• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,377 Views, 42 Comments

Forgotten Soldier; Wrong War - rocketlvr

A marine attempts to clear an Iraqi house but is sucked in to a portal bringing him to Equestria.

  • ...

Show of Power

He and the purple unicorn trudged on through the woods for a short while. Suddenly, the Unicorn spoke up.
"Welp, we're here" He was jolted from his thoughts as he stepped out of the forest and spied a small town in the distance. The houses were vibrant and bright and he gazed upon the towns residents. "okay, so there's unicorns, normal horses... errr.. ponies, and... pegasi?" he thought to himself.He looked up into the sky at a blue pegasus doing loops and barrel rolls and fancy aerobatics. He was mesmerized by this blue horse, I mean, pony untill a now familiar voice called out


the cyan pegasus is distracted from her flight and looked down at Twilight. She descended and approached fast as lightning.

"Hi Twilight, what's u-" She saw Victor and paused in mid sentence "uuhh what is that thing" she said pointing at him with a hoof.

"This is Victor he's a human who got lost in the forest because he fell through a portal.... I think" The purple mare looked at him with a troubled face as if she was checking with him to see if she got that right. He nodded reassuringly.

"ok twilight I'm just gonna keep practicing my moves" she said while attempting to take off.

"Oh! wait! I just remembered, Victor left his stuff in the Everfree forest could you go get Big Mac to go get them. Apparently its about 60 feet to the right of the poison joke trail"

The marine spoke up "Hey Twilight, there's a lot of stuff are you sure one hor- I mean pony can lift it all?"

"of course he can he's the strongest Stallion in Ponyville now come on I've gotta right a letter to the princess" she said trotting away

the Blue pegasus watched him pass, shrugged, and then took off headed presumably to this "Big Mac" character. The marine and the Unicorn walked through the town getting plenty of stares from the passing townsfolk or townsponies. Eventaully, he reached a tree with windows landings and roofing.

"Well, we're here"

"This is a library?"

"Yes and my home, now we just got to find Spike and get a letter to the princess"

"Who's Spike?"

"He's my assistant"

"My friend had a dog named that once, kinda cliche if you ask me"

She ignored the comment and proceeded inside.

"SPI-IKE" she called out

"yeah?" came a softer reply from upstairs

"get down here I need to write a letter to the princess"

"okay hang on one second"

a dull thudding came from upstairs and soon a small purple dragon appeared in the stairwell.

"Aw Sweet! a dragon!!" Spike looked at the person freaked out about his presence. "I'm gonna guess this is what the letters about"

"Absolutely, this is Victor, he's not from around here and Victor, this is Spike, he's a baby dragon. Alright get your partchment.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to you today to tell you of a mysterious occurrence. When I went into the Everfree forest to do a census of local flora and fuana I stumbeled across a new creature apparently not from this world. I sincerely hope that we take immediate action in order to find out what is happening.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

The dragon rolled up the partchment and then set it on fire. The trail of smoke flew out the window and into the air. Just then a knock happened at the door followed by a young southern voice.

"Hey Twilight its me, Applebloom"
"and Sweetie Belle" came a more feminine voice
"and Scootaloo" came from a more tomboyish voice
"We're here cause we wannah see the monster you were walking around town with!"

"well girls I understand you might be curious about new things in town but now may not be the best time"
"PLLLEEEEAAASEE" came all three voices in unison. Twilight looked at the marine for an answer, he nodded. "well alright girls but please try not be in the way we have things to take care of" "YAY!!!" shouted all three voices. Twilight unlocked the door and he saw three ponies, a white unicorn, a yellow pony with a red ribbon in its hair, and an orange pegasus all of them looked much smaller and younger then the other ponies he'd seen around town which would explain how they acted. They all stood mouths agape as they gazed at the strange bipedal hairless monkey thing with clothes that looked like a desert. near instantly they snapped out of their trance and bombarded him and Twilight with questions
"whats he do?"
"where's he from?"
"are there others like him?"
"whats he eat?"
"Is he from the Everfree forest?"
"What's this thing?" The purple haired, orange filly with the tomboy voice pointed at an m9 on the ground and trotted over to it. The marine was too distracted by the other two who were attacking him with questions. She picked the gun up with her mouth sat indian style, dropped it in her lap, and started fiddling with it with her hooves. He turned around just in time to see her somehow squeezing the trigger with the side of her hoof. He was about to yell at her to drop it but it was too late. A loud BANG! filled the room and all went quiet. The marine had been shot right in the chest, fortunately, he still had his SAPI plate in the vest so his life was spared, but it certainly knocked the wind out of him. He didn't fly back into the air like they did in the movies but he still hunched over clutching his chest hardly able to breathe.
"CELESTIA WHAT WAS THAT?" Twilight shouted but he was unable to move "oh gosh we need to get you to a doctor right away" he waved her off, too much in pain to say anything, but tried to get the point across that he didn't need medical attention. "Girls, go get me some pain killers and my first aid kit, its behind the book shelf in the history section. The trio dashed off in a group of startled voices asking each other about what just happened. Twilight grabbed a chair from the corner of the room for him to sit on. As she helped him into it he began to regain some breath and finally said something "I'm fine, just got the wind knocked out of me... I'll be fine, seriously" She stood over him with a troubled look on her face. The three returned with a small box with a red cross on it and a bottle with unidentifiable scrawlings on it. "Okay girls you better go" "No,no they can stay I gotta tell them something" he managed to wheeze out. They all sat there in silence for a few minutes until he regained his breath and spoke "Alright girls that thing, uhhhh Scootaloo right?" she nodded in agreement "Scootaloo held is called a gun it is VERY powerful and can easily kill you if misused, do you understand?" they looked at him wide eyed and nodded "Now if you ever see this on the floor you tell Twilight or me okay?" they shook their heads in agreement. "Alright now can you give it to me?" the trio looked at the weapon terrified "its okay, I'm here just don't touch it by the curved out metal loop okay?" the filly who shot him picked it up with her mouth sheepishly and brought it over to him laying it down carefully in his hand. He promptly holstered the weapon. "I'm sorry about that Twilight it's just my holster must have dropped it. it was already breaking in the first place". The unicorn looked at him quizzically "what's a holster?"
"You know what, never mind, alright you three get outta here." the trio of ponies quickly left the library. He looked back at Twilight and asked "so when's this Celestia person gonna get here?"