• Published 9th Jan 2016
  • 2,698 Views, 40 Comments

A Displaced Spectrobes Master - The Dark Brony

Jack was once a normal guy… well as normal as you can be with a girlfriend who’s a technological genius. But everything change as they are thrust into adventure as they must now face the fury of the Krawl to protect The Lucena System from destruc

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Chapter 1

“Jack! You're up!” Called a girl with Pink dyed hair to a boy wearing white armor and dyed red hair.

The red haired boy then took a deep breath as he whispered "Let do this, Iku ze!” He then walked over to the girl then said, “wish me luck.”

“Good luck.” The pink haired girl said as she kissed the boy on the cheek before skipping off.

He then smirked and said, “I’m gonna need it.”

“Contestants, please come to the stage!” The announcer said.

The red haired boy then walked onto the stage and stood behind one of the consoles.

“Now here we have our two remaining contestants! who will win the final match? Which Spectrobes will they use this round? Well, let's find out! BEGIN!” The announcer said before the projector lit up, showing the virtual arena with the two contestants and there Spectrobes.

Jack had a Windora and a Pinorska whilst the opponent had a Naguzoro and a Vilanox.

Instantly Jack had his Windora and Pinorska charge towards the Naguzora hoping on disabling one enemy quickly to improve his chances, and almost instantly managing to dispatch it with ease.

The opponent though was not going to go down without a fight and used his sword and Vilanox to attack Jacks Windora, taking it out before he could charge up his special, but in the process, he lost his Vilanox. “Crap…”

Jack then smiled as he decided to end it with fire and chose to use the ultimate form Spectrobe Tindera to finish the job. Within seconds a cutscene appeared as Tindera flew away from a large, black sphere, then stopped, stared for a second, and then used its blades to create a ball of fire. It then used its tail to launch a fireball that exploded soon after. Once the screen returned to normal Jack saw that his opponent was defeated.

“And that's game over! Winner of this year's Spectrobes championship is Jack!” The announcer said as Jack was now shown on the screen as cheering came from the audience.

Jack was presented the prize for this year which looked like a Komainu fossil replica before being led off the stage.

Even as he walked off the stage he was surprised at what had happened, he had never expected to win the first round never mind the whole completion.

“You did it!” The girl with the pink hair said as she tackled Jack into a hug.

He then began to blush and said, “I can’t believe that I did manage it, I feel like this is just a dream… someone pinch me this can’t be real.”

The girl gave him an impish smile before pecking him on the arm. “Did that feel real enough?” She asked.

Jack then smirked and said “yep, So what do we do now?”

“Hello, young champion.” Said a voice from behind Jack.

He then quickly turned around in surprise to see a man in a blue cloak standing behind him, Jack then asked the man “Oh hello, umm sorry did you want to ask me something?”

“This is for you.” The man in the cloak said before handing Jack an envelope.

Jack then looks at him suspiciously then says, “what’s in it?”

“A crossroads in your fate.” The man said mysteriously before vanishing into a puff of smoke.

Jack looked around and said, “Did I just see that or am I going crazy?”

“If I sing it also means anything, then you aren't going crazy…” The pink haired girl said.

Jack then looks at the envelope and then says, “what’s the worst that can happen?” He then carefully opens the envelope and pulls out a small golden ticket then read it aloud.

Hello there,

If you are reading this you have been chosen to be sent to another land where your actions will either help or destroy those you find there.

Good luck!

“Jack?” The pink haired girl says, nervously clinging to the back of her boyfriend's shirt.

“What's wrong Jen?” asks Jack.

“Do you think it's real?” Jen asks nervously.

“I hope not, although two of my cousins disappeared? maybe something similar happened to them” Jack says

“Would you like to see them again?” Came a voice.

Jack then spun around and said, “who are you.”

“Look in your hands.” The voice said.

He then looks down, sees the ticket glowing, and says “oh you have got to be kidding me”

“I am not joking.” The ticket said in a casual tone, causing Jen to faint.

