• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 4,611 Views, 329 Comments

Equestria Guardians - Jacoboby1

Twilight Sparkle was your average everyday nerdy student. But a new town presents a new life and problem aside from tests. An Evil is coming through, and Twilight may be the one of the few that can stop it. But can she do it alone? Or among Friends?

  • ...

Chapter 8 "Before Fall Formal"

Chapter 8

“Before Fall Formal”


“Life is What Happens Before The Dance”

In the industrial part of the city, there was an old warehouse that Professor Celestia had bought a while back. She knew that any guardians she found would need a space to practice with their powers out of sight of ordinary humans, so she had it set up just for that purpose. Only a select few knew about the space, and that select few included Twilight Sparkle.

She sat on a box, watching as her newfound friend/boyfriend Private was holding his rune covered gun. Private breathed, and took some shots, hitting some stacked bottles with almost perfect precision.

“You’re… amazingly good with that thing,” Twilight observed. “Why a gun, though, I wonder? Most of us seem to have… well… either fantastical weapons, or old-fashioned ones.”

“I guess it just picks whatever weapon we’re most comfortable with.” Private suggested. “I mean, I’ve always been a good shot. Gotta learn how to handle one of these if I want to be a detective someday. Course, I never thought I’d have to shoot monsters…”

“So that’s what’s up with the whole noir shtick,” Twilight said with a grin.

“Hey, I happen to like wearing a trenchcoat, and this hat belonged to one of the best detectives I know. Ever heard of Fenlock Rusty?” Private asked.

“Wait hold on, you got your hat from the Fenlock Rusty? The guy who practically made Canter City crime free in his day?” Twilight said, her eyes wide.

“Same guy, kind of stuck with the whole noir shtick, guess it was my younger self developing some hero worship and it just stuck.” Private said with a shrug. “Plus I read a lot of detective novels back when I was younger.”

“That doesn’t surprise me at all,” Twilight giggled. “Read any of the Shadow Spade books?”

“Touch overwritten in my honest opinion, and the main character somehow ends up with anything resembling a male human,” Private said with a roll of his eyes. “Give me Pontrot any old day, or at the very least Homes.”

“Better not let Rarity hear you say that.” Twilight said with a laugh.

“So Rainbow said something about Guardian Beasts?” Private asked.

“Oh right. You concentrate on your weapon, and call for it, then it’ll come forth and help you with any monsters you’re fighting,” Twilight explained.

“Okay...here goes..” He aimed his gun into the air. “Uh...guardian beast..?” A light appeared at the end of Private’s gun barrel, Private pulled the trigger, launching the light into the air like a bullet, it bounced and ricocheted for a moment, Private ducking to avoid the shot. When it landed on the ground however, a silver magic circle opened and out came...a silver unicorn, it reared and neighed loudly.

“A...unicorn…” Twilight said, in awe.

“Oh great, my guardian beast is a pretty pretty unicorn.” Private groaned. “I’ll never hear the end of this.”

“Private, it’s a stallion,” Twilight said, with a roll of her eyes. “So he’s a handsome unicorn.”

“Well either way it’s...what’s he doing?” He said, watching the unicorn slowly walk past Private, towards Twilight. The stallion suddenly began nuzzling Twilight, nickering happily. “Well at least it seems to like you…” Private said, tilting his head.

“Well hello to you too,” Twilight giggled, petting the stallion. “Oh… here…” Twilight summoned her staff. “Guardian Beast Unicorn!” she declared, tapping it on the ground. A purple magical circle opened, and Twilight’s purple unicorn filly emerged.

The two unicorns looked at each other for a long time. Tilting their heads, until the stallion neighs something. The mare neighs something back. Suddenly both begin neigh happily, trotting around with one another, gleefully nuzzling one another.

“Huh, so our guardian beasts like each other too?” Private observed.

“You remember the whole Equestria story I told you?” Twilight asked, as she watched the two creatures happily nickering and grooming each other.

“You think these two are sort of, avatars of what we were before?” Private asked. “Well, I guess he does look kind of how I imagined.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

Private laughed nervously, “You’ll think it’s really silly.”

“No, go on I promise not to laugh.” Twilight promised.

“Well, ever since I was a little kid I had been having this strange dream. I was in this field, but I wasn’t me, I was this weird silver horse and every time I went there, this mare would show up out of nowhere, prettiest purple eyes I’ve ever se-” He stops when he sees Twilight’s wide eyes. “I know, it sounds totally bonkers.”

“Ah… No… It doesn’t… I’ve… been having a similar dream…” Twilight said sounding stunned. “Only I was the mare, and I would meet a silver horse, with the kindest silver eyes…”

“That’s...very weird…” Private said, himself stunned.

