• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 3,377 Views, 42 Comments

Forgotten Soldier; Wrong War - rocketlvr

A marine attempts to clear an Iraqi house but is sucked in to a portal bringing him to Equestria.

  • ...

To Find the Rest

The first action he could instinctively remember was a finger twitch. This twitch had been engrained into his very mind and soul with the firing of thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammunition over the course of nearly 20 years of his existence. It wasn't just his instincts as a warrior, it was his recreation, his past time, in some cases his livelihood, in others his survival.

It was with this single spasm of a single digit on a single hand that was the fate of lives, and history. In this occasion, it released the firing pin through a mechanism which caused contact with an impact primer on the back of a brass casing, thus igniting powder which sent a .45 caliber bullet careening through the air at 1000 feet per second. It's journey met an end piercing through the front of an equine cranium, carrying on a few inches completely smashing the housed gray matter and ruining the electrical signals and nerve synapses which were then haphazardly carried across the body resulting in muscle spasms and bodily contortions.

Essentially, he had pulled off a clean headshot.

The following twitches did not yield quite as exceptional results, peppering the bodies of the other spear and sword wielding assailants, but nonetheless killing them.

The recoil force pushed back the slide, but the lack of ammunition in the magazine caused it to lock back thus signalling the weapon was empty and needed a fresh magazine.

The wasn't time for a fresh magazine, another attacker charged him. He was prepared though and brought the weapon down on the back of the creatures head knocking it out cold.

"Someone watch out for me. I'm reloading!"

"I've got your back!" Applejack said as she bucked another pony in the stomach.

"DONE!" Victor shouted as hit the slide release, sending it forward with a satisfying clack.

Round now chambered, Victor and his posse followed him as he continued up the street, still shaken by the incident a few minutes earlier.

"There it is!" He shouted, gesturing to the colorful, multistory silhouette of Carousel Boutique.

The last 100 yards were a mad dash for building as he and the ponies jumped and ducked underneath arrows, skirmishes and corpses. He ran to the door and tried it.


"Rarity! Sweetie Belle! Open the door!". He whirreled around to find his group was starting to get cornered by a group of colts wielding tire irons and torches. He was able to kill them all shooting few but accurate rounds. More were coming.

"SWEETIE BELLE, OPEN THE DAMN DOOR NOW!" He emptied the magazine at the crowd slowly moving towards them, and transitioned back to his m4, regardless of the mess on the stock. Flicking the selector switch, he put it to full auto, and fired long bursts into the approaching crowd, dropping a few but overall doing little.

"NOW GOD DAMNIT, THEY'RE CLOSING IN!" Another mag was slapped in the rifle and his m4 started to spew lead again. This was getting really, close. Not only was the crowd nearing within 50 yards, but he had only 2 mags left. One of which was now half empty and in his rifle.

"SOMEONE OPEN THE DOOR..... please?" With that the door swung open a British voice shouted "GET INSIDE" An order that was swiftly followed. The door was slammed as soon as Victor managed to step inside.

"What do we do now?" Rarity was looking at him nervously "They'll be here any second."

"Rarity, grab the biggest guns you can carry from my stock pile. Everyone else, barricade all the windows and doors, then get upstairs Asap." There was a flurry of movement as all the able bodied ponies scrambled for the couches, sofas, chairs, and desks and began stacking them behind all the entry points. Victor ran upstairs to check the fillies and found them somehow sleeping, he ran back downstairs to find Rarity lugging a large lumpy canvas bag.

"These were the biggest guns I could find, I think I grabbed the right... ammunition for them." Victor opened the bag and pulled out an m79 grenade launcher, and an m60 machine gun. Also inside were 3 boxes of 7.62 incendiary ammunition belts, and pile of 40mm grenades.

"Perfect. hey I have an idea, can we carry all this stuff upstairs?."

Rarity nodded

"Good" he cleared his throat "Hey everyone! We're going to the roof!"


A short while later, the group was now in the upper floors of the house, Carousel Boutique happens to have (as I'm sure a few of you remember) a pointed roof. Therefore, the top most floor with a window reaching around the room 360 degrees was the next best thing.