Jack then kneels down and shouts, “Jen wake up!” whilst shaking her.

“Talking ticket… Not… Possible…” Jen mutters in her sleep.

“Do you wish to take my offer or not?” The ticket said.

Jack look at Jen and says, “what did you mean about seeing my cousins again?”

“I can send you to a world where you will have powers and eventually see your cousins again if you wish.” The ticket said.

“Prove it… prove that they are in the same position as I will be”

Jen then mutters “Jack... don’t”

“Your wish is my command.” The ticket says as a golden glow envelops Jack and Jen before they vanished.

“Agent Sweetie Drops, have you found the source of the disturbance?” Came a voice over a communication device in the ear of a cream colored anthro earth pony.

“This is Agent Sweetie Drops to headquarters, there seems to be a pair of strange looking pods here. Permission to investigate further?” Sweetie Drops said.

“Permission granted, bring them to base for safety measures.” The voice replied.

“OK Headquarters.” Sweetie Drops then walks up the first pod. “Huh? HQ, there is a body in one of the pods. What are your orders?”

“What!? Stand by for a pickup team to arrive, if what's in those pods is alive we need to take extra precaution!” The voice over the com said before cutting off. A short while later a spaceship landed a few meters away before a hazmat team filed off and approached the pods.

“Agent sweetie Drops.” One of the hazmat team members said as he saluted the mare. “We are the team sent by HQ to assist you in the acquisition of the unknown pods.”

“OK it seems that whatever is in these pods may be alive, but there reading don’t seem to tell us much else.”

“We’ll be careful, do you mind waiting for us in the loading bay?” The hazmat pony said before motioning for his team to go carry the pods into the ship.

Sweetie Drops then saluted the hazmat pony and says “no problem”

After a few minutes of clearing space and moving the pods, the hazmat ponies eventually had the two pods set down in a corner of the loading bay by themselves. “Now to head back to HQ.” Said the hazmat pony from earlier before he went to the cockpit to let the pilot know that everything was ready.

A few moments later the ship shook violently, causing the pods to bounce and activate with a hiss. The pods then began to slowly open as the ship shook again.

Sweetie Drops the rapidly turned around to hear the sound of groaning coming from the pods and then a voice say “what just happened”

“Ouch… My head…” Said another voice coming from the other pod.

The first voice then sat up and said, “Jen is that you?”

“Yeah… But My head hurts and I think I’m seeing things…” Jen replied.

The first creature the turned and looked towards Sweetie Drops and said “are you seeing a beige colored creature in front of you?”

“Yeah… and some anthropomorphic horses in hazmat suits…” Jen replied, poking her head out of the pod slowly.

Sweetie Drops then looks towards the two creatures and say, “are you ok?”

The first of the creatures then continued to say “Apart from waking up in this thing I’m fine, although my friend here seems to have a headache.”

“Jack... Am I imagining this?” Jen stammered.

Jack then shakes his head and says “no, no you're not I can see it to”

Jen then decides to faint, causing her to fall out of the pod.

Jack then proceeded to climb out of the pod and attempt to support her as she shook her once again and said “Jen you need to wake up.”

“Talking… Anthro… Horses… Not… Possible…” Jen mumbled as smoke came from her ears.

Jack then smiled and said “well the impossible just became possible” He then looked towards the beige pony and said “we’re sorry about that, my names Jack and this is my friend Jen. What’s your name?”

Sweetie Drops then looks at them in shock and says “my name is Agent Sweetie Drops, I am a member or the PPP or the Pony Planetary patrol”

“Mam! The ship is being attacked by strange blob like creatures!” A hazmat pony shouts after having gone to the cockpit to see what was going on with the ship.

Jack then looks at the pony and says, “what do you mean strange blob like creatures?”

“They are red with black stripes and have two tentacle-like arms, why do you ask?” The panicking hazmat pony asked.

Jack then looks towards Jen and then says “but that's the description of the...”

“Krawl…” Jen gasped.

