• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 4,611 Views, 329 Comments

Equestria Guardians - Jacoboby1

Twilight Sparkle was your average everyday nerdy student. But a new town presents a new life and problem aside from tests. An Evil is coming through, and Twilight may be the one of the few that can stop it. But can she do it alone? Or among Friends?

  • ...

Chapter 24 "Ran'sea"

Chapter 24



“Big Dragon Brother Best Friend Forever”

The holiday season was in full swing in Canter City, with lights strung everywhere, wreaths and poinsettias adorning many a shop, and tinsel and glittering decorations dazzling the eye. A snowfall had hit the city just in time to really add to the holiday spirit. People were out shopping for their loved ones, as cheerful carols filled the air. Only somebody working in retail would find this atmosphere anything but cheerful. Twilight was walking through the mall with Sunset and Spike.

“So much stuff,” Spike said as he lugged a large majority of the packages. “Leave it to Mom to still want to go all out for Christmas.”

“Hey, it’s Sunset’s first Christmas with us,” Twilight pointed out, smiling. “We should make it really special.”

“I’m just glad I’m getting to experience Christmas. I used to be so jealous that everybody else got to have the holiday, and not me,” Sunset said as she walked along with the other two, carrying a couple of bags. “Glory… didn’t believe in celebrating holidays… Especially ones that encourage people to be generous to others.”

“You’re with us now,” Twilight said, freeing a hand to pat Sunset on the back. “Glory has that restraining order to keep away from you. You’re getting the proper Christmas experience.”

“It’s gonna be awesome!” Spike said, encouragingly. “Mom and Cadence bake cookies, Dad and Shining Armor wrestle to get the lights straight. I mostly spend time doing heavy lifting and gift wrapping.”

“You don’t bake, Twilight?” Sunset asked.

“Uh,” Twilight said, then laughed nervously. “Um, let's just say I should not be allowed near anything resembling cooking ware.”

“Whoa,” Sunset said chuckling. “That bad? Really?”

“Shining Armor got in trouble one year because he tried to put one of her cookies in a snowball, hard as a rock.” Spike said with a laugh.

“Good to know,” Sunset chuckled. “Hey, is it okay if I kind of bail on you two? I’m going to go and see Adagio… She’s kind of nervous about meeting Mom and Dad…”

“What’s she got to be nervous about?” Spike asked.

“A lot, Spike,” Twilight explained. “Between her trying to keep to our cover story and the fact she’s a former baddie…”

“Oh... right.” Spike said, getting it.

“Here,” Twilight said, taking Sunset’s bags. “Go and see her, we’ll be fine.”

“Thanks, Twilight,” Sunset said hugging her sister. “Dagi and I will be there for tonight’s dinner.”

“Go on, don’t keep the love of your life waiting,” Twilight said, hugging back and gently pushing Sunset to go.

Sunset took off, hoping she could do something to calm Adagio’s nerves.


“Now, Sonata are you sure you have everything?” Adagio asked as she stood near the food court, on the cell phone that Sunset gotten for her. Right now, she was trying to reassure herself that Sonata would be okay. Pinkie invited Sonata to stay at her place for Christmas, and Adagio was as worried as a mother. “You have your blankets, they fed you enough, and you haven’t played with anything dangerous?”

Geeze, Mama Dagio, I’m fine, really! They’re really nice… Well except for Limestone, but Pinkie says she’s always a grouch. Kind of reminds me of Aria, so I feel right at home. Adagio heard Sonata giggle about this fact. Marble’s a little cutie, but the really hot one is Maude… I really really like her, but… I dunno…

Adagio smiled and advised, “Sonata, I speak from experience on this matter. Don’t be afraid to take a chance. If you really like Maude, then talk to her, find out if she holds the same feelings of endearment.”

Yeah, but I don’t exactly have an ice breaker… Maude’s really into rocks…

“Well so were you, back in Equestria when you went through that sea stone phase.” Adagio said, then saw Sunset coming over. “Oh, listen I have to run, just stay safe. If anything happens, just call me or Aria, she said something about staying home and cleaning up the house.”

Okay. We’ll have to remember to do something nice for Aria, you know? You have fun at the Sparkles, kay?

“I will, I hope things work out, Sonata,” Adagio said, smiling.

Me too. Tell Sunny I said ‘hi’. Buh bye!

Sunset stood there, listening to Adagio’s side of the conversation a smile on her face. “You really care about them, don’t you?” she asked.

“Sonata said hi, and yes I guess you could say that the positive emotions are making me feel, well I guess like I’m responsible for them. We always looked after each other before but it was because of survival now...I find myself happy when they are happy,” Adagio said, smiling happily.

“So I guess they are kind of like sisters, now,” Sunset observed hugging Adagio warmly. “I think that’s great, actually. It’s good to have a loving family to depend on.”

Adagio smiled and gave Sunset a little kiss on the cheek, but then she sighed. “I really want the dinner to work out. I’m worried of what your parents will think of me…”

“I’m sure they’ll love you. They’re happy that I’m happy, and you make me happy… We just have to make sure we keep to the cover story… They can’t know a thing about the whole me being a guardian, you being a thousand-year-old Siren thing.”

“I know…” She said, letting Sunset go and hugging herself nervously. “I’m something called a ‘junkie’ that you saved from a ‘habit’. We’ve been seeing each other ever since.” She then shakes her head. “But, what if your mother doesn’t want you with a girl like me? What if...she doesn’t want you with a girl at all…”

“Mom’s not like that,” Sunset said rubbing Adagio’s shoulders. “Nor is Dad. They’ll be happy that I’m happy, and they wanting to meet you is they wanting to share my happiness, and meet the girl I’ve fallen in love with.”

Adagio sighs, looking back at Sunset and smiling. “Sunset you better be careful, I may just end up taking you home forever,” She said, reaching over to put a hand on Sunset’s leg.

“Hey, wait until after we’re out of school, for any proposals,” Sunset laughed. “And wait until after dinner for… that…” Adagio then turned to Sunset, and they hugged one another, kissing sweetly. Just coincidentally, they happened to be under some strategically placed mistletoe, so their kiss garnered awws and not annoyance.


“Okay that should be everything on the list!” Twilight said, coming out of the last store.

Spike was balancing several packages at once. “Ah don’t worry back, this is nothing compared to Rarity’s shopping sprees,” He said, trying to keep his pile intact.

“I keep asking you if you wanted to rent one of the carts,” Twilight said, looking at her little brother with some concern. “Why do you insist upon carrying everything?”

