• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 4,611 Views, 329 Comments

Equestria Guardians - Jacoboby1

Twilight Sparkle was your average everyday nerdy student. But a new town presents a new life and problem aside from tests. An Evil is coming through, and Twilight may be the one of the few that can stop it. But can she do it alone? Or among Friends?

  • ...

Chapter 16 "Ancient Love"

Chapter 16

“Ancient Love”



Nurse Redheart was one of the many workers at Canter City Hospital. She was a hard worker, one who didn’t spare much time for herself. Her patients are what counted. She sighed a little as she stepped into one of her longest staying patients. A John Doe.

He had long, messy white hair, a muscular body that a few scars here and there. Despite the hair, however, he did not seem all that old. At best guess one would say mid to late thirties. If this were an anime, he could be much older, but real life doesn’t work like Neighponese cartoons. He was hooked up to the machines that kept him alive, and Redheart was glad that some hospital administrator had not decided to pull his plug.

Aside from the white hair, he did have some unusual slitted red eyes. Unlike anything in her medical records. She had thought it some kind of bizarre genetic defect. They did seem to function at least from what she could tell.

She had been looking after this John Doe for months. Nobody knew who he was, and he didn’t have any ID to help with that. Nobody had came by to claim him either. As a result he became something of an anomaly in the hospital. He wouldn’t wake up, but they couldn’t really find a reason to get rid of him.

Nurse Redheart sighed, “Well, here’s hoping for another quiet evening fo-”

She’s suddenly cut off when the machines connected to him started showing an elevated heartbeat. She yelped and looked over at the John Doe, he started breathing heavily, his red eyes opening up, and his body shaking.

Nurse Redheart held him down and yelled, “Our John Doe is waking up!” She yelled at one of the other nurses. “Get me a sedative to calm him down!” This shout caused a flurry of activity from the other nurses. A sedative was fetched, a strong orderly was called to help Redheart hold the man down, and he was quickly injected before he could do harm to himself or others. It was an example of how well the people in this hospital worked together.

It took a while, but his heart rate slowly returned to normal. Nurse Redheart let out a breath, as the John Doe’s eyes fluttered open. He blinked as he tried adjusting to the light. Slowly but surely, he removed the oxygen mask over his mouth, and took a breath, looking up at Redheart.

She smiled down at him. “Awake at last.”

He blinked, and looked around the strange place he was in. So many machines, strangely clothed people...all...so different. He finally sat up a little, and said to Redheart, “Where...am I…? Better question...Who am I?”

“Well you’re in the hospital, as for who you are… We have no idea, honestly,” Redheart said shaking her head. “You have no identification, and nobody has come here to claim you. Do you remember anything at all about who you are?”

He looked at his hands, and then thought really hard...all he could remember was a name..a name that...filled him with a wonderful warmth inside.

“Celestia…” He said.


“All right, Sunset, it would be best you sit out for this session. You need to get back the muscle mass you lost while you were on the street, before you can do anything strenuous, okay?” Celestia said with a warm smile. “For now, observe how they work together and see where you could come in when they need an extra bit of help.”

“Whatever you say, Principal Celestia,” Sunset said, sitting on a barrel as the other seven guardians stand along with Celestia inside the training warehouse.

“Right now we’re working on integrating Private into the team,” Celestia said. “Don’t forget to communicate, and make sure that you give Private opportunities to come in and get a shot off.” With this Celestia began to put the Guardians through their paces. It was grueling, because Celestia knew, somewhat, their particular weaknesses, and was quite fond of pushing each one of them out of their comfort zones. Celestia would often change tactics on the fly, as well, trying to get her pupils to think on their feet.

Soon, all seven guardians were on their knees after Celestia called for a break. “Dang...that was...rough…” Rainbow groaned.

“I’m just trying to make sure you’re prepared for anything,” Celestia said sitting down. “You did very well, all of you.”

