• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 2,210 Views, 39 Comments

The New Timeline - Jongoji245

With a remaining tear in space time, a new timeline is formed.

  • ...

Magic Training Part 2

Cosgrove looked down and found that he was in fact on the crow's nest of a large boat, worn down by the centuries. He pulled himself up before the railing gave to his applied weight. While a short drop, the wood of the deck snapped upon impact, bringing him into the ship. Cosgrove moaned as he tried to get up.

"What was that?" Said a somewhat sassy voice.

"I don't know, you check it out." Said another, the voice sounding as if her cheeks were stuffed.

"You check it out, I checked it out last time!"

"I'm eating!"

Cosgrove became alert as hoof steps began approaching him.

"Yeah always eating!"

He winced back as a light teal Unicorn with an orange-red mane popped into view.

"Awwww! Aren't you the cutest colt I ever did see."

"A colt! Let me see!" Said the other pony, a plump red Unicorn with a black mane, slammed the other out of the way. She gave Cosgrove a good look.

"Dang it, Draggle! I thought it was a handsome stallion!" She berated while lifting him in a red aura by the tail. "I mean, look at him! He doesn't even have his watcha-ma-call-it! She said as she bobbed him up and down.

"Stop it, Reeka! You're hurting him!" Berated Draggle before ramming her sister.

Released from the grip, Cosgrove yelped as he fell to the floor before landing on an orange-red aura platform. The aura then wrapped around him. He was then brought to Draggle.

"You poor, poor thing! Did that meanie weenie sister of mine shook you too much?" Said Draggle as she had his cheek rub against hers.

"Um... Yes...?" Cosgrove said with discomfort before being gently placed on a pillow covered wooden chair and patted on the head.

The tall unicorn sat next to him.

"I am Draggle and this filth is my sister Reeka." Cosgrove looked at the other pony as she wolfed down a rather disgusting sandwich.

"Wanna bite?" Said the plump unicorn through stuffed cheeks as she brought the oozing food to his face.

Cosgrove gently moved her hoof back with a grimace.

"So who are you?" Asked Draggle

"M-m-my name is Cosgrove-"

"Cosgrove?!" - Reeka plopped onto the chair, causing their "guest" to flop over - "Who gives their kid that name?!"

"...Mom..." - Cosgrove drooped his head and ears.

Draggle tensed her face before giving her sister a smack to the forehead.

"Did you lose your mom in the forest?" asked Draggle

"No, a friend of mine vaulted me here..." Cosgrove covered his face. "To save me from the Timberwolves."

Reeka laughed, "I love it when they try to eat-"

She was suddenly blasted off the chair.

"Can't you keep your mouth shut for once?!" Draggle shouted before ducking from her sister's attack spell.

"Not when I eat!" Rebutted Reeka before she leaped at her sister.

Cosgrove watched as the two Unicorns beat the daylights out of each other.

"Let go of my leg!" Shouted Draggle.

The colt leaped off the couch as the fatter sister was flung at the furniture, breaking it in half. Cosgrove noticed the stairs leading to the upper deck. The two sisters butted heads as they pushed and shoved each other. Draggle, being slightly clumsy, was pushed away.

"Take that!" Shouted Reeka as she slams Draggle at the buffet.

Deep down the captain's quarters, another resident of the boat peered deep into a cauldron. This unicorn carefully levitated a sample over the brew.

"And a pinch of rust-"

The sudden crash caused her to drop the entire bottle of rust, causing the brew to bubble in a different color. She looked towards the commotion with a snarl.

Cosgrove was just at the stairs when the trap doors opened.

"Draggle! Reeka! Stop that racket and I mean now!!" Shouted the Mare of the house.

Reeka and Draggle stopped in a still pose of the former pinning her sister down while biting her wrist. The headmaster was even smaller than the other two.

"Sorry Mama." Said Draggle.

Suddenly a deep violet aura surrounded the Unicorn's throat as she was brought to her level.

"What did you call me...?" She hissed as she tightened her grip.

