• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 2,210 Views, 39 Comments

The New Timeline - Jongoji245

With a remaining tear in space time, a new timeline is formed.

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The Dancing Ribbons

Fifteen Years Before Today

Since the Eighth Century, various markets have opened up across Equestria, one of them the Circus Industry. The first of them, and still going strong is the one opened by the famous Ringling Brothers: The Barn and Bailey Circus. Behind the scenes tours offered to schools have revealed that the Circus is basically a portable town, each one with their own mixed races. In the case of the Barn and Bailey, Earth Ponies, Pegasi, Unicorns, Horses, Merponies, Sleipnirs, Minotaurs, Elephants, and Giraffes make their home along with their pets. With centuries of practice, these races have performed some of the best performances in Equestrian history.

In the recent decade, among the more respected families living there were the Tamer family, consisting of Lion Tamer himself, Loopty Hoop, and Night Dancer. The two older ponies were already married when they joined the Barn and Bailey Family, providing what their talents allowed them to. As a rule of thumb, a member of the Circus usually provides the physical labor until their cutie marks appear. Even then it is chancy, as a cutie mark not related to the events of the show itself could as well doom a member.

Ever since she was a little filly, Night Dancer always admired ribbon dancing and one day she wished to move to the Cirque du Soleil in Prance. As she practiced on her own, her parents and friends watched and laughed as she tripped on one of the ribbons or got her arms tied up by accident. Having a personal time slot chart when the shows would air on TV, she would study their moves though Night Dancer herself doesn't have the necessary equipment for the elaborate stunts.

Night Dancer, nearing her thirteenth birthday was just walking back to her family tent with an angered look on her face.

Lion Tamer, noticing his daughter's bitter look, asked, "Didn't go well with Silver Bolt?"

"He said that I wouldn't be worth the money." - Night Dancer glared in the general direction of the Ring Master - "Greedy money laundering-"

"Night Dancer!" Lion Tamer stopped her.

"It's true!" Night Dancer yelled, "Why do we have to prove our worth when we already have a lifetime ago?!"

"Because, your greatest proof is when you received a cutie mark." Loopty Hoop adds as she walked up to her daughter - "What if your cutie mark doesn't involve ribbon dancing?"

Defeated, Night Dancer flopped to the floor, her head hung low. Her parents drew their ears back before looking at each other. A thought ran through them as if they had the power of telepathy. With a nod, Lion Tamer and Loopty Hoop crouched to their daughter's level.

"Even if it doesn't earn you a cutie mark, would you still like to know how?"

Night Dancer turned to her father before nodding.

As her inspiration of ribbon dancing is rather ambitious for a pony her age, much more skill outside of the usual skill is needed. Throughout the course of the past few weeks, Night Dancer trained hard under the Barn and Bayley's best acrobat. One such practice session was shown to Silver Bolt. Seeing the potential in her, the Griffon approved for a live performance.

On the evening of her 13th birthday, the city of Las Pegasus gathered inside the big top as a spotlight shined onto the Ring Master.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" - The Griffon stood on his hind legs - "For the first time ever, I give to you the first big performance she has ever done."

Up above, Night Dancer was just getting ready, the excitement filling her head.

"All I ask of you is: not to try this at home." - The Ringmaster curled as smile as a soft laughter filled the room - "And now, my fair people, Night Dancer and the Dancing Ribbons!"

The audience quieted as the spotlight turned away from the Ringmaster to the young Night Dancer. She looked around the silent audience, then took a deep breath. Wrapping the ribbons around her arms, Night Dancer leaped off the podium. The audience gasped as she descended quickly. When she was three feet above ground, the ribbons became taut, swinging her in a massive arc. Pulling more ribbon into her left arm, Night Dancer "flew" to her right before swinging upwards again. Knowing the audience' astonishment, she tried something that wasn't rehearsed. Wrapping her arms around her body, the first timer began twisting herself upwards until even her tail was wrapped in ribbon. As she rolled down to five feet above ground, Night Dancer popped open, the ribbons giving a silhouette like that of a butterfly for a mere second before she landed on the ground.

There is a good two minutes of silence before one pony started clapping before being joined up by more hooves. Night Dancer looked around as her cheeks curled a smile. As she bowed to the audience, the little filly did not pay attention as a flash of light brightened her body. When she got to her family, she received a good hug.

"Happy Birthday, Night Dancer." Lion Tamer pointed to his posterior.

Night Dancer looked at her flank, finding the usual blue fur be adorned with two stars appearing to be in tango. Her face beaming with delight, Night Dancer hopped up and down.

Eight Years Before Today

Time flew fast for the Circus. Many of the more elderly members have begun entering retirement. In a short while, age had finally reached Lion Tamer and Loopty Hoop. After the performance in Saddle Arabia, they gave their daughter a blessing as they took the next train over to Ponyville. Night Dancer herself became a profound member of the circus. Her spotlight the climax of each circus showing, she traveled all over Equestria (rent free if one would add).