Twilight was kneeling, panting hard. “Wow…”

“I… should… make some workout clothes for these,” Rarity panted.

“Ooo-weee… Principal Celestia, please don’ go all evil on us,” Applejack panted. “We’d never win.”

“I’m party pooped…” Pinkie groaned.

“And I thought gym was hell…” Private added.

“We will continue training another day, but remember to always be vigilant.” Celestia said. “Anything can happen at anytime when you leas-”

“I’m walking on sunshine! Whooo ooo! I’m walking on sunshine! Whoo ooo! And don’t it feel good!?” A ringtone rang from Celestia’s pocket.

“Oh, I um, I’ll take this.” Celestia said, walking away from the girls.

“Ya know something,” Aj said, getting up along with the others. “We don’t know that much about Celestia really…”

“Why are you bringing it up Aj? She kicks butt and teaches us how to kick butt. I think it’s a pretty good relationship.” Rainbow said with a shrug.

“I’ve never asked her about herself…” Twilight observed. “But then I’ve never wanted to pry into her personal life. She deserves her privacy, as much as anybody else.”

“But we all saw her go at Discord,” Aj said. “Just what kind of power is she packin?”

“I wonder how pretty her guardian beast is!” Pinkie thought. “I betcha it’s something really awesome!”

“She does hold quite a few secrets doesn’t she?” Rarity said thoughtfully.

“Professor Celestia has been my mentor since I was young. She has been my guide through most of my life. I never want to disappoint her, or let her down,” Twilight said.

“Wow Twili...Hot for teacher!” Pinkie cheered. “Yaaay! New ship!”

“NO! No shipping me with the Professor, Pinkie!” Twilight yelled, chasing after Pinkie while everybody else laughed.

Meanwhile, Celestia held the phone up to her ear.“Hello? Yes, this is Celestia? An unidentified coma patient? Red slitted eyes? I’ll… I’ll be as soon as I can.” She said, closing her phone swiftly. She turned and walked back to her students. “Training is done for today, all of you return home.” She said, and walked quickly past them and out the door.

“What’s got her all eager to go?” Rainbow asked.

“She said something about a coma patient I thought.” Pinkie said, then looked at her friends confused faces. Pinkie sighed, “Geez, if you guys aren’t going to read the script then who will?”

“Script?” Twilight asked, looking confused. “And… a coma patient? Why would Professor Celestia go to the hospital about a coma patient?”

“Maybe another relative or somethin that we dun know about?” Aj suggested.

“Hopefully this one isn’t as crazy and corrupted as the last one,” Rainbow said, then chuckled a little at Sunset’s expression. “Uh...no offense…”

“None taken…” Sunset groaned, rolling her eyes. “Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a ‘thing’?” she muttered to herself with a quiet huff.

“I tried looking up stuff about Celestia a while back,” Private said. “But aside from stuff about her doing well in school...there’s not much I could find.”

“Professor Celestia can be a very private person. She doesn’t use social media, unless it’s for the school. She told me, once, it’s like Mugtome, Chatter, and MareTube are all built to invade your life,” Twilight said with a shrug. “Do… do you think I should follow her? You know, just in case?”

“Do it! We could totally find out stuff about her! Maybe she is really going off to get some super awesome weapon or something!” Rainbow said, her eyes aglow at the possibilities.

“Spying on the Professor feels… wrong, but…” Twilight said, rubbing one arm and making a face at the thought. “But if I can be there to help her if she ends up being in danger, then…” Twilight sighed, then started toward the door. “I’ll text you all if I need you, okay?”


Twilight followed Celestia a little distance away. Part of her really just wanted to run off and forget the whole idea of spying on her mentor but she couldn’t ignore the agonizing curiosity in her heart. She ducked into an alleyway when Celestia...stopped at a store front.

Celestia looked into her reflection in the window, there was an odd...excitement in her expression. She shook her head, “Don’t, don’t get your hopes up Tia. It could be just…” She smiled a little, “but...maybe it is.” She then...fixed her hair and...let out a schoolgirl giggle.

