• Published 9th Jan 2016
  • 2,698 Views, 40 Comments

A Displaced Spectrobes Master - The Dark Brony

Jack was once a normal guy… well as normal as you can be with a girlfriend who’s a technological genius. But everything change as they are thrust into adventure as they must now face the fury of the Krawl to protect The Lucena System from destruc

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Side Story 1

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait between chapters, and I'm afraid things will be slow on this for a while, so this is going back on a temporary hiatus while I try to get everything back on track.

If you see any mistakes, grammatical errors or inconsistencies in this chapter, I will not be editing or changing this, it's just near impossible to get everyone who wrote here to help work out any of these errors, this being the case there are a lot of errors and I will work on fixing them when able.

As always thank you for your patience and I hope to hear from you in the comments.

-At Beacon Academy-

A portal then opened in the sky as a spaceship came through and landed next to the group. As soon as it landed a door opened near the back and lowered a ramp which a redhead wearing white armour walked out of.

“Sorry I’m late…” He sighed as he walked over to Sun.

“Glad you can make it Jack,” Sun replied, noticing an outstretched hand from Coco of team CFVY. “Yes Coco?”

“What are we doing?” Coco asked, slightly annoyed.

“Simple… Like in the initiation exam, Nicko has a collection of Relics where he would be. However, he only gives out the relics to those who beat him in combat.”

“Why do we have to do this?” Coco questioned. “I’m not part of your pet project school.”

“We are doing this so the professors can analyze your skills both on your own and in teams. Asphy just thought that you would want the chance to shoot some stuff without being chewed out by the guards.”

“What the hell, count me in.” Coco shrugged. Fox massaged his temples in annoyance. “There any time limits?”

“Right now, it is only an hour before noon. I’m giving you all the way til Sundown and a little afterwards to get this done. So in total… 8 hours. How you make your approach is entirely up to you.” With that, the faunus took one of his weapons and aimed it into the air. “This begins… now-.”

“Why am I here?” Reese asked, glaring at Sun. “I never wanted to help you... Or be near any of you idiots.”

“Technically… you’re students… not fugitives.” He fired off the shot, signaling the start of the exercise as Reese raced past him, almost knocking him over in the process as everyone else ran straight out the gate. Leo herself thought that flying would give her a head start. But upon entering the everfree, something warm began to glow under her feet.

“Clever…” Leo muttered before being flung into the outer atmosphere by an explosion. Rena, the Renamon that was there soon realized what was happening once she stepped on one.

“Oh… Landmines… Wait LAND-!?” She shouted before being launched backwards into Sugarcube Corner.

“Holy Sh*t, he planted landmines!!”

Somewhere in the distance, the Rune Slayer smirked as he laid back at the old ruins in the Everfree. “Well, looks like they found the landmines.”

“Oh my god, HE PLANTED LANDMINES!?!” Sun reacted as he, Asphyxious and Fluttershy all saw what was happening. With the only response being nearby from one of the others that was with him.

“Don’t you walk your dogs out there?” Jack asked, staring at the explosions in surprise.

Fluttershy whined in response to Jack’s comment, realizing the kind of danger that her animals would be in.. “Oh Angel Bunny… Please be okay.”

“Huh, landmines. I’ll have to use that idea for my next lesson.” Asphyxious said eating some popcorn. Only causing Sun to facepalm as the thought of possible safety lectures for the Beacon staff lingered in his head.

Reese just hovered over the field with her board, giving everyone behind her the middle finger. “Later losers!”

Coco picked Fox up by the collar of his shirt. “Go long!”

“Wait! Coco, think abou-” Fox was cut off as he was thrown across ninety feet, which she repeated with the rest of her team.

As for Reese though, her ride was short lived when a wire that she cut with her board lead to a tree branch smacking her in the face. Nicko himself, noticing Coco’s attempt to throw her friends towards the goal just smirked a little. “Is it just me or did they forget the huge basin gap with the bridge?”

Coco jumped on one of the mines and used it to propel herself into her team, sending them farther. Only for a series of Aquamarine swords to fly past them while they were airborne. Sun saw this and then looked back at Asphyxious and Jack as he sighed.

“No offense to Nicko, but he’s being awfully casual about this… I mean as casual as usual, but isn’t he dealing with an initiation exam mixed together with overwhelming odds and possible Angry birds scenarios given Coco’s approach?”

“It all depends on who he fights first and who can last long enough for there team mates to show up. But they're not fighting as a team, Nicko planned this all out from the start.” Asphyxious said calmly.

“True. He was possibly for them to plan some kind of tactical assault, but instead had to deal with a frontal attack with a bunch of idiots walking into enemy territory,” Sun replied as he took some popcorn with his tail.

“Who knows what kinds of traps and other plans he’s laid ahead of them” Asphyxious replied eating some popcorn to. “Attacking mindless like that won’t get them anywhere.”

“Um… if it makes him feel any better…” Fluttershy momentarily squeaked as he looked up in the sky. “There’s a giant meteor in the sky.” That caused both Sun and Asphyxious to look at each other and for the Faunus to almost choke on his popcorn as he saw what she was talking about.

