• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 2,201 Views, 39 Comments

The New Timeline - Jongoji245

With a remaining tear in space time, a new timeline is formed.

  • ...

A Death in the Family Part 1

As a snow storm reaches Ponyville, many of the inhabitants began to seek shelter while a large mixed-species herd walked to the train station. Sunset Shimmer just entered the Library when Twilight trotted over to her friend and hugged her.

"Sunset! Thank Celestia you are back! I was so" Twilight was broken out of the embrace as Sunset slowly walked upstairs "worried..."

Since making amends, Sunset has slept on the same floor as Twilight. On occasions where her roommate was absent, Sunset would run the library in her place. Laying down on the bed next to Twilight's, she pulled out her journal and began to write.

Dear Princess Celestia,

You recall that I was invited to join with Rarity and Rainbow Dash on a trip to Prance...

Near the city of Prance, a train makes its stop at the station. As the doors slide open, ponies of all kinds and colors due to depart step off the train. Each one wore a different colored scarf and some even wore stocking on their hooves. Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity stepped off the train and began to walk towards the city.

“Thank you so much for coming along, girls." - Rarity turned towards her two friends - "It means so much that I have to supervise Prance's textile courses.” Said Rarity

“No problem, I've always wanted to go to Prance.” Said Sunset as she caught up with Rarity.

“I don't understand why you brought me along.” Asked Rainbow Dash in an annoyed tone. “The Pegasi here already got the weather ready for winter.”

As they walked to a suburb, a filly spots Rainbow Dash and trots to the group with a quill and notebook.

“Madame Rainbow" - the little filly happily wagged her tail - "May you sign my autograph?”

Rainbow Dash looked at her two friends before giving a shrug and landing on the ground.

“Sure thing, kid.” Said Rainbow Dash as she grabbed the quill and

As Rainbow signs the notebook, more of the Prench Ponies begin to surround her, each muttering in awe at the Pegasus. Sunset and Rarity turn around at the gathering crowd as they each try asking for an autograph.

“Oh goodness! Do you need help darling?” Said Rarity with a worried tone.

Rainbow managed to pop out of the crowd and get a few feet above them. She began to be joined by the pegasi.

“Just go on ahead! I'll find you.” Said Rainbow Dash before she flew off with her admirers pursuing her.

Sunset turned her head forward to find Rarity well ahead of her.

“Hey wait for me!”

After a good walk through the city, Rarity and Sunset enter a luxurious hotel. They approach the concession stand.

"Excuse me kind sir, but I do believe we have a room reserved." Said Rarity as she winked at the receptionist.

The receptionist looked at the book before nodding.

"Ah, Madame Rarity." Said the receptionist as he waved his hoof to guest service Pony. "Please..."

Leading them to the top floor, the guest opened the door to a very stylish room, one that would be a great suit to the Canterlot Elite. After paying the waiter the tip, the two unicorns walked around.

"Seems a little much for a supervisor." Said Sunset Shimmer as she laid down on the bed.

"This room was paid for by the school itself, I am just that famous, darling." - Rarity looked at the clock, her curled mane shook at the sight - "Oh gracious me! I am almost late!"

The white unicorn ran around, frantically stuffing her saddle bags with the necessary forms for the class.

"Blasted train took so long!" She whimpered before running out the door, slamming the door shut.

Sunset, now alone in a fancy hotel, furrowed her brow a little as she hums a little tune while tapping her hooves on the soft covers. She walks over to the window and opens it. She sniffs the crisp cold air as she begins to unravel her scarf. She stops and looks up at the covered up sun before looking down at the town streets.

"A little walk wouldn't hurt." Said Sunset as she began rewrapping the scarf around her neck.

The orange unicorn walked around the city, admiring the range of fancy buildings to the more lower class buildings including the Eiffel Tower.

Which brings us to the moment that where it really began,

Sunset walked past a poster for the circus performing at Prance tonight.

Where he and I finally met... Again... For the very first time.

Sunset's eyes spotted a flower stand before she walks towards it.

Oh... Its such a long story.

Sunset takes a look at the wide variety of flowers, especially the white roses.