“Because if I’m going to be a man worthy of Rarity I gotta practice building up muscles.” Spike said with determination.

“Oh of course,” Twilight said rolling her eyes. “Having to wear a back brace before you mature is just so sexy.”

“Ha. Ha.” Spike said, rolling his eyes. “You just wait when I’m Six Four and packing abs.”

“How do you know you’re going to be six foot four? You could be a Shorty McShort-Short forever,” Twilight teased with a grin.

“Hey!” Spike yelled, but then stopped and saw a family coming out of the store. The kids playing, the mom trying to rein them in, all with smiles on their faces. He sighed a little…

“Oh… Oh, Spike…” Twilight said putting a hand on his shoulder. “Are you thinking about…”

Spike sighed again, looking at Twilight. “I know you guys have been the best family anybody could ask for. You guys took me in when I was just a baby. But, it’s around this time I start to wonder...are my parents really gone. Do they not know I’m alive? Or do they know and just...abandoned me…”

“Oh, Spike, I’m sure, whatever the circumstances, there was a very good reason for you to have been left with us,” Twilight said kindly. “Whoever brought you to us thought that you needed a loving family to care for you.”

“I know, but, it doesn’t make the fact I was put there in the first place any easier…” Spike said sadly.

“I know, Spike. But no matter what you are my little brother, and I love you,” Twilight said warmly. “C’mon. Let’s go home. We’ve got gifts to wrap.”

“Yeah,” Spike said, took one last look at the family, then followed his sister home.


In another part of Canter City, a young girl trudged out of a very prestigious looking school with a red, marble, and gold facade. Her school uniform was more of the same coloration, and around her some of the elite of Canter City were making plans for their Christmas Break. The girl, however, kept to herself, waiting beside the road for her aunt. She finally let out a breath, reached for the hat she wore as part of her uniform, and removed it to let down...long green hair.

She sighed as she looked at her phone, at the text her aunt left behind. “Taking some extra time shopping, will be home soon. Love Aunt Ele’sium…” She said, shaking her head. “It wouldn’t be so bad if I could…”

She saw some other girls her age chatting with one another about their plans for the break. She knew her Aunt wouldn’t like her ‘wasting time’ with them. It did allow her a lot of time to study, but little else. All she wanted to do was just take part like any other girl. But her Aunt always told her she was, ‘special’.

Then why didn’t she feel special at all?

She looked across the street at an old playground. She must have passed it at least a million times during her time at Calvaria Academy. She couldn’t remember the last time she had such free time. So...maybe…

She gripped her bag and nodded firmly, crossing the street and stepping into the playground. There, she looked at an old but still working swingset and sat down on it. She sat there for a while, pondering so much about her life.

“Fourteen years old, not a single friend.” She said to herself. “I just wish Aunt Ele’sium would let me get close to some people. But we always seem to move whenever that happens…”

She would never tell her Aunt, but all she wanted was just…

“Hey, you okay?” A very familiar sounding voice said.

She looked up in surprise, staring at the boy, her age, with green hair and eyes. He was dressed for the cold weather in purple and green, and was looking back at her with an expression of concern. There was something, remarkably familiar about this boy. But she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

But Aunt Ele’sium didn’t want her talking with anybody, least of all boys her age, she was about to get up and run away.

“Hey! Don’t run away!” The boy said, coming over to her. “I didn’t mean to scare you!”

“Uhm… sorry… I’m… just not supposed to talk to strangers,” the oddly familiar-looking girl said nervously.

“Hmm, well, I guess I won’t be a stranger then,” The boy said with a smile, holding out his hand. “Name’s Spike.”

“I’m… Ran’sea,” she said, hesitantly taking his hand, and shaking it.

“Huh,” Spike said, smiling kindly at her. “Well Ran, what’re you doing here all by yourself?”

Ran smiled in turn, she couldn’t peg down why, but Spike seemed like a good sort. “You’ll think it’s silly.”

“Hey don’t worry, I’m used to silly.” Spike said with a chuckle.

“Well, see, I have a pretty protective Aunt,” She explained. “I’ve never been to a playground like this, and well…”

“Never been to a playground?” Spike said blinking. “Is she one of those maternal figures that won’t let their kid out of the house without seventeen layers and enough antibiotics to swim in?”

Ran, laughed at the joke. “Well, sort of. Really she just wants me to study.”

“C’mon!” Spike said, suddenly taking her hand and pulling her towards the swing. “I’m gonna give you that fun you were missing out on!”

“Whoa! Hey!” she said, as she was pushed. Soon she was seated in one of the sling seats that Spike had brushed off for her, and was being pushed into the air by her new friend. The jangle of the chains and the creaking of the swing was accompanied by their shared laughter. They were happy together, they had no idea why but at that moment they didn’t care. During their fun, they took the time to exchange numbers so they could arrange to meet again.

Soon however, the fun would come to an end when an expensive looking car was about to come down the street. Ran got off the swing. “It was nice seeing you Spike! Maybe we’ll see each other again soon!” She said as she took off.

“I hope so Ran!” Spike called after her, his loneliness this time of year just seemed to fade away around that girl. Spike began walking home, happier than ever.


The Sparkle household was done to the nines for the Holiday Season, with all manner of decorations. The tree stood by the front window of the house, decorated beautifully, and with presents already starting to pile up beneath it. Garland was hung around the house, and stockings were hung from the mantle for all the family members.

“Thanks for coming over, Rarity,” Twilight said to her friend, as she set some newly wrapped presents beneath the tree. “I’m sure Spike will cheer right up, once he sees you.”

“Anything to help my darling Spikey Wikey feel better.” Rarity said, helping wrap some presents in the meantime. “It’s the least I could do for him.”

“Hey guys I’m home!” Spike said, opening the door. “I-” He’s cut off when Rarity suddenly took his hand.

“Hello, Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity said leading him upstairs. “Twilight mentioned you were feeling a bit down, and I thought I’d come over and cheer you up.” She took him to his room, a warm smile on her face as she did so. “After all, we can’t have my Spikey Wikey feeling down, during Christmas.”

“Actually, I appreciate it Rarity, but I feel a lot better now.” Spike explained. “Ran really helped me get over how down I was feeling.”

“Darling, who is this Ran person of which you speak?” Rarity asked curiously.

“Oh, just this girl I met on my way back here. She was a lot of fun.” Spike said, oblivious to the look of shock on Rarity’s face at the mention of the g-word.

