• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 2,202 Views, 39 Comments

The New Timeline - Jongoji245

With a remaining tear in space time, a new timeline is formed.

  • ...

School House Shock (Part 2)

Half the Spring Break has gone. For some, it went by like it was hours. For others, it seemed like months. For one, it seemed like a whole year. For the first time in four and a half years, Sunset felt a gap in her life. Twilight, Spike, and Starlight have gone to the Crystal Empire to visit the first’s niece, Flurry Heart. Sure she has the run of the place while they're gone, but it still doesn't seem right without another two pair of smaller hooves by her side. She levitated a glass of water and sat on a desk to read a book. The other Elements of Harmony watched her continue to succumb to her loneliness. One pink pony, however, had an idea.

“Oh…” Pinkie Pie rose up next to Sunset. “And the cats in the cradle in the silver spoon. Little colt blue and the mare in the moon. When you coming home, bro? I don't know when. But we'll get together then, yeah. You know we'll have a-”

“Pinkie!” Sunset wrapped Pinkie's lips in a sea green aura, interrupting her song. “Can't you give me any better news?”

“Hey, what's your deal!” Rainbow Dash cornered the orange unicorn. “It's not like he'll be gone forever.”

“Rainbow.” Applejack reprimands, giving her cyan friend a stern look. She turns back to the occupant of the castle, who continued to read her book. “Sorry about that, sugar cube.”

“It’s all right.” Sunset responds, though the weight of the thought has her lower her head, almost to the point of crying as she draws in a sniffle. “I’m sorry. I don’t know whether I should feel proud for him or not.”

The Elements of Harmony looked at each other, Fluttershy being the first to approach her fire-maned friend, rubbing her by the withers.

“I understand how you feel.” Fluttershy whispers, easily calming the troubled Unicorn. “I was so happy that Zephyr Breeze was able to graduate because of my help. You’ve brought Cosgrove this far since…” - Fluttershy keeps her silence, wishing not to mention of the accident that claimed Night Dancer a few years ago - “You have every right to be proud of him.”

“But it just seems like it was handed to him so easily.” Sunset levitates a copy of Cosgrove’s invitation. “He tried the test so many times, and he never passed. Why would they bring him now.”

The Unicorn uses the invite as a bookmark as she closes the piece of literature. She walks away from her friends, ready to check up on Dapplewood’s process in writing more of his culture in the next set of scrolls. Like Twilight before, study of sciences and sorcery help channel her feelings.

“Sunset.” Applejack calls out to her again, getting Sunset to stop. “We knew this would come one of these days. Cosgrove’s growing up, and he wouldn’t want to be in Ponyville forever. The best you can do is keep supporting him, and treasure each benefit forever.”

Sunset remains motionless as she took the thought in her mind. Applejack is correct; children grow up, move to another city, marry, and have children of their own. His friends from the circus would probably move to new homes once they grow up. It’s only a matter of time before Cosgrove takes the torch. Sunset takes a deep breath, and continues to move.

Though it is only two days away before he moves back to Ponyville and continue the rest of the semester, Cosgrove felt it as weeks since he left in the first place. At least he’s been making progress since his first day being a little misadventure. The education seemed to be for ninth graders when his prospective classmates appear to be in fifth. By Thursday, the Hipparion’s brain was already pumping. How Twilight, Sunset, and the like even passed this class while he was still a baby is unknown. Now out from shadowing Advanced Astrophysics, the colt felt relief seep back in as he goes to the gardens. He sits on a blanket laid down by the castle servants. Before him were also platters housing some of the best dishes this side of Equestria has to offer.

The only downside to this offering of nutrition: Cosgrove wasn’t that keen. He takes a small bite of a ground up mixture of parsley and grapefruit before gagging. It’s fancier than the pickles and eggs he ate as a toddler, but it tasted like uncooked liver and raw celery. At least Rarity and Pinkie Pie saved The Tasty Treat from being shut down, for he plans to go there on his last day. He continues to eat either way as an avian shadow looms over him.

“Not tasty, isn’t it?” Wind Surfer sits down, taking out a bag of raw sardines from her backpack. Though Gryphons are omnivorous, the multitude of hybrids have different tastes. She, with a front half of a gannet bird, has a diet of fish and squid. With no teeth or cheeks at the side of her slim beak, Wind Surfer puts the fish as deep in her mouth as she could, lifting her head and jerked it back and forth to bolt it down her throat. She licks the salt from her beak when she sees a slightly disgusted Cosgrove. “Oh,” - the Lagogryph presents the Hipparion with the bag - “want some?”

