie Belle said with a sigh.

“Still, I wonder what those monsters were doing there, where’d they come from…” Cross said thoughtfully.

“Let’s worry about that once we’re all home,” Scootaloo said.

“All right, Tyran, yer commin’ home with me. Mah Granny’ll take good care of ya,” Applebloom said smiling at the red-headed boy, and pulling out the granola bar. “Jus’ follow me, an’ you’ll never have ta worry ‘bout starvin’ again.”

“She’s totally going to be crushing, when she’s over treating him like a puppy,” Sweetie giggled.

“AH HEARD THAT!” Bloom yelled as everybody else laughed… except Tyran who was too focused on food.


After a long walk, with Bloom leading Tyran all the way, they finally reached Sweet Apple Acres. Thankfully it had been too dark for people to notice the strange sight of a fourteen-year-old girl leading a half-naked malnourished young boy with a granola bar. She brought Tyran up to the door when Granny Smith opened it, her old eyes going big at the sight.

“Lan’ sakes, Bloom, you were… Huh? Who’s this? Lordie mercy, the poor boy looks like a sack of chewed bones!” Granny uttered. “Let’s get you inside, young’an. You look like you could use a meal or three.”

“Granny, this is Tyran. We found ‘im in an old abandoned house, all alone,” Bloom said.

“Well, you did a good thing bringin’ him here, hon. Now let’s see ‘bout puttin’ some meat on his bones,” Granny said leading the boy inside. Tyran was fed, then plopped in a tub to be scrubbed clean. Big Mac found some of his old clothes, so the boy wouldn’t have to go around in rags. Then he was settled into a spare room, clean, warm, and well fed.

Tyran sat on the strange bed, looking at the simple red polo and jeans he was given by Big Mac. Though he did feel great, for the first time ever he was completely full. He laid down on the bed, curling up into it and poking at it’s soft surface with a child like innocence.

“Hey, Tyran. How ya settlin’ in?” Applebloom asked peeking in the door.

He looked up at her and said, “Bed soft...belly full...nice people...Grandma will not be happy I left…”

“Well yer Granny left ya ta starve, so…” Bloom said. “You can borrow mah Granny instead.”

“But...I don’t...want Applebloom...hurt…” Tyran said, looking worriedly at her. “If Grandma find out….”

“Ah’ve got a big brother an’ a big sister that’ll kick yer Granny’s butt ifin’ she showed her face here,” Applebloom said with a smile. “An’ my Granny’s much nicer’n yours.”

“Thank you...Applebloom…” He said, getting up and, remembering what Sweetie Belle did earlier...hugged Applebloom.

“Whoa… Yer a strong ‘un,” Bloom said, blushing. She looked at him, smiling a bit. He was kind of cute too. She gently hugged back, “Ah’ll look after ya Tyran, keep ya safe from yer granny…”


Cross and Sweetie Belle managed to get back to Sweetie’s neighborhood safely. All the while, they kept a small distance from one another. But did cast the occasional side glance. Cross gulps, “C’mon Cross! Just tell her how you feel!”

“Sweetie Belle…?” Cross said suddenly.

“Yes, Crossie?” Sweetie asked with a smile.

“It-it’s just ever si-since we first met I...found I...I...I like…” He blushed brightly, nervously looking down at his sneakers. He managed to look over to Sweetie Belle...and blurted out. “I like your singing!” He covered his mouth, blushing brightly in embarrassment.

“You… You like my singing?” Sweetie said, moving closer to him.

“Uh...yeah it’s very um...Phonic…” He mentally facepalmed.

“It’s very… what?” Sweetie asked, tilting her head, curiously.

“Never mind...I’ll stop making an idiot of myself…” He grumbled as they turned to walk towards Rarity’s home. “Let’s just hope Miss-”

The door slams open, Rarity standing there, glaring at the pair of them. “Cross Eye and Sweetie Belle! Whatever are you two doing out this late?!”

