• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 4,611 Views, 329 Comments

Equestria Guardians - Jacoboby1

Twilight Sparkle was your average everyday nerdy student. But a new town presents a new life and problem aside from tests. An Evil is coming through, and Twilight may be the one of the few that can stop it. But can she do it alone? Or among Friends?

  • ...

Chapter 32 "Equestria Games Part 4"

Chapter 32

“Friendship Games Part 4”


“One Last Push”

Spera leaned against the wall of his hotel room after he got back. He had managed to dodge security and get back in without being noticed. His was one of the few hotel rooms that he got by himself, benefits of an odd numbered class. He fell into a chair and put a hand on his head.

Whatever happened back there, it felt, good. Really really good, but right now he was feeling tired, light headed. As if he’d just run a marathon in the span of a minute. It was a rush, like skydiving or some other extreme sport. Only, it was via this strange…

Did he want to call it magic? Sad to say that was the only name he could think of for it. It was powerful for sure, and it felt amazing to use it, like as if he had control. As if he didn’t have to listen to anybody else’s opinion...not Cinch..not that Private who tried to contain him...who tried to say it wasn’t a good thing…

Spera shook his head as the phone buzzed, he looked on and saw a text message...from his stepfather.

Will be watching, do not forget our deal.

Spera gripped the phone tightly in his hand, so much so it almost gave under the weight of a suddenly growing anger inside. A resentment that was always there, always festering...it...all it would take is…

Spera shook his head, he was tired, the games were tomorrow...and he needed rest…

But..for the first time in a long time, Spera slept totally peacefully. As if he suddenly had a weight lifted off his shoulders…


The soccer field had been transformed utterly. Around the perimeter was dirt hills and valleys that made up your typical motocross course. It was unclear where all that dirt had come from, but a very credible motocross course had been made out of what was once a soccer field. An inner circle seemed to be devoted to some sport that would need a hard surface to move freely upon. It was still a circular track, so it was yet another race, but not as extreme as the motocross. In the center was an obstacle course leading to archery targets. Why was there an obstacle course leading to archery targets? Only the creators of this contest knew for sure.

“Are you sure about this Fluttershy?” Aj asked as the pair of them slid into the archery outfits Rarity got for them during her creative streak. “Ya just got the magic drained out of ya, and now yer gonna take part in this here event?”

Fluttershy nodded as she tested the string on her bow. “I’m not about to let my friends down by sitting on the sidelines. I’m fine, just needed a bit of sleep is all.”

“If ya say so,” Aj said, looking over as the crystal prep students gathered together. She was looking at Spera in particular. “Hard ta believe a skinny feller like him is causin’ us so much trouble…”

Said skinny feller was getting a briefing from Cinch along with Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, Soursweet, Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap. Spera’s eyes looked on the crowd and sure enough, sitting at the top corner of the stands of cheering Wondercolts and leering Shadowbolts was his stepfather. Kalos Imperictus gave Spera a look when their eyes met, one that clearly told him the stakes of the games.

Spera found his fist clenching on it’s own, and a voice said, “Spera?”

He blinked and looked over at Sunny Flare, and at Cinch who was glaring at him.

“I uh, what?” Spera blabbered, which caused Lemon to giggle until she was silenced by a Cinch glare.

“I shall repeat in as some of us seem to have been lacking attention,” Cinch said, and then turned to all of them. “The race will be a relay and all of you will race in pairs. Once both members have completed the task, the next pair can begin theirs. And so on until we secure a victory for Crystal Prep.” She then turned to Indigo and Sugarcoat. “As you two are the most proficient in Motocross, that will be your task.”

“YES!” Indigo said, and then at a glare, she chuckled nervously and said, “Uh, I mean, we’re gonna kick...butt…?”

“Smooth.” Sugarcoat quipped.

“Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, you two shall handle the speed skating.” Cinch said, and then came over to Spera and Soursweet. “That leaves you two with archery.”

Spera internally groaned. Archery was practically mandatory at Crystal Prep due to the games. It was single handedly his worst subject, and the glare from Soursweet told him she knew it too...and then it went to a smile...and then an even worse glare.

Even non verbally she’s a walking mood whiplash.

Over at the Wondercolt side of things, Everybody was getting into gear, Aj and Fluttershy donning archery gear. Pinkie and Rarity putting on skates, and Sunset and Rainbow donning motocross gear.