Twilight couldn’t help but just stare for a moment. Professor Celestia just… giggled. She never giggled, or acted nervous, or… Twilight shook her head, and proceeded to follow her mentor, when she started moving again, working hard to stay out of sight. As she walked it only got worse, she would gaze longingly into some stores that Twilight would later find to be bridal boutiques...and she could have sworn Celestia was humming a very romantic sounding tune.

The more Twilight followed, the more terrifying this became. But she eventually followed Celestia into the hospital. Celestia went up to the front desk and spoke to Nurse Redheart. “I’m Celestia, here to see the...patient.”

“I’m glad you came. He’s been here for months, and no one has ever came to claim him. The poor man has no ID, either, and he seems to have some kind of amnesia. Luckily he has no form of brain damage, so it’s possible the amnesia will cure itself over time,” Redheart said, coming out of the station, and leading Celestia to a room. “The only thing he seemed to remember was your name.”

Celestia smiled. “I figured as much, he’s a very old friend of mine. I wish I knew where he was sooner. Can I see him?” She asked, with a touch of longing.

“Of course. You are probably the closest thing he has to Family,” Redheart said opening the door. “Hello? You have a visitor.”

Twilight was following nearby, hiding behind a stretcher.

The man inside looked up in utter and complete awe at Celestia. Celestia looked back, with equal levels of shock. She then...started tearing up. She wiped her eyes and said to Redheart. “Give us a minute, please.”

Redheart smiled, nodded and left the two alone.

The man sat up in the hospital bed, staring as Celestia pulled up a chair. After a while, the man finally spoke up. “I know you, from somewhere.”

“Yes. We... knew each other a long time ago.” Celestia said, Twilight’s eyes grew wide as her mentor was...blushing and fidgeting...

Twilight was shocked. She had never seen her mentor in any state but calm, cool, and collected. Now… She giggles like a schoolgirl, and is acting nervous around this strange man who… she apparently knew. This… this was just way too weird.

“I’m sorry I don’t remember anything more.” The man said, sighing. “I can barely remember anything. Just your name keeps popping up over and over.”

“You’re suffering from a form of amnesia,” Celestia said, a little sadly. “I... can fill in some gaps.”

“I’d appreciate that.” The man said politely.

Celestia cleared her throat. “Your name, to start with, is Voidera.”

“Bit of an odd name,” Voidera replied. “But it does sound familiar.”

“Good,” Celestia said with a happy sigh. “It’s a start, and I’ll do whatever I can to help restore your memory.”

“Is it alright if I ask a question?” Voidera said.

“Of course,” Celestia said, smiling.

“I remember you, very very fondly. When I hear your name my heart just beats really fast. I get sweaty and nervous and...” Voidera said, suddenly looking nervous himself.

Celestia smiled. “If you want to know, we were...close,” She said, blushing again.

“Me? With a girl like you?” He said, then suddenly his face adopted a scoundrel-like expression. “I must’ve been a stud.”

“What…?” Twilight uttered, staring at the two of them from her spot behind a ficus. She had to move away from the door, because some part of her brain was still working, and it was sure Professor Celestia wouldn’t appreciate her protoge spying on her. “Wha-wha-wha-wha-whaaaaaaat?! Professor… close… to man… How… I…”


Suddenly, Twilight looked around as the hospital staff froze in place, a Witching Hour was upon the hospital.

“Baddie, now, freakout later,” Twilight said summoning her staff. She looked around inside the hospital for whatever could be attacking. She stepped into the hallway, and looked up to see a large, rock creature barreling through the hallway, sporting a massive horn and craggy rocks coming out of it’s back. It charged at Twilight, and was about to run into her when Celestia appeared, and fired a magical bolt that sent the creature flying out a window and to the parking lot below.

