• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,377 Views, 42 Comments

Forgotten Soldier; Wrong War - rocketlvr

A marine attempts to clear an Iraqi house but is sucked in to a portal bringing him to Equestria.

  • ...


"Who are you? As a matter of fact what are you? State your business." The pony with the mustache decreed.

"Corporal Victor Pineschi serial number 303-449-219 United States Marine Corps" the marine automatically replied tightening the grip on the launcher even further. He didn't like this. Nobody was ever in a good position on the business end of a ma deuce.

"Who are you and where did you get that HUMVEE?"

"That's the name of this vehicle? how do you know?"

"Answer the previous question" he said voice steadily rising

"what did you have to do with this vehicle?"



"IDENTIFY YOURSELF!!" He screamed aiming the rifle at his head

The driver screamed "WASTE HIM FLAM"

Both creatures fired their weapons simultaneously. The marine's rifle barked and sent a round right into the pony's shoulder causing him to jerk the MG violently to its right which made his automatic salvo miss the marine by inches. The pony screamed and clutched his shoulder as he fell back into the Humvee. Out of instinct the marine cinched the trigger on the m203 sending the grenade into the side of the armored vehicle with a hollow *FOOMP*.

The explosion rocked the Humvee, scorching the armor and peppering the sides with shrapnel. The smoke cleared and there was an impressive dent in the side of the car. The ballistic glass looked like a spider web and the door itself was blackened with the remnants of its red and white paint slowly peeling away to reveal small portions desert camouflage beneath.

The marine waited a while for the vehicles rocking to cease and approached the damaged HMMWV gun at the ready. He held the rifle in one hand as he opened up the drivers door of the Humvee to find a badly shaken and unconcious pony slumped over the steering wheel. He looked incredibly similar to the other pony albeit without a mustache. His straw hat was still miraculously perched atop his head. The soldier grabbed the unconscious equine by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the vehicle. resting him up against a nearby tree. As he started to approach the Humvee again to recover the other pony when the rest of the mane six, and Big Macintosh, and Spike arrived.

AppleJack called out to him "What in tarnations going on out here"

"Hang on one second..."

Victor opened the door to drag out the pony with the shoulder wound and mustache, he was still conscious but clearly in shock as he was staring out into space and murmuring quiet questions to no one in particular. He was visibly growing paler as the wound was seeping an alarming amount of blood.

"This guy needs medical attention pronto, he's about to bleed out."

"But what happened here?" AppleJack reiterated.

"priorities first AJ, we gotta get this guy to a hospital, anyone got a tourniqutte or something to stop the bleeding?"

All he recieved in reply was silence

"Well okay then"

He ripped the ponies shirt into a long strip of cloth which he used to tie around its shoulder, after which the bleeding subsided considerably. He then heaved the shocked pony up over his shoulder and turned to the group.

"Yo, we gotta go back to the hospital. Big Mac, think you can carry the dude by the tree"


He then trotted briskly over to the tree hefted the unconscious pony over his back and followed the group back to this hospital.

The walk back was an awkward one. Flam, due to some severe shock and serious blood loss, started to say some really weird things as he was draped over the marines shoulder. Most of it as random stuttering but what could be made out was something along the lines of "Boom he-*hack*- heheh the m-monkey m-m-m-ade a boom boom hahahahahHAHAHAHAHA *cough* *cough* *cough* g-gonna havta do better'n that ta kill meeeeeeheeheeheeeeeeeee" The pony coughed a bit more, shuddered, and went limp.

"Oh shit, hang on guys" The marine knelt down and gently and took the pony off his shoulder, supporting his head with one hand as he laid him across the ground. He put two fingers on the ponies neck and then cupped his hand over his ear and held it near the ponies mouth.

"He's still alive... but barely, we gotta hurry" He slung him back over his shoulder and started to jog toward the hospital.

"C'mon guys, we don't have much time left"

He could over hear RainbowDash whispering to Applejack.
"I know I said I wanted to see those FlimFlam brothers pressed into jerk cider but this is a little extreme, I mean, they did steal your farm but this just seems a bit... you know..."

"Yeh, I know what you mean RD, I feel bad for 'um regardless of what they did earlier, nopony deserves this, I hope they turn out alright"

Victor cringed a bit overhearing their conversation. Did he just nearly kill two of these ponies friends? Who were they? Where did they get that Humvee? What was their history? So many questions. He'd just have to wait for these guys to recover at the hospital.He checked himself, If they could recover.
They arrived at the hospital a few minutes later, the marine kicked in the door.

"HEY WE NEED A CORPSMEN HERE!" he corrected himself "oh wait shit, pony-doctors, WE NEED A DOCTOR ASAP!!!"

The secretary at the desk looked up to see a group of ponies and one human carrying two bloody pale ponies. This was not her day. She tapped on the intercom and called for immediate medical assistance. A short moment later 4 hospital orderlies wheeling two gurneys burst in to the lobby. They paused and stared wide eyed the second they saw the marine.

Victor snapped his fingers with his free hand to catch their attention "Hey focus, we need these guys to get to the ER immediately" The orderlies snapped out of it albeit with a look of great confusion and brought the gurneys over to the group. The two ponies where set down on the gurneys and were whisked away through the ER's double doors leaving the entourage in silence.