“I can’t be the only one who thinks this is all a little over the top right?” Twilight said as she looked at all of this. “I mean, the motocross alone seems like an insurance nightmare.”

“Relax, Twilight, I’ve been riding bikes with my dad since I could walk.” Rainbow said as she was busy tuning up her bike. “This’ll be a piece of cake.”

“I’ve been on motorcycles, too, so it should be fine for me,” Sunset said with a smile. “I’ve even done some freestyle… Uh… Hang on a minute, I’ll be right back.” Sunset trailed off as she looked around and spotted Adagio with the other cheerleaders. She then went over to the squad.

Adagio was getting instructions from Lyra, the siren was trying very hard to remember her routine, so much so she didn’t even notice Lyra leaving..and Sunset coming behind her and hugging her.

Adagio yelped, and then realized it was Sunset holding her, “Geez, you always could surprise me…” She said with a happy smile at her girlfriend.

“At least it’s always a pleasant surprise, I hope,” Sunset teased gently. “You look fantastic in your cheer outfit.”

Adagio turned, and eyed Sunset up and down, “Well, you aren’t looking too bad yourself, that suit of yours hits all the right curves.”

“Well it’s a motocross outfit. It’s supposed to hit all the right curves,” Sunset replied with a grin. “I won’t be able to hear you cheering, but I’ll see you. I’m glad you’re here to cheer me on, love.”

“Stay safe out there okay? I do want to make sure you are intact for your, victory prize.” She said, smirked a little, and kissed Sunset on the forehead, causing some onlookers to drop their jaws...and a few guys to quickly look away from glaring girlfriends.

The Guardians chuckled a little at the pair, especially when Sunset got all misty eyed about the display.

“Geez, they got it worse than you and Private,” Rainbow snarked to Twilight.

“Speakin’ of Priv,” Aj said, pointing as he came over.

Private was walking to the group, all the while spying on Spera who was currently trying to make sure he was holding the bow right. He stopped when Soursweet nearly caught him looking over.

At everybody else’s glances, he tried to change the subject, “Don’t you all think it’s-”

“Little excessive? That was like, seven paragraphs ago, Privy,” Pinkie said, casually rolling around on her skates.

“Any luck trying to talk to Celestia or Luna?” Twilight asked, “They need to know what happened.”

“I sent them texts, but they must be so swamped in work right now.” Private said, looking on at the little tent where Celestia was sitting, looking on all the excitement, soon, Cinch joined her, looking about as sour as ever.

“We’ll worry about all the dark magic stuff after we stomp those Shadowbolts to the ground!” Rainbow said excitedly.

“If ya say so, Ah still think one of us should be sittin’ out.” Aj said, looking over at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy shook her head, “For the last time Applejack, I’m fine. Besides, I’m not technically in the archery club, so me being super good at this could cause some raised eyebrows.”

“Just pretend the bow string is a snake or something.” Private said, “As for Twilight and I, we’ll be off on the sidelines in case anything happens.”

“Don’t get too cozy, you two I’ll be watching in case you two decide to hide behind the stands for some alone time,” Sunset teased, causing the pair to blush.

“Geez you guys,” Twilight said, laughing and shaking her head as she took Private’s hand, the pair headed for the stands together. “Sunset’s just as bad as we are, with Adagio. And we’re the ones who get all the teasing?”

“She just beats us to the punch where she can. She hasn’t completely lost her competitive edge after all,” Private joked.


The competitors lined up at the starting lines, some looking apprehensive, others looking confident. The crowd hushed as Luna stood up at the podium, and got ready to speak.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the second round of the Friendship Games is about begin. First part of the competition is archery, the next is speed skating, and the third is motocross. In order for the second phase to start, each team must score a bull’s eye, then the speed skating will begin.” Luna finished her spiel, and held aloft an airhorn. “On your marks. Get set...” She then blew the air horn.

Sour Sweet and Fluttershy took off running. Soursweet got ahead and jumped over the hay bales that were in the way, snatching the quiver and arrows as she ran along.. Once that was done she then came to a mud puddle with a rope to swing across. That was easy, Soursweet could do this in her sleep. She swung across with practiced ease, rolled, notched three arrows and fired all of them at the moving targets. The first two shots hit the target, but the last one hit the all important bullseye.

