• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,377 Views, 42 Comments

Forgotten Soldier; Wrong War - rocketlvr

A marine attempts to clear an Iraqi house but is sucked in to a portal bringing him to Equestria.

  • ...

Monsters, in and out

He landed feet first in the cart, the whole thing collapsing under his and Twilights combined weight. However, the soft hay had manged to break their fall and they had landed unscathed. Panting heavily, and feeling a bit drained he heaved himself up and out of the cart.

He looked at Twilight and with an uneasy laugh he said
"Well, I still got my balls, how about you?"

Twilight looked at him puzzled for a moment before she got up
"Victor, we should go find Pinkie Pie, now's not the time for your jokes. Even if I don't get them."

He leaned in whispered something in her ear and she went wide eyed and blushed
"Oh my Victor, you didn't have to explain the joke to me"

Another heavily armed pony snapped them out of it. Victor lept out of the cart and judo flying kicked it in the face. It was knocked out cold.

"Come on Twilight, it's time to go. where are we headed?"

"Pinkie's place would be the best option, she lives the closest"

"Hey what about Spike?"

"Spike will get to Rarity's, that's one thing I know he'll do."

Victor chuckled, and then they both set out on foot, or should I say hoof, and foot.


The trip to Pinkie's was relatively uneventful, aside from the few ponies that were being violently disembowled. Victor and Twilight had managed to slip by without drawing attention from anyone.

The door to Sugar Cube corner was shut as silently as possible.

"Hey Twilight, can you find a light switch?"

"hang on, let me see..."

and within a few seconds the lights of sugar cube corner were flicked on and Victor and Twilight found themselves surrounded by AppleJack and her brother, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and the Cakes.

"Well... that saves a lot of trouble." murmured Victor

"What in tarnation is goin on out there? How's Applebloom? It's like Tarturus on Equestria!"

"She's safe and sound at Rarity's. But that's not important, we need you all to come with us to Rarity's house. I have my things stock piled there. We can ride it out, and wait for reinforcements from the royal guards."

"That sounds all fair and good but how are we gonna get there safely, we're a pretty big party and we aren't really conspicuous."

"That's what you got me for" He said grinning, racking the slide on the USP.

"Wait, where'd Pinkie and Fluttershy go?"

AppleJack merely pointed at a desk, both were huddled together underneath it.

"Yo, Pinkie... Fluttershy..... are you two ready to leave?" He received no response as both were in a near comatose state.

"well I can't carry them and shoot at the same time."

"Big Mac has got ya covered" Apple Jack gestured to her brother who was able to grab both mares and put them in a flour cart from the storage room.

"Excellent!" Victor said as he clapped his hands together. "Everyone ready?"

A chorus of grunts and groans affirmed a yes.

"Then let's do this thing!"


The door to sugar cube corner burst open as the marine had kicked it down. He aimed at two axe wielding ponies and fired his m4a1. Two rounds went clean through the first's head, and 3 more stitched the second's arm tearing it nearly off.

He snaked across the side of the road leading to Carousel Boutique and shouted for his entourage to follow. A group of 6 school fillies stood in his way.

"Jesus what the hell are you kids doing out here?! This is a war zone! Follow me."

The first in the group, a small brown colt with a baseball cutie mark, approached him.

"Mister we were lost, we only wanted to play...."

"There's a time and place for everything kiddo, but right now, GET BEHIND ME!"

"But Mister, we wanna play with you..." with that the filly got a sadistic smile on his face and pulled a kitchen knife from his saddlebag.

"What are you- what the?!" Victor yelled as the filly lunged at him. The incredibly small pony caught him off guard and balance, and knocked him to the floor.

"Jesus Christ! Get. OFF. ME." He reached for the fillies neck as it prepared to stab him. He grabbed hold and flung him away. Scrambling to his feet, he found that all the other children were now wielding weapons from fireplace pokers, to hatchets. A little mare filly ran at him with a make shift spear made from a hockey stick, and a screw driver. Victor was quick to put her down with a volley of gunfire. The other fillies looked at him stunned. They paused for a moment, unsure of what to do.

"Get out of here! Scram you pieces of shit! before I have to kill all of you too." The group of fillies skulked off, some in fear, some in anger. It was at this moment that Victor noticed a faint whimpering, he saw the crumpled form of the little brown filly lying down in an alleyway.

"Oh shit no" Victor ran up to the little filly. His neck was broken, and his head was laying at an awkward angle. Miraculously he was still breathing.

"No, no, no.... I'm so sorry kid...." He reached down to grab the filly when all of the sudden his head snapped back up, eyes wide and alert. The same evil grin on its face.


Victor panicked and kicked it in the head, sending it again to an even more obscene angle twisted completely parallel to the back of his neck. It snapped back forward.

"HAHA, is that all you got!"

It was cackling maniacally as Victor kept kicking it in the head screaming in fear. It only got worse as one kick broke its jaw leaving it laughing as its lower jaw flopped around. Victor grabbed his rifle and began smashing it in the head with the stock.

"WHY. WON'T. YOU. DIE!!!!!" He said giving a blow of his rifle with each word for emphasis. The laughing started to turn into burbling as blood and gore started to appear. It transformed into grunts and eventually squishes as bits of brain and fragmented skull showed up. Eventually he stepped back breathless looking at the horrid pile of red mass that once was the fillies skull. He spotted an eyeball dangling out by a thread, and a few teeth scattered about. He ended up vomiting onto the whole mess, the sight of which only caused him to vomit again.

He turned around slowly, only to see the absolutely terrified and disgusted faces of the ponies watching him from the end of the alleyway. Mr.Cake had thrown up on to the floor and Twilight was continuously shrieking.

Walking slowly back to the road he said to the crowd breathlessly
"we have to...... keep...... moving.... and get to the.....fuck it....." tiredly gesturing with his arm up the road.

He dropped his M4, as the stock was too disgusting, now covered in bits of brain and blood. The sling kept it from hitting the road and on his person as he unholstered the USP and kept going, not caring to check if the others were following.


Hi my friends! Sorry I've been gone these past months. I'm not abandoning the story, I've finally just got back to it and Im ready to keep on trucking. I felt like a relatively short, yet gritty chapter was in order to get back your interests, though I may have taken it too far. The idea came to me as I was writing. With that said, new chapters are coming soon, as is another, sperate story of mine involving world war 2, nazis and nightmare moon. Stay tuned cause this new year (errrr.... highschool junior year in my case) is gonna be a big one.