• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 2,201 Views, 39 Comments

The New Timeline - Jongoji245

With a remaining tear in space time, a new timeline is formed.

  • ...

Hatching Comfort

The Great Giving and Hearth’s Warming came and went, and I’ve often stopped by to see how Cosgrove was coping with his loss. So far, he’s doing little better, but I hope someday he would talk to somepony who had a similar loss.

School begins a new semester once again. Every filly and colt walked into the school building, wiped the slush and mud of their hooves and took their seats. The chatter filled the air.

“Hey have you heard we are getting two new students?” Twist asked the student body

“We’re getting new Crusaders!” Squeaked Sweetie Belle

“Yay!” - Said the rest of the Crusaders as they pounded their hooves together.

“Don’t get your hopes up Blank Flanks!” Said Diamond Tiara

“Maybe they wouldn’t want to be with you losers!” Silver Spoon continued

Ms. Cheerilee walked into the school, wiped the mud off her hooves, and walked to her desk.

“Alright class, let’s take our seats.” - The student body quickly sat in their usual spots, including Apple Bloom being in the crossfire between Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “Now, I hope you had a nice and relaxing Hearth’s Warming Break because there are teachings to be made and lessons to be learned. But first I would like to introduce two new students. A pair of young colts from outside Ponyville.”

That last statement made the few colts in the school cheer.

“Come on in you two.”

The two colts came in the classroom and stood in front of the class. One was a very small Earth Pony with dark brown blots scattered around his body. The other was Cosgrove wearing his hair extensions on his hooves.

“Tell us a little about yourselves.”

The pinto colt walked up first.

“Hello everypony, my name is Pipsqueak.” Announced the tiny colt with a Cockney accent.

“Hi, Pipsqueak.” Greeted the class.

“My family moved from Trottingham to enjoy the sunshine of Ponyville.”

The class responded with an “oooo.”

“That’s very nice, Pipsqueak.” - Said Ms. Cheerilee as the little colt took his spot near Featherweight and Dinky. She spots Cosgrove just standing there - “We’re waiting.”

The yellow colt snapped out of his daydream and raised a hoof.

“Hello… I am Cospl- Cosgrove, and I moved from the Barn and Bailey Circus a few-”

“You're from the Circus?” Twist interrupted.

“That’s so cool!” Said Dinky.

“Have you swung on a trapeze?”

“Did you ride an elephant?”

“Have you been shot out of a cannon?”

Cosgrove shrank back as the student body kept bombarding him with questions related to his childhood career.

Cheerilee silenced the students with a mighty slam of her hoof.

“Students! Where are your manners?”

“Sorry, Cosgrove…” Moaned the class. Cosgrove regained himself before walking over to a desk near Button Mash, Rumble, and Cogsworth.

“Now, let's begin this semester with-"

"So did you really get shot out of a cannon?" Whispered Rumble

Cheerilee stopped her writing for a moment, then continued on. Cosgrove eyeballed his teacher as he leaned to his left to the gray Pegasus.

"No, but I did do some acrobatics and was just about to blow fire from a bottle of-" Cosgrove stopped as Ms. Cheerilee walked towards the two colts with a stern face.

"Young stallion," - Cheerilee pointed to Cosgrove - "I know this is your first day in school so I will let you go with a warning. As for YOU Rumble, I don't want you to ask him any more questions." Ms. Cheerilee turned back to her teaching.

Rumble watched Cosgrove drew back into his desk.

A few hours later, lunch and recess commenced outside, the foals once again playing in their winter wonderland. Cosgrove walked around wondering where to sit.

"Hey, Cosgrove! Over here!" Shouted Button Mash as he waved from his group table. Cosgrove sat down in between Rumble and Button. "I'm Button Mash, and I like video games. You already know Rumble." - Rumble gave a smile before Button then pointed to an Earth Pony colt of a similar build, but with blue colors. "That there is Shady Daze, Featherweight, Cogsworth, and we already know Pip."

Cosgrove noticed Cogsworth's wheelchair.

"Yeah, I have six legs, you happy?" Cogsworth rebutted at Cosgrove

"What happened?"

"Camping accident."

"Was it-"

"I don't want to talk about it!"

Cosgrove flinched at that last sentence as Cogsworth continued to eat his turfwich. Rumble placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"Don't mind Cogsworth, he's always a little angry." The Pegasus reassured

"I am not always angry." - Cogsworth lashed out - "And when I do I have a good reason."

"You blank flanks always have bland food."

The colt's turned around to find Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon messing with the Crusaders.

"Their half the reason." Cogsworth added.

"What's the deal with her?" Cosgrove asked.

"Diamond was the first student to get a cutie mark. Since then, she pestered the rest of us who didn't especially Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo." Said Featherweight.

"What about her?" Said Cosgrove as he points at Silver Spoon.

"Don't know, but Silver used to be nicer." Shady Daze answered.

"Look if you want a piece of advice, just pray your not the butt of their jokes." Cogsworth grunted.

Cosgrove drew his ears back as he looked at the two bullies walking away laughing in their victory.