Victor had smashed out said windows and was now poised with his m60 trained on the crowd. He took a moment to calm himself before firing.
Incendiary rounds were slicing down through the hordes, killing at least 15 ponies outright, a small amount of inaccurate fire set a nearby house ablaze, and Victor was now through half a belt.

"Crap there's too many of them, hand me that grenade launcher!" He took it, broke it open, slid in a grenade, shut it, and fired. The 40mm fragmentation grenade exploded in the center of the crowd massacring at least another 20 ponies, and sending a few corpses flying through the air.

"Give me another round!" He reloaded his weapon and fired again, this time at the front of the crowd. The explosion had managed to cause some terror in the group, and a few ponies were seen breaking away or pausing.

He switched back to the pig, "Someone reload the launcher!" He tossed it down behind himself, hoping that they could load it.

Now with the 60' he emptied the rest of the belt at the crowd. He could see that while they were still advancing, their ranks were being thinned considerably. He grabbed the empty box and hurled it at the crowd, surprisingly hitting one pony in the head. Threading in a new belt, he slammed the cover shut, and racked the charging handle.

"Good to go."

He started emptying the machine gun again. This time almost all his fire was concentrated at the front. The enemies, now desperate, were sprinting at the boutique.

"Fuck, We got runners! pass me the launcher again!"

The other ponies passed up two pieces, they had somehow managed to disassemble it.

"Are you kidding me?"

There was an audible banging heard coming from downstairs.

"No time to fix it. Stay here, and try to use the machine gun. Don't break it, I'm going downstairs. He took the stairs,4 steps at a time, and ran for his room. He kicked in the door, and ran towards his pile of arms. He grabbed the first weapons he could find, an Uzi with a few magazines, as well as his brass knuckles, and rushed downstairs.

The front door was cracking as the invaders were pounding away at it. Some had already partly made it inside, wriggling through the windows, but partly stopped by the previously stacked furniture. Those were his first priorities, he snapped to his left and fired on full auto at a large blue stallion climbing through. The pony jerked as the rounds hit and collapsed lifelessly halfway through the window. He took this as a que to turn to his right and hit another two grey and green mares crawling through on the other side. He finished them off, and stopped to reload.

It was at this moment that the front door collapsed and broke open, causing the ponies to come charging in.

A fresh magazine was placed and Victor was hurriedly moving backwards spraying his entire magazine full auto from the hip. He managed to take down four of his attackers before running out of ammo.

He slapped on his knuckle dusters and slugged the first pony to get to him in the jaw. He quickly climbed over his falling body and punched a red mare in the face, he felt bone give and crack as he connected with her head. Next was a younger purple colt whom he dealt an oafish hay-maker to the stomach, before wheeling around and nailing another pony right between the eyes.

He eventually lost himself to the frenzy jabbing at every single moving thing that entered the house, after roughly a half an hour, he found himself surrounded by about 40 ponies, none having made it any farther upstairs then the first step.

He was breathless, and more tired than he had ever felt in his life. He fell backwards using a lifeless, pummeled body of a large brown colt as a bed. He raised one arm in the air and shouted out.

"IM.... DONE!"

He almost fell asleep the second he closed his eyes.

The thing that kept him awake was a voice who he had recognized as Rarity's.

"Darling, you can't fall asleep now, we need you."

He groggily opened his eyes.

"What is it? Everyone.... okay?" still breathing heavily.

"Yes we're more than ok, thanks to you" She smiled and blushed, Victor weakly smirked back.

"alright, let me go check on everyone. Has anyone gotten a hold of the Princesses yet?"

"Not quite, but I know Spike is sending a letter out right now."

"Ok, cool. Can you help me up?" he asked extending a hand.

"Sure" rarity said, though not quite sure of herself. She couldn't grab his hand, so instead she leaned over a bit so he could put his hand on her back using it as leverage for heaving himself up."

He had also noticed that there was no shooting coming from upstairs.

Comments ( 1 )

Let me tip my imaginary hat for you. Good day sir.

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