“Not… really… You asked me, once, if we had met before… And we had. Just turns out, it wasn’t in this dimension,” Twilight said with a sheepish smile.

“Huh, so we first met as horses, not exactly what I had in mind,” Private said, running his fingers through his hair at the thought.

“Well there is the whole reincarnation angle. We were kind of experiencing and remembering our previous incarnations’ memories,” Twilight observed with a smile.

“Sounds almost like a crazy anime plot,” Private said, his thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the the two unicorns nuzzling one another. “They, do actually look good together...hey wait what’s your unicorn doing?” He said, and the pair watched as the mare slowly turned around to the stallion, and slowly began lifting her ta-

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Back in the staff! If we’re not ready for that, YOU’RE not ready for that!” Twilight yelled, unsummoning her guardian beast.

“Dude, not the time!” He said, following Twilight’s lead and sending his own guardian beast back into his gun.

“Uh… Yeah… O-our pony selves… were farther along than we are…” Twilight said blushing furiously.

“Let’s... not mention this to anyone okay?” Private said, blushing alongside her.

“Yeah! Good idea… I think that’s enough practice for one day, don’t you?” Twilight uttered, fanning herself.

“Agreed...very very much agreed…”


Twilight had parted from Private, when he had to turn down his street to his house, and was walking home feeling good about the practice session despite the embarrassing occurrence at the very end. Suddenly her phone rang. Twilight pulled her cell out to find the caller was her Big Brother Best Friend Forever, and she gleefully answered.

“Shiny! How’s the bestest big brother in the whole wide world, and the bestest of all former baby-sitters turned sisters-in-law?” Twilight said, a huge grin on her face.

“Just fine Twili,” A young man’s voice said on the other end. “Cadey and I are just settling into our new place in town. Can’t wait to see you and Spike once we’ve got everything settled. Mom and Dad coming that one weekend helped a lot, but there’s still more to do, never mind Mom pestering us for grandchildren...”

“That sounds like Mom, all right,” Twilight laughed, not mentioning her own romantic development. At least not to her brother. Overprotective brother is overprotective. “Still it’s awesome that you were transferred to Canter City. I guess your reputation as a good policeman is really helping you get good jobs.”

“I hope so anyways,” Shining replied with a laugh. “Are you settling in okay? Mom said you finally managed to make friends apparently.”

“Some days I’m still amazed. And some days I kick myself for not having friends, sooner,” Twilight said with a laugh. “They have been the one of the best things to happen to me. Even if they can get me into some awkward situations. They even persuaded me to run for princess of a dance we’re having at the school. At first I was going to refuse, but… Well… The girl who’s been the winner for the past few years is such a bully, I felt I just had to. So… Yeah. They’re helping me a lot, and pulling me out of my comfort zone… and making me like it. It’s weird and wonderful at the same time.”

“Well that’s great Twili I, oh hold on Cadence is giving me a look that says she wants to talk to you,” Shining answered.

“Okay, I’ll hang on,” Twilight replied, waiting for Cadence to come on the line.

A new voice rang over the line, a beautiful young woman’s voice. “And how’s my favorite sister-in-law in the whole wide world?”

“I’m doing just fine, Cady! And how are you doing?” Twilight asked beaming at hearing her voice.

“I’d say pretty good. I have a nice house, the matchmaking service is really kicking off, and I have your lovable, hunky dork of a brother as my husband. So yeah, life is great!” Cadence said happily.

“I’d have to say my life is pretty good, too. I’ve made six great friends, my tutor is my principal, and so far school has been better than I expected,” Twilight said, feeling pretty happy herself.

“Well that’s wonderful to hear…” Twilight suddenly heard a closing door in the background as Cadence went on. “Okay I’m in the bathroom so Shiny can’t hear, tell me all about him,” She said, casually.

“How. Did. You. Know?!” Twilight asked, sounding shocked. “I mean… We’ve barely started dating!”

“Sweetie, when it comes to love, I know all,” Cadence said with a giggle. “Course it helps when my little brother in law is so easily bribed with cookies.”

“Really? How did you get him to stop talking about Rarity enough to find out?” Twilight asked giggling.

“Like I said, cookies,” Cadence said with a laugh. “Sooo, tell me all about this Private guy you’re seeing…”

Twilight sat down on a nearby bench sighing goofily. “He’s wonderful. As big a nerd as I am but he’s totally into the mystery shtick. He even wears a trenchcoat and fedora.”

“Awww, that’s so adorable, nerdy love,” Cadence said with a giggle. “So is he cuuute?”