Fluttershy had gotten through the obstacles, and up to the target. She nearly went into a practiced stance to shoot the target clean in it’s bullseye. But she suddenly remembered that nobody at either school had ever seen her skills with a bow. So, she pretended to fumble with it for a while, barely pulling on the string, missing a target on purpose, and once somehow getting the arrow to fire backwards.

Life’s gotta suck if you have to play yourself sucking…

With Soursweet’s arrow on the bullseye, Spera took off, suffice to say his lack of athletic ability showed. He tripped on the hay stack, falling flat on his face. Soursweet looked about ready to take two of the arrows and gouge her eyes out...or Spera’s for that matter. It didn’t matter if she did good, if Spera didn’t get a bullseye, it would mean squat.

The irony was lost on the Shadowbolt.

Fluttershy’s attempts to fumble continued, until she tried flat out not looking and fired at the targets. The arrow shot into the air, and then came right down on one of the lower targets. Fluttershy looked on, and then pretended like she just performed a miracle shot.

Her classmates cheered on, not knowing at all that Fluttershy could shoot the eye of a sparrow 50 yards away on a good day.

The bullseye got Aj going as Spera barely managed to get across the mud puddle. Spera groaned a little as he stood up, trying desperately to remember the archery classes he always sucked at. He could feel his stepfather and Cinch glaring at him from the stands…

He hated those glares…

Aj managed to run through the obstacle course like it was nothing. Swinging over and coming with her bow. She notched an arrow and began taking shots at the moving target. She fired one shot, and it just missed the mark. Fluttershy clapped anyways, happy to encourage her teammate.

When Spera took a shot, he flat out missed the target. He heard Soursweet glowering behind him. A pang came over his heart, as he knew every second he wasted was a second that Scarlet didn’t have…

Aj concentrated...notched an arrow...and breathed in, and out, just like how her...Pa taught her how to shoot. Only this was a bow, not a shotgun.

But the little concentration did the trick, the arrow shot out of her bow and hit the target. At that moment, a bell was heard and Aj watched as Pinkie and Rarity took off out of the short track. Pinkie cheering the whole way as they left Sunny and Lemon in their dust!

Soursweet watched all this and groaned as Spera missed another shot. Spera felt the pressure of it all, he was failing his school, his stepfather...Scarlet...His knees were buckling, his shots were only getting worse and worse…

“You’re really bad at this,” Sugarcoat observed from her seat on her motorcycle.

“No shit,” Soursweet muttered behind Spera.

Fluttershy and Aj looked at the display, Fluttershy awkwardly playing with her hair. “I didn’t think the pressure and meanness of Crystal Prep was this bad...just look at him.”

“Ah can’t stand it anymore!” Applejack uttered, then went over to Spera, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Now look here. Don’t aim right at tha target.”

“Yeah, sure don’t aim at the target, any more advice you wanna give Wondersnot?” Soursweet insulted.

Spera’s shoulder’s slumped a little as Aj just rolled her eyes and ignored Soursweet.

“Aim at where tha target’s gonna be,’ an’ you’ll hit it,” Applejack advised. “Jus’ calm down, an’ aim ‘long tha track there.”

“I can’t believe this, are you really gonna take advice from the person you’re supposed to be competing against, Spera?” Soursweet snarked, crossing her arms.

Spera looked over at Aj, surprised that after all this time...it would be some Wondercolt who would show him a little sympathy. Kindness of strangers…

“Now do ya wanna hit that there bullseye or not?” Aj asked.

He had no reason to believe her, sure it made sense but...she was...but she could be...

Spera calmed down, shook his head and focused. It was a simple concept really, leading the shot, but Spera felt, calmer with this girl’s reassurance. He drew it back, aimed along the track...and….

“NOW!” Aj said, and Spera let go of the arrow, it went sailing...and then…


The bell rang and Sunny and Lemon took off around the track. Spera let out a breath as Soursweet looked on in shock. Spera then looked at Aj, “You could’ve lied to me, or just have let me fumble my way. You could’ve won…”

“Ah don’t lie, an’ I don’t leave people to fumble ifin’ I can help. Also, ifin’ Ah didn’t help, it wouldn’t have been an honest victory. We’re gonna win honestly, or not at all,” Applejack said with a firm nod. Suddenly, Aj felt her body glow orange, geez magic you choose now to show up!

Spera looked on Aj as the hair slowly started to grow, and the ears began appearing. Soursweet slowly backed away, weirded out by what was happening. Spera then looked on his hands, and they slowly began glowing green. Spera yelped as his hands moved, and touched Aj’s shoulders. Suddenly Aj began feeling that draining sensation Pinkie and Fluttershy described!

