• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,377 Views, 42 Comments

Forgotten Soldier; Wrong War - rocketlvr

A marine attempts to clear an Iraqi house but is sucked in to a portal bringing him to Equestria.

  • ...

Innocence to Corruption

Flim woke with a groan, his head hurt like he'd been smacked in the dome with a barbell. He sat up in his bed and took a look down at his... hospital gown? What happened? He was in the hospital now? just a moment ago he'd been driving down the road in that fancy foreign machine when...... it all flooded back to him, that giant monkey with a boom stick, or whatever the hay those things were called, the gunshot and the cry for help before smashing his head on the dashboard.... wait a second... that voice that screamed.... that was FLAM'S voice, did that giant gorrilla kill him? In the name of Celestia he hoped he was okay, otherwise.... otherwise, he was gonna kill that monkey, wring his neck, push his face into the speedy cider squeezy 6000, set his body on fire, find his kids if he had any, show his kids pictures of it, and then set them on fire too. Flim was furious, Flam better be okay, he had to find him.

Ignoring the pain he rolled off the bed, flung open the door, and began galloping through the hospital. He kicked open each door he passed, looking inside, and then moved to the next one. Ignoring the screams and shouts of surprise from startled patients, he got to about ten doors before a massive orderly tackled him to the ground and pinned him there.

"SIR IM GONNA HAVE TO ASK YOU TO REMAIN CALM .....REMAIN....... CALM" he said in a loud clear voice.

"CALM?! CALM?! YOU'RE GOING TO ASK ME TO STAY CALM WHEN MY BROTHER MIGHT BE DEAD?!?!" He headbutted the orderly, nearly passing out from the pain, as the orderly himself reeled back and clutched at his face, Flim rolled away and kept running, His mind reeled as he sprinted about the hospital before he smashed through the glass doors of the ICU at the end of the hall way. Whipping his head around he spotted a familiar mustached face sound asleep in the only occupied bed in the room. The sleeping pony was hooked up to a blood bag and an EKG with a large amount of bandages around his shoulder. Flim teared up with joy and sprinted over to his sleeping brother and hugged him.

"Y-you're okay Flam." he sobbed clutching his brother "You're alive!" after that he started sobbing into his brother's hospital gown getting it quite soaked with tears. Flim felt movement as the sleeping pony began to wake up.

"Flim?" he said unsure of his surroundings, "Are we dead?"

"No my brother, far from it." and he kept sobbing

At this what was left of the broken door was opened and a stern female voice called out.
"What in the name of Celestia is going on here?!"

Nurse Redheart was standing in the doorway with two orderlies, one clutching an ice bag to his face, a nurse, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and.... That monkey. Flim spotted him and his blood boiled, this was the thing that tried to kill my brother, this thing wanted to destroy my family. He was pissed. He stopped crying near instantaneously, got up from his hug and got between his brother and the marine, head lowered, and snorting.

Twilight was the first to speak.
"Whoa there Flim, there's no need to panic, keep calm"

Flim replied through gritted teeth.
"I'm not letting that THING get anywhere near Flam"

"We understand Flim, we just need to clarify some issues..."

Flim stood there unflinching, no reply only glaring daggers at Victor who was shifting around uncomfortably.

"This is Victor, He isn't from around here, he's from a whole other world, and he's a soldier too. He's lost everything and was trying to adjust to Equestria. He didn't mean to hurt your brother; in fact, he was the one who carried him here."

Flim softened a little, he could relate to this creature, he had nothing as well and had acted much more violently in situations like their previous encounter. The creature noticed he'd calmed somewhat, and walked towards him, and bent down to his level extending a... thing... it looked like a hairless monkey paw, Flim supposed this was like a hoofshake so he reluctantly placed his hoof into his hand and bobbed it up and down.