“He’s… he’s handsome,” Twilight sighed, a goofy smile on her face, then sobered. “Cadence, this… this is kind of scary. I think… I think I’m in love.”

“YES! FINALLY!!!” Cadence cheered so loud that Twilight had to hold the phone away from her ear.

“Ooooooow…. Cadie…” Twilight said switching her phone to the other ear, and wiggling a finger in the poor sound-abused one.

“Enjoy yourself sweetie, and don’t worry about your brother I can hold him back if he decides to let his overprotective side out. But I’ll try to stop by soon, and YOU. WILL. GIVE. ME. DETAILS!!!”

“Okay okay! Gracious…” Twilight uttered, chuckling at Cadence’s excitement.

“Sorry, you know how I get about love…” Cadence said with a little nervous laugh.

“I know, I know. Wow. I swear you must have been, like, a princess of love in another dimension to know so much about it,” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes.


At the house of the happy couple, Shining Armor was setting a box down in his and his wife’s new home. Shining was tall, handsome and strong, with messy blue hair and bright sapphire eyes. He always kept his attire rather simple when off duty, jeans and a t-shirt with his shield emblem on it. He was enjoying his time off before starting his new job, it gave him time to settle down with his newlywed wife.

He set down the box. “That should be the last of it,” He said to himself, and then looked up as his wife strolled out of the bathroom. She was a beautiful woman with tri-colored hair of pink, cream, and purple with bright blue eyes and a cheerful demeanor. She beamed happily at her husband, dancing over to him, and kissing his cheek.

Shining laughed a little, “Okay, what were you and Twili going on about that’s got you so happy?” He asked.

“Just happy she’s finally coming out of her shell. You know how she used to think that all she needed was her parents, us, and her tutor, right?” Cadence replied with a smile.

“Yeah, glad to see she’s finally stepping up,” Shining said, smiling at her.

“Her new friends have been helping her a lot. She seems to be enjoying having them, which I think is wonderful,” Cadence said happily. “Never mind she’s actually enjoying going to school. All in all I think the move has been good for her.”

“Huh, hard to think the little girl who threw a fit when I went to summer camp for the first time is all grown up,” Shining Armor said, smiling.

Cadence grinned, walked up to her husband and ran a finger down his chest. “Course, if you never went to summer camp, I would never have gotten to babysit Twilight…”

“One of the best days of my life, right up there with our first kiss, the fall formal dance, our wedding, our wedding night…” Shining said with a grin.

Cadence giggled. “I’m starting to see a theme here,” she said happily.

Shining laughed along with his wife. “Well, I got some boxes I still need to unpack...but I think they can wait.”

“Oh? But you’ve only got so many days off, Shiny,” Cadence said with a smile. “I know you’re itching to get out there, and make the world safe for your Beloved Wife Best Friend Forever, and your Little Sister Best Friend Forever…”

“Well yeah, but I’ve been meaning to try…” He slowly went to his wife’s ear and began whispering something that caused Cadence’s smile to slowly grow absolutely huge. She kept her grin as she took Shining’s hand and began leading him to their new bedroom.

“I’m the luckiest man in the world…” Shining said to himself as Cadence yoinked him inside.


Rarity’s home workshop was both organized, and rather chaotic. True thread, fabric, sequins, and other assorted items were in their places, and organized properly for they can be easily found and used. However, there was a space that was somewhat messy, a space that Rarity called her Inspiration Corner. Scraps of fabric, pictures, half-finished sketches, and other things that could inspire Rarity into a rash of creativity were littered about the space. In the middle was Rarity’s mannequins, with various outfits in various stages of completion, and beyond that was her sewing machine.

Rarity was standing by one of the mannequins, as she put the finishing touches on her own dress for the Fall Formal, humming happily. Spike had volunteered to come over, and lend a hand, fetching and carrying so Rarity didn’t have to leave the zone as it twere.

Spike came in, holding at least five or six rolls of fabric in his arms. “Sorry I’m late in getting these Rarity, the greens tend to blend if you aren’t paying attention,” He said, passing on one of the rolls to Rarity as she kept working.

“Thank you so much, Spikey Wikey,” Rarity said, taking the roll, and setting it on her worktable. “I appreciate you coming over and helping me out. I hate being on a streak with my inspiration, and losing my groove when I have to go and get something from the basement…”

“Glad to help Rarity.” Spike said, taking a break by sitting in a chair, watching Rarity at work. His eyes however, fell to the mannequins, and he saw one dress extra that was barely even started. “Uh, Rarity you’re already making six dresses for everybody. If you work yourself too hard you’ll barely be able to stand during the Fall Formal.”