“Ah, the lovely lady likes the beautiful flowers, yes no?” Says the flower stallion as he leans forward causing the unicorn to blush a little.

“They... Sure, are pretty.” She answers

“And at the right price too!” Continued a young voice.

Sunset looked down to her right as she spots a yellow colt with purple stripes, mane, tail and hair covered hooves. He dug into his saddle bag took out a bag of bits and spills them on the stand. After a slow counting that would seem to be an eternity, the flower pony rolls his eyes and placed his hooves on the small pile of coins.

“This should be enough.” The flower seller accepted as he drew his hoof and places the money into a safe. He wraps the roses in a bouquet and gives it to the colt, who then places it in his saddle bag.

“Thank you.” Says the colt before walking away.

Sunset’s eyes followed the colt as he walked away. The Unicorn continued to walk around the city. When she turned the corner she finds that the area of the Eiffel Tower surrounded by a massive crowd of Ponies. She tries to get through the crowd but was constantly pushed and excused. Giving up, Sunset "swam" her way to a stone bench in the center of the plaza. Sitting down, Sunset struggled to catch her breath in the cold air.

“Big crowd, isn’t it?” - Sunset yelps, turning to find the same colt sitting at the bench -“Sorry!”

"That's fine," - Sunset scooched over to where she first sat - “don't startle me like that.”

The two ponies didn’t talk to each other as they waited for the crowd to shrink. The colt rocks back and forth, looking to his left before swinging his head at the tired mare.

He stretches his hoof, “I’m Cosgrove by the way.”

That name sparked a memory in her eight years ago. This is indeed the same individual she went on a wild goose chase with. After looking at him for a while, she held Cosgrove's hoof began shaking it.

“Sunset Shimmer.”

“Sunset Shimmer?" - Cosgrove placed a hoof on his chin - "Kind of a tongue twister isn't it?”

Sunset gave a snide smirk before eyeballing the roses jutting from Cosgrove's saddlebag.

"What are the roses for?"

"Oh they are for Mom," - Cosgrove patted the stuffed pocket - "it's her birthday today."

Sunset looked around the crowd, "Is she coming to get you?"

Cosgrove stood up to her ear, "It's a surprise."

Sunset raised an eyebrow.

"So, let me get this straight: you, a colt, walked across the City of Love, away from home, alone, to get a gift for your mother?"

Cosgrove looked the other way, "...Yeah."

Sunset tilted her head, "You're lost aren't you?"

"I am not lost, my home is just... Is..." - Cosgrove looked around, even standing on his back legs to get a better view before plopping back down in defeat - "Okay... I'm lost."

"Do you know where you live?" Asked Sunset.

"Barn and Bailey."

Sunset looked around and found a patrol guard. She motioned Cosgrove to follow her as she approached the guard.

"Excusez-moi , mais savez-vous d'une grange et Bailey?"

The guard looked at her then to the colt.

"Oui , le cirque est à seulement deux pâtés de maisons de la ville derrière vous." Answered the patrol guard as he pointed behind them.

Though she noticed the mention of the Circus, Sunset understood the directions given.

"Merci." Sunset thanked him as she gave him a bit.

The two ponies begin their walk in the direction given. As their view of the upper-class buildings became replaced with lower class ones. Agt one point of their journey they caught the smell of a particular treat; funnel cakes. Cosgrove picked up his pace as they finally reached the circus. As usual in a circus, surrounding the big top were a series of smaller tents where each of the denizens walked in and out.

"Here we are," - Cosgrove rose on his hind legs, stretching his arms out wide - "home sweet home!"

"This is it?" Sunset questioned as she noticed the slightly low quality.

Cosgrove returned to his natural stance.

"It used to be much better."


The colt turned find Night Dancer walking towards him. Cosgrove quickly opened his saddlebag.

"Where have you been?! I've looked everywhere for-" Night Dancer stopped as a bouquet of roses thrusts up before her.

"Happy birthday, Mom!"

The mare was speechless at the sight of white roses.