“A… girl… you met…” Rarity said, sounding strained. “And she was fun… A… About your age, too, might I ask?”

“Yeah actually,” Spike said, thinking a little. “She seemed familiar somehow, like we met somewhere…”

Rarity got up, stiffly, then walked to the upstairs bathroom, slamming the door. Soon the sound of her sobbing could be heard from inside. This being Rarity, the sound was quite loud and dramatic, causing Twilight to come running up the stairs.

What did you do?” Twilight demanded, glaring at Spike.

“I didn’t do anything!” Spike pleaded. “I was just talking about this girl who helped me out and Rarity totally freaked!”

“... Let me get this straight. You talked to your girlfriend about a girl who helped you get over your holiday blues?” Twilight asked, emphasizing certain key words.

“Yeah!” Spike said.

“And obviously you’re still not thinking beyond ‘Hey, cool, I made a new friend’ to ‘Oh geeze, I may have hurt my girlfriend’s feelings by bringing up another girl’,” Twilight said sounding frustrated.

“Wait...you’re saying Rarity’s...jealous?” He asked, just starting to comprehend what’s going on.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying!” Twilight exclaimed glaring at her so very dense little brother.

“I...but..I’m the one who gets jealous…” Spike said, blinking. “I gotta go talk to her before she goes crazy don’t I?”

“Okay, jealousy is not limited to gender, so get the gender roles idiocy out of your head,” Twilight said glaring at Spike. “And yes, yes you should go and talk to her, before she decides to go home, and go on an ice cream binge.”

Spike then took the hint and ran towards the bathroom door, knocking tentatively on it. “Rarity…?”

“I KNEW this would HAPPEN! Oh why did I have to FALL for somebody YOUNGER than me?! Why-eye-eye?!” Rarity wailed from inside the upstairs bathroom. Thank goodness it wasn’t the only bathroom in the house, or else there would be trouble.

“Rarity?” Spike said, knocking again.

“Spikey?” Rarity sniffled from the other side of the door.

“Listen I’m really sorry!” Spike said, “I had no idea I was making you jealous!”

“... You… Oh… I… I thought you were wanting to…” Rarity said opening the door, revealing a red-eyed mascara-runned face. “To break up with me, so you could be with someone your own age…”

“Rarity I could never want to break up with you! You’re the most amazing girl in the world!” Spike implored. “I was only happy to tell you about a friend, but I was too stupid to realize how hurt it would make you!”

“Oh… Well… Do beg your pardon, Spikey-Wikey, I’ve got to freshen up a bit… I’ll be right out,” Rarity said, looking a touch abashed, before closing the door again.

“Okay, problem solved. I’ll go back down, and leave you two lovebirds alone… Unless you start getting noisy. Then expect snow. Lots of snow,” Twilight said going back downstairs.


Ran meanwhile was having a decidedly less fun time going home as she rode in Ele’sium’s expensive car, looking outside at all the festivities. Sitting in the car seat was her Aunt Ele’sium. She was tall, thin, with long blueish hair that she fought tooth and nail to keep the grey out of. She wore expensive clothing and jewelry and an arrogant expression.

“Now, Ran, you have your extra credit work for the break?” Ele’sium asked. “We’ll go and get you some fine dresses and jewelry.”

“Yes Aunt Ele’sium.” Ran said, really only half listening as she looked outside. Especially at all the normal families celebrating the season.

“What’s wrong, Ran?” Ele’sium asked.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that around this time of year,” Ran said, sighing. “I start to think about my parents. You hardly ever talk about them…”

“Your mother died so long ago…” Ele’sium said sadly. “That horrible car accident took her when she was far too young…”

“Yeah,” She said, “You talk about mom a lot, how you two were close and all that. But...you don’t really talk about-”

“Let’s not talk about your father, deary,” Ele’sium said in that demeaning sort of way where saying shut up would somehow be less rude.

“Did I have any other family?” Ran asked out of the blue.

Ele’sium gripped the wheel a little tighter than she needed to. It was clear she did not like this line of questioning. “No. You were an only child,” she said coldly. “You are my only link to my dear departed sister.”

Ran frowned but didn’t push the matter. Aunt Ele’sium went back to her long winded ideas about putting Ran on display at some party or another....but all she really wanted to do was go see Spike again.


The Sparkle home was decked out for the holidays, providing a warm atmosphere. There was the Christmas Tree, decked with tinsel and various ornaments the lights blinking prettily. On the mantle hung the stockings with each family member’s name, including Sunset’s. They already had some small gifts given by the family, but were sure to be full by Christmas proper. Holly festooned the molding, and there was even a strategically placed sprig of mistletoe.

“Twilight, hunny, make sure that you double check the hiding spots, I want no peekers from a certain young man this year.” Velvet called as she was preparing the dinner in the kitchen.

“Spike or Shiny?” Twilight asked, looking for Spike, before she went to check the hiding spots. “I swear we should ask Rarity to distract him when we hide presents…”

“Both are still little boys when it comes to presents.” Velvet said with a happy sigh. “I just hope Shining and Cadence get here soon,” She checked her watch. “And Sunset too…”

“Sweetheart, I’m sure this Adagio is a wonderful young woman,” Nightlight said, coming to give his wife a small rub on her back.

“I know I know, but Sunset is just as much my daughter as Twilight is, I get uneasy whenever the kids start dating. It seems like only yesterday when i was giving the little darlings baths and they were playing with rubber-”

“I can hear you mom!” Twilight yelled from the other room. “No embarrassing baby stories!”

“You’ll always be my baby sweetie, it’s a simple fact of life.” Velvet said firmly.

“Now I just gotta get those Christmas lights up,” Night Light said, picking up a box. “Just wait and see, Dingleberry...I’ll win that prize…” He then proceeded to go outside.

“Moooom, Dad’s going to overload the grid, again,” Twilight called, as she made sure the presents were thoroughly hidden.

“Just remember to keep the extra fuses on hand, sweetie,” Velvet said, as the doorbell rang. “Oh, that must be Sunset. Spike, could you get that!”

“I got it!” Spike ran downstairs to the door, and opened it, standing there was Sunset, holding the hand of a very nervous Adagio. “Uh, keep track of where any valuables are in case the power suddenly goes out from Dad’s war against the Dingleberries.”

Adagio just blinked as Spike went back upstairs to do some more gift wrapping. Sunset just smiled and guided Adagio in. “Mom, we’re home.”

“Hello Sunset how is-” Velvet stepped out of the kitchen, and saw the pair.