Rarity looked over at the outfit he was talking about and simply smiled. “Oh darling that isn’t for the Fall Formal. That dress is for my birthday party, it’s a few weeks after the fall formal so I figured I could get a head start as it were.”

“Your birthday?!” Spike said, his eyes growing wide.

“Why yes. It’s just a little something that comes around every year. Pinkie throws me a nice party, and my parents give me gifts, and I always get the sweetest hand-drawn picture from Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said with a smile.

“Well, I guess I’d better think of something then,” Spike said, running a hand through his spiky green hair.

“Oh, pish tush, Spikey Wikey,” Rarity tutted. “You don’t need to give me anything. You’ve already given me so much…”

“Yeah, but I mean, I’m your guardian beast technically, I gotta do something,” Spike blinked, and then smiled wide. “And I know just what to get you!”

“Just because you’re my guardian beast doesn’t mean you have to do something like get me a birthday gift… You’ve… enriched my life, and made me see there’s more than just… You’re determined, aren’t you?” Rarity said with look of concern. “You really shouldn’t trouble yourself…”

“It won’t be trouble really, I just have to get started right away, I’m sorry but, can I go? It’s very important I get started as soon as possible,” Spike said, his eyes full of determination.

“Oh… Well… Of course…” Rarity said, sounding startled.

“See you Rarity!” Spike said, running out.

Rarity just sighed. “That...young man…” She tried to refocus back to her work. Then she looked at her watch, and groaned, marching over to the bathroom where her other dear friend was inside changing. She knocked on the door. “Applejack Apple! You’ve been in there for far longer than it takes to try on a dress!”

“Ah ain’t comin out! Ah look silly!” Aj protested from inside the bathroom.

“I made it as simple as I could, and the skirt is knee-length. All the skirts are knee length. They still enforce the dress code, even at a dance,” Rarity protested. “Now please come out, so I can see if I need to alter the fit.”

“Ah...ah dun wanna!” Aj yelled back.

“I do have the key to the bathroom, you know,” Rarity countered, tapping her foot. “Or I could turn on the AC to full blast. It gets positively freezing in there…”

Aj sighed. “Fine...jus..dun laugh…” Aj said, and slowly opened the door, revealing herself to Rarity. As Rarity had said, the skirt was knee-length. While not denim, it was a nice shade of denim blue with red trim, a scalloped edge to the skirt, revealing a white underskirt for a pleasant contrast, with red apples appliqued in between the points of the scallop pattern.

“You do wear elegant simplicity well, Applejack, darling,” Rarity said with a warm smile. “And that blue just complements your complexion so nicely.”

Aj blushed, looking away. “Ah shut it, and quit starin at me like that.” She rubbed her hands together nervously. “Ah dun look that good.”

Rarity took Applejack’s arm, and pulled her over to the full-length mirror. “I do beg to differ, darling.”

Aj looked at herself in the mirror. She honestly protested the whole idea of, in her own words, ‘getting prettied up’. But, even she had to admit. “Ah look...nice Ah guess..” Aj said, looking herself over.

“You look beautiful… Oh! Now for the piece de resistance!” Rarity exclaimed, going to her closet, and pulling out a fancier version of Applejack’s signature hat, decorated with a red fabric rose, matching the trim on the dress, and bringing over a white ascot. She seated the hat on AJ’s head, then put the ascot around AJ’s neck arranging it just so. “There. Now look, take in the whole ensemble. You look wonderful.”

“Yeah, Ah guess,” Aj said, chuckling. “Okay Rares Ah’ll wear the darn thing. Though Ah’m only gonna be servin’ refreshments anyways.”

“No reason not to look your best, darling,” Rarity said with a smile. “You may even catch the eye of some handsome fellow, at the Formal.”

“Yeah, right sure, Ah’ll catch the eye of some handsome feller.” Aj said, laughing. “That’ll be tha day.”

“Why is it at least two of my friends are constantly putting themselves down? Applejack, darling, you are beautiful,” Rarity said, looking her friend straight in the eye.

“Ah come on,” Aj said, shaking her head. “Ah ain’t like you, Rarity, ah dun have guys droolin’ left and right tah want to date me. Ya got the looks, the charm, all that fancy stuff...me...Ah’m jus...some farm girl.”

“Applejack, look at me,” Rarity said sternly.

“Uh, Ah’m lookin’.” Aj said, looking to her friend.

“Your dependable nature, and your honesty are things that I’ve always admired,” Rarity said. “However, the one thing that makes me positively green with envy is your natural beauty. You are beautiful, both inside and out.”

Aj just stares at Rarity, stunned to hear the words come out of her mouth.