"Sorry... Hydia..." - Draggle choked before being flung to her sister- "I didn't mean-"

"Yes, she did!" Reeka interjected.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Enough!!" - Hydia roared, shaking the dust off between the wood. - "Can any of you two do-nothings tell me why did you bring this Pony here?!"

The witch showed her daughters Cosgrove, her magical aura surrounding his torso.

"It was Reeka's idea!"

"No, it was your's!!"

Hydia's face began reddening, "Either you two tell me or I swear-"

"Uh, ma'am?" Cosgrove softly asked.

"What?!!" Shouted Hydia as she brought Cosgrove face to face, snorting in anger

"I didn't come in..." Said the colt as he turned his eyes to the hole in the upper deck.

Looking in the same direction for a while, the similar sized witch turned her beady eyes back to Cosgrove, "Hmmph! And I suppose you did that as a dare from one of your friends?"

"No, mam! I didn't even know of this place until Sunset Shimmer flung-"

"Flung?" Said the witch as she gave him a skeptic look.

"Yes ma- er Hydia," - Reeka added - "he spoke of a friend of his-"

"Silence!!!" Hydia roared at Reeka before turning to the colt- "Unicorn?" - She asked receiving a weak nod. "Typical, I hoped it would be a Pegasus."

Cosgrove shook his head, "But she is one of Celestia's students."

"She has students?! Hmph!" - Hydia flopped Cosgrove to the ground - "And to think the almighty sun princess needed help. Back in my day when the world was dark, dank and dreary, my father could go toe to toe with her." - The witch relaxed, letting out a somewhat compassionate smile - "Oh, if only he were around now. Certainly, would teach these two some evil!"

Her two daughters shivered as their mother pointed at them.

"Why do you want them to be evil?" asked Cosgrove

"Why?!" Hydia rebuked before flinging him over to a chair.

Why couldn't they be evil like I taught them?
Why won't they misbehave like they should?
They never used the guillotine I bought them
Why their not bad enough for their own good.

Why not be mean like their aunt Eureka?
She would feed her victims until they burst!
Then cook them with a pinch of paprika!
She always did her best to do her worst!

Cosgrove (not singing)
Thats disgusting

Well we're witches
And witches are wicked!
How many times have you been told!?

My grandmother Alexis
Trashed a kingdom with her hexes
And that's the proud tradition
I want them to uphold!
"Cough!" "Cough!"

Think of evil like their cousins
Lucretia was the cruelest in the crowd!
She cook up evil potions by the dozens
They be like her and make their mama proud.

Well, that's going to-

We're witches wizards and warlocks!
We're the reason Ponies purchase door locks!
We've turned princes into frogs
Peasants into pheasants
Soldiers and sailors into swine!

But have there been any exceptions?

We've never been accused of being
But as devils we're divine!
All of our clan was evil and malicious
And that is how I want my girls to be:
Work hard at being vicious
And if their real ambitious
They might wind an evil witch like me!
A terrible, detestable, contemptible, despicable
Evil mean old witch
Like me!!

At the end of her laugh, she gave her daughters a strong glare before turning to her prisoner.

"So, my little pony: where is your answer now?" Asked the witch as she inched her snout on his.

"Well... If they don't know how to use their magic in a bad way, maybe they could use it in a... Good manner?"

"Because in my book, that's bad!" - Hydia lights up her horn and restored the boat before giving the young stallion a very nasty look - "Which is why, sad to say, I must destroy you."

Cosgrove shuffled back, "De- Destroy me!?"

"But you seem like a sporting fellow." - She began to light up her horn - "Well go on then! Gotta keep on your toes!"

Cosgrove barely dodged the blast that made a large hole in the landlocked buccaneer. This became a game of cat and mouse. Cosgrove ran to the top the ship and reached the stern when Draggle appeared in front of him.

"Help!!!!" Cosgrove shouted as Draggle chased him across the deck before slipping.

He reached the bow when Reeka appeared in front of him, just dodging the fat pony's grasp. Cosgrove then leaped at the climbing rope leading to the crow's nest. When he reached the top, the two witches appeared side by side of the nest. Cosgrove jumped off the crows nest reaching a rope that trailed down to the stern. However, the screw supporting it snapped, causing him to fall again through the deck.