Adagio stood there, letting go of Sunset’s hand for a moment. Sunset smiled and said to Velvet, “Mom, this is Adagio, my girlfriend.”

“Well… Look at you,” Velvet said smiling. “Sunny said you were pretty, but her description didn’t do you justice, dear.”

“Tha-thank you Mrs. Sparkle,” Adagio said, fiddling with her fingers nervously. “Sunset has been, wonderful.”

“Sunny, why don’t you go and help in the kitchen. Adagio and I need to talk,” Velvet said taking Adagio’s arm.

Adagio looked back at Sunset nervously. Sunset smiled and said, “Sure Mom” before she left to handle the kitchen.

Velvet sat Adagio down on the couch, the siren had never felt more nervous in her...okay frankly feeling nervous was something new to her entirely but she was too busy worrying about appearing like a good girlfriend to think much of it.

“So, how did you and Sunset meet?” Velvet asked. “I remember her coming home one day happy as can be.”

“Well,” Adagio fumbled a little, trying to remember the story. “See, me and my sisters were on... drugs. We caused a lot of trouble both in town and in CHS, and soon we...got off that drug after Sunset and her friends made us realize what it was doing to us. Sunset then helped us learn to live without it...and I realized once the haze was lifted I wanted nothing more than to be with her…”

“I see. So Sunset kind of saved your life in a way,” Velvet observed thoughtfully. “And you and she seem to be making each other very happy.”

“We are, I never met anyone like her,” Adagio said with a warm smile. “She’s sweet, strong, and makes me happy every minute I’m with her.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Velvet said.

Adagio looked down at her hands. “To be honest, I was nervous that you wouldn’t like me. After all I was a bad girl...I didn’t even know if you would like the fact I was a girl.” She said with a sigh.

“One thing I’ve always promised myself is that I would never judge my children by who they date, and that includes the gender. Love is such a mysterious and wonderful thing that I should be happy that my children have found it at all. Also, people, given the right motivation, can change for the better. And that is what you are doing, changing for the better,” Velvet said putting a hand on Adagio’s shoulder.

Adagio smiled, relaxing for the first time since she was asked to come in. “It’s no wonder Sunset says you’re the greatest mother ever,” She said, letting out a happy sigh.

“I try my best,” Velvet said. “Somebody has to help Sunset’s track record when it comes to mothers.”


Shining Armor sat at his desk finishing up his paperwork for the day, humming a Christmas tune under his breath as he did so. “Soon I can pick up Cadie, and take her to Mom and Dad’s and have a nice dinner, and hope that Twili isn’t hiding the presents, this year… She can be positively insidious…”

He heard a small sigh from the desk opposite him, he looked up to see his comrade in the war against crime, Firefly, looking at a sheet of paper. Shining smiled, “Hey Firefly, please tell me that sigh is you sighing in love after your date with that Prism guy.”

Firefly chuckled a little, then shook her head sadly, “Nah, I’ll be happy and smiling later when I go hang out with him and his awesome kid for the holidays. But, I’m a little sad for this sight, the latest missing kids list.”

“That report we get every year?” Shining asked, slowly taking the piece of paper. He looked it over and sighed as he saw the list of kids that have gone missing in the surrounding cities over the years. “Yet another thing to add to the worries of parenthood. One day you’re driving your kid to school, the next minute some jerk takes that kid never to be seen again.”

“It’s a sad world we live in,” Firefly said, sighing. “When after 48 hours there’s not much we can do. Some of those kids have been missing for years.”

“Yeah, like this one,” He said, pointing to a girl in the photo. “Ran...something. Huh, she looks kinda like Spike in a way. At least when he was a baby.”

“The story?” Firefly asked.

“Something about a car accident years ago, not too much detail. An aunt and uncle have been trying to find her.” Shining said. “Just hope that whatever that kid is doing, she finds her way home soon…”

“I hope so, too,” Firefly said, nodding. “Now why don’t you head out? You’ve got a family to hang out with.”

“Don’t stay up too late, Firefly,” Shining said, getting up and putting on his coat. She watched as Firefly suddenly started giggling. He looked down to see the holiday scarf his wife made for him, it was pink and Cadey had put little hearts on it.

“Aww, that’s cute, Shining,” Firefly said with a laugh.

Shining turned red, and groaned. “I was hoping to be outside when I put it on…”

“Where all the world can see your… fabulous little scarf?” Firefly said, still laughing.

“Last time I suggest to Cadey that we make gifts…” Shining grumbled as he headed out.


The elevator opened as Ran’sea stood inside it. The decorations were silver and gold, and very subdued. Muted instrumental Christmas songs and carols played as background music, as the low drone of talk practically drowned it out. This wasn’t a party about the holiday, but about seeing and being seen by the “right” people.

Ran stood there in the most uncomfortable dress imaginable. Ruffles, and lace, and with such a stiff taffeta she can barely move except in the “graceful little steps” that her Aunt kept trying to drill into her to be a proper attendee at one of these boring parties. She is just there to be the perfect niece to her Aunt. Nothing more than a little porcelain doll to be shown off.

She stepped in, more like waddled in her opinion, alongside her Aunt who was also dressed in such a way that Ran could only think of as “gaudy”. Ele’sium smiled at all the guests that she passed on the way in.

Ran had heard her talks with these rich men and women so often she can basically boil them all down to a few short phrases.

“Hello there, Misses Bitworthy, you look lovely. Did I ever point out that your such a lovely woman? You truly are, and that dress is positively stunning on you. It truly is. This is my niece Ran’sea, isn’t she just the most adorable thing you ever did see? Did I totally mention she’s my niece? She looks so much like her mother, isn’t it a tragedy how she passed and I had to raise Ran’sea myself? You wish to help? Well you can totally support my business by buying my latest necklace design. It would look positively stunning on you..”

Ran’sea sighed as they moved from one couple to another, she didn’t want to tell Ele’sium this, but she hated parties like this. She needed to get away for a bit.

“Aunt Ele’sium?” She said suddenly. “I’m going to step over to the punch bowl if you don’t mind. All this walking is making me a touch thirsty.”

Ele’sium looked a touch reluctant, but then gave one of her condescending smiles, “Don’t take too long dear.”

Ran tried not to make it look like she was running from Ele’sium, but honestly she didn’t care at this point. She walked over to one of the windows, gazing outside at Canter City below. She sighed as she pressed her hand to the glass.