Jack then looks back to the pony and says, “it’s a race called the Krawl, there a strange race that grow stronger in darkness.” He then looks to Jen then nods his head and says, “you need to land this ship if we have any chance of winning this fight.”

“Do you know how to fight them?” Another hazmat pony asked.

“We know how to… But we have no actual experience fighting them…” Jen said nervously.

Jack then looks at the pony and says, “The only chance we would have is if we had some sort of weapons and I doubt you would trust someone you don’t know with a sword or gun.”

“We don't have any weapons onboard! this is a science vessel, not a military one!” One of the hazmat ponies shouted as the ship shook violently again.

Jack then looked to his wrist and said, “If only I had my Spectrobes from my game I could have done something”.

Sweetie belle then looked at him in confusion and says “a what?”

“Spectrobes are creatures of light, and the only thing known to be able to defeat the Krawl.” Jen explained. “And are you sure? Because I don't remember you having a prismod!” She then said to Jack, pointing at his arm.

Jack then looked at her and said, “Like I’d now have a…” He then looks at his arm and then said, “you have got to be kidding me” as he realised that there was indeed a Prismoid attached to his arm. He then looks and sees that he indeed has Windora and Pinorska, He then looks at the ponies and says “I may be able to fight them if we land.”

Sweetie Drops then looks at us and says “Why should we trust you” Seconds later the ship shakes again.

“Do you really have a choice right now!?” Jen shouts.

Sweetie Drops thought about it for a moment then shouted “Bring us down” before turning to Jack and saying “you better know what you’re doing, otherwise you are risking the lives of everyone on this ship.”

Jack then looks at her and says, “Like we have much choice than to do it, you have no way of fighting them as it is.”

The ship then lands on the ground as the doors slowly open and Jack runs out to see three Swar attached to the ship.

Jack then turns around as both Windora and Pinorska appear next to him, seconds later Windora shot whirlwinds at the Swar knocking them off the ship while Pinorska Struck then with its spiked tail before they could land.

“Jack! Behind you!” Jen called from the ship.

Jack then quickly turned around to see one of the Swar about to hit him with his head until a spiked tail knocked it back and destroyed it. “thanks for the warning Jan!” Jack shouted. He then looks back to Windora to see it crush the second Swar as Pinorska destroys the other one with its tail.

Once all the Krawl have been defeated Jack turns to Sweetie Drops and says “All hostiles eliminated” as both Pinorka and Windora disappear back into his Prismod. He then walks back onto the ship as the door closes behind him.

“That… was… AWESOME!” Jen cheered as she talked Jack into a hug.

Jack then smiles at her and says, “that was pretty amazing wasn’t it?” His legs then gave way as he collapsed into Jen's arms. “and absolutely terrifying at the same time...” He added.

Sweetie Drops then walks over to him and says, “Looks like I was wrong about you.”

Jack then sighs and says, “I just hope that those were all there was if this is the same a what I think this was only the tip of the iceberg.”

Sweetie Drops then looks at him and asks, “what do you mean?”

“The Krawl are a species of shadow creatures that not much is known about. But in the stories about Krawl that we know of they had a ruler named Krux.” Jen told Sweetie Drops, giving the best explanation she could come up with. “And if he’s here I may know why we were sent here…” She said as she turned to Jack.

Sweetie Drops then looks at Jan and asks her “and where did you come from exactly?”

“Well, were from a planet called earth…” Jen said before freezing. “Oh… My… GOSH! WERE IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE! I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THIS IS AMAZING!” She squealed, looking like a child who had been told Christmas came early.

Jack then shook his head and says, “Jen calm down and take deep breaths.”

“Calm down? CALM DOWN!? WERE ON A SPACESHIP WITH ALIENS! HOW CAN I POSSIBLY BE CALM!?” Jen shouted at Jack, her breathing was now starting to grow ragged and her face began to flush. A few moments later she passed out on the floor from hyperventilating and was gasping for breath in her unconscious state.