"Cos..." - Night Dancer took a soft sniff of the flowers before hugging the foal - "But you shouldn't have gone out there alone!"

"I wasn't alone, Mom" Cosgrove pointed a hoof at Sunset - "Sunset helped me find my way back."

Night Dancer looked at the Unicorn, furrowing her eyebrow as she noticed quite a familiarity.

She turns to her son, "Cosgrove, why don't you go prepare some tea."

Cosgrove nodded and trotted away as his mother stepped towards the younger pony.

"You look familiar." - Night Dancer noticed Sunset giving an uneasy look - "Yes, I remember you, eight years ago at Canterlot."

Sunset draws her ears back, "Is that a bad thing?"

Night Dancer relaxed, "Not at all. You've helped my son both times we have met now, and for that, you have my thanks." - She wraps a hoof around the Unicorn - "Why don't you stop over for some tea?"

"Oh no, that wouldn't be necessary." Said Sunset.

"We insist! You must have had quite a walk in this weather."

Sunset gave a warm smile, "Then, by all means, Mrs..."

"Night Dancer." - The Earth Pony began to walk before turning a little - "And it's Miss."

Sunset gave a look of confusion as Night Dancer walked away.

"You're not married?" - Sunset caught up to Night Dancer - "Then is Cosgrove-"

"Adopted? Yes." Night Dancer answered - "While we were at Pinto Beach, I found him in a woven cradle on the shore alone. I called out to see if there were any others, but then I found that wasn't the case. It wasn't easy, but I took him in and raised him."

They entered a tent with two stars dancing in tango and sat on a straw bed.

"Has he found out?" Sunset asked as Cosgrove brought over a cup of hot tea. Her eyes widened as she noticed the colt's hooves having dewclaws on each side.

"Pretty quickly." Answered Cosgrove as he wiggled his additional digits.

After a few cups of hot tea, the three Ponies turned to the sound of a curtain opening and found a Horse and Merpony fillies and a Sleipnir colt standing at the front.

"Hello, kids." Greeted Night Dancer

"Hi, Night Dancer," - Chelsey waved a hoof - "can Cosgrove come and play?"

"It's snowing outside." Said Diver the Merpony.

Night Dancer looked at her son with a furrowed brow before giving him a smile before answering, "Just be back before tonight."

Cosgrove hopped to his feet and ran to his friends much to Sunset's amusement.

"You may think that a circus is a bad place to raise a kid" - Night Dancer placed the teacup on the dresser "but it's really just a child's playground.

"I better get back," - Sunset stood up - "my friends might worry about me."

Seeing their silhouette inside the tent, Cosgrove formulates a plan as he spoke to Zipper.

"Thank you very much for bringing my son home." Thanked Night Dancer

Sunset nodded before she lit up her horn and teleported back to the hotel. She flopped back on her bed. Sunset's nap was cut short as her ear flicked to the sound of tapped glass. She twisted herself to find Rainbow Dash hovering outside with her arms crossed to warm herself.
Upon opening the window, the rainbow-maned Pegasus flew straight to the covers and wrapped into a ball, leaving only her snout jutting out.

"What took you so long?" Shivered Rainbow.

"I was" - Sunset flopped back on the bed - "Occupied."

Sunset winced again at the sound of wood knocking. Lighting her horn again, the unicorn opened the door to their room and allowed a ragged Rarity inside. The fashion designer gave a slow, exhausted walk dropping her items as she did.

"Rough day also?" Sunset asked as Rarity flopped down on the sofa couch and planted her face on the pillow.

"Oh, you have no idea." Rarity answered through the pillow. "The students were so good we took two hours to critique their work. Thank goodness they only needed me this once."

Rainbow Dash jutted her head out

"So does that mean you're done already?" - Rainbow exploded out of the covers - "So what are we gonna do now?"

Sunset looked back up at the ceiling before a yellow piece of paper flopped on her eyeball. Sitting up, the orange Unicorn found three tickets on the bed. It took a while before finding out that one of Cosgrove's friends is a Sleipnir. Those ponies are famous for their running prowess that would rival Rainbow Dash's flight speed if given the same conditions. Putting two and two together, she smirked.