“I love Aunt Ele’sium, but I can’t help but feel…” She said to herself, shaking her head.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she overheard a conversation from a group nearby. A man with slightly curled hair and a woman with too much makeup and rather overdone hair were talking to a tall, handsome figure with well kept blue hair, a moustache and rather charming blue eyes.

“Can you believe what happened to poor Glory?” The man curled haired man said to the woman. “Her own daughter went and made a prank, ran away, and is now suing to be released from her custody. How the mighty have fallen haven’t they High Style?”

“Indeed Jet Set, why it seems like only yesterday when Glory was joining us up here.” High Style said. “That daughter of hers should know how to be grateful to one’s parents. To rebel in such a way, how droll.”

Ran’sea sighed, resigned and thought to go back to Aunt Ele’sium, until the rather dapper gentleman spoke up. “Oh I don’t think Sunset should be the one to be blamed. By all accounts she has changed for the better, she actually listens in my classroom and doesn’t just act like she knows all the answers.”

“I still don’t understand why a man such as you bothers teaching such, commoners. Surely Fancypants Von Trottingham has better things to do than teach brats,” Jet Set said.

“I think it’s important for all to learn no matter their station,” Fancypants said with the coolness that comes from one who’s faced all these idiotic ideals before. “I teach, because I am needed to teach. Plain and utterly simple. You’d be surprised what insight children can bring when adults are too busy with their own notions.”

“But sure-” High Style tried to interject.

“I believe you two should check out the punch bowl, it is quite lovely,” Fancypants said, casually walking away from the conversation.

Ran’sea continued to look back out the window, until Fancypants stopped and saw her standing there. He walked up to her and said kindly, “I see that expression a lot.”

“Pardon?” Ran’sea said, looking up at him.

“The desire to be anywhere but where you are right now,” Fancypants said, smiling at her.

Ran’sea sighed, “Yes but, it’s not as easy to just go anywhere when you feel chained to here.”

“I don’t know exactly your problem, young miss, but I feel as if you are trying to weigh two paths in your heart.” Fancypants said, wisely. “On one path, your family, that woman you came in with seemed quite intent on keeping you close. And keeping you on the path towards pleasing her.”

“Why are you-” Ran’sea said, tilting her head at him.

“Because I feel it’s important you hear this.” Fancypants said, “One should never ignore a chance to help youngsters.”

“You aren’t that old sir,” Ran’sea said, laughing a little.

“Thank you young miss,” Fancypants said, smiling. “you and my wife keep me from such thoughts as old age from reaching my head.”

“But, you said I have two paths?” Ran’sea said.

“Yes, the other path being, what you want.” Fancypants said. “Something that society will never tell children is that they are the ones with all the power to make decisions. Sometimes it’s best to go with society, to aid in it’s protection, and help one’s family.”

“And the other?” Ran’sea asked.

“To look into your heart and find out what’s right,” Fancypants said, “Despite what your family says. They are just as human as you are. Faults and all.”

“What you are saying…” Ran’sea began, then shook her head. “How do I know what to choose?”

“Time and experience really, and a glorious amount of hindsight,” Fancypants said. “It may be none of my business, but this other path you are looking for, it may be something worth looking at.”

“You sound like you speak from experience.” Ran’sea replied.

“There was once a young man who was given the option of either listening to his family, becoming a stuffy noble and live out the rest of his life in a loveless marriage. But instead, he met a beautiful woman, fell in love, and flew across an ocean so they could be together.” Fancypants said, smiling. “Now tell me,” He then tilted his head over to a beautiful looking woman. She looked radiant, and happy, smiling at the people there; and moving gracefully from one group to the other, her long curly pink hair shining in the light, and her smile brilliantly beaming. She didn’t seem to have any of Ele’sium’s bitterness, at all, but was joyus, and loving life.

Ran’sea looked from her, to Fancypants, to her again. Fancypants just smiled, “Now tell me that sometimes taking a chance is a bad thing.” He then walked off towards the woman, who happily greeted him, and took his arm.

Ran then reached into her dress folds..and pulled out her phone, she looked at her contacts. She saw Spike’s phone number, stared at it for a long time. She then heard Ele’sium’s footsteps.

“Ran’sea, why are you just standing over here? You need to be at my side, lest you get lost, or knock something over.” Ele’sium said in that condescending voice.

“Um,” Ran said, looking between the phone and her Aunt. “I’m sorry Aunt Ele’sium, I’m feeling a touch under the weather.” She started taking steps back, “I believe some air will do me good!” She then suddenly took off towards the elevator.

“Ran’sea?!” Ele’sium said, chasing after the girl. “Don’t run! You’ll rip your dress!”

Ran’sea ran into the elevator, a plan forming in her head, she had to stall Ele’sium. She watched her Aunt get into the elevator with her. “If you are feeling under the weather, you could just go to the bathroom!” Ele’sium said. “I can go with you even.”

“Sorry Aunt Ele’sium, I need to do this, and you got a ride to catch.” Ran’sea proceeded to tap every single button she could, knowing that elevator would stop on every floor. She then hit the ‘close door button and jumped out in the nick of time, watching as the doors slammed shut behind Ele’sium.

She could hear her Aunt’s cries as the elevator proceeded upwards towards another floor. Ran’sea then jumped into the other elevator, and hit the ‘Ground Floor’ button. She breathed heavily as the door closed...she had done it now...She began typing a text with Spike’s phone number…



Dinner had gone well, actually. Everybody had welcomed Adagio with open arms. It was a delicious dinner, since Twilight was kept well away from the kitchen. Between Cadence, Velvet, Sunset and surprisingly Adagio, dinner was on the table and everyone was gathered around enjoying one another’s company. Nightlight was leading the conversation, telling the family how he and Velvet met. “So, I finally got the courage to talk to Velvet, I sat there in that tree for so long trying to get the words right to talk to her.”

“I thought you said you were ‘bird watching’, Dad.” Twilight said, narrowing her eyes.

“Oh he was,” Velvet said with a small laugh.

“Mom, please, let’s try to make sure most of us can eat without throwing up at the idea of you and Dad having, ya know...the thing.” Shining said, shaking his head.

“Anyways, I lost my balance on the tree, then WHAM! came your grandfather’s car.” Nightlight said, smiling. “Next thing I know, I wake up there Velvet was, sitting there and trying to handle that bruise I got on my head.”

“Poor thing was so nervous he dropped his bag,” Velvet said, smiling at Nightlight. “That’s when I found his book drafts...and those studying sessions became so much more…”

Sunset smiled, “That’s a wonderful story, Mom, I’m just glad you and Dad stuck together all this time.”