She tried to shove Spera away but her energy was slowly but surely being drained. She fell on her knees before Spera, who was feeling the magic flowing through him. He didn’t want to do this! Not to somebody who was...honest with him…

Spera then yelled as his hands glowed brighter, there was too much energy! He had to let it out! He shot his arms in a random direction, and the energy fired, the crowd was too absorbed in the race to notice a small...portal appearing near the cheerleading squad.

The portal began pulsing with the same energy as before, Spera looked on as the portal slowly but surely got wider..and a black, strange looking tentacle began coming out. Spera looked on, horrified.

Meanwhile everyone else was focusing on the race at hand. Lemon and Sunny tried to make up for lost time and began catching up to Rarity and Pinkie. They didn’t notice the growing tentacle as they quickly tried to finish the race.

“Pinkie! Slingshot!” Rarity said, extending her leg.

Pinkie grabbed onto it, as Rarity flung her leg forward, shooting Pinkie passed Lemon and Sunny until Pinkie crossed the finish line first, securing the tie.

The bell next to the motocross competitors rang as Spera ran across to the tentacle, he looked on the strange being as it tried to reach out and grab him. He ducked, and backed away as the motocrossers began revving their engines. They took off on the track, Sunset and Rainbow catching an early lead.

Spera yelped as his hand began firing off more magic shots, opening more portals and causing more of those tentacles to appear.

Rainbow leaped over one of the portals that appeared between a gap. “This is awesome!” She cheered as she came for a landing, then looked on as a portal appeared in front of her. The tentacle, black and twisted came out and started reaching towards her as she sped to it.

“Yeah, seen way too much hentai to know where this is going!” Rainbow said, as she dodged and weaved around the tentacles.

Sugarcoat and Sunset came close behind, they both looked on in horror as more and more black tentacles came out. One of them grabbed Sugarcoat’s bike and lifted her well off the ground, the shadowbolt dangling precariously from it.

Indigo took the opportunity and rode one of the tentacles to fly ahead of the pack.

Private and Twilight looked at all of this, in shock and horror at all that was going on. The crowd was eating it up, thinking it was part of the show.

“You get the portals!” Private said as both of them took off out of the stands to try and help. Twilight quickly ran and looked to make sure everyone was distracted before she used her magic to begin closing some of the portals that didn’t have tentacles coming out.

Sunset looked on the tentacle holding up Sugarcoat and blocking her path, she turned the bike and tried to slide under it, but another loose tentacle hit her, causing Sunset to come spilling out. She fell on the ground as one of the tentacles looked on her, and whipped towards her.

In that moment, Rainbow turned around and drove to catch Sunset in time. The pair road off as Private looked on Sugarcoat. The girl fell towards the earth after slipping from the bike handles. Private dove and caught her, he held the shadowbolt as she breathed heavily, adrenaline pumping through her. She then looked at Private and frowned, “What, you want a medal?”

Meanwhile, Sunset and Rainbow sped along the track, Sunset hugged Rainbow happily as they rode. “Thanks for the save Dash!”

“Like I was gonna let you become part of Raiden’s porn collection.” Rainbow chuckled, as her body started to glow. She tried to suppress the feeling..and she stopped glowing for a bit until it was only faint…

But...Kalos saw, and his eyes narrowed at Rainbow…

Rainbow and Sunset rode together as Private looked on the chaos. He let Sugarcoat go and saw Twilight trying her best to close the portals. He then saw the cheerleader squad running from a tentacle. Adagio tried running off, but tripped on her shoe, she looked on as the tentacles were about to come down on her.

“Twilight!” Private said, pointing.

Twilight looked on and thinking quickly, used concentrated her magic on Adagio’s arm. She then used telekinesis to pull the siren out of the way. Adagio then managed to get back on her feet and ran towards the track.

On said track, Indigo tried to keep her lead on Rainbow and Sunset, but a tentacle smacked down and caused a large hole to appear in her path, she fell in it and crashed hard.

Rainbow and Sunset kept driving on, until Sunset saw Adagio running from a tentacle. Sunset blinked, and then leapt off the motorcycle, looking on the tentacle. She ran towards Adagio as Indigo sped towards the finish after recovering. Sunset stood between the tentacle and Adagio. Sunset’s hands glowed with powerful magic, flames appearing.

