• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 2,210 Views, 39 Comments

The New Timeline - Jongoji245

With a remaining tear in space time, a new timeline is formed.

  • ...

The Dark Knight Returns

1 week before today

A good distance away from Ponyville stood an abandoned theme park. Built around the Eighth Century, it was once one of the most popular attractions until other more modern (and to say ambitious) theme parks open. On this day, one Pony stood at the entrance, looking over the hollow shell that it formerly was.

"Ah, there you are!" - The theme park owner was passing by - "I see you had a chance to inspect the property?"

"Well, it's garish, ugly, and derelicts have used it for a toilet." - the visitor took a deep breath - "The rides are dilapidated to the point of being lethal, and could maim or kill small children..."

"Oh, so you don't like it?"

"Don't like it?" - the visitor turned her head, revealing a white fur mare with green hair - "I'm crazy for it!"
The visitor walked into the park once again.

"You really want to buy it?" - the owner caught up with her - "And the price? It wasn't too steep?"

"Too steep?" - She added a series of tsks - "My dear sir, as I look at it, I'm making a killing... Besides, money isn't that important, not these days."

The owner looks at one of the stable rides. "Y'know, I'm sure you won't regret this purchase." - he gets on a pink elephant - "Really, this could be one hay of a carnival."

"Oh, you're so right" - She pats him on the back - "Thanks to you, I've been completely sold on this place! Let's shake on it!"
"Sure!" - The owner grabs her hoof - "It's my privilege!"

"Indeed it is..." - lifting her hoof showed an injection needle strapped to it - "No need for me to pay you anything, my colleagues 'persuaded' your partner to sign the documents an hour ago." - She walks a little before turning around - "You're happy with that, I take it?"

The owner didn't answer for he just stared into the horizon with a big, nasty grin on his face.

"Oh I can see that you are, I'm so glad!" - She began to leave - "Well, I must dash, equipment to repair, crew to hire, and all the time to do it, feel free to stick around."


Now accompanied by the Frankenstein Monster, Trixie's caravan continue their journey through the forest. With the world becoming warm once more, the frozen dew on the trees melted, giving the impression that it is raining despite the sunny day. Trixie housed Mary in the cart as the Galgameth pulled through the thick mud and loose branches. Garble on occasion tried to fly, but the wing was still sore. Spot gave a little chuckle as the "rain" continued to drip on the dragon.

"Hey, can we find some shelter?" - Garble growled before sniffing himself - "This dew scent is really getting to me."

Trixie was just filling up a small bottle of the melting liquid when she spotted a mansion on the top of a hill.
"Might Trixie suggest we stop over there?"

The group of five stopped at the closed gates of the mansion, parking over to the side. The group looked around, wondering how to get in. Garble tried to climb up the rock wall, but the stone is too smooth to get a good grip. Spot scratched the ground, only to find the floor is composed of solid concrete. Cogsworth noticed a lock combination before the techno-organic material pulled out a decoder.

"It may take a while, but I-" - Cogsworth was interrupted when Mary grabbed the gates. The electricity coursed through her veins, gradually gaining strength before she tore the gates and tossed them aside as if they were scrap wire - "Never mind..."

As they walked into the estate, they were being watched as a security camera tracked them. Behind the feed, a textured hoof was tapping at the chair. The Galgameth was too big to enter the doors, without having to tear apart said doors.

"I'll see if there's another way." Cogsworth steered the machine to the right of the estate.

"Mary come help you too." - The Zombie joined him, having Spot snort out a little.

"Hmph!!" - Spot shook himself - "Dead pony smell burn my nose!"

The Magician, Dragon, and Diamond Dog walked into the manor, taking in the sight of the entrance. The wooden trims of the house had a bumpy texture, but still a good match for the cavern-beige walls, the rug purple with stripes arranged in a diamond pattern. When they reached the living room, Spot stopped and sniffed the air.

"Mmmm..." - The Diamond Dog's snub nose sniffed the air, drawing back a mischievous grin - "I smell gems!"

Garble's tummy rumbled as Spot followed his nose. "Finally, something to eat around here!"

Now alone in the large mansion, Trixie sighed before continuing to explore. The magician continued to be amazed at the very large rooms in the house, though she did scoff.

"Trixie wouldn't need that much room." - Inside an office, she does come across a large portrait depicting a mustached Earth Pony stallion and mare looking towards outside world - "Though the art does intrigue her."