“After three kids, you kinda sorta should stick around,” Twilight said with a laugh.

“Well, two and one adopted…” Spike said a little sadly.

A silence fell over the table, nobody really knew what to say. Adagio was the one who spoke up, “I... imagine there’s a story?”

“Not much to tell,” Shining said, shaking his head. “One day Cadence, Twili and I were playing Mario Kart, next thing I know we hear this crying at the door.”

“We went to answer it,” Cadence said. “Found little baby Spike in this basket, but no one around to claim him.”

“Twili went right up to him though,” Shining said, putting a hand on Spike’s shoulder. “Picked you up and carried you inside.”

Twilight smiled at Spike, and said in her best impression of her younger self. “He’s hungry, lonely, and crying, we help.”

“We love you Spike, never forget that,” Velvet said sweetly.

“Hey, between me and Sunset, I think there’s plenty of love here, even when we aren’t related by blood.” Spike said, smiling.

“Some of us are just happy to be a part of this family,” Cadence said, smiling at Adagio knowingly. “Sparkles always had a certain charm to them.”

Adagio blushed as she looked over at Sunset, Sunset smiled and held Adagio’s hand under the table…

The thought was interrupted when Spike suddenly pulled out his phone.

“Spike Sparkle what did I say about ph-” Velvet began.

“Sorry Mom I gotta take this,” Spike said, suddenly standing up. He looked down at the phone.

Spike! Please come to the park! Now! I need your help...please…

The text was from Ran…

“Mom, Dad, I gotta step out for a bit,” Spike said, running to get his shoes on. “A friend of mine, Ran’sea, needs a hand.”

Velvet looked about ready to scold him, but stopped when she saw Spike’s serious expression. She sighed, “Go then, but come back soon, don’t stay out past ten, and for the love of all that is holy wear a scarf!”

Spike ran out before anybody could stop him, Shining blinked and got up from the table. “Guys, I need to make a call too.” he walked a little ways and dialed the station. “Firefly? Yeah it’s me, I’m glad you haven’t left yet...listen I need you to bring up everything the system has on that Ran’sea girl.”


Ran’sea ran through the streets of Canter City, at this time of night most had either gone home or are on their way. She held her coat to her the night air being quite brisk. Her phone rang, she hoped it was Spike and accidentally hit ‘Send’...she realized her error when it was Ele’sium who was on the other line.

“Ran’sea, where ARE you?! You’re costing me business! What are you doing, you brat?!” Ele’sium yelled.

“I’m sorry Aunt Ele’sium!” Ran’sea said, kicking herself for not hanging up immediatly. “I need to see somebody! Somebody I know is important!”

“There is nobody more important than me, you brat! Where the hell are you?! You are going to be in SO much trouble when I get there!” Ele’sium ranted. “I have done so much for you! You can’t leave me! You belong with only me!”

“Is that what you told mother…?” Ran’sea said, before hanging up and running.


Spike ran as fast as he could towards the park, he had some bad luck trying to get a bus. He now very much wished he had a-

“Spikey-Wikey, what are you doing out, alone?” Rarity called from her car as she pulled up alongside him.

“Rarity! You’re a lifesaver!” Spike yelled, running around and getting inside the car. “I need to get to the park across the street from Calvaria Academy!”

“Oh! Very well, my Spikey Wikey. “ She said, looking over as Spike strapped himself in. “I imagine this is for a friend?”

“Of course,” Spike said. “Ran is in trouble, she needs my help.”

“A friend of my friend,” Rarity said, putting her foot on the gas. “All I need.”


Ran’sea finally let out a breath once she reached the park, she huffed, the cold air showing when she breathed. She made it, and Ele’sium was far away.

She sat on the swing set, the adrenaline cooling down, and she suddenly realized what she just did. She ran away, to meet with a boy she only met yesterday...the idea seemed utterly ludicrous…

But then she remembered all those times Ele’sium talked to her, about how that girl Sunset got away from her mother, and all those other girls she saw over the years in the same cage as her…

Spike was the first person she knew that really tried to know her as a person...and she wanted to be with him..more than anything….

Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw...Ele’sium standing there, breathing heavily.

“Aunt Ele’sium…” Ran’sea said, getting off the swing. “How…”

Ele’sium held up her own phone, showing the GPS. “Like I would let you run away without some means of finding you. Each and every phone I bought you has a means of finding you should you get lost or hurt,” She said, in that ingenuine smile of hers…

“Aunt Ele’sium, please…” Ran’sea backed away from Ele’sium. “I just couldn’t stand it in there, being something I didn’t want to be…”

“What in the blazes are you talking about? How can you not stand being high class, and a part of the upper crust?” Ele’sium asked, looking infuriated. “If you just listen to what I tell you we can be set for life!”

“That’s the thing!” Ran’sea argued. “I was sick of all those parties! All those idiots you kiss up to! All those times you put me in these unholy dresses! I am sick of being a part of your sale Aunt Ele’sium! I just want to get away!”

“Who put these ideas in your head girl!?” Ele’sium yelled. “You were perfectly fine before the party!”

“Only because I didn’t have the courage to see I was being used!” Ran’sea yelled.

Ele’sium stepped forward, grabbed Ran’s arm painfully. “I won’t hear this! You will come back to the party! Put on a smile for all my customers! You will then toss out any of this nonsense! You will be good! Good like your mother who always listened to me-”


Both of them stopped talking when they saw Rarity and Spike coming up. Spike looked between them, “What’s going on here?”

“Spike!” Ran’sea yelled, breaking out of Ele’sium’s grip and running to her. She stood next to him, glaring at Ele’sium.

“What is…” Ele’sium said, “Who are you people!? This is a family matter!”

“Sorry madame,” Rarity said, crossing her arms. “But after hearing a certain friend of mine suffer from abuse, I tend to be more keen to the signs of it.”

“This is your Aunt, Ran?” Spike said.

“Yes…” Ran said, nodding.

Spike walked over to Ele’sium, thinking that he could somehow calm Ele’sium down. The fact she was just standing there as if she was seeing a ghost did not help matters….

“Uh, hi, I’m Spike, a friend of Ran’s. Ran doesn’t hate you or anything, she probably just wants space, ya know? I remember how protective my mom used to be of me, wouldn’t even let me on a tri-”

Spike didn’t get to finish his sentence, for Ele’sium got this really ugly look in her eye, and ran up to him, grabbing his shirt hard. She spoke not with the calm elegance of a higher class woman...but with a madness that you only really hear about, but can never prepare for…”You! How are you still here?! You’re supposed to be Dead! I left you and your miserable father behind! You were supposed to die! Hear me?! Die! Not Fran’salel!”