Even herbivores need other minerals to balance an otherwise nutritionless diet. Ponies aren’t keen on eating meat, but usually make up by eating egg products via pastries and drinking soda. Salt licks work as well, but overdosing has a similar effect as alcohol. Cosgrove pushes the fancy dish aside and pulls one of the dead fish to him. If not for the flesh, then having a little salt would help his diet. He nips at the sardine, guiding it to his molars with his tongue. This too was a problem; he could feel the fish “swim” in his mouth for his teeth, built for grazing, aren’t good at holding meat. He swallows it whole, giving him the shivers as it reaches his stomach.

“Do you like it here?” Wind Surfer asks, scooching herself closer to him, seeing him furrow his brow.

“Well…” - Cosgrove looks at the highest tower, the bedchamber of Princess Celestia - “it’s clean, but certainly not a fancy hotel to stay in. The citizens are very pompous, even the children.”

Wind Surfer droops her wings, not taking kindly to the news. “Then why did you come here in the first place?”

It takes the colt a while to think about it as he lowers his shoulders. “From one freak to another, no offense, this is the highest honor I can be. Besides, two of my close friends were students here.”

“Two?” The Lagogryph cocks her head. “I know Princess Twilight was from here, but who is the other one?”

Cosgrove shuffles his body, certainly the pony in question would have been seen in the year books. “Sunset Shimmer. She was in the same class as Twilight, and lives with her in Ponyville.”

Wind Surfer raises a brow, “Why would she live in Ponyville?”

Why wouldn’t any student want to live anywhere else? Minuette also resides in Ponyville and Trixie is now a caped hero while in the guise of a traveling performer. But for Sunset, it had a deeper meaning revealed to his family on the day before the Changeling Invasion.

“She… Doesn’t like to talk about it.”

“I heard she got kicked out.” The Hipparion and Gryphon turn around, seeing the Siren known as Mane Dark behind them. In the old days, Sirens would have to drag themselves on land. Now in this day and age, they are fitted with a harness in the general area of their hips. “Celestia couldn't keep two students, so she got the boot.”

“Thanks for the spoiler.” Wind Surfer rolls her eyes. It's not the exact story, but it does add another nail to the damaged picket fence.

“Why would you care?” - Mane Dark raises his black hoof - “From what I've heard, she was a pompous-”

“Hey!” Cosgrove stands up with his hackles raised. “She is a good friend! Does she have problems? Yes. But nobody's perfect. Not even you!”

For a person who doesn't believe in mistakes, this made Mane Dark gasps. He gives Cosgrove a good smack on the cheek. The colt holds his hoof to his bruised cheek. He snorts in frustration; this is nothing compared to what happened in his venture in Tambelon with Cogsworth.

“How dare you! I'm one of the best students in my class!” The Siren points at Wind Surfer. “Better than you,” - He points at Cosgrove - “and definitely better than-”

“Have you lost a parent to an organized murder?” Cosgrove inches his nose to the Siren, looking furious. “Have you gone around the world and back again? Have you even braved death? Being in the best school means nothing if you don't go out of your comfort zone.”

Taking this as another insult, Mane Dark curls his lips back. “Fighting also gets you nowhere you filthy lowlife.”

Wind Surfer immediately pounces on Mane Dark, flapping her skinny wings before giving him a sharp kick with her rabbit feet. Having a wheelchair for hindquarters does the Siren no justice as he lied on his back like a turtle. The Lagogryph sits on Mane Dark’s chest, aiming her mouth at his face as she prepares to cough out her last meal.

“What is going on?” The three children turn their heads, seeing a concerned Mrs. Cinch. “Well?”

“Those two were beating me up!” Mane Dark unlatches the harness, scraping his front hooves rapidly to make his getaway. Cinch looks at the two children.

“Wind Surfer, that kind of behavior is not tolerated in this school.” - She looks at Cosgrove. “As for you, young stallion. If it does happen that you apply for the school, I will see to it that this incident be a strike against you.”

Cosgrove lowers his head, hearing the schoolmaster's footsteps become faint as she left the garden. Wind Surfer turn her head around just in time to see Cosgrove leave in the opposite direction. A sense of guilt building up, she hobbles as she could to reach the colt.

“Hey Cosgrove, wait!” She beckons.

“Leave me alone.” Cosgrove shrugs, flipping his tail in agitation.