A few hours after, the class was just about to finish up when Ms. Cheerilee took out a jar full of slips of paper.

"Now class, you may be wondering why I had you place your name in this jar. Well, over Hearth's Warming Break I happened to find that the Cakes are having a baby." Said Ms. Cheerilee, causing the class to coo. "Well, that gave me the idea about the subject for your first project this semester."

The class began to murmur as Cheerilee took out a basket full of duck eggs.

"I had Fluttershy lend me this clutch of duck eggs." - Cheerilee placed a hoof on the basket - "Each of you will pair up to hatch your own egg."

"Why would we have to take care of a stupid egg." Said Diamond Tiara.

"That stupid egg is supposed to be your child, and yours to nurture." - Answered Cheerilee with a scowl - "And just to prove of that:" - Cheerilee drew out a name out of the bowl - "You'll be partnered with Snails."

Diamond's eyes widened as the tall, slender unicorn chuckled at the idea.

One by one the remaining foals became paired up. Cosgrove picking up the last slip of paper. He scanned the writing.

"Anypony by the name AB?"

"That's me!"

Cosgrove turned to Apple Bloom just before being given the egg. He gulped a little when the school bell rang.

"Now students remember: this could be your child someday."

Each pair of foals began their walk home, each wondering how they will care for their "child." Most carried the egg in one of their mittens, a few struggled by holding their egg with both hooves.

Cosgrove scratched a patch of snow before putting the wrapped egg down.

"So... I was thinking about taking turns?"

"Well... That would be all right." - Apple Bloom turned to the colt - "But we better watch it at my house."

"See you then at five pm?"

Apple Bloom nodded before picking up the mitten and making her way home.

Cosgrove entered his house, finding his grandmother Loopty Hoop cooking. The middle aged mare turned and found her grandson.

"Hi, Cosgrove! How was your first day of school?"

"It was... Okay..."

"Have you met anypony new?"

"Well, there was Button, Rumble, Pip, Featherweight and Shady."

"Oh, that's nice!" - Loopty chirped - "Did you guys do anything fun and exciting?"

"Well... Ms. Cheerilee paired us up to take care of an egg and I was partnered with Apple Bloom."

The chartreuse earth Pony turned her body around.

"One of the Apple farmers?" Cosgrove gave Loopty a nod in return. "That's sweet, the Apples are very nice."

"They are?"

"Mmmhmm. I usually talk to Granny Smith whenever she is in the park. They say that Sweet Apple Acres is a splendid view of country."

Cosgrove looked at the clock.

"I need to get going and check up on the egg."

Cosgrove dashed out the door before his grandmother could respond. She turned around to her cooking when the door opened and a snow covered Cosgrove came to the kitchen.

"Um... Where is Sweet Apple Acres?" His grandmother pointed in the general direction behind him. He then dashed out the door again.

Through the flurry weather, Cosgrove galloped as fast as his hooves could in the snow. Outside of the protection of the buildings, the wind blew hard against his fur. It took him a while before he spotted the sign to Sweet Apple Acres. While the farm is known for its vast amount of apple trees, in weather like this they appear dead and sparse. Spotting the lights on the house, Cosgrove trudged on to the door and gave it a few knocks. He heard the sound of their dog Winona barking like mad.

"Big Mac can you get the door?"

It's a short while before he heard the pitter patter of heavy hooves gradually getting louder as they reached the door. Cosgrove stepped back as the door opened to reveal a large red stallion with an orange mane. He gave him a stoic look.

"I-I-Is A-a-Apple Bloom h-h-home?" Asked Cosgrove as he shivered outside.

The farmer lead Cosgrove to the family room, had him sit on a chair and walked towards the stairs. Listening to the country music from the radio, the former circus colt looked around. The furniture, including the chair he is sitting on, had either a shape of an apple or had apples of various colors in the design. The woodwork is also apple themed but done very well to have him whistle.

"So you're the pony my sis was talking about?"

Cosgrove looked and saw an orange mare with blonde hair wearing a stetson. He did notice her snout was partially burned.

"Um..." Cosgrove murmured while rubbing his snout.

AJ wiped her nose, smearing the burnt fur on her arm, "You kinda broke my concentration."

"Oh," - Cosgrove winced back - "sorry about that."

Applejack sat down next to him.

"Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres," - Applejack announced - I'm Applejack, you already meet Apple Bloom and Big Mac."

Cosgrove raised a hoof, "I'm Cosgrove, from the Barn and Bailey Circus."

Applejack wrapped a hoof around him, "Hey... I've heard from the others about what happened. If you want to talk about it, we're here for you."

"Thank you, Miss Applejack."

"Please, it's just Applejack."

The two ponies turned to the sound of the patter of hooves coming down the stairs when Apple Bloom came down with the egg in Cosgrove's stocking.

"Hi, Cosgrove." Apple Bloom greeted after gently placing the egg on the table. "The egg's all ready to be with its daddy."

"Thank's, Apple Bloom." Said Cosgrove when he wrapped the stocking around his neck. "I'll see you tomorrow."

He began to walk out when a ringing sound was heard from the radio.