“GET YOUR SLIMY BODY AWAY FROM MY GIRLFRIEND!!” Sunset yelled, and blasted the tentacle with flame, it writhed in pain as the fire began consuming it, turning it into ash. Sunset slumped over from the effort, Adagio quickly catching her before she fell.

Rainbow meanwhile, had her hands on the handle bars, and was going towards the finish. It was close, Indigo was right on her! She had to push, she had to secure the…


She shot through the finish line like a speeding bullet, her whole body was aglow with magic, and wings and ears nearly popped out before she calmed down. The whole crowd cheered as the Wondercolts secured their win against the Shadowbolts.

Spera meanwhile, his hands aglow and magic flowing without end, was trying to concentrate. “Come on...stop...please!” He said, and clapped his hands together, suddenly all the portals, tentacles and other nasties disappeared from sight.

Cinch looked over at Celestia who just shrugged. Celestia then gave a motion to Luna. Luna spoke into the megaphone. “All Students please head for the gym, as for the Wondercolts, congratulations on a true victory!”

The Guardians all gathered around one another, Adagio helping Sunset walk. Aj spoke up once everybody was gathered. “Everybody alright?”

“Better than alright!” Rainbow said, as her magic dissipated. “We won!”

“Yeah, but you guys could’ve seriously gotten hurt back there.” Private said, looking on all the damage. He then looked at Adagio and Sunset, “How is she?”

“She’s fine…” Adagio said, as Fluttershy helped as well. “I’ll get her to help as soon as I can.”

“Help? Who?” Twilight asked.

“She means me.” A voice said from behind them. The guardians looked on as Aria and Sonata appeared.

“Geez louise guys!” Sonata said, “What was with all those tentacles, I haven’t seen that many since my Uncle Kraken’s birthday party.”

“Kraken as in-” Private began.

“Nevermind,” Aria said, “Lay her down Adagio.”

Adagio...nodded, and set Sunset down on the grass.

“Blow all your magic at once like that,” Aria said, shaking her head. “You’re lucky, you could’ve caused permanent damage to yourself.”

Sunset looked up at Aria bleary eyed, “Dagi…?”

“I’m here love…” Adagio said, holding Sunset hand.

“Good...I was pretty cool huh?” Sunset said with a tired grin.

Aria then got up and went over and snatched a water bottle from one of the leaving students. She came over to Sunset, “This’ll keep your muscles from breaking down…” She then ran her hand over the water bottle, opening the cap...everybody watched in wonder as the water moved out all by itself, floating gently while the inside of it glowed with a soft purple light.

“Whoa…” Twilight said, her eyes wide.

“Oh my gosh! Aria is a waterbender!” Pinkie said happily.

“Not water...whatever that is.” Aria said, rolling her eyes. “Aquamancy, every seapony could do it.” Aria then moved her hands, the water flowed into Sunset’s mouth, Sunset let out a breath afterwards, and she felt her whole body just, relax…

“Oh my gosh! That’s a whole different kind of magic I’ve never seen before! That is so cool! Could I learn it? How does it work?” Twilight gushed, her eyes glowing from seeing something new.

“Geez you’re worse than Sonata.” Aria said, rolling her eyes. “Long story short, only works with Seaponies, everybody kinda specializes. My family and I were healers back in the day.”

“Well your bedside manner could use work…” Rarity pointed out.

“Wait does that mean you and Adagio can do it too?” Pinkie asked Sonata.

“Yeppy! Here’s what I can do!” Sonata said, taking the water bottle and doing the same motions as Aria did. Sonata then concentrated..and the water turned to a solid block of ice.

“Ice powers?” Private said, “But you’re so...cheerful.”

“Aww, ice people don’t always have to be cold, depressing and singing Let it go….

“DAMNIT!” Aria yelled, “Sonata I just got that song out of my head!”

Sonata and the others laughed.

Rainbow finished her laugh, “Gotta say, Sonata, those powers are really….” She suddenly pulled out a pair of shades and put them on. “Cool.”


“What? You thought Noir was the only place that could do that? Please, the law of puns demanded it be done.” Pinkie...said….

“Pinkie who are you talking too?” Twilight asked the party girl.

“Fans,” Was all Pinkie said.

Adagio looked down as Sunset began to relax. “Thank you, Aria, I’m glad you were nearby.”