The magician turned to a squeaking sound. A bat somehow was caught inside an old man clock. Using her magic, Trixie pried the glass, unintentionally opening a door behind it. The bat flew down the tunnel, its screeches echoing the cavern. Curiosity filled her mind as she explored even further, using the aura of her magic to light her way.

Outside the mansion, Cogsworth and Mary happened to stumble upon a cemetery. Noticing the most elaborate gravestone, the mechanic steered the robot towards it.

"Mary reminded of past years." Said the Zombie as she looked at a more humble tombstone.

Back at the manor, Garble and Spot happened to stumble upon a large vault. A few minutes worth of heating up the lock, the two physically powerful beings opened the door. A yellow glow shined upon their bodies as their eyes feasted on a pool of gold coins and gems of all colors. The dragon's mouth salivated as he slowly crept up to the trove.

"I am bursting my belly for this..." - Garble immediately took a crystal when he heard the sound of a whimper. Turning around, he found that Spot was gone - "Well, more for me!"

Back outside, Cogsworth was reading the chiseled words on the tomb.

In Loving Memory of Thomas and Martha Mane.

"Mary not understand," - the Zombie scratched her dead hair- "who Thomas and Martha?"

Suddenly, the Galgameth picked up something on radar, prompting the to phase a weapon. "Whoever made the owner of the house."

Suddenly, gray marbles rolled around the garden. The Zombie picked one up, unaware that the mechanic was backing away.

"Funny rock..."

Suddenly, the bead spout out smoke at her eye, as the other beads covered the grave area in smog. Cogsworth kept following his radar, trying to get a single glance at who is attacking them. When he spotted a figure trotting past him, the Galgameth fired a three-row shot, burning a series of holes in the ground. After scanning the fog for a while, three white pads launched out, stuck onto the machine and shocked him.

From a distance, Mary's ear flicked to the sound of a machine crashing to the ground as she rubbed her eyes.

"Mary not feel good."

"Mary gonna feel a lot worse." Said a voice before tackling the Frankenstein Monster, wrapping her limbs in a tightrope.

The tunnel Trixie followed lead to a massive dark void that her horn lit a few inches. Looking around, she did find a series of light switches. Flicking one revealed a structured area, with a massive object covered in a cloth. Flicking more revealed the entire cavern being occupied by a supported platform. Scattered across were other objects draped in cloth, except for a massive 1980's style computer that also turned on with a flicking green line saying, "Enter password." Trixie looked around in astonishment before bumping into a tall object. Removing the cover revealed that it was a glass canister surrounding a mannequin of a teen mare. It was clothed in a primarily red tunic with black gloves and boots, a yellow and black cape wrapped around the neck. Looking below, the magician found a plaque that read, "A good soldier."

Suddenly, Trixie was yanked by her mane, dragged across the floor, then was gripped by the throat, her body hanging over the edge of the platform. The magician looked as forward as she can, seeing an aging Earth Pony mare, her body laced with knife scratches and bullet wounds, and an expression to match.

"Who sent you?" She asked with a low growl.

"N-no-no one," - The magician choked, holding for dear life - "Trixie came here on her." - the aggressor released her hold. Trixie clutched onto the hoof, preventing a certain death - "It's the truth she swears!"

The master of the house flung the Unicorn aside, stepping forward as she raised a fist.

"Last-" the aged Mare winced, reeling back as she held her heart.

Curling onto the floor the same time as Trixie rose on her legs, the magician inspected the older individual as she breathed in and out.

"Are you-?" In a quick lunge, the aged Mare grabbed Trixie's head and slammed her to the ground, knocking her out cold.
The aged Mare looked at the glass case, a sense of guilt looming over her.

"Mistress Bridgette," upstairs, a much older Mare was looking below "I've heard the alarm go off."
Heavy footsteps ascended the stairs, revealing Bridgette carrying the knocked out Trixie.

"Just remembering this promise, Alison."

The master handed the unconscious Unicorn to her Butler.

"And that is?"

Bridgette looked back down, raising a hoof at the master switch.

"Never again..."

Flicking the switch, the lights of the underground laboratory died off one by one, shutting off at the mannequin.
Trixie slowly awoke to the fireplace, spotting Cogsworth stripped off his machine, sitting on the chair next to her. The Red Earth Pony slowly shook as he took a sip of tea.