"I know what we can do tonight."

Increased snow flurries made the journey a little longer as Sunset lead her two friends back to the Barn and Bayley Circus. The pegasus and fancy unicorn gave an uncertain look. The latter of the two stepped on a rotten apple.

"Well, they do have unsanitary standards." - Rarity was suddenly shoved by an Earth pony as he quickly trudged off - "Not to mention manners."

While Rainbow and Rarity continued to the big top, Sunset gave a concerned look at the pony who shove them.

"Come on, slowpoke!" - Rainbow shouted from a distance

Giving the tickets to admissions, they gained entry into the big top. The first pony they saw was Cosgrove in a superhero costume as he and his friends just finished a little play. The colt ran up to Sunset.

"You made it!" Said Cosgrove, giving Sunset a hug

"It wasn't that hard to find out," - Sunset looked at the young Sleipnir - "seeing that you have friends."

Zipper eyeballed back to the yellow colt as the lights dimmed.

"Come on!" - Cosgrove began to hop towards the main area - "Mom's act is just about to start."

In the center of the big top, the spotlight shines on the Ring Master, Gold Nugget.

"ladies and gentlemen," - Announced Gold Nugget "- this is the act that you have all been waiting for. All I ask of yourself is to not try this at home."

A soft chuckle can be heard from the audience

"I now present to the city of Prance: Night Dancer and the Dancing Ribbons!"

The spotlight turned off, giving the Griffon a few moments to leave. A few minutes later, the spotlight turned back on with Night Dancer holding two pieces of suspended ribbon.

At the sound of the baton tapping, she twirled the ribbons around her arms and, when the music played, leapt towards the audience. They gasped in fright and awe as she swung in a pendulum motion across the room. By wrapping herself even further, she went higher into the air as she twisted and flipped in the air. When she spotted Cosgrove, she swooped down and back up again.

"This is totally cool!" Rainbow squeaked before being shushed.

"For the rude behavior and shoddy scenery, this is a spectacular performance." Rarity complimented.

"Cosgrove is sure lucky to have her as a mother." Said Sunset before looking down at the colt.

"Though I do question the use of streamers instead of ribbon." Said Rarity.

Sunset turned to Rarity, "Streamers?"

"Yes, darling, like the ones used in Pinkie Pie's parties."

Worried, Sunset looked up at the top of the circus. The connection points of the streamers were beginning to tear. Night Dancer landed on the ground, took a deep breath before she twirled up and around, getting higher and higher.

"We have to stop her!" Sunset said before teleporting to an alley. She then galloped towards the show ring, looking upwards as the ribbon dancer got higher in the air, adding strain to the streamers. She lit up her horn just before being tackled by Big Hooves

Cosgrove looked at the contained Unicorn as she struggled to get free.

"Mam!" Big Hooves struggled to hold her - "We have to ask that you-"

"Night Dancer is in danger!" Sunset shouted at the Horse

The audience gasped when the streamers snapped. With an added hang time, Night Dancer was able to perform a few moves. But her face of joy turned to horror as gravity caught up to her. Rainbow Dash immediately flew up after her. Just missing Night Dancer, the pegasus grabbed the streamer, but the sudden force on the weak material caused it to snap. In the reflection of their eyes, they watched as Night Dancer descended fast.


Sunset quickly turned her head to find Cosgrove's mouth agape and his pupils small as pinpricks.


A pony screamed in terror as the horrified crowd looked at the limp body. The whole crowd screamed as they began running out of the circus. Cosgrove ran towards his mother when Sunset pulled herself loose from the shocked security.

"Mom...?" - Cosgrove looked as Night Dancer raised a hoof up to her child, then became limp -" Mom?!" Cosgrove began shaking her limp body. "Mom, wake up! Mom! Mom!"

Sunset and Rarity were just near the colt as Rainbow Dash landed on the floor, her head and wings drooping down.

"I almost had her..."

The entire Circus gathered as the colt hopelessly shook the body of his mother, begging, screaming, to have her come back.

Author's Note:

Takes place after "Fall Weather Friends."