Hydia, Draggle, and Reeka surrounded him, each giving him their own nasty smile. Cosgrove curled into a ball, ready for whatever punishment the three witches were going to give him. They stopped at the sound of teleportation magic and the highlights it gave to the otherwise dark room.

"Step away from the colt!"

The three attacking Ponies turned to the source. It was Sunset Shimmer, scratched and bruised from her fight with the Timberwolves. As the Canterlot student slowly approached them, Draggle and Reeka cowered and retreated to the darker reaches of the ship. Hydia lit up her horn.

"So you are one of that namby-pamby princess' pets?"

Sunset stamped her front legs apart, "One of a few..."

It was a standoff: a centuries-old witch vs a recent former Canterlot student. Hydia gave Sunset a nasty Don Bluth villain style sneer, the latter giving her the opposite. Hydia rose on her short hind legs.

"Draw!" She shouted before unleashing a spell.

The orange Unicorn just barely dodged the blast, leaving another hole in the ship. Sunset was quick to fire another spell. In slow motion, the shot sped towards Hydia as she tried to disappear, but the spell merely zapped her without any sign of damage. Hydia reappeared behind the fire-haired Pony and wrapped her in an aura.

"Hmph! That's the best Celestia could teach!? I will have no problem handling her- a-a-a- Achoo!" - The Hecate interrupted by a sudden cold spell - "What hex did you give me?!"

"Simply put a rare disease called maligolintomontorosis." - Sunset scanned her opponent - "From the looks of it, you just caught it!"

"What?!" Shouted Hydia in a fright, she turned to a mirror.

"First, you break out into spots."

Hydia's fur turned from her usual deep violet to a yellow-green as orange blotches dotted across. She then began to sweat and shiver.

"Followed by hot and cold flashes. And projectile sneezing."

Hydia began wheezing before she sneezed out a powerful spell from her horn that revealed another hole where her daughters were hiding. Such a humiliating defeat made her go into a hissy fit.

"Oh you sneaky scoundrel!" Hydia yelled before lying back.

In a short manner of time, she was wrapped in covers, a hand warmer placed on her forehead and a thermometer in her mouth. Her daughters stood beside her.

"Will she-" Draggle asked as she looked to her sick mother.

"Well, it's not that serious." - Sunset answers, pulling the thermometer from her mouth, inspecting the high temperature. "Your mother would be better, I mean, worse as ever. She should recover with a few weeks of rest and lots..." - The Unicorn made a little hole in the ceiling directly angles at Hydia - "Of sunshine."

"I hate sunshine!" The witch berated as she dug her head into the pillows. "I hate horrible loathsome sunshine! I hate! I hate-!"

The two daughters covered their ears as their mother continued her rant. Sunset and Cosgrove had their ears drawn back as they gave each other a look before walking out the ship. The further they walked away, the less they heard the witch's incessant whining.

"Now you know how magic duels is a matter of wits." Said Sunset Shimmer

"One question" - Cosgrove asked - "How were you able to find me?"

"Micro-chanting." She answered

The stopped him, "Micro-chanting?"

"Just before I vaulted you over, I placed a little of my magic into yours." - Sunset continued - "I can track you anywhere unless someone made a well-placed blow" - Sunset stopped and placed the tip of her hoof at the bridge of Cosgrove's nose - "here."

They continued their walk that lasted well into the evening, regrouping with Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Spike, who now had a Phoenix egg. The next morning, Cosgrove sat under an apple tree writing a letter.

Dear Princess Celestia

I have learned that while having magic of any kind is great, it should not be taken that much to heart. Knowledge and wisdom is the greatest power to give on how you use your talents.

Your faithful subject,

As the colt finished his letter, he noticed a fox sneaking towards the chicken coup. Inhaling through his nostrils, Cosgrove quickly took out another piece of paper, wrote the air symbol and threw it in the air. Inhaling the wind, he then brayed again, scaring the fox away while startling Granny Smith.

Author's Note:

Edit: Restored the lyrics as it is still a song from the My Little Pony franchise and is thus acceptable to Fimfiction.

Watch the G1 movie if you don't know who Hydia, Draggle, and Reeka are.