"Ohhh..." Trixie groaned as her hoof touched a soft fabric around her head "Trixie feels like she got hit by a sledgehammer."
The Unicorn tried to move, only for the butler to hold her back. Looking forward, she saw Bridgette sitting across, a furious look on her house.

"Now, I ask you again, why have you trespassed on my property?"

"Well, we wanted to find a place to rest." Trixie leans back "And we thought it was abandoned."

Bridgette's lower eyelids raised up, giving them a glare.

"To be honest, Mistress Bridgette," Alison got the attention of her boss "nopony has come here for over forty years."

"Forty years?" -Cogsworth leaned forward "Who are you? What are you?"

Bridgette closed her eyes, retaining the fury in her muzzle.

"My name is Bridgette Mane. Former manager of Mane Enterprises." She leaned forward "And also... Mare Do Well."
The two prisoner's eyes widened.

"Mare Do Well is real?!" - Cogsworth looked in shock - "I thought it was a ploy to tick off Rainbow Dash?"
Cogsworth is given a newspaper article with headlines related to the six fake Mare-do-Wells.

"Mayor Mare never really told you, she was there when I was on duty."

"Where are our friends?" Asked Trixie

"They're around." Allison picked up the tray "It was hard finding a right size kennel for the mutt, you're dragon friend needed enough tums, and the monster..." She turned to a loud roar down the hall is in 'good hooves'."

"So can we leave and forget this ever happened?" Trixie pleaded.

"Leave," Bridgette furrowed her glare again, scaring her "with a broken gate worth 10,000 bits, leaving me and my Butler vulnerable to the Pranksters?"

"We don't have much money." Said Cogsworth

"Then how about a favor?" Bridgette hissed.

Trixie looked around the tall room, "Does Trixie have to clean the mansion?"

"No... There are a few punks down the hill that have been bothering me." - Realizing what she was asking her to do, Allison tried to step forward only to be stopped by a wave of a hoof - "Get rid of them."

The Unicorn drew her ears back, "Trixie already has a bad reputation, she wouldn't want to make it worse."

"Allison," - The Butler stood up straight at her name - "get the old suit."

True to her word, Bridgette's first suit, which had the traditional violet/navy blue color scheme, but years of use have taken it's toll in the exact same punishment as it's owner. Trixie altogether looked awkward in the suit. all at is needed is to hide the horn underneath the hat.

"Don't disappoint me." - Bridgette ordered - "I know just where you are, Beatrix."

Trixie furrowed her brow before running off into the deep woods. Cogsworth fuddled with the actual name.
"Her real name is Beatrix?"

Following the trail described by Bridgette, Trixie found the campsite of the Pranksters, an old amusement park. The gang of Earth Ponies relished their guns, with the canisters of laughing gas to arm them to the teeth.

"Those goons seem heavily armed." - Trixie thought behind the cowl - "Then again Cogsworth's machine appears more so than they are, and he's a kid. But Trixie can make a grand entrance."

Back at the cave, Bridgette turned on the computer, revealing a first perspective view on screen from Trixie's cowl. Allison still had a worried look as Trixie prepared to make a move. The view then tilted downward as the magician was fumbling through the belt.

Bridgette raised an eyebrow as her assistant emptied each pocket before pulling out the thing she was looking for, a grappling hook. She looked for the firing mechanism, accidentally firing it forward and hitting a soldier in the head.

"Huh? What's-" - The guard turned, flashing a light to reveal the Dark Knight - "Mare Do Well!?" - the guard clicked a weapon, pointing it right at Trixie - "Mare Do Well's back!"

With a whole battalion of guards coming right at her, armed to the tooth, Trixie did the only logical thing. Rising on her back hooves, the magician disappeared under a veil of smoke.

"Search the area!" - the guard ordered - "Don't let her get away!"

"Does she seem a little smaller to you?"

One of the soldiers ran to the main area, where their leader stood overlooking the area.

"Ms. P! Mare Do Well is back!"

"M-ma-Mare Do Well...?" - Slowly looking back, spotting the new Mare Do Well sneaking around, the Prankster herself curled back a toothy grin - "Darling..."

With the smoke clearing up, and with no more smoke bombs available, Trixie would have to resort to fighting. Grabbing a few bowling pins, the magician whacked a few weak blows against the guards.