“And before you ask, I do mean it. I try so very hard to enhance it so you and the world see it too. I want the world to see what I see, a beautiful, hard-working, young woman, who would give somebody the shirt off her back and all of her time if they needed it,” Rarity said passionately.

Before Rarity could say anything else, Aj ran and pulled Rarity into a hug. Rarity smiled, hugging Applejack in return.


Luna sat in one of Celestia’s plush chairs inside her home. In her hands was a book about human history. She was holding the book, her hands glowing with a pale blue light as the pages moved quickly, Luna’s teal eyes reading the book at lightning speed thanks to her knowledge absorption spell. This would allow her to learn everything the book had to offer in a matter of minutes. She was determined to fit into this world.

“How’s it going, Lulu?” Celestia asked, coming in, with a tray. On it was a glass of lemonade, and a rather large sandwich.

“In the past few hours I mastered trigonometry, learned how to handle a vehicle known as a car, got to at least a college level education, and now I’m learning the history of this world.” Luna said, continuing to flip through the book. “The only thing I’m truly missing, is an idea of what to do in this world beyond help with the war against evil and cleaning out your fridge…”

“Well… You could help me with school administration,” Celestia suggested. “I could use a vice principal. You get to boss students around, and look all intimidating.”

“I suppose it will have to do for now.” Luna said, sighing. “I have to make up for everything somehow…”

“Luna, I am just so very happy to have my sister back. Let’s make a promise to talk to each other, if something is bothering us. It’s not talking that caused us to be separated, in the first place,” Celestia said earnestly. “The last thing I want is to lose you, again.”

Luna put the book in her lap and sighed. “Sister, I do appreciate you being incredibly supportive. All I ask is a little patience. I.. have been another person for the longest time...it will be difficult for me to... adjust to us together again.”

“I know. I am trying to be patient, of course. I am also trying to prevent us repeating history, that’s all. I want to be a proper sister to you, and pay attention to your needs, or when you’re having difficulties, instead of ignoring them, or just thinking you’re going through a phase,” Celestia said with a quiet sigh.

“I understand, sister, you don’t have to, do the speech in front of me. I know well where I stand in all of this…” Luna said, looking away.

Celestia suddenly...smiled, and stood, walking towards her old boom box sitting on a shelf.

“Sister, what are you doing?” Luna asked.

“Having fun with my sister again…” Celestia said, keeping her smile.

“Sister, I have not sang in so long, and I do not know any human world songs yet.” Luna said, laughing in embarrassment.

“Oh, I’m sure you can keep up, here, let’s give it a test drive!” Celestia said, putting a cd in the boom box. Celestia took a candlestick as a makeshift mike as the song began playing…


Luna had not laughed so hard in all her life.


The insect known as Swarm slowly awoke, peeking out of the cardboard box he had taken shelter in for the night. The alley had been abandoned, when he had stopped to rest, but he couldn’t be too careful. He crept out, keeping to the shadows, trying to avoid humans as best he could. He knew he had no means of returning to the hive. He couldn’t hear them anymore, the severance was terrifying but...liberating at the same time. No longer were his thoughts clambered and messy, awaiting a queen to make sense of it all.

He had thoughts of his own, ideas, memories. He remembered the pink haired girl, the one who gave him a name, something no drone ever had before. It was, so utterly strange to him…

He shook his head, and looked down at his stomach, he could sense it, that depraved emptiness that comes when no love had been consumed in a while. In truth he had not consumed true love in a long time, the great sealing had caused only a handful of ponies to be trapped with the hive. They could only feed so many...that was why the Queen sent him through the portal in the first place.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard somebody coming towards his hiding spot, he hid in the bushes, using whatever was left of his magic to camouflage among the leaves. He hoped it would be enough.

Soon, Shining Armor passed in front of the alleyway, he looked back as Cadence followed him, both of them carrying groceries. “Glad we got that good deal,” Shining said to himself. “You have no idea how expensive these things can get...Cadey?” He noticed his wife had stopped at a store front. She stood there, looking at the strollers, and other baby things, a look of longing on her face. She heard her name, snapping out of her daydream, and quickly caught up to him.

“I’m sorry, Shining, I kind of got caught up,” She said with a slight blush.

“Cadey you were looking at the baby store,” Shining pointed out. “I can put two and two together…”

“I know… I… I would just really love to have a baby. I’ve been babysitting since I was a little girl, and I always imagined having one of my own to love,” Cadence said with a dreamy smile.

“You really want to have a kid, huh?” Shining asked with a grin.

“Yes. I can’t help but think you’d make a great Daddy,” Cadence said beaming at her husband, lovingly.

