• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 2,210 Views, 39 Comments

The New Timeline - Jongoji245

With a remaining tear in space time, a new timeline is formed.

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School House Shock (Part 1)

It's been awhile since the last big catastrophe happened here in the green plains of Equestria. A human arriving unexpectedly, Trixie making a return, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash helping Zephyr Breeze graduate, Rarity helping out with quite a few occasions. For the Ponyville Elementary, one thing is on every young pupil's mind: Spring Break. Some students such as Button Mash worked hard to improve their grades, and it's starting to show each pop quiz and homework assignment old and new. For the Crusaders, Spring Break marks the annual Apple Derby, where a foal and an adult of his/her choice makes their own wooden car in a race to the finish.

For Cosgrove, this is a special Spring Break. This year, the Barn and Bailey Circus is coming to town. The thoughts of seeing his close friends again were hardly unimaginable. The last letter he received from his closest, Chelsey, Zipper and Diver, they are very close to getting their cutie marks. But as the circus entertainment desires those with entertaining cutie marks, the thought of them getting laborious marks worried him a bit. But still, the circus does provide a home to some of the rarest or exotic of creatures, and should do well.

The Friday before is a half day, now one recess session away from a week long freedom. As the other foals played around, Cosgrove played a little with a rubber ball. Staring at the red speckled sphere reminded him of his first toy when he was just a baby. Then it occurred to him: all this time learning magic or fighting a Changeling or two may have put him out of practice for circus tricks.

Stiffing his tail hairs like a balancing pole, the Hipparion applied his front hooves, crushing the ball a little before getting his hind hooves on the ball. One step down, he thought to himself as he wondered what to do next. He lifted his left leg and drew it back, followed by his right arm. As he did the same for his remaining limbs, the ball began to crawl. When he comfortable, Cosgrove increased his speed, using his stiffened tail to balance him as he tilted his body around. He stops, gaining his stillness as he stood upright on his hind legs. But the bell will see no more to this, and rang loudly before he could even lift his right hoof.

That sad moment aside, Cosgrove returned to his home near the Everfree Forest. Aging comes with rewards, and now the colt has his own copy of the house keys. Turning the lock with a loud clack, he reached into the mailbox. Holding five articles of mail with his left hand, Cosgrove resorted to hobbling up the stairs to the kitchen.

“Lion Tamer, Loopty Hoop, Loopty Hoop, Lion Tamer,” Placing those letters on the table, he found one rolled up the scroll. Above the seal of Princess Celestia, the message read, “To the parents or guardians of Cosgrove.”

His curiosity grasped, Cosgrove trotted to the couch, sat down and gently peeled the wax that kept the scroll neat.

“To the parents or Guardians of Cosgrove.

Due to changes made at the Celestia School of Gifted Unicorns, it brings us great pleasure to announce that Cosgrove as an eligible student. We invite him over to stay one week at the school. Should he be satisfied with the retreat, we will be honored to accept his application.

We look forward to seeing you,

Signed and sealed by

Princess Celestia.”

In no time at all did Cosgrove rush over to Twilight's castle. He had Spike examine the scroll, he had Sunset look at the message, followed by Princess Twilight. He checked it with Applejack, double checked it with Big Mac, triple checked it with Granny Smith. All of them, especially Twilight, gave him this one answer.

“This is an official letter.” Sunset answered as she looked at the royal seal.

“This is great!” Twilight squeaked as she levitated a whole set of books for the colt. “You're finally moving up!”

“Twilight,” Starlight Glimmer interjected as her mentor continued tp pile up books - “wouldn't this be just a field week?”

“I know it's a field week,” Twilight paid no attention to Cosgrove's worried look as the books piled one after the other. “But first impressions count if he wants to stay.”

“Yes, if.” The young Alicorn turned to find the colt's grandparents, Lion Tamer being the one to add. “There are other schools I may add.”

Loopty Hoop looked down at her grandson. “This is his life, let him decide on how he would spend his spring break.”

Now the weight is on Cosgrove's shoulders as they looked at him. Being at Celestia's school would be the highest honor for him after spending most of his life in poverty. But his closest friends were coming as well, and he did not want to miss them. But they could reach a compromise. And the idea had the colt raise his ears.

“Could my friends come visit?” He asked his grandparents.

“Of course.” Lion Tamer answered as he and his wife nudged him.

A day passed and the friends and family of the Hipparion gathered at the train station. They brought to him a small gift, mostly candy such as Pinkie's rock candy necklace. As he is still a minor, Hoof Lock volunteered to escort him. Cosgrove looked beyond the crowd to find Sunset standing there alone. He moved through the crowds and gave her a tight hug.

“Thank you for letting me get this far.” He squeezed a bit tighter as he drew his smile a bit larger.

The light amber unicorn felt the mixture of happiness and sorrow. Since Night Dancer passed away, she had become like a big sister to him. Did they have their rough moments? Yes, but what sibling, mud or blood, doesn't? And now with a first in a big step in his life, it would be a matter of time before she too will have to let him go. She watched him enter the train station, walking away from the cheering crowd. She tried to hold back her tears, but she felt so happy for him that she couldn't.

