• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,377 Views, 42 Comments

Forgotten Soldier; Wrong War - rocketlvr

A marine attempts to clear an Iraqi house but is sucked in to a portal bringing him to Equestria.

  • ...

Fitting In



A shower of confetti and streamers flew directly at Victor as he fell down onto the floor of town hall. "wait... what is this?...."
he started to get up off the floor grinning sheepishly.

"ITS YOUR WELCOME PARTY!!!!" came what from what sounded like a coked up pony version of Charlie Sheen. "anditslikeoneofmybestonesyetcausetheyouaren'tevenfromEquestriasoIgottamakeyoufeelextrawelcomeandall
theseotherponiescametoseeyoucauseofthatandwhats a party with out LOTSA PEOPLE?!?!"

Twilight looked at him with a smirk as she rolled her eyes "that's Pinkie for you. she usually acts like this when she gets excited"

"God she's like a horse version of Charlie Sheen"


"Oh, uh just some guy from my world who loves partying"

"oh well, I'd bet they'd be great friends"

Victor was imagining Pinkie Pie and Charlie Sheen at a party together, "banging seven gram rocks" and screaming out things about tiger blood and ninjas. He chuckled at the thought.

"What's so funny?"

"just imagining what they'd be like together..."

"Yeah they'd probably go nuts" she said with a giggle

"well, wouldn't anyone would after taking three ounces of Coke?" he smirked at the thought

"so was this why you told me I had to fill out some documents at town hall?"

"exactly, Pinkie told me it was a surprise party"

"alright well I'm gonna go mingle, man I'm glad to have gotten my gear off"

"Ooh! that reminds me! Rarity needs to give you something, and also when Big Macintosh was in the Everfree forest he found these" Twilight produced from her saddle bag some aviators, a skull balaclava and a small bottle filled with some liquid.
The purple mare continued n a matter of fact tone "Now I can tell these are sunglasses, and that's a mask, but whats in the jar of liquid??"

Victor was too distracted by the other two items "MY AVIATORS!! I thought I lost these for good! and I almost forgot about the balaclava! I thought I had left it in my bag back at the F.O.B! and wait... what liquid?"

"This liquid!" she handed him over the small bottle and he read the label...

"Lysergic acid diethylamide.... LSD... Spzond you son of a bitch you could have gotten someone court martialed." he muttered to himself.

"so what is it?"

"uhhh... its a drug... like a bad drug that makes you see stuff. You should probably hold onto it and keep it away from everybody else, or give it to a scientist to get rid of or something."

Twilight picked up the bottle with her magic and stared at it, rotating it slowly, scrutinizing it with every revolution.
"Alright well I've got a lab so I could probably do something with it."

"ok thanks, see ya" and he walked off into the crowd. The first pony he came across was a green unicorn with a Lyre for a cutie mark "OH MY CELESTIA!! HE'S HERE!! BON BON COME QUICK I TOLD YOU THEY WERE REAL!!" a white earth pony with a blue and pink mane walked up to her and her jaw nearly dropped to the floor "L-lyra y-you were right..." she couldn't take her eyes off him as the green unicorn started grabbing his hands and squealing "HE-HE'S GOT HANDS!!!!!"

"uhhhh okay" the marine uttered quite frankly weirded out. The green unicorn barely regained her composure and spoke with a voice coated with excitment "oh-uh I'm Lyra, this is my friend Bon Bon" she gestured towards the other pony "and I LOVE humans" everyone else said they were fake but not me! and now you're here oh my gosh this is so cool!!!!" she started bouncing up and down as she gave him a hug. The marine blushed at the mare hugging him as Rarity walked up to them.

"Uh ladies, might I borrow him for a minute? we have some business that needs to be taken care of." Bon Bon was still staring at him slack jawed and Lyra leaned back from her hug "oh okay......." her expression grew depressed almost instantaneously. Victor hated to see anypony so sad like that even if she did seem bat crap insane so he fumbled around his pockets to see if he could find something worthwhile to give her, all he found was a quarter and a spork he used for his M.R.E's. "uh here Lyra, I noticed you enjoy human's and stuff so uh have this quarter, it's currency back in my world, and also keep this spork." Her expression changed almost immediately as she beamed brighter than the sun. "Ohmygosh thank you! Bon Bon, look at this thing, its got a picture of a human with long hair on it!" Victor and Rarity took this moment to start walking.

"I do apologize for her uh... eagerness, we all know her for her love of humans"

"ehh its alright, she seems pretty nice, but how does she even know about humans, I mean I'm from a completely different dimension."

"no idea"

"meh suits me... so what was it that you needed from me?"

"I don't need anything from you, I've got something for you. I thought that you didn't have any spare clothes out side of that horrid battle gear so I created this!"

with a flair she produced a black suit and matching dress shoes from her saddle bag. He looked it over and was amazed at the fine craftsmanship of it.

"Aw schweet! thanks Rarity! but how'd you make this so fast, or more importantly, in my size?"

"Oh darling I could make these suits in my sleep! but I got started on it while you were unconscious, I had the doctor take your measurements. In either case it's much nicer than that T-shirt and combat pants you're wearing."

"Oh yeah..." he looked down at his clothing; an oil and blood spattered olive drab T shirt with "USMC" written across the chest and a pair of desert combat pants. The pants were from his B.D.U's (Battle Dress Uniform) as were the combat boots he was wearing, The T-shirt however was just a thing he carried around in his vest just as a quick access rag. He was overall content with changing out of these clothes even though both had been washed while he was unconscious, it's just that considering he had cleaned the engine compartment of a HUMVEE and used it as a tourniquet when McCreary almost got his arm blown off. It just didn't register to him as the epitome of cleanliness.

"Alright now head off to the bathroom and try it on!" she said with a smile.

"uhh.... okay"

He went to the bathroom and promptly changed; wrapping up his old shirt, pants, and boots inside of a few paper towels and carrying them under his arm as he left. Walking through the sea of four foot tall ponies he spotted a stylish purple mane among them.

"Hey Rarity, Thanks! this things awesome."

"No problem dear now go on and enjoy the party" and that he did, he spent a large amount of the drinking heftily of the punch jar and break dancing which he had managed to learn in the mountains of free time in Iraq. He met a couple of the other ponies as well, including the parties DJ, a white unicorn with a blue mane and shade who went by Vinyl Scratch and was a heavy parasprite drinker with a love of dubstep, she seemed to talk a lot about her roommate, somepony named Octavia, who was apparently "pretty snoody and up tight" with her high standards and love of classical music. There were a couple others including a brown earth pony named Dr.Hooves (sorry gonna break the fourth wall for a moment. Hasbro actually canonized this name for him. okay done.), and an orange mare named Carrot Top. These two really intrigued him, though he wasn't too much into pop culture he certainly heard of Carrot Top (the comedian not the horse) and was a moderate Whovian. He really didn't question them to hard on their backgrounds and names because hell, when you're in a magical land of talking horses you really aren't gonna question this sorta thing. Just like if you're in Detroit you're not gonna ask the man with bulges in his trench coat why he's giving those shady fellows a look like that, okay bad analogy but still...

Moving on then! So as his glamorous night progressed he started to get tired of all this rampant partying. His limbs started burn as his excessive breakdancing started to best him. Pulling off one move he felt a sudden tear in his side. "GAH" he gasped as he clutched his side fumbling through the crowd before collapsing into a chair. "Jesus what was that" he yelled to no one in particular. he began to break out into cold sweats as he squirmed in his seat trying to find comfortable position for him to try to rest in. The pain stabbed him, the sweats chilled him, the seat felt as if it was a bed of nails, all the while the heavy beats of the party music played on.