“You… You really think so?” Shining asked beaming, as he set down his grocery bags. He then glomped Cadence, spinning her around, gleefully. “Oh, Cadey, I’d love to have a baby with you!”

“Oh, Shiny,” she gushed, kissing him lovingly.

Swarm blinked, and his nostrils were filled with the taste of pure unadulterated love. He absorbed it all, feeling it’s wonderful taste on his tongue. What normally had to be gathered over the course of several months all came rushing into his body in a matter of seconds. For the first time in his short life span, he felt full and satisfied. How can two creatures feel such love for one another to provide an overwhelming amount of it?

Swarm pondered this a little as the couple walked away. He went back to the alleyway where he was sleeping, hiding in his cardboard box. He had to think, he couldn’t stay hiding here forever. He had to find that...pink haired girl. Maybe..she could provide love? She certainly smelled of compassion, joy and wonder all in one spot. He wondered if love could be mixed in there.

He closed his eyes, he couldn’t go out looking like this, survival instinct and all. He had to chose a unique form for himself. Something to help him blend in with the humans of this world. That Shining Armor human got a lot of love, but he couldn’t copy him because that would arouse suspicion. He had to...make some modifications.

He concentrated, making a form that isn’t a copy can be difficult the first time. It required concentration, and a little creativity, something that was discouraged among Changelings. But this was an emergency. Soon, green fire covered his entire body, and he stepped out of his cardboard box as a young, skinny, teenaged redheaded human with bright green eyes. He wore a set of jeans, sneakers, and a black hoodie with a design resembling insect wings on the back.

The form was functional, the clothes felt real. Now it was just a matter of finding that pink haired girl…


Pinkie was in a free period, cheerfully bringing more streamers to the gym to put some finishing touches on her decorating job. Soon Applejack would bring the fizzy apple cider, and the Cakes would deliver the cupcakes, which would need to be put in the cafeteria fridge. All would be in readiness for the big dance that weekend. All in all, Pinkie was sure this was going to be the best Fall Formal yet. Especially if Twilight won the Fall Formal princess crown.

Swarm meanwhile managed to sneak in among the other students. Nobody seemed to notice him, then again part of a changeling’s job was to blend in. He caught a glimpse of Pinkie walking into the gym, he peeked inside, watching Pinkie going around, putting up the decorations. Swarm’s green eyes stared for a long time, and for a moment...he could have sworn he felt a heartbeat inside him…

Pinkie was about to hang up the last decorations...when she suddenly felt a pain in her left leg, a ticklish feeling on her left cheek, and her eye went all twitchy...PINKIE SENSE!! Her cute redhead boyfriend was here! She quickly looked around, eyes scanning eagerly, looking for the boy she knew had to be there. She then rushed to the hallway, slamming open the gym door.

...Right into poor Swarm…

“Ow…” He managed to say, somehow, having been planted into the wall.

“Oh! Oopsie…” Pinkie said sheepishly. She helped him inside, and sat him on a chair. “Sorry. Sometimes I get kinda excited, and don’t pay attention. Are you okay?”

Swarm averted his eyes from Pinkie, a sudden feeling in his gut. He could only really describe it as wanting to confess but also wanting to run for the hills. He just ended up sitting there, unable to make a sound.

“Aw, you’re such a shy guy… Are you new? Did you just transfer in?” Pinkie asked, then gasped dramatically. “That means you don’t have any friends! Then allow me to be the first! I’m Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet you, new friend! What’s your name?”

He tilted his head at her, still not able to speak. Pinkie then looked at his back, seeing the insect design on his hoodie. Something about this boy seemed awfully familiar.

“Swarmie?” she gasped. “But… weren’t you a buggie?”

He nodded, then held up one of his hands, the fingers suddenly ignited with green flame, eroding away the skin to showcase the black chitin.

“Oooooh. It’s a disguise! So nobody freaks out at seeing a buggie!” Pinkie exclaimed cheerfully. “You’re a clever buggie, Swarmie.”

Swarm smiled shyly in response, restoring his hand to normal.

“Can’t talk huh Swarmie?” Pinkie said, with some concern.

Swarm shook his head, sadly.

Pinkie smiled, and took his hand, smiling. “Don’t worry Swarmie I’m sure we can help ya talk and stuff!” She said happily. Then watched as Swarm’s hands glowed green at her touch.

Swarm pulled his hand out of hers, blinked...and moved his mouth saying…”Pin...ki...pi...ie…?” He said, almost like a baby learning to speak it’s first word.