“Uh… Rarity! Well.. I… Uh…” Sweetie uttered, then sidled closer to Cross, her face a little red.

“I’m sorry Miss Rarity we were um…” Cross said, trying very hard to come up with an excuse.

“I was worried sick about you Sweetie Belle! What on earth could you possibly…” Rarity stopped as she thought for a moment, looked between the two...then smiled. “Oh, of course that’s why!”

“Uh… Yeah… We went for a walk, and… Kind of lost track of time,” Sweetie said, beaming at Rarity.

“Oh? Ooooh. Well, Cross, dear, if you’re going to take Sweetie out for a stroll, do please let somebody know where you’re going. Or, please, at least leave a note,” Rarity gushed beaming at the two of them.

“I...what…?” Cross said, shocked as Rarity giggled to herself and talked about how it was oh so wonderful how grown up Sweetie Belle is.

“Rarity’s in full-on romance mode. Just roll with it,” Sweetie whispered then said out loud: “We’ll remember to do that, Rarity. I’m sorry we worried you.”

“Oh don’t worry about a thing little darlings, oh I simply MUST work on an outfit for you Sweetie Belle! Oh you will be just adorable!” Rarity cheered, then went back inside.

“Some sister,” Cross said, raising an eyebrow at what he just saw.

“She likes the idea of romance,” Sweetie giggled, then smiled, and kissed Cross’ cheek. “Goodnight, Crossy.”

“Good...niiiight…” He said, his glasses sliding down his nose as he took in the shock of getting kissed. He would end up standing there for about ten minutes straight…


Scootaloo sighed, as they finally reached her apartment building. “You know, you didn’t have to walk me home…”

“Wanted to, remember?” Tailspin quipped. “Maybe one day you’ll find out I’m not so bad after all.”

“You… You don’t act like that dude, Raiden, at all,” Scootaloo said with a quiet sigh. “I mean… You may act all cheesy and romantic, but you’re not a total pervert.”

“Thanks I guess…” Tailspin said. “Ya know, you don’t have to be Rainbow Dash 2.0 all the time...maybe you can give me a shot…”

“Well… Maybe I could,” Scootaloo said leaning forward a bit, lowering her eyelids. She waited for him to look a bit hopeful. “In your dreams. Seeya, Tailspin.” She said, giving him a shove before walking inside.

Tailspin rolled his eyes, “That girl...one of these days I’ll-” His thoughts are cut off when a girl in a grey hoodie knocks him aside. “Hey watch where you’re!”

The girl turns and glares back at him, purple eyes reflecting the light of a red glowing pendant. She stalked off after intimidating the boy.

“This place just keeps getting weirder…” Tailspin said.

The girl walked on by, before she was joined by two more girls in grey hoodies. The leader walks on slowly, flanked by her cronies. She then looks to a small nearby bar. She gestures with her head and the girls follow her inside. The bartender looked up at the girls coming in.

“Hey. You kids are underaged,” he said gruffly. “Leave, before I have ya thrown out.”

“Oh don’t mind us…” The leader said, sliding up to the bar as the noises of the bar rang around her. She lowered her hood, revealing a beautiful young woman with big orange and yellow hair, beautiful violet eyes, and a red pendant around her neck. “We’ll not be staying for long...just enough to take three orders to go…”

“Fine. But no alcohol,” the bartender said with a huff.

The other two began to sing: “Aaaaaaaah aaaaaaaah aaaaaaah. Aaaaaaa aaaaaaah.”

The leader moved to join her friends, and joined her voice to theirs.

“Aaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaah aaaaaah. Aaaaaaaah aaaaaaah…” the girls sang, their pendants glowing. It started small. Arguments, small yelling matches, and some small pushing and shoving. Then the first punch was thrown. Then another one, then the whole bar began to fight. As the fighting continued, a strange green smoke came out of the attendants, sleeping into the pendency of the three singing girls.

“A whole new world...” The leader said, grinning. “This is going to be fun…”