"Bowling pins?" - Two of the guards looked at each other - "What happened with snapping our limbs?"

"Trixie not resort to that sort of thing." Trixie thought in her head as she flung the bowling pins before resorting to using plastic rings.

Back at the base, Cogsworth shared the same worrying expression Alison had. Looking at the screen, he noticed a slightly taller figure fast approaching, holding a crowbar in her teeth before finding a microphone on the table. He scooted the chair he sat on in a desperate attempt to reach it when a middle-aged hoof scooped it up.

"Call her back!" Cogsworth begged.

"You all knew the risk," - Bridgette stated, only looking at the paralyzed mechanic with one eye - "she has to complete the mission."

Trixie continued her attack, turning around too late when a fast object smacked her on the head. The rugged hat flew off, revealing the blue horn jutting out of the cowl as the magician flopped to the ground. Lying there for a few moments, the guards picked her up, presenting her before the Clown Princess of Crime, holding the crowbar in one hoof while patting it on the other.

"Hmmm... Looks more like an imposter to me." - The Prankster looked up at the sky - "Probably so, the real Mare Do Well's a senile old mare by now..." - She looks back down at Trixie - "And without Mare Do Well, crime has no punchline. But you know, you lying on the floor reminds me of a time long ago when I beat somepony with a crowbar just like this one. I forgot who... Too bad the Old Mare isn't here, she always kept count. And I'm happy she did."

The Prankster grabbed Trixie by the nape of the cape, her stretched grin reflecting back at the Magician's pupils.

"But I can teach you a lesson. Let's start with 'Getting Your Flank Kicked 101.'" The Prankster began to chuckle, growing louder as it became a full-fledged laugh as she dragged Trixie into another area of the carnival before the video feed of the cowl died out, leaving only the laughter to be heard from the speakers.

"Trixie!!" Cogsworth screamed, echoing the caves.

Alison slammed her hooves on the computer table, not even getting the attention of her boss. "Have you forgotten what happened to Jamison?"

As the laughter continued behind the intercoms, Bridgette looked at the glass case before closing her eyes. She recalls a memory: Long ago in Saddle Arabia, a much younger Bridgette holding the limp body of Jamison after arriving too late to save her from an explosion caused by the Prankster. Flashing forward, Bridgette donned a more menacing outfit of darker colors, matching her newfound aggression as she pummeled the Prankster to a pulp. Flashing forward to today, Bridgette turned the chair around and walked towards another draped containment unit.

"I will never forget Jamison" - She pulled the sheet, revealing the more menacing suit - "She was a good soldier." - Bridgette released the other three guests she kept for so long - "She honored me." - she turns to a much larger draped object, which surprised Cogsworth when she pulled it down - "But the war goes on."

Garble whistled at the sight. "What kinda vehicle is that?"

Not even turning an ear, the former Mare Do Well answered, "Rachael used to call this the Mare Mobile."


About an hour later, Trixie slowly awoke in a steel cage, the outside view concealed by a curtain. She looked down, finding a few drops of blood. Crazed as the Prankster was, she at least left a water bowl. The reflection showed a morbid Unicorn, parts of the cowl were torn off from a few slices of the crowbar, revealing part of her mane, a black eye, and a bloodied muzzle. Trixie curled up, her ears drooping down.

"What was I thinking?" - Trixie said among the few times without using her title - "I can be apologetic, but not great. Who am I kidding, all I can do is impress kids..."

Before she could cry, a spotlight lit up the area around her, hearing the hoofbeats of the Prankster as she walked around the cage.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts! You've read about it in the papers! Now witness, before your very eyes, that most rare and tragic of nature's mistakes!" - The Prankster pulls the curtain, revealing her jeering henchmen as they threw drinks and rotten food - "I give you: the Unicorn. Though physically remarkable, it instead possesses a deformed set of values. Notice the hideously bloated sense of Equestrian importance. Also, note the club-footed social conscience and the withered optimism. It's certainly not for the squeamish, is it?" Most repulsive of all, are its frail and useless notions of order and sanity." - the crazed criminal picks up a stick - "If too much weight is placed upon them...' - She snaps the twig- "How does it live, I hear you ask? How does this poor pathetic specimen survive in today's harsh and irrational environment? I'm afraid the sad answer is, "Not very well."