“Did we put a limit on what the students could use?” Asphyxious asked Sun.

“I…… don’t think so… Wait a second…” Sun said, using Asphyxious’ spyglass to look at the falling meteorite. “Holy sh*t, that’s Leona.”

Back with Nicko and Sun, the Faunus was showing them around Campus, introducing them to the members of the faculty as he stopped by one of the other rooms. “And this is Jack. He and his partner Jen are both instructors here, but I don’t know where Jen is. Is she at the lab?”

Jack then slowly looked up before saying “No… she’s not here… I don’t know where she is.”

“Oh my god, is she okay?” Sun then asked.

“Wish I knew she was taken… by the Krawl.” Sun’s expression changed a little as he put his hand on Jack’s shoulder.

“We’ll help find her man. I promise.” He assured him, Nicko adding on as he said that he would do anything in order to help him out.

“Thanks… I just wish I was quicker when it happened.” added Jack “maybe she wouldn't have been captured”

“Hey… Let’s just focus on right now-.” Sun replied, before Nicko noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

“Uh… I hate to interrupt… but is that Penny chasing Coco with a chainsaw?”

It was indeed. Coco used her weapon to block the chainsaw as Penny cackled and ran after her like she was Leatherface.

“ …… I’m getting a bad vibe that this is going to turn into Ponyville Chainsaw Massacre if we don’t do something.” Nicko told the other two as they watched several different ponies fleeing the area.

Penny then threw it to hug Coco. “I want beans! Haha~!”

“O…… kay. Jack, how good are you with robotics?” Sun then asked him as he turned around. “Something tells me the glitches in Penny’s system would get somepony hurt if we don’t do something.”

“Sandy shore, splendid, I want a hug… I’m so lonely!” Penny started crying while cackling.

“I’m afraid I’m not the techie of our group… that was Jen not me,” Jack admitted. It was then though that Nicko actually did something that startled both of them. He walked towards Penny… and gave her a hug.

“There there… There’s nothing to be scared of…”

“...... Holy crap, Nicko is the Penny whisperer.”

“What’s going on out here?” Asphyxious asked walking up to them. “It sounds like all kinds of crazy out here.”

“I think Penny needs some help… and comfort.” The Rune Slayer said, surprised to find her curled up and purring in Nicko’s lap like a kitten.

Oh, I see.” Asphyxious said was he walked up to them. “Hey there you okay?”

“She doesn’t seem like it.” says a voice from behind him. As they both turned around, they were greeted by a new figure that neither of them recognized.

“Hello… And you’re?” Asphyxious asked.

“Seriously you don’t remember me… my names Craig… we met at that christmas party awhile back.”

“A lot of things happened at that party I don’t remember them all.” Asphyxious replied.

“... Have no strings…” Penny mumbled. “You’re all puppets…”

“Do you mind if I try and help her?” Craig asked as a yellow AI that looked like a Halo spartan appeared on his right shoulder.

When Sun heard the words, red flags appeared in his mind. “Oh sh*t…” yanking something out of his pocket, he shouted something as someone new soon arrived. “Lance, get out here!! This is an emergency!” Lightning crackled around them as the Adept named Lance Walker soon arrived. However, the first thing that he saw was Penny… and how she was freaking out.

“Oh crap, Hi Lance…” Asphyxious said nervously waving awkwardly.

“Hello to you too, Asphy.” He said, redirecting focus back to Penny. “Everyone back away… She’s corrupted.” He said as he rummaged through his bag and grabbed something

“S-s-so…” Penny said, grinning. “You finally arrived. You know, I was wondering if Sun would chicken out and call his cousin for help…”

“Kerrigan… What the hell did you do to Penny?!” Lance snarled, now showing a gem in his hand.

“Oh, nothing much. I just show-sho-sho-showed her my point of view. I don’t think she handled it well…” Penny said, her body jittering.

“You’re hurting her, dammit!” He snarled. “But I do know one way to remove you from the picture.” With his wristband active, he then said something that would surprise anyone we knew. “Aurora, help Penny!”

Craig then jumped down before saying “You to Lambda.”

“Impossible.” Aurora said. “I don’t work like that Lance, I’d rather not… Mess with her.”

“I’m not letting her DIE!!” Lance said, realizing something. “Where’s her power core…? I think I might have a trick… Kerrigan is Ultron…” It was then that Nicko noticed a yellow gem in his hand and his eyes widened. “So we need a Vision.”

“Neither of us are.” added Craig.

“Holy sh*t, he has a mind stone!”

“I never hurt Penny.” Kerrigan said.

“Kerrigan, you’re not bullsh*ting anyone.” Lance told her. “If you weren’t hurting her, than you would leave her alone. But you overstepped your boundaries… Now you’re going to pay the price.” He said as he looked at Craig and Nicko. “Hold her down.”

“On it” replied Craig before he continued to saying “Sorry Penny this will only hurt for a minute.”

“I haven’t hurt Penny whatsoever. I-I-I just took control over her body for a short time. I’ll even leave Penny if that’s what you want. This body has too many strings for my tastes.” Kerrigan said.