“Damn… why here and now?” Celestia said, and turned to her student… just raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

“Uh… hi? Oh… baddie! Gotta go!” Twilight said, and dashed out the door to the stairs going down them as quickly as she could. When she had to pause to catch her breath, she texted the others. “Going to need Pinkie’s cannon for this thing…” she muttered, before starting back down the stairs.

When she got down to the parking lot however, she saw Celestia standing there, glaring at the beast. The monster roared at Celestia, and tried to charge at her...before Celestia raised her hand, “Spear of the Sun!” She summoned her ivory spear, and stabbed it into the ground. “THIS IS FOR RUINING A BEAUTIFUL MOMENT!!” she yelled, and a magic circle formed around her.

Twilight stared, Celestia was scary when she was mad.

“Guardian Beast! ALICORN!!” She yelled, and out of the circle came a beautiful white version of a unicorn, only it sported magnificent white wings. It reared and it’s horn glowed, blasting the monster and sending it back.

“Wow…” Twilight gasped, as she stared at Celestia and her Guardian Beast in action. If a unicorn was powerful, this… Alicorn had to be even more so.

The monster growled as it stood up again, suddenly the rocks on it’s back broke off, they molded and shaped into two more creatures. Celestia stood her ground, brandishing her spear. The three monsters roared down at her. Celestia stood there, fixed her hair...then smirked as the Alicorn hit them with a blast of magical energy.

“Wow...she’s amazing…” Twilight said.

“She is…”

Twilight looked behind her, seeing Voidera walking weakly out of the hospital. He was about to fall over before Twilight caught him.

“Whoa… Careful, there, sir… Uh… Wow you’re heavy… Where’s a wheelchair when you need one…” Twilight said struggling to keep them both upright.

“I need...to help her…” Voidera said, trying to to get back on his feet. “Just..need some...power…”

“Uhm… Okay…” Twilight said cautiously. “Let’s try… this…” She said, laying a hand over his heart, and attempting to transfer some of her power into him. When it did, Twilight almost did a double take, feeling him take quite a bit of magical power from her. She pulled her hand away before he could guzzle everything.

Voidera’s body glowed bright red for a brief moment, he looked down at his hands. He blinked...and smirked…”I remember now...how to fight…”

Celestia dodged and weaved with expert ease around the rock monsters’ attacks. Her alicorn fought on well, bucking any monster that wasn’t blasted with it’s horn. One rock monster tried to attack her from behind.

“TIA!!” Voidera yelled, raising a hand, it glowed bright red, and launched a red laser blast that consumed the rock monster. It roared its last as the beam reduced the creature to dust.

“Voidera...you remember,” Celestia said, smiling happily.

“Wow! She had a lot of power!” Voidera said, running up beside Celestia. “I didn’t take too much though, just enough to get me started.”

“It’s good to see you again,” Celestia said, grinning.

“Save the loving reunion until after we bash these beasts,” Voidera said, smirking. “I’m just starting to remember some cool tricks…” He held up his hand. “Sword of the Void!” In his hand came a large black sword, larger than Sunset’s blade, and adorned with a dragon design along its blade.

“So, Elucidator takes a new form.” Celestia said, looking at the blade.

“You think this sword’s good you should se-” Voidera began.

Celestia suddenly fumed and slapped him on the back of the head. “Not while my student can hear!”

“Sorry, sheesh, see you haven’t forgot that reflex,” Voidera groaned, rubbing the back of his head.

The pair of them looked to the rock monsters, the rock monsters split again, doubling their numbers and all four of the creatures roared at them. “All bark and no bite, reminds me of Onyx…” Voidera snarked. “But let’s even the odds shall we?” He said, stabbing his sword into the ground, a red magic circle formed under him. “Guardian beast! Dracorn!”

Out of the red circle, teeming with so much magical energy Twilight could feel it, was a large black variation of an alicorn. Only it showed some differences. Like the fact it was sporting large dragon wings, red eyes and sharp teeth, giving it a more sinister appearance than the beautiful alicorn next to it. Yet… the creatures nuzzled one another when they were summoned.