"Hi there" the creature spoke, it's voice with a lot more personality, not like the near robotic monotone he had earlier. "I'm Victor, I'd like to apologize on behalf of hurting you both, I'm really sorry, and the Hummvee-uh, ahem, vehicle you were driving was and is incredibly similar to things I used when fighting in Ira- damn it, my world." it sounded genuinely concerned.

"Well, so long as Flam turns out alright, I think we can make amends." Flim replied much more gently.

The nurse took this moment to chime in "about that Flim, We have good news, Flam is expected to make a full recovery. Possibly within a few weeks!" Flim was elated to hear this and a grin spread across his face.

Victor took control of the conversation again "Hey Flim, I know you're worried about your brother, I've had to deal with loss before. I've lost a few friends in combat, and its not pretty but I do have an important question for you. Where did you get that vehicle?"

Flim visibly cringed when he head the question. With a soft sigh he looked Victor in the eyes and said in a morose voice. "Well Victor... It is Victor correct?" The marine nodded n agreement "We actually found it in an stretch of road between Manehatten and Trottingham. We were leaving Manehatten because of an... unsuccessful strike at business."

Flam shouted from his bed in a sarcastic voice "It would appear that rabid dogs do not make great Hearths Warming Eves presents."

"Well Flam, I'm sure it would've worked if you hadn't opened their cages in an orphanage."

"How else were we supposed to give them out?"

"Carefully and in their cages!!"

"Uh guys?" Victor looked at the two arguing brothers, they looked back at him sheepishly and regained their focus.

"Right, sorry about that. Well as I was saying, we were headed toward Trottingham when we had stumbled across that peculiar vehicle we had spent roughly a week tinkering with it, seeing how it worked, and if we could turn a profit by making more of them. We figured out how to create it, the mechanics on the device were marvelous really, and we learned how to make it function with some proficiency. So we continued to make our way to Trottingham, maybe see if we could get some help in its mass production. However, that was where we were..... assualted."

"But I'm in Ponytown right now right? this isn't Nottingham Uh I mean Trottingham right?"

"Of course not, you are in Ponyville. It's just that we were attacked by some other..... unpleasant folk"

His demeanor changed quickly to a morose one as he sullenly continued.
"We were attacked by.... other ponies"

This arose a few gasps from his audience, Victor snickered quietly.

"It was.... They were..... something was wrong with them...... and I don't know what..... they...they tried to kill us... If it hadn't been for that thing on the car roof we would've been goners."

The ponies in the room were silent. Victor was now somewhat shocked, ponies aren't supposed to fuck shit up. They're supposed to be all fuzzy and wuzzy.

Twilight spoke "Who were they? Surely, they had to be some sort of gang or terror group."

Flim shook his head "That's the thing, they weren't a gang, they were ponies, messed up ponies from Colts to mares to fillies, they attacked us, there was something wrong with them. They even had axes and chainsaws. So they attacked us and started smashing against the vehicle..."

so that's why the car was all dented Victor thought to himself

"..... and then we started blasting away at the crowd. Flam didn't hit any thankfully, except for one colt, and in the name of Celestia, that weapon is horrific. His head... it.... it... EVAPORATED"
With that memory recalled Flam shifted around uncomfortably, he looked shamefully at his hooves. Flim finished his statement.
"We escaped and finally arrived at Ponyville were we greeted Mr.Victor here and were hospitalized.

The the ponies stood horrified and in silence for a good minute before Victor decided to break it.
"Uh, Twilight, I think you gotta let the princess know about this."

She shook her head clear "Right, I uh... I uh gotta go find Spike." and with that she ran off

"Flim, Flam, I hate to bother you, but might I commandeer that Humvee? I need to check this thing out."

Flam was the one to speak "Good heavens, keep it. I hope I never have to see that wretched contraption ever again!"

"Alright, Thank you sir."

and with that he turned and left, taking care to step through the glass doorway. As he walked down the aisle he heard Nurse Redheart bark out "Alright Ms.Dash I gotta ask you to leave, they need plenty of bed rest, and Flim I'll escort you back to your room. Mind the glass shards."