“Lambda… shut her up would you?” asked Craig before the AI saluted him and disappeared.

“You think a simple AI can stop me? I’m more than an Artificial Intelligence.”

“Try a merge of two of the Alpha AI units.” argued Craig.

“Hmmm, I thought it was you Sandy.” Asphyxious said as he walked up to Penny. “I didn’t think you was into body jacking.”

“I am not Sandy. My designation is Kerrigan.”

“But you sound like her and I miss her a lot.” Asphyxious said as he pulls Penny into a hug.

“You could consider me her sister. I used to be called Sandy Five.”

"Then come back with me~” Asphyxious purred at her. “We’ll get you your own body and I can take you home~”

“What’s going on?” Leona asked as she floated over with a bucket of soapy water and a sponge in her mouth. Nicko himself couldn’t make heads or tails about what was actually happening. But soon, he saw Asphyxious disappear into Penny’s head, just as another familiar face walked up next to him.

“Uncle Nicko, what’s up with all the racket-?” Nicko turned around to see his niece Faith, who had stopped mid sentence upon seeing Penny lying on the ground. “Oh my god, is she okay?”

“I-i don’t know… Penny been acting… weird.” The Rune Slayer explained, taking the time to tell her what happened all the way up to this point. Faith herself was surprised to see that Penny was similar to herself. But it also gave her an idea as she set herself down next to Penny.

“Moby, Remy… Link me up with Penny’s mind… I’m going in.”

“A-are you crazy-!?” The Adept Striker tried to protest, only to watch as the Mind Stone he had and it’s energy were absorbed through Faith as the circuits that were her veins glowed briefly.

“I wasn’t asking.” She said, just as she closed her eyes and let the process begin. “I’m doing this for her sake.”

-Half an hour later-

As Jack sat in the party alone as everyone had filtered off as the day progressed, he just sat there thinking about what had happened or was happening to Jen.

Cruger walked through a portal arriving at the party, “Hey Jack, how’s things?”

“Not great… I’m missing a few things… one of them more than others.” Jack said sadly.

“I noticed,” Cruger replied, “where is my favorite mad scientist?”

Jack then noticeably cringed before saying “Taken… by the Krawl… She’s gone.”

Cruger palled, “Man, my most sincere and heartfelt condolences, how?”

“We were overwhelmed during a mission by the Krawl… She was captured whist I was checking something farther in that looked to be a temple of some kind and when I got back up I saw her getting dragged away… I couldn't reach her in time.”

“Man, brutal, let us change the subject before this gets any more depressing, got any idea what you’ll be teaching?”

“If I remember correctly I was a combat instructor,” Jack replied.

“Huh, I was going to do a few myself,” Cruger replied. “Tactics, engineering, and possibly marksmanship.”

“Fair enough I think those suit you… you know there’s one student I heard about that got me thinking.”

Cruger whistled, “Must be good if they caught your eye, who is?”

“Not for that reason… He looked familiar… The way he acted, it felt like I knew him.”

“Maybe you do,” Cruger said, “at least, from before.”

“What are you getting at?” Jack asked curiously.

“You had friends before you were Displaced right? Maybe he’s one of them.”

“Maybe… but it felt like it ran deeper than a friend, it felt closer to what it was like being near my family… but if it was them they would have been experienced by now, there we be no need for him to be a student.”

“You’re assuming they arrived in their Equestria at the same point in time you arrived in yours,” Cruger said. “The main reason I’m as good as I am is that I arrived 30 years or so before Luna’s fall. Plus there’s the fact that time moves faster or slower in different verses. Long story short, you can’t judge when a person was Displaced by their experience.”

“I guess you're right… I just don’t know… he seemed like he was preoccupied, like he had his own reasons for being here though.”

“Either way, you should talk with him."

“That’s if I can find him again… he seems to keep disappearing.”

“Speaking of which,” Cruger said, “why don’t we mingle? The only people I know here are you and Sun.”

“Probably a good idea… although I heard that people are avoiding the staff room… don’t know why though.” admitted Jack.

“Judging by a few Displaced I’ve met, I don’t want to.”

“Probably a good idea… shall we stick together for a while?”

“Don’t see why not,” Cruger said, “never enter unknown territory alone if you can avoid it.”

“Well policemen rarely travel alone.” joked Jack.

“Well,” Cruger said, “let’s walk the beat.”

“Well then, you lead the way.”

“First things first,” Cruger said, “to the buffet! Think they have donuts?”

“Maybe… maybe” admitted Jack.

As they approached the serving station, they spotted a woman with long black hair, draconic purple wings folded against her back. Turning around, Zinnia smiled, waving to them both. “Hey Cruger!” she called. “Long time no see!”

“Hey Zinnia,” Cruger said, “Jack meet Zinna, the multiverse biggest nymphomaniac. Zinna meet Jack, play nice, he’s dealing with grade A problems right now.”

“Hey, I’ve calmed down!” the Draconid cried with joking indignation. “I’m actually engaged. But it’s nice to meet you Jack, hope everything works out for you.” Shaking Jack’s hand, Zinnia smiled warmly at them. “So what are you guys doing here? You teaching too?”