"Attention all listeners, attention all listeners, a snowstorm is making its way to Ponyville. All citizens are advised to stay indoors. I repeat, a snowstorm is making its way to Ponyville. All citizens are advised to stay indoors. That is all."

The Apples and their guest looked out the window. The storm was indeed blowing down snow; they couldn't even see 2 feet beyond the window. They turned to the phone ringing before being picked up by Granny Smith.

"Hello... Was that? ... No, we don't sell cucumbers we sell-"

"I'll take it from here Granny." - Applejack grabbed the phone from her grandmother - "Hello? ...Yessum he's right here." - She motioned Cosgrove over before handing him the phone.

"Hello? ...Yeah, the snow is blowing very hard. ...I haven’t heard anything about school closing. … ...Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then? ...I love you too. Bye.” - Cosgrove then hung up the phone before looking at his hosts - “I’ll probably be staying until tomorrow morning if that’s fine with you.”

“Of course, We have a guest room just for that occasion." - Applejack turned to her younger sibling - "Apple Bloom why don’t you show him up.” Said Applejack

Apple Bloom led the former circus pony upstairs, down the hall and to a small room containing a bed for an adult stallion, fitted with a large pillow and very soft covers. Cosgrove placed the mitt underneath the lamp and turned it on. Apple Bloom noticed the stripes on his back.

“Are you a zebra?” She asked, pointing to the stripes. Cosgrove looked at what the farm pony was pointing to and shook his head. “Are you sure? Because with those stripes you look like Zecora.”

Cosgrove moved his lips a little as he thought of something.

“Do you know why I have such hairy legs?” Cosgrove asked. The filly opened her mouth but shook her head instead. He undid the velcro straps on each of his feet, revealing his additional digits to her.

Apple Bloom gave them a closer look.

“Are those…. Like the ones Winona has?” She asked him.

Cosgrove gave her a nod as he wiggled them around, causing the young farmer to giggle.

“You’re not freaked out about this?” Said Cosgrove with a worried look on his face.

“Why would I be? - Applebloom pawed at his dew claws - "I find them kind of adorable.”

“Soups on, everypony!” Shouted Applejack from downstairs.

The two foals came downstairs and walked to the kitchen table adorned with food. It’s apple-based foods, but the vast recipes present with the scent of sugar and cinnamon widened Cosgrove’s pupils. Hopping on the chair, he was given two servings of candied apples. Putting a slice into his mouth, Cosgrove felt the sensation melt away as the succulent juices of the apple ran across his tongue. He gave a very large smile as he opened his eyes to the amused Apple Family. The colt quickly swallowed the morsel and shrank back, waiting to be berated.

“Well now," - Applejack chuckled - "somepony likes my cooking.”

“This is the best thing I ate in four years.” Cosgrove added

The family drew their ears forward.

“Four years?!" - Apple Bloom rose up a little - "Good gravy Cosgrove, what have they been feeding you?!”

“Apple Bloom!” - Big Mac berated - “We don't talk to our guests-”

“Pickles…” - Cosgrove interjected, getting the family’s attention - “And eggs.” - He then fidgeted his food with the fork - “The Ring Master wasn’t good with money.”

“Well, you have no more to worry about that hooligan. Help yourself to more, young un!” - Granny Smith noticed Cosgrove looking around - “What’s the matter, sonny?”

“What about... Mr. and Mrs. Apple?” - Cosgrove wondered before looking at the family as they drew their ears back. It took the colt a while to process the knowledge before drawing his ears back as well - “Oh I am so sorry. I didn’t-”

Applejack stopped him with a raise of her hoof, “That’s why we are here if you want to talk.”

Cosgrove licked the sugar off his lips.

“What happened to your parents?”

Granny Smith looked to her left, then to her right before leaning forward.

"It was just a few weeks after Apple Bloom was born, Mr. and Mrs. Apple were called into Appaloosa to help with the biggest sheep drive in all of Equestria. When we haven't heard anything from them, we simply thought they were delayed. Drives like these are never without trouble y'know." - Granny Smith's grandchildren acknowledged that with a slow nod - "But when a week passed, we received a visitor..." - The Apple Family turned to a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Apple a few years after their marriage - "Part of the drive was caught in a flash flood..."

Cosgrove also looked at the picture before turning to the Apple Family.

“So… For the past eight years..." - Cosgrove stretched his arms and twisted his body -"This, all of this… Was run by you three?”

“Eeyup.” Answered Big Mac


“It took me a while to understand,' - Applejack took off her stetson - "but family isn’t just with your folks, it's everypony you cherish and love.”

Cosgrove lowered his hooves, “Did the pain ever go away?”

The Apple Family looked at each other again before Granny Smith could answer, “Only in time, young un.... Only in time…”

A few moments later, they ate their fill and began stacking the dirty dishes. All of them, even Cosgrove washed the dishes before they turned off the lights and walked upstairs to their respective rooms. The colt looked turned off the lamp and hopped on the bed. Almost forgetting about the egg, he hopped down, placed the egg in a mock nest from the heavy blanket then hopped back up on the bed, wrapped himself in the lighter covers and went to sleep.