• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,376 Views, 42 Comments

Forgotten Soldier; Wrong War - rocketlvr

A marine attempts to clear an Iraqi house but is sucked in to a portal bringing him to Equestria.

  • ...


Victor woke up from his hospital bed quite groggily. He didn't feel any pain 'must've used the elements again' he thought as he cracked open his eyes and stared directly into big blue eyes. "f-Fluttershy? you're okay?"

She didn't say anything but suddenly embraced him in a giant hug. Victor grinned as he patted her back and audibly "dawwed" while he held her he looked around the room finding the mane six and another doctor who was busy checking charts on his clip board. "Hey guys where's the Princess?"

Twilight answered him "She had to go back to Canterlot on official business but we'd all love to thank you for saving Fluttershy here" The yellow mare tightened her grip at the mention of her name.

"oh it was nothing really, Im just glad she's okay" he said petting her.

"Nothing?! THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" Rainbow Dash blurted out.

Twilight continued "Well, to show you our appreciation we made you this" She presented a chocolate cake to Victor with a big "Thank You" written across it in frosting. As it was placed on his night stand, Pinkie pie trotted up to him holding two festively wrapped boxes "Hey Victor! we also found some things in the Everfree forest! We think they're yours" Victor was glad, any free gear was welcome gear

With a "thanks Pinkie" he tore open the packaging and opened the first box and nearly dropped it in surprise. Inside there was an incredibly worn and battered m1928 Thompson submachine gun with 2 drum magazines fully loaded with .45 acp cartridges. "What the fuck... he muttered as his eyebrows scrunched in puzzlement. Upon further inspection he noticed that on the stock there was some carvings in it that looked like Arabic. Now Victor knew only rudimentary spoken Arabic and a decent portion of the Arabic alphabet so unfortunately the scrawlings didn't give him a clue as to what the origins of this weapon were.

He took a moment to think. 'okay so, This gun had to come through the portal with me, there's no other way it could've gotten here. So it must've been owned by that scientist guy. But then how'd it get in Iraq? Well, Iraq was a British colony back up until somewhere in the 40's or 50's and I do know that the British loved the Tommy gun back during world war 2. So maybe the British had a couple over there and when they abandoned their colony they left behind a large amount of weapons. So probably over time it fell into the hands of that scientist' He knew that just because the gun was old that it wouldn't be left behind by terrorist forces. Seriously, when he was in Afghanistan he had stumbled across a weapons cache that had everything from Soviet anti tank rockets, a German mp40 and even an old muzzle loader from the Ottoman Empire.

He felt confident with his hypothesis which was good considering there was no way in the seven rings of Hell that he'd be able to prove it. "alright thanks Pinkie, can I get the other box?" with this she handed him the other present which he opened again just as quickly inside there was both a Browning Automatic Rifle (more commonly known as the BAR) and a slightly decaying and rusted revolver chambered for .357 magnum. He wasn't even going to bother thinking up an excuse for these two weapons. Rebels just manage to find weapons, just like squirrels find nuts, birds find worms, and Ash Ketchum finds the souls of 12 year old girls to feed his immortality with. He pulled back the latch on the side of the weapon and rolled out the cylinder. Seeing that it was loaded he tilted the revolver up and dumped the heavily rusted cartridges onto the floor.

The marine wondered if there'd even be a chance they could work at all.
"Hey Twilight"


"Do you have an cleaners, or oil or something?"

"Of course! I have an entire chemistry lab if you need anything"

"Alright I may need to borrow them.... Hey I just realized, I've spent literally every single night here sleeping in this hospital. Is there anywhere else I can move to?"

Twilight put an inquisitve hoof to her chin "Well, we don't have any open houses as of yet, I could send Princess Celestia a letter and see if we could build you somewhere to stay. In the mean time you could either spend the time here in the hospital or move in with one of the ponies here."

"Sure, I'm cool with that. Anyone care to share a house? AppleJack?"

The cowgirl shifted uncomfortably "Well uh... ya see we were have'n family over so we don't have any more space to share"


"Oh! I'd love to. I've got the perfect place for you to sleep. It can be right next to the song birds so they can-"

"I'd be sleeping next to birds?"

"Why yes and they are just-"

"I'm sorry Fluttershy but no. I'd love to but I HATE birds... it's a... it's a long story"

The Yellow mare backed down "oh... okay then"

"Sorry Fluttershy... What about you Rainbow?"

"I think you're forgetting I live on a cloud. Last time I checked monkeys can't fly"

"I'M NOT A MONKEY!!!" The marine yelled back. "Rarity?"

"Well I suppose you could, I mean you would have to bunk with Sweetie Belle if she spent the night"

"Eh sure why not" Victor clapped his hands together "Alrighty then, shall we begin moving"

The white unicorn replied "lead on"


The group was roughly halfway to Rarity's boutique at this point. Big Mac was hauling a large cart laden with guns, rockets, and ammunition, Rarity and Twilight used their magic to carry the marines clothes, and Victor himself was carrying the BAR, and Tommy gun both of which he had deemed his own personal projects for the time being. Suddenly Pinkie stopped and perked her ears up.

The purple unicorn tapped her on the shoulder.
"Pinkie what are you doing"


"Do your Pinkie senses have something?"

The earth pony stuffed a hoof into Twilight's mouth.
"No, listen!"

The group stopped. There was a faint sound coming from a distance. A soft sound that sounded only like an odd buzzing from this distance.

The marine called out to everyone in a whisper.
"Hang on I'll check it out"
Victor placed down the antiques and crept slowly to the cart and plucked out an m14 EBR with an m203 grenade launcher and ACOG sight and paused. The sound was louder now and could be identified as a mechanical whirring coming from the edge of town. Victor motioned for the ponies to stay put as he jogged forward past the buildings and towards the towns limits.
He stopped when he saw something faintly out on a hillside. It was red. wait, hold on. Red and white striped. Oh wait... it was pulling something... something also red but not striped... but much larger..........
"Holy shit"
Out there on the hillside was a Humvee painted barbershop style red and white hauling a giant.... thing.
"how the...."
The marine kept jogging, tightening his grip on his assault rifle as the military vehicle drew nearer. It was headed down a side road directly in his direction. As the vehicle drew within a hundred feet the marine crouched and leveled his rifle at the wind shield as his left hand crept up and clutched the grenade launcher, finger on the trigger. He wouldn't be able to blast through the windshield as it was bullet proof, but he could wreck the thing with a 40mm grenade. The big HMMWV started to slow down as it got nearer coming to a stop roughly 30 feet from his position with the engine still running

It was at this point that Victor noticed the long scratches and dings all across its sides as if some wild animal attacked it. Before he could contemplate the vehicles history any further he was aroused from his thoughts by the unmistakable noise of a charging handle being drawn. He looked up at the top of the Humvee to see a pony with a straw hat and mustache pointing the m2HB .50 caliber machine gun on the vehicles roof directly at him.

He spoke with a 19th century con mans accent. "Whats that thing in the road, brother of mine?