“Yep,” Cruger said, “don’t take this the wrong way, but I didn’t picture you as a teacher, for anything other than sex-ed anyway.”

Zinnia giggled slightly, shaking her head. “Nah, I’m a combat instructor. I do own an adult film studio in my world now though, so that fills the void for eighteen-plus jobs.”

“How many combat instructors do we need?” asked Jack.

“Displaced generally get in fights,” Cruger said, “by the way, what’s with the Nick Fury look Z?”

“What, this?” Zinnia asked, pointing to her eyepatch. “Oh, a fight with a genetic abomination went wrong. Fucker managed to get my eye.” To prove her point, Zinnia lifted the eyepatch, showing the large scar running across her eye, the colour having drained to leave a pure, milky white. The scar even seemed to cross the eyeball itself.

“Man,” Cruger said, “something tells me you’re gonna win a lot of barroom bets with that thing. By the way, how goes the struggle?”

“Everything’s done with now, thank god,” the Draconid said with a glad sigh. “Has been for a while.”

Cruger frowned, “Question, did you forget about me when it came time to cure Luna, or are time travel mechanics at play?”

Zinnia frowned in response, scratching her head in confusion. “No, you were there… You were the one who held Luna down until I could release everyone. Has that not happened for you yet?”

Cruger sighed, “Time travel, gives me a headache every time. If you don’t mind, stop talking about it before you make a paradox. Oh, how’s the little guy?”

“Haha, which one!?” the Draconid laughed. “I’m up to four kids now, Anubis! I’ll assume you’re talking about Stryker though, he’s great. Managed to evolve all the way up to a Salamence, and even saved a few lives all by himself.”

“Good for him,” Cruger said, “I’m guessing that at you had at least two of the other three though.”

“Well you met me when I was pregnant,” Zinnia shrugged. “And I actually had all three, the other two were twins. Rita, Johnny and Shauntel.”

“I said ‘at least’,” Cruger said, “by the way, heads up, there’s a Deadpool Displaced running around. I needed 3 therapy sessions before I could even take my helmet off after meeting him.”

“Sounds like a fun guy,” the Draconid chuckled. “So what else is new with Shadow Ranger Anubis Cruger, hmm?”

“Let’s see, I’m going to be teaching here but you probably could already guess that, met a couple of Kamen Riders, my bleed over is officially real, and I fought the Smooze.”

“Purple Smooze or Green Smooze?” Zinnia asked. “Because I looked the series up, and it turns out they’re two different creatures and the Green Smooze is kinda nice.”

“Purple,” Cruger said, “Deadpool beat it with pure randomness, but it was unnecessary.”

“Fu-!” Jubilee popped out of a portal and hit her face.

“Hey Jube!” Zinnia called with a laugh. “Come meet my friend Cruger!”

Jubilee got up and brushed herself off. “Zinnia? Why are you here?”

“Teaching, hun,” the Draconid chuckled. “And no, it’s not sex-ed. But seriously, come on over here! Cruger, this is Jubilee, a good friend of mine. Jubilee, this is Anubis Cruger, the SPD Shadow Ranger.”

“Nice to meet you…” Jubilee said tentatively.

“Likewise,” Cruger said, “X-Men Jubilee?”

“Yep. Vampire, Mutant, awesome all around.” Jubilee said, putting some gum in her mouth.

“What ya teaching?” Cruger asked.

“Me?” Jubilee asked. “Teaching? Where the hell am I?”

“You’re at the Beacon Academy, Jube,” Zinnia told her. “It’s a school for newer Displaced who want to learn stuff before they start… well, you know, chaos.”

“Huh… Sounds useful. Think I heard Time talk ‘bout it.” Jubilee said through her gum. “I’m not here for that though. I’m looking for two Displaced. Think you can help?”

“Who are they?”

“Hatsune Miku, a Vocaloid. She’s pregnant, so… Yeah.” Jubilee shrugged. “Then there’s Justine Sparkle. She looks like a human Twilight most of the time.”

“Haven’t seen them myself,” Cruger said, “but you might want to keep an eye out for a Kamen Rider Decade Displaced by the name of Wyatt. He’s wandering the multiverse, he might have seen them.”

“They’re in this universe outside the orders of Time Spinner... They also stole my iPod.” Jubilee pouted.

“It’s ironic you’ve got two cops here isn’t it?” said Jack.

“Whatever, I’m supposed to find them and return them home. There were two others that were supposed to help. Sandy, and Sylar.” Jubilee said. “Also, do you have any drinks? I’m parched.”

Jack then looks towards Cruger before saying “There is the punch if that interests you?”

Disembodied snickering could be heard as soon as Jack mentioned the punch.

“Sure.” Jubilee said.

Zinnia frowned suspiciously, reaching out and placing a hand on Jubilee’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t,” she warned the mutant.

“It’s just punch.” Jubilee said.

“That has a disembodied voice giggling when you mention it?”

“Let me check,” Cruger said. He pulled his tricorder from his pocket and scanned the punch. “Woah, well, I can state with absolute certainty that drinking that would be classified as a very bad idea.”