Pinkie gasped. “You… you talked! You said my name!” Pinkie said excitedly. She gleefully hugged him, giggling. “You’re such a smartie.”

“Pink...kie…” He said, his cheeks blushing as he looked up at her, and awkwardly imitated the hugging motion.

“Okay! I’m gonna help you fit in, and talk, and everything! Okay, Swarmie?” Pinkie asked beaming at him. “Gotta get you some clothes, too… Don’t know how I’m going to explain you to my folks, but I’ll think of something. Meanwhile, you can help me, here! I’ll show ya what to do, and we’ll be decorating buddies!”

Before Swarm knew it, he was being dragged along to aid in decorating the Fall Formal. He didn’t quite understand what was going on yet. But one thing was certain…

He really just liked being with Pinkie.


Cadence and Shining Armor decided to take a walk, window shopping at the various stores, after they had put up their groceries. They wanted to enjoy as much time, together, as they could, before Shining started his new job as one of Canter City’s finest. Soon, however, they found themselves standing outside of Canterlot High.

“Say, Cadie, isn’t that Twili’s new school?” Shining asked, when they came up to it.

“I think it is,” Cadence said, looking at the sign “Canterlot High! Oh my gosh I wonder if my Aunt Tia is in?”

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to at least stop by and see how Twilight is doing.” Shining Armor said with a shrug.

“Just don’t do anything totally embarrassing to your poor sister okay?” Cadence warned.

“Aww come on, I’m the cool brother,” Shining Armor replied defensively. “I’m never embarrassing.”

“Says the man who cried at our wedding, used to play Ogres and Oubliettes, and whose voice cracked when he tried to say hello to me for the first time,” Cadence teased.

“First of all, liquid pride, there’s totally a difference,” Shining retorted. “Second, that’s the most awesome game ever, and third, you are the most gorgeous woman in the world so I was helpless.”

“Alright alright, let’s go inside.” Cadence said as the couple walked in.


“So this is going to be my dress for the formal,” Twilight said, showing Rarity’s sketch to Private, while Rarity was working on Fluttershy’s dress at a nearby mannequin. “What… what do you think?”

Private looked it over, “Well I guess if she actually folded a few of these in, maybe moved the colors around it could be…” He stopped himself at Twilight’s perplexed expression.

He blushed in embarrassment, “Sorry, my Mom is like, really into this stuff. I got dragged around on more than one of her ‘inspiration runs’ when she wanted to get back into clothes making.”

“Wait a minute, darling, now show me what you were suggesting?” Rarity said coming over.

“I’m, really no expert, Rarity,” Private said, holding up his hands. “I think I should leave Twilight’s dress in your capable hands. I wouldn’t want to ruin it.”

“You’re a fresh set of eyes, darling. Just spit it out, and let me judge, shall we?” Rarity suggested, sternly.

“Fine fine,” Private said, pointing out what he felt could be changed.

“I’ll try to incorporate them as best I could,” Rarity said, making notes. “Though I am ashamed Twilight rejected my initial design.”

“You had me in a dress that made me look like a glorified cupcake.” Twilight said, crossing her arms.

“But I thought it only fitting considering your…” Rarity began.

“For the last time Rarity! Not a princess!” Twilight yelled.

“Aww, and here I was hoping to make a dashing suit for Private as well. You two would have been the belles of the ball. A handsome knight and his princess, absolutely adorable,” Rarity said with a giggle.

Both Twilight and Private blushed at the collective mental images they got.

“I am never going to live the princess thing down, am I?” Twilight groaned, facepalming.

“Probably not, but you know me,” Rarity said with a chuckle. “Now I shall be off making these changes. See you, darlings.” She began walking back to the mannequins.

“She wanted to put me in a full-on ballgown,” Twilight confided to Private. “I’d have never been able to maneuver in that thing… Just hope she doesn’t try to put you in armor or something…”

“Actually, most knights don’t wear armor to balls and stuff, they wear suits and tights and, well I don’t think I have the legs for them,” He said, holding up his leg jokingly.

“Who’d wear tights, in this day and age, anyway?” Twilight asked, laughing, and shaking her head.

“Yeah yeah,” He said, laughing in turn...for a minute both of them stopped, and gazed at one another as the thought of the Fall Formal and being together entered their heads. Twilight looked up into Private’s eyes, a hand reaching up to caress his cheek. Private blushed at the gesture smiling shyly, before reaching over to take her free hand. Twilight leaned closer to him, eyes going half-lidded as she did.

Private slowly tilted his head, preparing to go in...until he was suddenly yanked off Twilight and turned around, coming face to face with Shining Armor.

Shining Armor glared at Private, “And just what do you think you’re doing pal?!”