“Hey, hey.” Now next to him, Wind Surfer wraps her wing around him, tapping his side with the fused flipper. “Look, I've been with that snake the entire time I've been in this school. Mane Dark is just snobby. I mean, you had some snobby classmates back at your school, right?”

“Yeah, but at least they had reasons.” Cosgrove flicks his ears before raising his head. “That's it!”

“What's it?” Windy cocks her head.

“Celestia didn't invite me on accident. This is a friendship test! I have to solve a problem on my own.” Cosgrove runs in the opposite direction. He stops, turning his front half to the mixed up animal behind him. “Can you show me Mane Dark's room?”

The Lagogryph pulled her head a little, tilting it as she hobbles to his side.

“You think Mane Dark is the friendship problem?” Wind Surfer raises her left foot, pointing to where the Siren went. “He hates me, and he's been mean to you too just like all the other Unicorns.”

“Still we have to try.”

“Us? Why”

“I just have to try.” Cosgrove nears the dorms, turning around to leave. “You do what you want.”

Cosgrove enters the dorm. Wind Surfer huffs. With a flick of her wing, she turns around just to bump into a large white object. The familiar face made her gasp.

Inside, Cosgrove asks for Mane Dark’s room. He goes up one floor, looking to his left to find the number 92714. Knocks a couple times and waits for a response. The door opens a little before a chain keeps it from moving further, revealing the Siren who demonized Sunset’s story a little.

“Can I help you?” He asks, his voice seething a little hate. “Come to insult my intelligence again?”

Cosgrove shook his head, “Look, I feel that we’ve been going off the wrong foot.” He raises his hoof, displaying his show of mercy. “I want to offer a show of friendship.”

Mane Dark shifts his predatory eye up and down. Is he really telling the truth? Perhaps so; the colt’s muzzle is held straight for a long while. He closes the door, unlatches the lock, and opens it up fully. Without warning, the Siren gave Cosgrove a hug. This was much easier than he thought.

“I accept your friendship.” Mane Dark lurches back, giving his guest a small grin. “As a show of gratitude, I would like to take you to my private library.”

“Every student get a private library?” Cosgrove cocked his head; Sunset told him She and Twilight, being Celestia’s students, had a private library of their own, it didn’t occur that all students shared library.

“Of course, it’s just in the castle.” Mane Dark leads him to the castle and through a few halls, one of which Moon Dancer realizes all too easily. The two reach two gigantic doors, their push handles made of solid gold. The design itself made Cosgrove whistle. The siren motions his hoof at the door. “Why don’t you come inside, read some of our books.”

Cosgrove approaches the doors, lifting a hoof towards the handle. He turns his head around to see Mane Dark, who gives him an encouraging nod. The colt looks to the doors once more, lifting his hoof even higher. But when the tip is just about to touch the wood, he stops, lowering it to the floor. While he wasn't looking, the Siren rises on his robotic hind legs, his tail used as a third leg.

“Some things are better left unseen.” Cosgrove says. When he turns around, a pair of black hooves reach his face when they are surrounded by an aura. The Siren is turned around, seeing the ruler herself and founder of the school, Princess Celestia. She gives him a firm glare while Schoolmaster Cinch walks towards them.

“What is going on?” She asks for the second time today, shifting her glasses towards her eyes.

Mane Dark’s eyes dart around before turning his head to the Hipparion he is trying to frame. “Our guest was-”

“No need for lies, Mane Dark.” Celestia spoke, her angered tone making the Siren curl his tail. “You tried to frame our guest into entering my private library. And lying is something I will not tolerate.” She puts him down, casting off the spell as a pair of guards surround him. “Have him stay at his chambers, I’ll deal with him then.”

As the guards lead him out of the castle, the Siren turns his head, letting out a small hiss before a golden horseshoe pushes him to carry on. Celestia turns to Cosgrove, who immediately bows in both thanks and respect.

“May I see you in my throne room?” Celestia asks of him, walking in the general direction to her royal hall. Doing as she wishes, Cosgrove sat on the end of the rug spanning the hall. Before him was Celestia, Schoolmaster Cinch, and the three judges who inspected his magic skill each time he came to take the test. “Do you realize why you have been brought here, without Sunset?”

Cosgrove nods, “Yes, and I’ve failed. I thought I could make friends with Mane Dark.”

“You didn’t fail.” Behind him are Wind Surfer, Hooflock, and Crescendo. The Lagogryph hobbles to the young Hipparion. “When I enrolled here as a chick, I was pestered constantly. I thought Mane Dark wouldn’t be that, but I was wrong.”