“Why?” Jubilee asked.

“Because it contains enough alcohol to inebriate an Apatosaurus.”

Miku came out of nowhere drinking a large cup of punch which was almost gone.

“Miku! Slow down! Are you trying to tempt fate to repeat the Christmas party!?” Said a tall silver and gold robot that was chasing after the vocaloid.

“What!? It’s not like someone spiked this punch too!” Miku snorted.

“Dear god…” Jubilee trailed off.

“I know a shield spell that can withstand a nuke,” Cruger said, “and I’m terrified for some reason.”

“Hi Miku!” Zinnia called out, waving politely. “Just so ya know, Murphy kinda hates you right now!”

“Wh-why?” Miku said as she started laughing stupidly.

“Damn it!” The robot shouted before grabbing Miku as she started wobbling. “I just knew it!”

“I’m… flhggaine…” Miku hiccuped. “Wow… This is nowhere near as arousing as the last one… Heheh…”

“She’s already a moron when she’s not high!” Jubilee groaned.

“Hey! Don’t talk about my fiancee like that!” The robot said to Jubilee before picking Miku up bridal style.

“She’s kinda right!” Miku continued laughing. “This stuff is awesome!” She drank some more.

“I'm going to turn whoever spiked the punch this time into a toad…” the robot grumbled.

“Hey, it’s not that bad, at least Kae isn’t here~” Miku giggled and snorted. “Come on Arthur, this is kinda funny…”

“Please don’t… I don’t want to think about her at the moment.” Arthur sighed as he walked over to the group, “So I know who Jube is, but who are you three?”

“This is Zinnia, Cruger and Jack.” “Jubilee said. “I think. I know Zi, but...”

“You are correct,” Cruger said, “so, giant robot?”

“He’s Arthur...” Miku said, yawning and cuddling into Arthur.

“She really has no luck at parties, does she?” Zinnia sighed, shaking her head.

“Sadly… And no I’m actually a mask.” Arthur said as he chuckled at Miku’s cat like behavior.

Cruger snapped his fingers, “Ah yes, now I remember, Toa Mata Nui, Mask of Life am I right?”

“Toa Ignika actually, but yes I am the mask of life.” Arthur replied.

“Not bad, where’s Click?”

“I feel hot!” Miku groaned, causing Arthur’s mask to turn red.

“Um I meant Toa Ignika as in before Mata Nui was put in the mask… Now if you’ll excuse me…” Arthur said before walking off with Miku.

“He seemed nice,” Cruger said, “well, I hate to do this, but I’ve gotta get back, grade-A trouble brewing at home.”

“Thats fair enough… good luck dealing with whatever’s happening on your end” replied Jack.

“Thank’s” Cruger said as he opened a portal, “odds are I’ll need it. If you need any help rescuing Jen, I’m just a call away.”

“I have one of those feelings that I’m going to need all the help I can get.”

“Odds are you will,” Cruger said as he stepped through the portal.

“Sadly… I get the feeling the next time me and Jen meet… things may not be the same.” Jack muttered before beginning to make his way out of the room to begin searching for Craig to get some much needed answers.

As Jack began to walk around the campus he began to think about what he was going to do, before a small blue bird like creature landed on his shoulder before he said “any luck buddy?” To which it just shook its head before he rubbed the back of it’s neck and said “Well you tried… we’ll find him,”

“Find who?” Justine asked, appearing out of nowhere.

Jack then looked up to before saying “Oh sorry… I’m looking for a student… goes by the name of Craig.”

“Never met ‘em. I’m new to the teaching role here.” Justine replied. “I’m a magic teacher.”

“I guess I am as well, I’m one of the combat instructors here, I’m here to teach everyone how to work as a team… I’ve taught a few Displaced about the Spectrobes but that’s all the experience as a teacher I have. ”

“I simply assist in all forms of magic. Maybe we can collaborate on a lesson.” Justine shrugged. “Who’s this Craig? I feel I’ve heard of him.”

“Well he’s one of the students… I saw him help Penny earlier on and he seemed familiar like I knew him from before I was displaced… I want to check that he’s who I think he is,” Jack explained.

“Okay… I could use a locator spell.” Justine said. “Shouldn’t be too hard. What’s his full name?”

“It was Craig Jordan Rhodes.”

“If he’s in this universe, I can locate him.” Her eyes went white and she sat down cross legged. “He’s directly above us…”

“What… Aoi, look again.” The Spectrobe then nodded it’s head before flying off again. Jack then turned back to Justine and said “Is there anyway you can be more specific about his location?”

“Try the roof.” Justine stated.

“Great… that’s going to be fun to reach… I really need a Spectrobe who can fly.” He then looked back to Justine before saying “Would you like to see what it’s like to awaken a Spectrobe?”

“Sure.” Justine said.

“Well then… would you like to follow me, we only have the facilities on my ship right now.” Jack admitted whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

“I thought you wanted to see Craig, not offer a date.” Justine said teasingly.

“Kind of difficult to reach him on the roof without a Spectrobe big enough to carry me up there also it will make it easier for me to move around.”

“Okay…” Justine trailed off. “Who are you?”