Suddenly a fireball landed on the crowd, drawing the attention of the army. In the horizon, a massive, tank-like vehicle treads toward them. Armed to the tooth with canons, this would stop any riot from happening. Without a second warning, the killer clowns started firing at the tank, to no avail, not even piercing the armor. Inside, Cogsworth drove the tank, Garble and Spot armed the cannons, and Mary looked through a periscope.

"They don't wait for an order..." - A Pony thought to herself as she sat in the commanding chair - "Kid's these days, no respect."

Garble fuddled through the list of possible weapons, but they all had one thing in common.

"Rubber bullets?" - The dragon looked back - "Seriously?"

Opening the hatch, Mary launched out of the tank, frightening several that saw her.

"Mary no like spooky clowns." - The Zombie was shot in the back, turning a furrowed glare at the pony with the smoking gun barrel - "Funny stallion gonna pay for that."

As Mary started plowing through the multitudes of soldiers, the tank continued on towards the Prankster and her hostage.
"Well, I should be running, but like they say, 'a bat in the hoof is worth two in the belfry.'" - The Prankster whistled, bringing out a conjoined Horse twin, - "Girls, be so kind as to rid of our kind guest."

Taking a bow, the Prankster stepped away into the mirror hall. The two twins stepped in between as the tanked pulled up.
"Mare Do Well!" - The left head beckoned - "We call you coward! Come out and fight! We kill you, we rend the bones from your body! We'll show you who should rule Equestria!"

Inside, the captain of the tank furrowed a glare at the screen before standing up and walking towards the elevator. Cogsworth turned around.

"Lady, they are at their peak, they'll tear you apart!" He warned, only to receive the same glare.

It's the only way.

Opening the hatch, the elevator brought up a stiff silhouette of the vehicle's owner. After standing there for a while, the figure leapt into the air, illuminated by a thunderbolt. Landing before them, the true Mare Do Well gave them a glare as the battle began. The twins lunged forward, slamming their left fist at the stadium, just barely missed the middle aged mare. Bridgette landed a few hooks before being batted aside by the pair. Just as the twins charged at Mare Do Well, becoming the receiving end of a boot. A distance away, a clown aimed a gun at the winning foe when Garble pounced on him, breathing a stream of fire on anyone who tried to come close. But Bridgette's age began to reach her, tipping the scales to the conjoined Horse' favor as she landed a series of blows.

Back inside, Spot and Cogsworth watched as their new boss get pummeled.

"Dusted!" - Spot barked - "Mare Do Well dusted!"

Back outside, the twin's right head raised the beaten Mare Do Well to her snout.

"You are slow, Old Mare!"

Just on cue, Bridgette grabbed their heads and bops them together. Dazed, it was now the giant's turn to receive the series of blows, taking her down with a roundhouse to the torso. Mary was just holding the troop that shot her when she spotted Bridgette pinning the twins down, pulling her right arm.

"She dusted." The troop commented before bopped on the head.

Trixie winced as a loud snap was heard, followed by a loud scream. She covered her eyes again as Bridgette moved to the legs, breaking them as if they were mere twigs. The others looked to the stage as their boss stnds up, a strike of lightning revealing her suit's gray and black color scheme. Without even turning a glance at Trixie, Bridgette turned and galloped into the hall of mirrors

Mary took a hold of the wounded Magician as Garble, Spot, and Cogsworth joined them.

"Why she go after some clown?"

The mechanic half closed his eyes, "She's going to do this by the book."

Mare Do Well proceeded down the hall, following the trail of her hated foe when the PA system buzzed.

"So... I see you received the free ticket I sent you. I'm glad. I did so want you to be here. You see it doesn't matter if you catch me and send me back to the asylum... your friend's been driven mad."

Suddenly the floor parted beneath Bridgette. Quickly she gripped on the front ledge, straining herself from being impaled on the spikes below.

"I'll start with how I peeled back the layers of the mare's mind. I took her to my private quarters and gave her the welcoming crowbar. You know, the one I used on one of your pets. And the funny thing is, she actually cracked up."

Behind the mirrors, the Prankster watched as she held a microphone.

"All to soon, the beatings and serums took their toll and the dear lass shared such secrets with me. Secrets that are mine alone to know..."

Mare Do Well stopped at a dead end, the mirrors showing her from multiple perspectives.