“Don’t get all sappy or I’ll charge ya.” Aria said, shaking her head. “Besides, couldn’t you have done it? You were like...our Twilight when it came to Aquamancy.”

Everybody looked on Adagio, who blushed and chuckled nervously. “I wasn’t that good. I just happened to have good teachers.”

“Uncanny…” Aj said, looking between Adagio and Twilight.

“Anyways now that Sunset is settled...there’s still the matter of all the tentacles showing up.” Private said, surveying the damage.

“I...may have had something to do with that…” Everybody looked on as...Spera was standing before them. He looked on Sunset with a measure of guilt and trepidation. “I only wanted to find out what was causing all these energy spikes in my tome. I had no idea that it was magic, or that it would...cause all this.”

Nobody really knew what to say, Rainbow then casually strode towards Spera. “Hey man, I know this magic weirded me out to...why are your hands glowing?” Rainbow looked as Spera’s hands glowed again.

“Rainbow don’t!” Aj yelled.

“What?” Rainbow said, turning around, then Spera touched her arm, Rainbow’s body glowed blue, and the magic began draining from her. Everyone looked on, horrified at what was happening.

“That’s what happened to me!” Pinkie said, pointing.

“You did this to Fluttershy….?” Rainbow asked, before sinking to her knees, Spera stepped back, his hands aglow.

“I didn’t mean any of this! It just happened on it’s own!” Spera yelled as magic shot above them, and a portal opened above them, it showed a starry night sky...but Twilight didn’t know any constellations in that starry night…

“Spera what are you doing?!” Private yelled, coming over to him.

“I don’t know! These rifts just started showing up on their own!” Spera cried.

A ways away, Kalos looked on and saw his son had used that...strange energy to open a portal...an evil grin crossed his features.

“Spera in case you didn’t notice! One of our friends nearly got killed thanks to your messing around with things you don’t understand!” Private yelled, as Twilight used her magic to close the rift. Spera’s hands stopped glowing, but Private’s frown didn’t fade.

Spera looked on as Private’s full fury came to bare. “I tried to help you Spera, I tried to get you to stop but you didn’t listen!” Private yelled.

“You don’t understand I was just trying to understand this energy!” Spera yelled back.

“And nearly got the entire school killed!” Private yelled back. “You can’t go messing around with Dark Magic!”

“Dark...magic…” Spera said to himself.

“Private wait…” Twilight said, putting a hand on her boyfriend’s shoulder.

Private shoved it away, turning to Twilight. “Sunset is on the ground, and Adagio could’ve been dead if it wasn’t for him!”

Spera looked on all of this, and felt...angry...they didn’t know him...they didn’t understand…

“I’m sorry about your friend...but I need this…” Spera said, before he turned and ran off.

“Spera!” Private yelled, but Adagio grabbed his arm. “Adagio let me-”

“Just keep away from him.” Adagio said firmly, “I don’t want anyone else hurt…”

Spera was long gone before Private could argue. Sunset groaned and slowly got up. “What...did I miss…?” She was soon glomped by Adagio as the others looked on happily.

“Everyone?” A voice said to the group. They looked up as Celestia and Voidera stood before the guardians.

“I thought the deal was we’d keep the magic on the down low,” Voidera said, “Seems quite a bit of magic was thrown around to me.”

“Professor, see here’s what happened,” Twilight said and then went on to explain all that happened to the principal. Upon the mention of Spera’s name, Celestia’s eyes widened, then she looked to Voidera.

“We need to research this,” Celestia said, “Voidera and I will investigate an angle. The rest of you, we will speak about discretion after the games. I will also speak to Cinch…”

The two turned and left the guardians, Voidera looking over at Celestia as they headed for the school. “We kinda knew we couldn’t keep this under wraps forever. People were going to find out eventually.”

“I’m just worried about her finding out.” Celestia said, crossing her arms and sighing. “Right now though, I need to check up my history…”

“And what purpose would that serve?” A voice said in front of them.

There stood Cinch, looking like her normal pleasant self. “Quite the... display we’ve had at the games. Had I known you were going to add those... obstacles, I would have had my students prepare for them.”

Celestia gulped a little, trying to keep her face from showing anything. “Ah, Abacus, the race did go into an...interesting direction.”

“Maybe we could just call off the games now.” Voidera suggested. “It’s clear that things are getting intense. We should just call it a tie, move on with our lives.”

Celestia facepalmed.

“A tie?” Cinch said, getting in Voidera’s face. “I don’t know where you came from Mr….”