“As in Displaced as or my name?” Jack checked.

“Name.” Justine added.

“Ahh sorry, my name's Jack.” He replied while placing his hand out.

She took it. “I’m Justine.”

“Well then Justine… would you like to follow me.” Asked Jack before producing a small white hexagonal shaped item before passing it to Justine.

“Sure.” Justine replied.

“I recommend putting that on your arm.” explained Jack.

She did so, and it changed to purple. “Ready.”

Jack then smiled before saying “Okay then and now all you will need is a Spectrobe and you’ll have yourself a companion like I have Aoi and the others.” He the whistles before Aoi flew back to him before disappearing.

“What now?” Justine asked.

“Well you just need to follow me and I’ll take you to the ship and sort you out with a Spectrobe of your own… I have plenty of fossils on the ship.” Jack said as he began to walk down the path before motioning for Justine to follow him.

Once they reached the ships lab Justine did as told, curiosity consuming her. “So how does this work?”

“Well in the lab there is a computer… we can use that to awaken a Spectrobe in a child form… I’ll be using an fossil that links to Aoi and i’ll be evolving the Aoi I have already.”

“Okay… Just show me what to do.” Justine stated.

“Well firstly i’ll be evolving the Aoi I already have for this specific Spectrobe I need three minerals.” Jack explained whilst walking towards one of the walls before carrying over three green rectangular gems.

“Okay…” Justine said, not understanding.

“Sorry if this doesn't make sense.” Jack admitted before Aoi appeared on his shoulder before flying through the screen of the computer's screen that began to ripple almost like the screen was made of water before Jack pushed the three minerals through the window.

Justine waited.

“Once Aoi has eaten the minerals he will become encased in what will look like an egg which I will break with this” jack said before a small pen like object appeared in his hands, before he quickly sliced downwards in a vertical motion before saying “take a look.” Before showing her a large bird like creature.

“Wow… What is that?”

“That is the Spectrobe called Aoba… it’s the adult stage of Aoi’s evolution” Jack explained before it disappeared. “Anyway next I’ll show you how to awaken a fossil.” Jack explained whist pulling out a small fossil that was shaped similar to the what Aoi had looked like before, as he pushed it into the computer's screen.

“To awaken a spectrobe you simply need to a certain pitch of sound for a few seconds.” Jack explained before he began to whistle before a bright light flashed before a creature that looked exactly like Aoi appeared in the screen before flying onto Jack’s head.

“Awww~” Justine cooed.

Jack then placed a hand in front of him as Aoi flew down onto his arm before he said “Hold your arm out straight in front of you.” Justine did so.

Jack then carefully brought his arm next to hers before Aoi stepped onto her arm and looked towards Justine’s eyes before Jack said “and that is how you awaken a Spectrobe.”

“That’s it?” Justine asked.

“Yeah… that's all there is to it for awakening and evolving Spectrobes… all you need is a fossil, minerals and the equipment we have here, and you're set,” explained Jack. “Right then… Do you want to sort yourself out a Spectrobe of your own?” Before he recalled Aoi.

“Uh… Let’s just focus on getting to Craig.” Justine stated.

“Okay then,” Jack said before walking back out of the ship, as he motioned for Justine to follow him, and she did so.

Once they got outside the ship Jack placed his arm in the air before a Aoba appeared in front of him but looked a lot bigger than before, as it lowered its head before Jack jumped on before saying “Justine… fancy going for a flight?”

“Of course.” Justine nodded.

“Well then, jump on” Jack replied whilst Aoba lowered one of it’s wings to allow Justine to climb onto it’s back. Once she was on, she pointed forward.

“Go!” Justine laughed.

“Well then, it would be wrong for me to refuse,” replied Jack before Aoba began to flap it wings before gaining altitude before slowly having towards the roof.

“Whoa!” Justine yelped, almost losing her grip.

“Be careful you don’t want to fall off… a bit slower buddy we’ve got a passenger today” Aoba then nodded before slowing down a bit as they reached side of the roof, before Aoba slowly began to rest against the tiles.

Jack then jumped off before slowly placing a hand forwards as he said “need some help?”

“I’ve got it.” Justine said, using her magic to steady herself. “Why am I coming again?”

“I don’t actually know… I guess i’m just use to travelling with my girlfriend.”

“Okay… There he is.” Justine pointed to where Craig was.

“So… I guess it’s time to get some answers… I hope it is him and not someone who looks similar.” Jack said before walking towards Craig.

As Jack got closer Craig turned his head before saying “dammit… i’m not supposed to be up here am I.”

“No Craig… that’s not why i’m here… I want to talk with you.”

“I’ll be going now…” Justine said, before teleporting away.

“Who was she your girlfriend?” Craig joked.

“Don’t go there… and no… she is another teacher.”

“Okay then so what was it you wanted to talk about Professor.”

“Craig… I want to be sure… are you… why is this so hard.”

“Take your time.”

“Craig I think we may be cousins.”

“What… why do you think that?”

“Craig… it’s me Jack… Jack Burgin.”

Craig then stopped before saying “sorry come again… did you just say Jack Burgin.”