“They… act like how Private and my guardian beasts act… Was… Celestia an… And… She and this man were…” Twilight uttered, sliding down to sit on the sidewalk. “I don’t know anymore… Why do they even need us, when they’re so powerful? And… Celestia… boyfriend? I’m so… confused...”

“Let’s end this…” Celestia said, and the two guardians glowed.

A bright light enveloped the pair, and the guardian beasts reared, disappearing into the light. Celestia and Voidera reappeared… far different from before. Celestia was adorned in gold armor, a pair of glistening wings coming out of her back, a pair of pony ears were the least of the additions. She also sported a helm with a spiral unicorn horn adorning it.

Voidera floated there, wearing similar black armor that seemed a touch more organic. Large black wings, black scales running up his arms and claws at the tips of his fingers as he gripped his sword. A pair of dragon-like horns were coming out of his head.

Twilight just stared in awe. The power these two were giving off was like nothing she had ever seen.

The rock monsters shielded their eyes from the light. Celestia raised her now much more adorned spear, and pointed it at one of the rock monsters, a beam of pure light fired from it. Voidera suddenly opened his mouth, and blew a jet of fire at the other monster. The beam and fire merged into one, and blasted the two rock monsters, causing an explosion.

When Twilight could see again, she saw Voidera and Celestia float down to earth again, the rock monsters nothing more than dust. The armor faded from both of them. Voidera then was about to collapse against Celestia, she caught him and held him tightly.

“Celestia..” Voidera said, hugging her as best he could.

“I missed you...Voidera…” Celestia said, smiling up at him.

“Allow me to make up for lost time then…” He said with a grin.

“What are you-” Celestia was cut off when Voidera laid a huge romantic kiss on her.

Twilight just stared, jaw dropped. Her mind was utterly blown. In the eerie quiet of the Witching-frozen world came the sound of a diesel engine, and an old pickup came to a stop in the parking lot, Applejack at the wheel. Once the engine was off, Twilight’s six friends came barreling out of the truck, and looked around.

“Wow. Just in time for clean-up,” Sunset said. “What happened here?” She turned to see Celestia and Voidera still locked in their passionate kiss, and gave a low whistle. “So… That’s why she was in such a hurry.”

“Sorry Twili, looks like hot for teacher ship is a no go.” Pinkie said, tossing a piece of paper into a trash can.

“Celestia… boyfriend… kissing… what?!” Twilight uttered, still not all there.

“Oh!” Celestia said, breaking the kiss as she suddenly noticed everyone standing there.”Everyone, I’m sorry I didn’t call you all sooner, I had to be sure of… this.”

“So... Principal Celestia, who’s the dude?” Rainbow asked, bluntly.

“This ‘dude’,” Voidera said, “Is Voidera, former Dracorn, Personal Student of King Lunard, defender of the Alicorn Kingdoms and Celestia’s Boy-”

Celestia kicked him in the shins, stopping him from finishing that sentence. “What he’s trying to say, everyone, is that Voidera is my…” She blushed a little as she said, “My Fiance…”

“WHAAAAATT!!?!?!?” Everybody yelled in surprise.

“You MUST let me design your gown, Principal Celestia!” Rarity uttered, eyes all aglow at the romance of it all.

“Uh… I think… I think this whole thing has blown Twilight’s mind,” Sunset said looking at Twilight who was hugging her knees and rocking back and forth. “She may need some time to adjust to the fact that you’re, you know, human…”

“Ooo whee… Twi’s in a state, ain’t she?” Applejack observed, looking slightly amused.

“Oh dear, I was afraid this would happen.” Celestia said, “It was why I didn’t want you all following me, I knew she would react like this.”

“Wow, it’s almost like that one time you caught your parents-” Voidera’s shin was kicked again by Celestia.

“Now, if you will all help with the cleanup, I need to take Voidera home and...handle business.” She said, smiling slyly at Voidera before walking inside to try and fix the window.