Cosgrove looked out the window, watching the capital city come closer as the train pulled its cargo with all its might. The excitement for him attending Celestia's school made his tail wag. When the train entered the partially illuminated mountain tunnel, he turned to his right to see his Hooflock keeping his stoic poise. The Hipparion looked down, seeing the Royal guards lack tail.

“So, Hooflock,” His question didn't even get the earth pony to shift his neck under that armor. “why don't you have a tail?”

It was a good ten seconds of silence that had the colt acknowledge his lack of an answer. But if Hooflock won't answer, perhaps his sister, Crescendo, will if she wishes. The tunnel gained more light before the train car they are in left the tunnel. Slowing down to make the few swerves that hugged the face of the mountain, it’s not long before the passengers were beheld the marvelous city of Canterlot.

“Next stop, Canterlot!” Announced the conductor as his train entered the city gates.

The steam locomotive slowed its gears, stopping at the loading dock before releasing the steam it churned during its run. The doors opening in each car, the passengers nearest the exits came out first. Either business or pleasure, the lone travelers went their separate ways easily. Family members, and even lone children via special tickets, reunited with more relatives. Crescendo was one such relative taking the day off to help her little friend settle in.

Being a member of the royal military has its payoffs. With a higher pay stub, Crescendo was able to live in an aristocratic house. Not as luxurious as Twilights family home to say, but it is a decent start. The walls were a teal, the floor ivory white broken by Corinthian style pillars reaching the faded red violet ceiling. Cosgrove's room, for the time being, was as large as a dorm room; an elevated bed to his left and a desk, dresser and bookshelf to his right. He placed his suitcase underneath the bed before joining his host for the walk.

The colt looked around; if he were to live here after graduating Cheerilee’s school, he would have to know more than he did when the Changelings invaded the city. A majority of the inhabitants were unicorns. It made sense given the high and mighty behavior passed down from their ancestors. They did have children, most mimicking their parents behavior. But that isn't to say they're all bad; some unicorn foals played quite well with other races.

Cosgrove stopped his walk and looked up at the square building that is the school. Even though this is a trial run, he could feel his fur twitch here and there. He takes a deep breath and walks inside. Aside from a larger size, Celestia's school interior resembles that of a high school. To the sides of both walls were lockers two and a half times his height, a testament for the school being suited for Unicorns. He finds a group of similar aged children and waved to them. They just looked at him, puzzled at his stripes and additional toes before walking away with their heads held high.

His first “class” was in room two-O-nine with Sir Marecus. He had to trot up one floor, turning his head left and right before finding the right room. While the room is square, the desks are arranged in a half circle. Already there are a few fillies and colts sitting in as proud a manner as they stand. He takes a seat next to, oddly enough, a flesh colored Siren calf with black dorsal fins.

“Hi, I'm Cosgrove.” He raises his hoof. “Nice to-”

“You talk too much, you should really go into politics.” Mane Dark looked forward once again.

Cosgrove looked the other way, lifting his shoulders. “Was it something I said?”

Instead of a typical school bell, the bell was a church bell, and it rang loud as the classroom's remaining students rushed in and took their seats. Among them was a Lagogryph, a creature with the top half of a gannet bird and the bottom half of a rabbit. A curious sight to behold as she took her seat next to Cosgrove. Her bird eye spied the Hipparion.

“You’re new.” She asked after turning her head.

“Yeah, I'm here on a little shadowing tour for Spring Break.” Cosgrove raised his hand at the avian-mammal. “My name's Cosgrove.”

The Lagogryph lifted a blue, webbed foot and grabbed the hand.

“Wind Surfer.” She turned his foot, finding the dew claws. “So are you some kind of dragon pony?”

“I'm a Hipparion.” He chuckled. Dragon Pony, how would that be possible? “I am born with this.”

The door creaked open, getting the students to sit straight. Walking inside was a mare, an odd choice to hold the title Sir. Her physical shape resembled that of Loopty Hoop. Her coat was teal with a red-lavender mane and tail wrapped in a bonnet. The shine of her coat gave away her origins. She placed a school file down and fidgeted her glasses.

“Good morning students.” She greeted without opening her eyes. “I am Professor Abacus Cinch. Sir Marecus is on leave this week so I'll be your substitute for this class. Turn your books to page three hundred ninety-four.”

Cosgrove, just there to shadow the school, didn't have a textbook. Have it not been for his better judgment, the Hipparion turned away from the Siren.

“Mrs. Cinch.” Wind Surfer raised her hand. “We already covered magic in anatomy.”

“Yes, but I wish to provide an in-depth lecture.” Cinch turned to the chalkboard. “Please turn to page three hundred and ninety-four.”

With a click of a button, Mrs. Cinch displayed an overall anatomical view of a minotaur, all the way down to its four stomachs.