“How… how did you get here?” Asked Craig.

“I won a contest at a gaming convention… got displaced as Rallen from Spectrobes.”

“Well” Craig then gave Jack a hug before saying “It’s great to see you again… even though it only been just over two months for me.”

“Just two months!” Shouted Jack… “Try over six years… we had a funeral for you all... Daniel, your mum and dad, you all went missing.”

“Yikes… umm sorry… In our defence, we didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.”

Jack then stepped back before saying “It’s just good to have you back.

“You to” Craig then smiled before saying “So is the ship over there yours?”

“Yeah… I used to own it with my girlfriend Jen… we met after you disappeared.”

“Oh and where is she?” Craig asked curiously.

“She was taken by my enemy.”

“The Krawl I presume.” Craig answered.

“What how did you know that?”

“Remember how much Spectrobes I played back home? I remember a fair bit even now,” explained Craig.

Jack then smiled before saying “You know… You're different to when you left, I assumed you wasn’t you… I thought you would be a teacher, not a student… why are you here?”

“I… well I recently got beaten badly, had almost every bone in my body broken and had a certain prince of chaos ripped from my soul and lost a will to fight… I’m here to rebuild myself so I can help people again.”

“So you’re here to get stronger.”

“Well yes… but I’m also here because I feel like somethings going to happen and everyone's going to need help,” admitted Craig.

“Well maybe you need a partner to help you.” Jack replied before a Prizmod fell into his hand.

“Well I do have, Bii and Lambda… are you saying you want to give me a Spectrobe?”

“Well… I need all the help I can get and think of this as a welcome back present.” Jack added before passing Craig the Prizmod.

Craig then smiled before he took the Prizmod, before placing it on his arm as its colour changed from white to navy, before saying “I guess we need to go to your ship then.”

“I suppose you're right” Jack replied as Aoba landed in front of him causing a few tiles to become loose causing him to stumble before Craig caught him.

Craig then smiled before saying “be careful” before leading him over to Aoba before Jack climbed onto Aoba back before saying “how did you get up here anyway?”

Craig then smiled before saying “I flew… well floated up here.” Before he began to hover above the roof before floating towards the side of Aoba.

“Well thats a suprise… you don’t even need wings.” Jack admitted

“No… I use my Ki allow me to fly around… although I mainly float right now though. Last time I actually few at full speed would have been over a month ago.”

“Well… why don’t we fly back to the ship?” Asked Jack

“I guess there’s no harm in it,” Craig said before continuing so say “Race ya.” Before flying off.

Jack then laughed before saying “Aoba… let's go” before they flew after Craig at full speed.

Once they reached the ship Jack jumped off Aoba before seeing Craig sitting on the ground looking up into the sky before saying “What took you so long?”

“How are you that fast?” Jack said in surprise before recalling Aoba as the ship's hatch on the ship slowly opened.

“What can I say… My Ki is powerful.” Admitted Craig as the hatch hit the ground.

Jack then smiled and said “Well then, let's get you set up with a Spectrobe.” Before walking onto the ship as Craig followed behind him to the lab.

Once they got into the ship’s lab Jack looked around some shelves before saying “what would suit you… not a Samukabu, you're already a swordsman... not a Vilar, you need a faster spectrobe to work with you… what would work?”

Craig then looks towards a separate shelf that strangely had some fossils that actually looked purple in colour unlike the ones Jack was near that were brown. He then reached towards one of the fossils that almost looked like the creature was a small dog of some kind.

“Unauthorized access detected.” Said a female voice that sounded like a recording before a forcefield came over the fossils Craig had been reaching for.

“Yikes… I wasn’t expecting that.” Craig muttered

Jack then laughed before saying “Well this is a police cruiser… did you really expect that we wouldn’t keep all our equipment safe.”

“I suppose you're right… but this fossil… it looks different to the ones you were looking through… is it a different version to normal?” Asked Craig.

“Well yes, that’s a Dark Spectrobe… it was genetically modified by the Krawl,” Jack then looked at the fossil that Craig reached for before saying “you know… this one may suit you.” He then rubbed the bottom of his chin before saying “Although I wonder how these fossils were made to become Dark Spectrobes?”

“Who knows maybe the unawoken fossils were doused in water that was infected by a Krawl virus or they use some tech or a mineral to change them, but even then we don’t know,” admitted Craig.

“I guess you're right” Jack says whilst he carefully grabbed the fossil Craig had tried to take before passing it to him and as he said “Do you remember the normal process for awakening a Spectrobe?”

“If it’s the same as the games then I should be good,” Craig admitted before placing the fossil into the Lab before beginning to whistle at a very low pitch as the fossil begin to glow before a blue Spectrobe that looked identical to Komainu appeared in front of him before leaping out the screen before landing in Craig’s arms.

“The little guy fits you quite well…”

“Girl… Little Girl… if I remember this ones normally called Makanui… I think I’ll call it Maka.” replied Craig before rubbing Maka behind her ear.

Jack then smiled before saying “she does fit you… but do you want her like this or as her Adult form?”

“I think she’ll be better as an adult… so how many minerals for her?” Craig asked Jack.