“She hasn’t changed a bit…” Voidera said, smiling to himself.

“Wait a minute!” Rainbow said. “We saw this big explosion on our way here! Was that you guys?!”

“What we did is a very advanced and dangerously powerful technique,” Celestia replied. “We will teach it to you, eventually.”

“So...AWESOME!!” Rainbow cheered.

“Advanced technique?” Twilight said, seeming to come out of her stupor a bit. “That was the flashiest finisher I’ve ever seen, and it’s a super advanced technique? No no no no no… I had to have hit my head… I saw Principal Celestia with wings… and that guy breathed fire…”

“She’s doing it again…” Sunset said with a huge sigh.


Applejack was only too happy to give Celestia and Voidera a ride after they had cleaned up the mess at the Hospital. They pulled up to Celestia’s home, dropping the couple off, Twilight still trying to convince herself that what she had seen that day was some kind of hallucination.

“Bye, Professor,” Sunset said, waving to Celestia as they walked up the sidewalk to Celestia’s large but not ostentatious home. “You go and take care of… ‘business’,” She added, air-quoting the last word with a smirk. “We’ll keep an eye on Twilight.”

“I’ll see you all at school then,” Celestia said, kindly waving as the truck drove away.

“So, those are your new batch of students?” Voidera asked.

“Indeed, they are a wonderful addition to my life.” Celestia said, walking up to her door. “Though, there are days when I wish I could just be myself around them.”

“What’s stopping you?” Voidera asked, following her.

“The mission...it’s what’s most important.” Celestia said, as if it was a mantra. She opened the door and the couple stepped inside.

Inside was the house of a woman that liked things simply elegant. Clean lines, minimal decoration in an object’s construction, and being built to last were things that Celestia seemed to prefer in this human world. There were plenty of warm, sunny colors. Sand, oranges, yellows, but they were being contrasted pleasantly by some of the cooler colors that Luna had been adding. It was obvious that Celestia’s younger sister was trying to make her touches in silver, blues and purples as harmonious with Celestia’s prefered colors as possible. All in all the decor of the house seemed… timeless.

“You’ll have to wear the clothes the hospital provided for now.” Celestia said, looking at Voidera wearing the simple black t-shirt and jeans.

“It’s fine really,” Voidera reassured. “So this is where you’ve been, all this time.”

“If I had known you were a coma patient I would’ve…” Celestia began.

“Tia, please it’s okay,” Voidera said, holding up his hands defensively. “I’m just happy to be here with you now.”

“So am I..” Celestia said, smiling and was about to kiss Voidera again when…


The couple looked over, seeing Luna had dropped the book she was reading, she looked at them in utter shock. Voidera stared at Luna for a long time, “It can’t be...Lulu?”

“VOIDIE!” she squeed, as she lept to her feet, and ran to him, tackling him with a huge hug. “Big brother, you’re back!”

“Luna!” Voidera said, hugging her warmly. “I can’t believe it’s you! Wow you’re so big now!”

“I’m still so short, though! How did Tia end up so much taller than me?” Luna groaned. “And wow… You wear humanity well. I’m surprised Tia’s not all over you!”

“LUNA!” Celestia yelled, blushing in embarrassment.

“Ah, don’t worry Luna, you’ll always be little Lulu to me,” He said, ruffling Luna’s hair. “Running around the castle after swiping some cake from Tia.”

“Ugh… Voidie! I’m a vice principal, now. I can’t go running around, stealing Tia’s cake, and wearing those twin tails, like I used to,” Luna said fixing her hair. “... Say, Tia, what is Voidie going to do, here? You don’t, exactly, need a bodyguard…”

“I will try to get him a position in the school, possibly as a chemistry teacher.” Celestia explained.

“I guess Alchemy is just fancy chemistry when you get down to it.” Voidera said with a shrug. “Till then though, I’m kind of going to just stay here and learn what I can about this world.”