“Voidera Big Di-” Celestia cut him off with a kick to the shins. “I mean, Voidera von Dracul.”

“Mr. Dracul, I don’t know where you are from but here, we finish what we started. I’m not about to have CHS squeeze out a victory thanks to..whatever is going on here.”

“Abacus,” Celestia said, watching the woman turn and begin to walk away. “Does victory mean this much to you? I’m thinking one of your students may be in trouble. If nothing else then consider-”

“Unlike you, Celestia, I don’t see the need to meddle in my student’s personal problems.” Cinch said, “A student who can’t look after themselves is not worth my time.”

“That, or maybe you just can’t stand the fact you lost during your year.” Celestia said, pointedly.

Cinch...turned and glared at Celestia. “If you are bringing up the fact that Velvet girl managed to win against me despite my efforts then you are wasting your time. I’ve moved past that.” She then walked away.

“Oh believe me Abacus.” Celestia said, crossing her arms. “The past has a nasty habit of coming back to bite you at the worst moment…”


“For our final event, two pennants from each of our schools have been hidden somewhere on campus. Each team will search for their pennant, and bring them back here. The first one to bring back their school’s pennant will win the Friendship Games. However if you find the other school’s pennant, you are NOT allowed to harm it in any fashion. Put it back where you found it, and move on,” Luna said into the microphone, sounding stern. “If a pennant has been discovered to be harmed in any way, the other school will be disqualified.”

Students of both schools sat in the much smaller stands as everybody began preparing for the event. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, AJ and Pinkie were on the CHS side, Sonata came out of the building to them.

“Any news?” Aj asked the siren.

“Aria and Dagi got Sunset to the nurse.” Sonata explained. “She’s gonna be okay, but she needs ta lie down for a bit.”

“Doctor Helpinghoof bought our story about her exhausting herself right?” Rainbow asked.

“Yep, blew herself out training and the games were just too much.” Sonata said, “I’m gonna go and sit with Maudey right now, wish you guys luck!” She then headed for the stands towards a slightly smiling Maude.

“Still don’t get that relationship.” Rainbow said, shaking her head.

“Ya know what mah cuz says,” Aj said, shrugging.

Pinkie suddenly procured a pair of glasses on her face and imitated Miss Grapes, “Life is strange, love is even stranger.”

The girls laughed, and Rarity looked at the other team, there was an odd, tension in the air. “I do wonder if they will even consider playing, after all that’s happened.”

“I’m starting to reconsider the whole thing.” Fluttershy said with a sigh.

“Guys, don’tcha worry, we’ll finish this game, talk tah that feller Spera, get him ta stop usin’ dark magic, and then we’ll go home, have some apple cider win or lose.” Aj said, smiling at the group.

Despite those words, the ominous tension still hung in the air.

In the stands, Private sighed as he saw Spera coming out. He shook his head as Twilight looked over at him. “Some days I wonder why I’m even a guardian at all, I can’t seem to do anything right…”

“Private, you tried to get through to him,” Twilight said earnestly. “It’s not your fault that he won’t listen.”

”I know but, I can’t help but feel I could’ve done more.” Private said, “Seems to be my lot in life as a Guardian, just getting in the way. You probably could’ve convinced him to stop just by talking to him…”

“Oh I don’t know about that,” Twilight said shaking her head. “It seemed like you were kind of developing a connection, then he showed his true colors when he started torturing that monster. He seems to… lack empathy, or something...”

“Now I’m just hoping that once the games are over with, I can try to reach him again…” Private said, looking on Spera as he almost joined his fellow students.

Suddenly, a hand fell on Spera’s shoulder. “So this was the little project you were talking about…”

Spera turned, and looked upon his stepfather. “I...I wanted to tell you but I…”

“So you finally have a use for me after all.” Kalos said, looking cruelly down on him. “I wondered when you would start.”

“Stepfather…?” Spera said, his eyes widening.

“You realize what we could do with your gift? Imagine the possibilities! My company will make a fortune researching this new energy you discovered!” Kalos said, smiling.

“I’m..happy but…”

“But?” Kalos asked, not looking happy.

“It’s...it’s…” Spera closed his fist. “It’s my...my discovery…” He said, looking up at his stepfather. “I don’t think you should be so hasty to use it, there’s so much I don’t-”


The students all turned and saw Kalos standing over Spera, a red mark on the teenager’s face.