"Bridgette." - Mare Do Well furrowed her brow at the mentioning of her real name - "It's true Dewey, I know everything. And kind of like the kid that peeks into his birthday presents, it's sad to say, anticlimactic. Beneath that sturm and rage, you're just a poor little playfoal crying for Mommy and Daddy. It'd be funny if it wasn't pathetic." - The Prankster stopped to think before drawing back a smile - "Aw what the Hay, I'll laugh anyway!"

Just as she cackled, Mare Do Well broke through the mirror, landing a series of punches on her dreaded foe. Before she could escape, the Prankster was held by her collar, showing a few chipped teeth and bloodied gums.

"Don't believe me?" - She flicked her wrists, revealing a few pictures - "I got slides."

In one great arc, Bridgette flung the Prankster out the mirror hall, colliding with several shipping crates before landing hard on the ground. The clown looked up when Mare Do Well landed hard on the floor, grabbed her and pinned her to the wall. She looked at the caped crusader giving her a glare that she hasn't seen in a long while, returning a grin.

"Well, are you going to do it, or put me in a body cast for six months." - Mare Do Well answered with a raise of a hoof - "My, you should have done this years ago, I on the other hoof..."

Immediately the Prankster drew out a knife, stabbing Mare Do Well in the chest several times before punching her to the ground, stabbing her in the leg. The clown knelt at her valiant foe.

"You've lost, Mare Do Well, the last sound you would hear is my laughter." - She pulls out a gun, pulls the trigger, jutting out a miniature flag with the word 'Bang!' on it. The Prankster chuckled - "Never have a death without a punchline!"

Just as she was about to pull the trigger again, she was suddenly vaulted back, colliding with the crates again. Mare Do Well rolled over, standing on her knees as the Prankster lifted her head, coughing as she held her chest.

"Th-That's not funny... That's not..." The Prankster flopped on the ground, limp, lifeless...

Bridgette looked to her right to find an Earth Pony Mare dressed in black with a beige jacket and donning a red helmet on her head. She heard the sounds of feet approaching before noticing the Dark Knight beginning to faint.

"You never cease to amaze me, Bridgette."

After several long hours of darkness, Bridgette slowly awoke in bed, her body connected to an IV machine. She looked ahead to find Trixie, Cogsworth, Garble, Spot, and Mary looking at her. Trixie had a few stitches on her head, and wrappings on her chest... again. To her left, Alison stood by, balancing a glass of water and painkillers on a platter.

"You should be lucky, Mistress Bridgette. Had they not been there, you would not have seen this day."

Bridgette still held a glare at the Unicorn that briefly took her place, "If she hadn't been that careless, she would almost not have seen the light of day."

Trixie was saddened at this bitter truth when Cogsworth leaned forward on the chair her sat on.

"Is that why you retired? Because of Jamison?"

Bridgette turned a glare to the colt, acknowledging his comment.

"Your debt has been paid. Leave."

Mary placed Cogsworth on her back as she joined Garble and Spot as they walked out the door.

"Trixie, you coming?" Asked Cogsworth

Trixie stood up and walked towards the wounded mare.

"Trixie wants to help. Trixie wants to be Great as well as Apologetic."

Bridgette did her traditional glare, "And how will you be Great and Apologetic?"

"Make Trixie into Mare Do Well."

"NO. Ever since her death, I forbade anyone to be my protege, let alone..." Bridgette looked at her new costume as it hung over a chair.

The other four of Trixie's caravan looked at each other before joining her. Cogsworth, Spot and Garble crossed their arms. Furrowing a brow, Bridgette slipped out of bed, almost collapsing had it not been for her faithful butler. Regaining her balance, the master of the house walked over to the Unicorn.

"You work with me, Beatrix. You follow my rules. First, you give me your all. Then you give me some more. Third, I make the rules."

"Better be careful about that last one." - The group turned to find a middle-aged Pegasus mare, albeit much younger than Bridgette - "It can be a doozy."

"Rachel..." - Bridgette softened her expression at the familiar face.

"What can I say?" - Rachel lifted the slightly torn up costume - "It's great to be home."

A good distance away from the mansion, the mare in the red hood watched as Trixie be welcomed into the family.
"You can come out." - She beckoned - "I can hear you a mile away."

A short distance behind, Blackarachnia approached from behind, drawing back a toothy grin.