“Now, a minotaur has a more efficient means of generating magic. Like other ruminants, it shares each digestive process in each stomach. Once the soft-”

“I know how Brobdingnags eat!” Cosgrove's interruption brought Cinch’ attention. She squinted her eyes at the yellow prospective student.

“Yes, Cosgrove.” She fiddled her glasses “So I've heard, but we are not talking about Brobdingnags at the moment.”

The Crystal Pony continued her lecture on minotaur magic, while Wind Surfers curiosity drew her seabird head at the colt.

“So how do they eat?” She whispered the best she could, for gryph species, for the most part, are vocal creatures; whispering is not their strong suit.

Cosgrove looked at the lecturing teacher before looking at the mismatched creature. “Well, they take a deep breath and suck in a whole lot of parasprites. Sometimes a few get stuck in the baleen, so they use tongue to-”

“Mr. Cosgrove!” Mrs. Cinch slapped her ruler on the desk. The other classmates, being veterans to her teaching methods, curled back. “I know you are here as our guest, but please show some common courtesy.”

“Yes, Mam.” Cosgrove lowered his head and ears as Cinch returned to her lecture. Mane Dark added more to the colt's shame by shaking his head.

The few hours after had the school bell echo the city once more. Cosgrove walked out of the building, exploring the gardens as he waited for Crescendo to come by and pick him up. When he passed the daffodils, the colt saw a familiar face. Princess Luna looking at the ground. He prepared to greet her, but stopped and hunkered down at a giraffe shaped hedge. Luna was conversing with Cinch.

“The colt does seem bright, but he did show a little indecency in my class today. I would expect that much from a Ponyville inhabitant.”

The dread coming back to him, Cosgrove turned away from the two mares and began walking towards the gates. Wind Surfer saw him pass by, but he didn't stop to say hello. As gannet birds are clumsy on land, and rabbits move by hopping, she hobbled as best she could to catch up with the prehistoric pony.

“Sorry, I got you in trouble.” She slowed her hobble into a walk.

“No, it's mine.” Cosgrove looked at the Lagogryph “I feel so honored to be here. And I don't want Twilight to get mad that I blew this one opportunity.”

“Twilight?” Wind Surfer hobbled ahead, stopping Cosgrove. “As in Princess Twilight?”

“Yeah. She's just excited that I'm there.”

“Did she teach you any magic?” The gryph continued.

“No, Sunset Shimmer did.”

Wind Surfer cocked her head. “Who's Sunset Shimmer?”

“Cosgrove!” The two children saw Crescendo standing at the gates waving at them.

“I'll tell you later.” With a few hops, the colt ran towards the Earth Pony. Evening came and Cosgrove was already preparing a letter to his grandparents. It took him a while to come up with the right words, but it's worth the effort as he let out a yawn.

“Cosgrove.” The colt turned to see his caretaker at his guest room door. “Time for bed.”

Rolling up the message into a scroll, Cosgrove hopped onto his bed as Crescendo prepared to douse the lamp.

“Crescendo?” The white and yellow earth pony turned to the young stallion. “How were you, Flash, and Sunset able to recognize me?”

The flag bearer walked to the bed and sat down on the wood floor.

“You were quite young,” - Crescendo chuckled - “like really young. And it's fascinating how fate can bring a face I hardly remember as a filly.”

Cosgrove yawned before he drifted to sleep. The earth pony cooed at the sight; the colt she hasn't seen for years, grown up, and spending his spring break at Canterlot. She pulled the covers over him, watching him smile as she doused the lamp and left the room.

As she cleaned the kitchen, the Royal Guard Mare heard the door open. It was Hooflock, back from a long shift. He hangs his armor on the rack, slouching over to the couch.

“How was work?” Crescendo greets while scrubbing a wine glass.

Fine. Just fine.” Hooflock turns his head to the guest room. “How is he?”

Having been told of the awkward day the young Hipparion had, Crescendo answered, “He'll get comfortable.” Seeing her brother scoff before grabbing the remote, she walks in front of him. “Hooflock, we need to talk.”

“What is there to talk about?” Hooflock moves his head one side, gets his view blocked by his sister. Before he could shift to the other, Crescendo shifted her body to the side, blocking the TV.

“I've heard that you haven't been looking for a squire.”

“I've been over this over dozens of times times now,” - Hooflock stands up, a look of anger in his eyes. - “I don't need one!”

“Really?” Crescendo raises her eyebrow before pointing at the gold and blue armor. “Who will help you put that on when you go into the warzone? Who will have your weapons?”

Realizing how loud she is talking, she turns her head, seeing if she is disturbing her guest. “At least think about it.” She whispers before going into the kitchen. “Maybe the one you look for may be closer than you think.”

Hooflock resumes watching TV, turning his yellow eyes at the guestroom. He turns down the volume, resting his heavy head on his bare hoof. Closer than he thinks? Him? The one who already has combat skills and magic? Maybe so, but like mares, there are plenty of squires in the sea. He changes the channel, watching a comedy show guest starring Cheese Sandwich.