Jack sighs as he says “Sorry Mis. Drops, I'll get back to you in a minute” before kneeling down next to Jan and lifting her up bridal style. He then carries her over to one of the pods and sets her down in it.

Jack then turned back to Sweetie Drops and says, “could you please tell me more about where we are?”

Sweetie Drops then looks at him and then says “you are on Daipon the first planet in The Lucena System”

Jack then looks at her in surprise and says, “we really are in a new universe. The universe we can from was called the Milky Way”

Sweetie drops then looked at in confusion and continued to say “The closest known system is the Milky Nay. I never heard of where you are from.”

“Not surprising really it’s likely it could be named differently to what we named it” admitted Jack

“We are now entering equestrian airspace!” The pilot called over the ship intercom.

“Equestrian airspace? is it another planet?” Asked Jack

“Were arriving at our home planet Equis, the second planet of our system, and Equestria is the main continent. So we should be arriving at PPP HQ any minute now.” Sweetie Drops said.

Jack then smiles and says “Jen’s gonna find this weird”

“I’m going to find what weird?” Jen asked as she started to wake up.

“we’re on another planet, and I think this is going to get a lot weirder” admits Jack

“Wait, so I wasn't dreaming?” Jen asked with a blank expression, she then looked over and saw Sweetie Drops. “I Wasn't Dreaming…” she mumbled before she fell backwards with a goofy grin on her face.

Jack then smiled and told her “unless this is my dream, then no this all happened.”

Jen then had a suspicious glint in her eye. “Well, this is obviously not your dream if it is one… and were surrounded by futuristic technology...” She said as the gears in her head started to turn.

“well we are in a spaceship that travelled in space in a matter of seconds from when you collapsed, what do you think” He then realises what she is thinking about and says “and no messing around with anything electronic or god help me I will set a Spectrobe on you.”

“But-” Jen pleads.

“No buts Jen, if you break anything here who know what will happen” argues Jack.

“Fine…” Jen pouted.

“Look it’s for our own good, I don’t really want either of us in a jail.”

“Hey! that was just one time! ONE! TIME!” Jen defended.

“Once is enough Jen. I don’t want to be the one to bail you out again!” argues Jack

“Fine… But I will eventually get my hands on some of their tech…” Jen mumbled.

“If they give it you then I have no problem with it” admitted Jack

“What did she do?” Sweetie Drops asked.

Jack then scratched his head and said “it’s better she tells you herself”

“Urgh, fine... I may have accidentally blown up a city block when one of my inventions... Backfired…” Jen confessed.

“you killed 3 people and injured about 30 others, Jen.” Admits Jack.

“I-I K-killed S-someone?” Jen stammered, her eyes shrinking to pinpricks.

“yes Jen, you did… it’s why we had to keep you from tinkering with technology, it was part of the deal we made to get you out of jail.”

Jen curled into a ball inside her pod and started to rock back and forth. “I-I K-killed S-someone…” She started muttering to herself like a broken record.

Jack then climbed into the pod with her and said, “I was told never to tell you, but I can’t keep the lie going any longer… you weren’t the only one who got pulled into the mess… when I tried to repair the problem I caused the mistake to repeat and injured twenty people and killed one policeman, it’s why I was never around for almost a year I was stuck doing community service to help pay for the repairs for the damage we caused.”

Jen didn't respond, but she slowly reached out and grabbed his hand and clung to it like her life depended on it.

“This is awkward…” One of the hazmat ponies said while rubbing the pack of his head.

Jack then shouts out “You say anything about this to anyone you will meet one of my Spectrobes!”

“Yes, sir!” The hazmat ponies say in unison, absolutely terrified.

Jack then smirked and said, “It's so easy to manipulate people.” He then carefully embraced Jen in a hug and said, “we will sort this out, I promise you that.” With that, he kissed her on the forehead.

“The ship has landed!” The leader of the hazmat ponies said as he re-entered the room from the cockpit. “Ok, what have I missed?” He added when he noticed Jack and Jen.