“Oh um, hello...sir…” Private said, suddenly feeling very nervous under Shining’s glare.

“It’s Officer Shining Armor.” Shining Armor said, keeping his glare. “I’m Twilight’s big brother.”

“I can see the badge...and the fact you are quite big, sir…” Private quivered.

“Can it. Just what did you think you were doing with my sister?!” Shining yelled.

“Well, see...I really like your sister and well…” Private began.

“I’ll give you five seconds,” Shining warned.

“Bye, Twilight, catch you later!” Private yelped, taking off. Shining was just about to follow before Twilight caught his arm, holding him back.

“Shining?! What are you doing here, and why are you bullying my boyfriend?” Twilight asked, looking furious.

“Oh, Cadence and I were going to surprise you with a visit.” Shining explained. “As for that guy? I wasn’t going to hurt him or anything. Just describe in very great detail what happens if he tries to mess with my little sister.”

“Boyfriend, Shiny. He is my boyfriend. Sort of suggests some limited ‘messing’ is allowed,” Twilight replied, glaring at her very overprotective older brother.

“Well I had to be sure, Twili, don’t want to get your heart broken.” Shining explained. “It’s my job to look after you, being your big brother and all.”

“Shiny, sometimes you take that job way too seriously,” Twilight observed with a huge sigh.

“I think I take it with just the righ-OW!” Shining yelped as his wife suddenly appeared, yanking on his ear.

“Shining. Leave them alone,” Cadence said sternly.

“But Cadey-” Shining Armor groaned.

“Don’t ‘but Cadey’ me, mister. You leave them alone,” Cadence uttered, still holding on to Shining’s ear. “I have a good feeling about him.”

“Fine...I guess I won’t use my taser on him…” Shining grumbled, crossing his arms.

“SHINY!” Twilight yelled.

“Ugh… This is the reason why I didn’t tell you about him. I knew you’d go all gung-ho overprotective on poor Twilight. You know how my feelings are, right?” Cadence said, rolling her eyes at her husband’s antics. “Twilight, go tell your boyfriend I got things handled before he runs to the state line in abject terror.”

“Will do. Thanks Cadey,” Twilight said, leaving the room.

“Times like this makes me glad to be the elder sibling,” Rarity muttered from the sewing area.


Private sat on a bench outside, trying to come to grips with the fact his girlfriend has a cop for a brother. “I think I’ll take the monsters any old day.” He said to himself.

“Uh… Hi… My sister-in-law, Cadence, has Shiny leashed, for the moment. She thought I ought to come and catch you before you made a break for the state line,” Twilight said sheepishly.

“Yeah, did not expect that when we decided to date,” Private said with a chuckle. “But I’m okay, far away from the state line. Wanna come join?” He said, scooting over and patting beside him.

“I’m sorry,” Twilight said, sitting beside him. “I should have told you I have an overprotective older brother… but with monster attacks, and running for the princess of the Fall Formal, it kind of slipped my mind…”

“Hey, I’m not going to let all of that stop me from trying to make this work.” He said with a small laugh. He was joined by Twilight as the pair looked at each other. Private gulped, blushing again. “So um...how about a take two…?”

Twilight looked into his eyes, a blush coloring her cheeks bright red. “A… t-take two?” she asked nervously.

Private just smiled kindly, reaching up and resting a hand on one of her blushing cheeks. He smiled at her sweetly thinking, What am I doing? I just...this feels so right and amazing…

This… this feels right… Why does it feel right? Twilight asked herself as she leaned closer to him, her eyes slowly closing in anticipation of what was sure to come.

Private gulps again, blushing brightly as his face slowly moves closer to hers. Private then tilted Twilight’s head..and gently brought his lips down upon hers. Twilight leaned into the kiss, kissing Private back, a hand coming to rest on his chest, as she did. Private’s eyes went wide as Twilight began kissing back. He soon closed them, reaching his free arm to wrap around her, pulling her tenderly in close. Twilight’s arms slipped around Private’s neck, one hand ran through Private’s hair.

They broke the kiss for a bit however, breathing a little as they gaze upon one another. Private smiled tenderly at her, “Twi...that was...wow…”

“I… Wow. That was something else… It felt… so right,” Twilight said with a smile.

“We um, should get back inside...before we miss class…” Private said, blushing.

“Y-yeah. We should,” Twilight said, getting up with a small sigh of regret. “I’ll… see you later, Private.”

“See you Twilight,” Private said getting up, smiling at her...and then giving her a kiss right on the cheek before he went back inside.

Twilight giggled, leaning against the wall, swooning, her hands over her heart and her eyes going all dreamy.