“Aunt Ele’sium…?” Ran said worriedly.

“GET OFF HIM!” Rarity yelled,pulling hard on Ele’sium’s hair so that the woman let Spike go. Rarity pushed Ele’sium away from them. “What on earth are you attacking my Spikey Wikey for?!”

“Spikey Wikey...Thally Wally…” Ele’sium said, still madly.

“Thaly...what?” Spike said.

“What do you mean he was supposed to die?!” Ran yelled.

“I’ll answer that! Hands in the air!” A voice yelled.

They all looked to see Firefly and Shining Armor aiming their guns at Ele’sium. Ele’sium stubbornly refused to listen to them.

“Spike, is Ran okay?” Shining asked.

“Yeah!” Spike said, “What’s going on!?”

“This crazy woman is named Ele’sium Redstone.” Firefly explained. “Wanted on suspicion of murdering Thal’lan and Fran’salel Greenscale.”

“Her last name is Redstone!” Ele’sium yelled, clearly ignoring the fact she has two guns pointed at her.

“You.. changed our names…” Ran’sea said. “I always thought it was Bluelight…”

“I changed it, to hide from these foolish corrupt cops who wouldn’t fall in line!” Ele’sium yelled.

“We know what happened to your real parents Spike,” Shining said. “There was a car crash, a real nasty one, you were lucky to be alive. The detective at the time said that Ran was never found in the wreckage.”

“But I…” Spike said, shocked.

“You were found by the detective at the time,” Firefly said. “Found you among the wreckage. Your parents were going on a trip up north to see your extended family. But the brakes were sabotaged, your parents crashed and both of them perished…”

“And Ele’sium was the prime suspect.” Shining added, “She was trying for years to win custody of Ran, and was very vocal about your parent’s marriage. She was going to try to sue for custody of Ran, before the police found evidence that she was responsible for the sabotage.”

“You...killed them…” Ran’sea said tears in her eyes.

“How could you do such a horrid thing?!” Rarity yelled, putting her hands in comfort on Ran’sea’s shoulders.

Ele’sium’s shoulders shuddered, “Fran’salel and I...we were perfect together. We did everything together. Everything was perfect! She did everything I said! Didn’t once go against me! Things were perfect until she met your...your...bastard of a father! He turned Fran against me! Told her I was being too controlling! I was the only one she needed in her life! That bastard had no right to take her from me! So when I saw an opportunity to get rid of Thal’lan for good, I took it! I had everything prepared! I was going to orchestrate the accident and then save Ran from the wreckage!”

“Not Spike?!” Rarity yelled.

“That boy carries the face of his father!” Ele’sium yelled. “He will end up just like him! But Ran, Ran was just like Fran. She was going to listen to me! I tried desperately to convince Fran to not go on the trip, but she wouldn’t listen! She tried telling me I was mad! MAD! I was only trying to get everything back the way it should! Fran listening to me! No Thal’lan or his spawn in the way! But when I came to the wreckage….Fran was dead...died to save you both...it was all Thal’lan’s fault! ALL OF IT! If he didn’t try to take Fran away from me none of this would have happened! So I took Ran from the wreckage! Raised her as my own! Left this...this...thing of Thal’lan’s to die!”

Everybody was so stunned into silence...but then Spike walked up, and glared up at her…

“You….YOU WITCH!” He yelled at her. “You killed our parents! Then you try and say it was all Dad’s fault for letting Mom think for herself?! Then you abandon me, leaving me there without any idea who my parents are?!”

“It doesn’t matter!” She said, shoving Spike into the snow, “I am going to take Ran back...I’m going to wipe her very memory of you…’

Rarity felt a wave coming off Ele’sium...and she saw that her eyes… were the same dark magic laced eyes that Sunset had…

“It will alll...be perfect!!!” Ele’sium screamed.

“SHOOT HER!” Shining yelled.

Firefly and Shining both fired their pistols, aiming for Ele’sium...but the bullets never reached their targets...for when Ele’sium screamed..she also...roared….


The bullets stopped mid air, Shining and Firefly’s determined faces showing despite they not moving. The traffic noises stopped, and the world seemed to go into an eerie silence.

“... A witching hour? Now?” Rarity asked, summoning her whip. “But that only happens when a monster-”

“What is going on?!” Ran’sea said, looking around. “Why did everything...stop…?”

“Uh...Rarity…” Spike said, pointing towards Ele’sium. “I think I found our monster…”

Ele’sium laughed madly as a blue flame completely enveloped her..and before the trio’s very eyes...Ele’sium appeared...as a dragon…

She was somehow bigger than Spike was, but also lithe, fierce looking, with white scales, crystallin spines, and cold violet eyes. She roared with a roar that resounded over the park.

“Ele’sium is a….” Ran said, looking totally shocked.

“Ran come on!” Spike said, grabbing her hand and running away as Ele’sium was about to bring a massive set of claws down on them.

Rarity however was having none of it, swinging her whip in such a way that it wrapped around Ele’sium’s leg, pulling it out of the way before it could get at the siblings. Ele’sium roared in frustration, glaring down at Rarity.

“You will NOT harm my Spikey-Wikey and his sister!” Rarity declared, standing firm, whip at the ready.

Spike got Ran to hide behind a tree, he ran towards Ele’sium as she was about to unleash blue fire on the guardian. “RARITY NOW!” He yelled, charging towards Ele’sium.

“Guardian Beast DRAGON!” Rarity yelled, sending the changing circle toward Spike, transforming him from a young boy to a large purple dragon, large enough to match Ele’sium. Spike came out of the green flame that enveloped him, and smashed right into Ele’sium. Ele’sium flew back, tumbling a little from the sheer force of the blow.

Spike roared a challenge, over the past few months he’d gotten better and better at being a dragon. Learned how to stay in it longer...and he was gonna make every second count...for Ran…

Ran in turn, looked up at Spike with a mix of fear and utter awe…”My brother, a dragon…”

“Magnificent isn’t he?” Rarity said proudly, putting a hand on Spike’s scales. “Spikey Wikey, do show your Aunt out…”

Spike charged towards Ele’sium, teeth bared. Ele’sium charged towards him too, she was faster than Spike, and managed to get in and bite hard on one of his legs. Spike roared in pain, but then grabbed one of her spines in his free claw and pulled her off, breaking off the spine and using it to slice through Ele’sium’s leathery wings.