“I have noticed this too, young stallion.” Celestia adds to this, her muzzle having a small smile. “And who better to show that not all ponies she’s seen are bad.”

“But.” Cinch raises a hoof. “As your Royal Highness has sent you via a forged letter of her own, your application is thus false and voided.”

Much as he wants to say otherwise, Cosgrove has no power here. He lowers his head in respect, though they notice his ears drawn. He turns around to leave the hall. As he passes his three friends both young and old, Wind Surfer felt an anger building in her.

“Okay, wait!” Wind Surfer interrupts the silence, spreading her wings in fury. The colt he is addressing stops to turn around. “He’s always wanting to come to this school, and you keep turning him down with your stupid tests!”

“Fledgeling, may we ask you restrain yourself.” Asked Sir Malarkey, his voice stern. Wind Surfer slowly folds her wings, but still keeping an angered head.

“If I may add to this. ” Hooflock takes off his helmet, letting his Roman combed mane lay down over his sweaty head. “Cosgrove has been through things most colts his age would never do in their entire life. I don’t give a damn about Princess Twilight’s wishes, but giving him a place in the school housed in our fair capital would bring him the best honor he would ever receive. So what say you? Is he truly qualified?”

The three alumni took a look at each other before Abacus Cinch answers, “His endeavors, we know. But brute force alone doesn’t guarantee him a place in our school. Each time he took the test, we notice very little improvement for magical skills. As far as we can see, Cosgrove can continue taking the test, but he won’t earn a spot in our school.”

Cosgrove was just motionless as these facts stirred in his mind. All his time being taught by one of the greatest minds Celestia had taught, brought down by those who have also worked hard to maintain the status as teacher. He leaves the throne room, keeping his respect as he let the door closed on it’s own. Wind Surfer tries to stop him, but is stopped by Crescendo.

“Your Highness.” Hooflock and Crescendo bow their heads before leading Wind Surfer out of the room. Celestia closed her eyes, ashamed that this news had been taken so hard. Her moment is interrupted again when another guard, a white one, galloped through the great doors.

“Your Highness.” He pants, bowing his head before taking off his helmet. “Mane Dark is missing.”

Cosgrove sat by the train station, his suitcase and saddlebag in place. As he waited for his ride home, a thought boils in his head. How would they feel if they found out that the invitation was a lie. Pinkie Pie must have made a celebration cake for the occasion. Sunset? Well, Sunset’s reasonable enough to talk to, but what about Twilight, a pony who had always made counterplans of her counterplans? Does she have a counterplan if she finds that it was a farce?

“Hey.” Cosgrove turns from his deep thought, finding Wind Surfer next to him. “Sorry it didn’t work out.”

Cosgrove sighs. “What does it matter? It’s like they only reserve the school for Unicorns. I mean, you’re lucky enough to be there.”

The Lagogryph hops on the waiting bench, rocking left and right. Hooflock kept his distance, watching the two converse with each other. Cosgrove turns to Wind Surfer.

“You know, if you want, you can maybe make a visit in Ponyville.” Cosgrove waves his hoof in the general direction of the town. “There are quite a few friendly Unicorns.”

The Gryph, with a beak making up a majority of her snout, she could only make a little smile at best.

“I’ll think about it.” She gives the Hipparion a hug before hobbling back to her dormitory.

Still his escort, he walks over and sits down. The two kept silent, waiting for their train to arrive.
He turns his head, seeing Cosgrove not even turn his head. He doesn’t want to take advantage, but he is still taking Crescendo’s suggestion. He takes a deep breath.

“You know… I… am thinking… of getting a squire of my own. And, I am thinking that you, with your interest in offensive magic.” He sees Cosgrove slowly turn his head to him. Hooflock, of all ponies, got the kid interested? “Now, I'm not saying you have too, only if you want to. Besides, you are too young…” He notices Cosgrove turning his head away. “Until you graduate. Until you graduate…”

Hooflock turned his head away, keeping a yellow eye at the colt. Cosgrove, a squire? The Hipparion rubbed his chin. If not a magus, then what is the highest honor. The train comes over, letting out a small hiss as it screeched to a halt. The two ponies reached for the doors when they suddenly opened, releasing a spray of confetti.

“Welcome home, Cosgrove!” Cheered Sunset, five of the Elements of Harmony, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Pinkie Pie added more to the emphasis by giving a toot from a party horn as she shows him a cake. There are things to explain back at home. But until then, let the good times roll. The two enter the train, waiting for it to make the first heave back home.