Silver Bolt had entered retirement, turning his position to, yet again, another Griffon by the name Gold Nugget. And as with other Griffons, he valued only the profit received at each performance and tended to be very scrutinizing of the performers keeping their workload. It's when he shifted the finances from the well being of the performers and workers to the funding of more elaborate performances. This change started to become noticeable after two years, with the non-performing Circus Ponies being malnourished.

The show still went on, but one destination changed Night Dancer's life forever.

After setting up for the show along Pinto beach, The Earth Pony took time off to walk along the shores. Taking in the sweet sea breeze, Night Dancer began to wonder.

"Is the Circus really a good place to have children?" - Night Dancer asked to herself before shaking her head - "Can't blame why that stupid Griffon doesn't have kids of his own."

Looking back up, Night Dancer spotted an object floating towards the shore. Walking towards the waves, her eyes found out it was a basket. While not the best swimmer, Night Dancer took to the water and pushed it back to shore, all the while hearing a cooing sound. Now on land, she removed the lid. To her astonishment, the basket contained a foal with purple stripes along the lower jaw.

Looking back to the horizon, Night Dancer shouted, "Hello!! Anypony else out there!!!"

No other sound other than her echo and the crashing waves came to her. She looked back down to the foal, innocently sleeping under the ragged cloth. Night Dancer looked behind her before lifting the entire basket and made her way back inland.

"You've had quite a journey." Night Dancer whispered as she switched arms to carry the basket.

It wasn't easy raising him, let alone hide him from the more gossipy members, but luck was on her side when the train made it's next stop to Canterlot. As they began setting up in the outskirts, Night Dancer snuck off with the foal to the authorities. Later that same day, one of the Horses, Big Hooves, spotted Lion Tamer and Loopty Hoop coming to the circus grounds.

"Well, look who's here!" Said the large stallion as he walked over and gave them a big hug.

"It's great to see you too, Big Hooves." Loopty Hoop chuckled.

"You here to see your daughter's performance?"

"Actually we're here because she has something to announce." Lion Tamer answered

That raised quite a few eyebrows from Big Hooves and the surrounding Circus ponies. Loopty Hoop spotted her daughter walking towards them along with a few authority figures behind her, holding something in her arms. The Circus Ponies, current and former, looked with confusion.

"Night Dancer" - Loopty Hoop cocked her head - "Why are they here?"

"Mom, Dad..." - Night Dancer sat down and unwrapped the blue sheet - "meet your grandson..."

The crowd slowly gathered around the family to look at the newest member of the Barn and Bailey Circus. Lion Tamer's eyes welled up as he lifted the baby into his arms.

"I'm..." -Lion Tamer breathed deep- "a grandfather."

"Move aside! Move aside!"

The moment was ruined when Gold Nugget pushed through the crowds before his eagle head spies the baby.

"What is that horrid yellow Zebra!?" The Griffon yelled, pointing at the baby.

Loopty Hoop sized up to the Griffon, shouting out, "That is my grandson!"

Gold Nugget took a glance at the baby, noticing the rather bright colors compared to his opponent before looking at her.

"Nice to know the similarities." - The Griffon smirked - "But unfortunately the Circus doesn't have room for new children-"

As he reached for the baby, an authority figure blocked him.

"Sir," - The Unicorn pulled out a restraining order - "under the restraining order issued at the same time of adoption, you are not allowed to come five feet from Cosgrove."

Another authority figure walked over with a large list as she looked her surroundings.

"Also, we need to talk about your business practices."

Gold Nugget looked at Night Dancer as she stared daggers into his eyes. Defeated, the Griffon lead the authorities to his office tent. The crowd turned back to Lion Tamer giving the child back to Night Dancer. A few other foals slightly older than him crawled up to the mare as Lion Tamer and Loopty Hoop embraced their daughter as the Christened Cosgrove began suckling his mother's hoof.

"Beautiful Cosgrove..." She whispered.

Because of the inspection and approval, the Circus couldn't leave Canterlot. In the meantime, charity services have provided them with very exquisite meals after a few years of a mere pickles and eggs diet.

Cosgrove was grouped up with the other children born around the same year. Among them, he became the closest with Zipper for helping him escape the diaper change, Chelsey after replacing her rubber ball, and Diver after being invited to play. Each night, they would huddle together in a large cat bed, much to the admiration of their parents. Her question answered Night Dancer slept next to the children with a warm grin on her face.

Very early the next morning, a moth kept flapping over the young Cosgrove, stirring him from his sleep. Curiosity gets the best of children; the baby chased after the moth out of the tent and deep into Canterlot. The sound of tiny hooves echoed the empty streets as the sun rose over the town, displacing the fog. To avoid the light, the moth flew under a hole in the wall just large enough for him to follow through straight to the Castle.