Ele’sium let out a screech of pain and backed away, baring her teeth at her nephew.

Spike let out a roar and unleashed a torrent of green fire, Ele’sium launched her own blue flame in kind. Both fire’s clashed, and after a brief moment, exploded, sending both dragons back. Spike crashed into a tree, groaning as he hit the ground. Ele’sium however, managed to get her footing, and lunged towards Spike. She got on top of him, her teeth trying to get at his neck, Spike reached up and pushed against her by holding her jaws in place, trying desperately to push her back.

Ran watched all this…”He’s fighting so hard to save me, even though we only just met…”

“Family, darling,” Rarity said, looking at Ran, “no matter how far away, will always love one another, and fight tooth and nail to keep them safe.”

Ran clenched her fists, and looked towards Rarity. “That thing you did, made Spike into a dragon.” She said, and put a hand to herself. “Use it on me!”

“I don’t know if I can, darling. Spike is my Guardian Beast. I don’t know if I can turn you into a dragon,” Rarity said worriedly. “And don’t ask me how your Aunt did it.”

“My brother, and Aunt are dragons right now,” Ran said, “That must mean something! I’m Spike’s sister! If he can do it than so can I! I’m not letting my brother die again!”

Rarity smiled at Ran. “You are definitely his sister.” She then cracked her whip again. “Here goes nothing, Guardian Beast! Dragon!” She yelled, and the change circle did appear, about to head to Spike. Rarity’s hands glowed...she wasn’t nearly as good at magic as Twilight. But she knew that enough will can make anything happen. The circle glowed blue with Rarity’s own magic, and it suddenly moved towards Ran, and Ran stood on it firmly..as green fire enveloped her.

“Go save your brother, Ran’sea…” Rarity said, watching the flame.

Ran’sea suddenly was gone...in her place was a white dragon with spines similar to Spike’s, a bit more elegant and lithe though. Rarity was in awe at Ran’sea’s true form, it was nothing short of beautiful. Ran’sea however, wasn’t going to stand around to show off…

Ran’sea roared loudly, getting Ele’sium’s attention as she lunged for her Aunt. Ran knocked Ele’sium off, diving her claws into Ele’sium’s haunches. Spike took this opportunity to kick Ele’sium off him. He stood, looking towards Ran, shock mostly evident on his dragon features.

Ran pressed her muzzle to him affectionately. Spike did the same, murring happily.

Rarity would find the scene adorable if not for Ele’sium getting up. Rarity stood between her two dragon friends, and her hands glowed with magic. “Darlings, I will do everything in my power to stop her. Take my magic, and use every bit of it to destroy her…” She fired streams of magic into Ran and Spike, whose eyes glowed gold.

The dragons turned to Ele’sium, who was roaring madly, but weakly at this point...without the use of wings she could not fly away. And Ran’s wound kept her grounded...it was time to end this.

Spike and Ran’sea roared, and unleashed a twin torrent of green flame towards Ele’sium. The flames combined in the air, taking the form of a pair of dragons, one white, one violet, flying towards Ele’sium, roaring and devouring the dragon in flame…

Rarity knelt when it was over, she looked to Ran and Spike as they were enveloped by flame, turning back into their human forms. Spike walked weakly over to Ran, “How did..you…?”

“Your friend helped, but I think I was finally just done with Aunt Ele’sium...I wanted my brother…” Ran said, happily, but weakly as well. “I feel...exhausted though.”

“Takes some getting used to,” Spike said, smiling.

Rarity stood up, looking at the pair of them. “Oh you both are such darlings for one another,” She said, giggling.

“Rarity!” Spike said, blushing.

Ran giggled in turn. “I figured you two had something. Spikey Wikey, how cute.” She said, smiling at her brother.

“I was badass adorable! Totally a big difference!” Spike countered.

Their banter was interrupted as Ele’sium weakly walked towards them..her clothes in tatters…”Fran….Fran…” She said quietly, looking at Ran’sea. “Why did you...leave…? Why didn’t you...listen...Fran my sister...I need you with me…”

Ran stomped over to Ele’sium, and shoved her over. “What you need is to be locked up! Never to harm anybody again! I don’t want to ever see your murdering, lying, twisted, psychotic, face again!”

Before Ele could answer anymore, Ran picked a stick off the ground and smacked her upside the head, knocking her out cold. Ran let go of the stick, looking down as Spike came and put a hand on her shoulder.

“It’s over sis, she can’t hurt you anymore.” Spike said.

“Brother...I want to go home…” Ran said, crying.

“We’ll give you a lift..but first…” Spike looked around at the wreckage. “I think we need to clean things up…”

“Hm. Good idea. I don’t have the magic Twilight does, but I’ll do what I can. The less suspicion the better, hm?” Rarity said, getting up slowly.

“You sure Rarity? You used a lot of magic back there.” Spike asked worriedly.

“Darling, it’s part of my responsibility as a Guardian,” Rarity said with a sigh. “Should go fairly quick if you two help.”

“Gladly,” Ran’sea said, and as Rarity began working on the trees, she turned to Spike. “So...how did my brother land a girl like her?”

“Luck, charm, and a whole lot of labor.” Spike said, smiling. “Not to mention a sweet fire ruby.”

“Actually, he was there when I needed him the most,” Rarity said mussing Spike’s hair. “The fire ruby was a lovely lovely birthday gift that he felt he just had to get me.”

Ran’sea laughed at the pair, laughed in joy for the first time in a long while.


The official story was that Firefly and Shining took shots at Ele’sium, but both missed in the chaos. She tried to make a grab at Spike, they had a tussle only for Ran to come and smack Ele’sium upside the head. Shining was too happy to arrest Ele’sium to really think too much about what happened. Ele’sium was put in the car, begging ‘Fran’ the whole way.

Shining, Spike and Ran’sea came up to the door and rang it. Velvet answered it, and saw Spike with Ran’sea. Twilight and Sunset looked in from the doorway, shock evident on their faces. The shock was quickly replaced by glee, as they looked at each other and happily said: “We have another sister!”

Spike smiled at his mother. “Hey, Mom, turns out I have a sister. Is there... enough at the table for one more?” He asked.

Velvet looked shocked, then looked at the pair, and she just knew...she went to hug all three of them, pulling Shining in. “There’s always room for one more…”