“Spera…” Sunny said, and was about to go to him until Sugarcoat and Lemon held her back.

“Such impudence,” Kalos said, cruelly. “You have this awesome power and you think to keep it to yourself. Such a selfish, stupid boy. Do you plan to make yourself equally as useless as your sister?”

“Please...I didn’t mean…” Spera said, rubbing his cheek. He started backing away as Kalos loomed over him.

“Let’s get one thing straight boy, do you think you’d keep such a power under wraps? That you’d be able to do anything on your own? I saved your alcoholic mother and you from poverty after your father died. I deserve a little respect...and you will show me…”

“Show you…?” Spera asked in fear. “No...It’s not…” His eyes flashed green for the briefest moments. A shadow came on Spera...and his own shadow grew...a green eyed shadow…

“You think this is about the pathetic rivalry? That old archaic nonsense about Shadowbolts verses Wonderbolts?” Kalos asked, looming over Spera. “No, right now, I want you to unleash that magic not for CHS, but for the one person most important to you...unless of course your want Scarlet or your mother to just disappear…”

“No...NO….” Spera said, covering his eyes.

“The only reason I kept you around was in the vain hope you’d be useful to me. That is all you children are good for after all...just to fall in line and do as we adults say…” Kalos said, “And if you don’t...I can make things very…” He picked up his cane, and in front of both schools, raised it…

Before anybody could say anything at all...Spera caught it in mid air with one hand. He squeezed it...and the can broke in two.

“What…?” Kalos said in shock.

“What in the world is going-” Cinch said, breaking her way through the crowd, then she saw Spera standing there, tossing aside the broken part of the cane. “Young Spera would yo-”

“My name…” Spera said, quietly. “You changed it…”

“I...I did, your name was a pathetic one, belonging to a poor, disgustingly common firefighter.” Kalos said, looking at his broken cane.

“Spera! Wait!” Private said, getting out of the stands, and trying to get towards Spera.

“I’m tired of that...Spera Imperictus...Imperial Hope...a disgusting contradiction…” Spera said, a sinister edge to his tone, as slowly, a green and black aura came over him.

“Mr. Impercitus stop this instant!” Cinch said, trying to maintain control despite the rather, alien situation she found herself in.

“My...name...is Charcoal...Charcoal BLAZE!!!” Spera yelled, and the aura consumed him, sending Kalos and Cinch flying over, a strong gust of wind coming over everyone, Private finally managed to get to the bottom of the steps as he looked on the aura.

“Spera!” Private yelled, fighting to get to him. “Don’t do this! Don’t!”

For a brief moment...Private could see Spera, Spera turned, and said…”Thank you...for trying…” Then the aura consumed him once more.

Private flew back as another gust of wind sent him right into Twilight’s arms. Everybody looked on as the dark magic began to consume Spera…

Then, the aura began to dissipate, and standing there was Spera only, a cruel and malicious grin was on his face, his black hair was longer, and wild. Dark Magic seemed to pour from his eyes and the auras on his hands grew.

Private then looked at the other students...nobody was in the witching hour…

“Get everyone out of here!” Luna said, “All students go!”

“Right!” Rainbow said said. “Everybody! Evacuate the area! Move, before you’re hurt!”

“Move it, y’all! Giddout of here!” Applejack shouted, shoving people away from the area. Fluttershy and Rarity joined in, trying to get everybody out.

Nobody knew exactly what to think, one of the students randomly shouted, “Gun!” and that caused everybody to high tail it out of there.

In the confusion, Sunny Flare got swept into the crowd of Crystal Prep students trying to get away.

Private and Twilight remained, as Luna and Cinch went about trying to get order to their respective students. Spera stood over Kalos, the cruel grin on his face.

“Spera...what…” Kalos said, the force of the blast knocked him on the ground.

Spera then suddenly grabbed Kalos by the scruff of his shirt, lifting the man so their eyes met. “I’ve had to deal with so many fuckers telling me what to do. How to live my life, how this world works. I think it’s time for a change...starting with you…”

“You...what are you going to do…?” Kalos asked, his voice quivering.

“Doing what a Guardian apparently does…” He then suddenly put his hand on Kalos’ chest, and a blast of magic fired from it, sending Kalos flying. The magic bored...through Kalos’ skin, causing a hole in his chest...blood fell on the grass as Kalos laid on the ground…

Spera grinned and said…”Killing monsters…”