“You sure you won’t be too… distracted?” Luna teased.

“Alright, that’s it, give us some time alone young lady!” Celestia said, pushing her sister away.

Voidera and Luna were too busy laughing to talk back.

“It’s good to see you back, Voidie,” Luna said leaving the room. “Be sure to clean up after yourselves, you hear?”

“OUT!” Celestia yelled, nearly zapping Luna with magic.

As Luna ran off to her room, giggling like a fool, Voidera grinned. “She’s, lively as ever.”

“It showcases that she’s doing much better than...before…” Celestia said, looking out the window at the moon hanging over the night outside.

“Tia…” Voidera said, coming to hug her from behind. “It’s alright now, whatever happened...before, is in the past.”

“The past has a nasty habit of coming back to me,” Celestia said with a sigh.

“Well, for now...I think I’ll just be with the woman I love,” Voidera said, and kissed Celestia sweetly on the cheek.

“You... charming scoundrel…” Celestia said, giggling a little. She then stepped out of his arms. “Give me about, ten minutes…” She said, walking down a hallway towards… her bedroom…

Voidera grinned. “Like the Firefly Forest?” he asked teasingly.

“Hopefully without Father nearly finding us…” Celestia said, laughing as she closed the door to her bedroom, giggling. She then stuck her head back out and kissed Voidera. “I love you…”

“I love you too Tia, and will for another twenty five hundred years,” Voidera said, smiling and kissing her...before Tia yanked him into the bedroom.


The next day, Twilight was only happy to have what she deemed as a ‘normal day’. She was doing well in her classes, helping her friends with their homework, and was generally enjoying herself. It probably helped that she had convinced herself that a lot of the events of the previous day had been some form of hallucination. The rest of the girls found the whole thing amusing.

“Wow. She’s more in denial than Dashie, and that’s saying something,” Pinkie giggled, as Twilight was searching through the library stacks for books to help with a history project.

“Hehe…” Rainbow suddenly snickered. “Hey Twilight! Maybe Principal Celestia can help out on the project!” She said, smiling.

“Huh? Oh! Maybe she can help me find some more resources! Miss Grapes likes it when we find out more than just the usual reports from major sources. She says it makes history more personal,” Twilight said beaming at the idea. “I’ll go and ask her, right now. Thanks for the idea, Rainbow.”

“Anytime Twilight, just happy to help!” Rainbow said, snickering as Twilight went off towards Celestia’s office.

“You just want to see her become a gibbering idiot, again, don’t you?” Rarity accused.

“I just appreciate the finer things in life,” Rainbow said, shrugging. “Like a good prank.”

Twilight went to Celestia’s office, knocking on the door, first, of course before going in. “Hello, Professor, I was wondering…” she said, before trailing off to stare at her mentor in shock.

Celestia was all, aglow as she worked. She was humming romantic songs. She was practically dancing as she serenely moved about her office. She would sometimes just look in no particular direction and sigh.

“Professor?” Twilight said, tilting her head, her carefully built illusion starting to crack.

“Oh?” Celestia said, suddenly noticing her student entering. “Oh Twilight! Isn’t today such a beautiful day?!” She said, sounding very happy.

“Uh… y-yes…?” Twilight said, her eye starting to twitch a little. “I… I had hoped… you could help with… a project…”

“Oh I’d love to Twilight, but I’m unfortunately swamped at the moment.” Celestia said, honestly. “Paperwork and whatnot with…” She giggled again. “Voidera’s instatement.” She went off to looking in no particular direction, grinning like a fool.

“Void...era… investment…” Twilight said, blinking. “An… Are… Are you… alright…?”

“All right?” Celestia said, giggling again. “Twilight I have not felt so great in so many years….” She hugged one of the books she was using. “It was all so...magical and relieving…”

“Aaaaaaaah,” Twilight uttered, clapping her hands to her ears, and running out of the office. “Nonononono… Celestia… acting… schoolgirl… Brain… hurt…”

“Hmm?” Celestia said, watching Twilight run off. “Was it something I said?”

“... She’s not taking this well at all, is she?” Luna observed peeking in.

“...My being her idol is about to backfire spectacularly isn’t it?” Celestia asked with a sigh.

“That or the realization that you’re not some kind of plaster saint may be good for her,” Luna replied. ”Just be thankful she didn’t see you alone in a room with a cake.”

“LUNA!” Celestia yelled, embarrassed.

Twilight ran back to the library, and for some reason ended up under a table, holding her head.

“You alright, there, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, looking at the distraught girl.

“Celestia… schoolgirl… giggling… Acting… weird…,” Twilight uttered. “She never giggles! She never acts all… all…”

“Lovey-dovey?” suggested Rainbow smirking.

“YES! That!” Twilight yelped. “She’s not acting like herself!”

“Uh… Didja ferget she was jus’ reunited with her fiance, yesterday?” Applejack asked.

“Fiance?!” Twilight squeaked. “She has a fiance?!”

“Uh.. yeah.. We met ‘im, yesterday,” AJ replied.

“Seemed to lack some tact, though, I noticed from the way Principal Celestia kept kicking his shins,” Rarity observed.

“No no no no no… That didn’t happen… That can’t have happened… Ugh… I need some air…” Twilight groaned, getting up, and wandering out the front door of the school, taking a deep breath, once outside.

She bumped right into probably the last person she wanted to see. She saw Voidera standing there, now wearing a black shirt with a black tie that sported a red dragon design. He held some flowers in his hand. He tilted his head, “You... you were Celestia’s student from yesterday. Twilight was it?” He asked, his bass voice sounding rather pleasant.

“Ye-e-e-es…” Twilight said, slowly, looking rather frazzled. “You… are… Voidera… Professor’s… Fiance? Brain… hurts...”

“Let me guess, you’re freaking out because Tia is actually acting like a human.” Voidera said with a chuckle.

“Professor… She has been my mentor… since… I was like ten…” Twilight uttered. “She’s always been… this person I could look up to, and use as an example…”

“She, does have a habit of putting up walls around her,” Voidera said. “I was totally shocked when I caught her smiling the first time we met.”

“How...long have you two actually...ya know?” Twilight asked.

“Technically, about ten years or so.” Voidera explained. “But, thanks to Discord I had been away for at least a couple millenia…”

“You… met in Equestria,” Twilight murmured. “When she was a pony…”

“Yeah, at the time she was about your age.” Voidera explained. “Very stoic, wise, beautiful and eager to please her father Lunard. Though she could honestly be a little bossy.”

“I’ve… just never seen her act so… giddy…” Twilight said quietly, shaking her head. “I… I guess seeing you again took her back to her younger self… I’m… I’m just not used to it.”

“That’s the thing though, at the end of the day everybody wants the same things really, to love and be loved,” Voidera said. “You’ll get used to it I’m sure.”

“It’s just… she always seemed so...perfect. Like she had everything together. I wanted to be exactly like her, have everything as together as she did, and know exactly what to do…” Twilight murmured.

“Even Tia didn’t always have everything together.” Voidera explained. “Practically dragged me on accident on her little journey. Long story, not enough time. Just don’t let the fact that she’s a person rock your world. Just take comfort in the fact that she is trying her best to handle what life gives her, just like you are.”

Twilight...smiled, “You know, when you aren’t being a scoundrel you can be kind of nice.”

“Well, I could spend all day telling you about how we set this library on fire, got covered in slime and escaped to the Firefly Forest to-”

Twilight kicked him in the shin. “I don’t want details! I’ll get used to Professor Celestia being human, but it’s… It’s like my parents! I know they had to have… youknow… at least twice, but I don’t want to know the details!”

“My poor shins…” Voidera groaned as the pair walked inside. Not exactly used to each other yet but...feeling better about it.