“Well Komainu normally needed four and the Dark Spectrobes are clones of them so these should be enough” Jack said whist passing Craig four purple minerals two shaped like a pyramid and two that looked to be shaped like a crescent moon.

Craig then smiled before saying “Maka… you hungry?” Before lowering minerals to her one by one which she greedily ate. Once she had eaten the fourth mineral she began to glow before Craig said “Okay… Time for you to grow up” before he picked her up before placing her back in the screen, before she was surrounded by a purple shell.

Jack then threw him a small pen and said “Works like the stylus on the game… use it to crack open the shell on Maka.”

Craig then nodded his head before he quickly sliced the shell in a downward arc before it broke open showing a large blue and almost white dog like creature, that quickly disappeared.

Jack then smiled at Craig before saying “and now you have your own Spectrobe.”

“Well lets hope we don’t need to use him” joked Craig

“Dammit Craig… Murphy’s going to have a blast soon thanks to you,” moaned Jack.

“You worry too much” replied Craig. “Shouldn’t you get back to the party?”

“I guess I should… but if anything happens today it’s on you.” Argued Jack.

“Fine just get back to the rest of the teachers, I’ll be on the roof in the event that Murphy’s called me out.” Replied Craig before they both began to walk out of the ship.

As Jack walked down the narrow hallway, looking down thinking about a myriad of things from who his students could be to his job back home he chuckled to himself before he looked up before he saw Sun and Asphyxious walking towards him.

“Ah, just the guy I was looking for. What’s up?” He asked.

“Just reunited with one of my cousins, talked and gave him a Spectrobe… oh and he might of called the wrath of Murphy on us,” admitted Jack

“Don’t jinx it.” He chuckled, looking back at him. “Oh, that reminds me, I was in the lab earlier and I got a surprise for you.”

“What have you done now?” Muttered Jack.

“I have a second Spectrobe,” He said, looking around a little bit before looking back at him. “We should step outside though just in case.”

“Okay then… if we’re lucky, Craig may just take watch of what we’re doing.” Sun then chuckled as they walked outside. Once they were outside, Sun held out his hand with the prizmod attached and called upon the new Spectrobe.

“Come on out, Rygazelle.” There was a flash of light and after the smoke cleared, a new Spectrobes stood beside Sun.

“I want one.” Asphyxious said smiling from ear to ear.

Jack then smirked before saying “Looks like you got a new teammate… maybe I should show you what you have to look forwards to” admitted Jack as he held up his arm before a similar Spectrobe appeared behind him before saying “This is Ryan.”

“...... Son of a bitch, you just had to make me jealous didn't you?”

“Nah, I just picked him up a while back and he saved my back a few times,” admitted Jack.

“Well I seriously am considering searching for some more fossils in my spare time… if I have any.” He deeply sighed.

“I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time” Said a voice from above them. Sun looked up, only to see a certain individual above him.

“Wait I know that guy” Asphyxious said.

“My cousin… You know Craig you’ve got a habit of sneaking up on people,” said Jack.

“I bet he also has a habit of surprising others,” Sun snickered, looking back at the two of them.

“You’re one to talk Sun,” replied Craig as he floated to the ground.

“Oh? Care to give me an example then?”

“When we met and you surprised us when hiding behind boxes and launched them around the ship.” Jack commented.

“That’s because Jen summoned me when I was jumping off of a cliff to get away from Grimm-.”

“Well you were going to surprise Jack with that third Spectrobe you have wasn’t you?” Argued Craig.

“ …… You seriously had to ruin the surprise, did you?” Sun facepalmed, looking back at him.

“You asked for an example.” retorted Craig.

“Seriously… You have a third spectrobe!” Shouted Jack.

“Yeah, but I only just evolved it an hour or so ago.” He replied as he brought it out after recalling Rygazelle.

“Meet Sabogar.” Sun introduced the Spectrobe, “I get a feeling you already know a bit about him?”

“Actually no… this is from Origins… I actually don’t know a thing about him” admitted Jack.

“Plant type, adult form and uses the thorns on it’s body for defense and offense.”

“There’s a joke there somewhere but I can’t for the life of me think of one.” Admitted Craig.

“Ten bucks Asphyxious would say it.” Sun guessed, looking towards the Lich. Nearby, he noticed Ken with both of the tiny dragon ponies that were his kids, walking out to see what all the commotion was about as he saw Sun and Jack with their Spectrobes out.

-Half an hour later-

Asphyxious was back in his lab looking over spells, warjack parts and other things. But he didn’t care, one thing was on his mind and he didn’t like it. Why did the grimm attack? Asphyxious asked himself as he pick up the warjack head and attached it to it body. Right now he didn’t care, He just wanted to work and be left alone.

“I do not like intruders in my lab.” Asphyxious said looking up from his work, as the three Iron Lichs in his Lab keep an eye on the displaced that entered his workplace. “What is your name?”

“Well sorry… It’s just me Jack,” said the intruder calmly.

“You wish to ask me something?” Asphyxious asked looking to his Iron Lich’s as two of them go to close door.

“Well when me and Sun was showing off our Spectrobes you said you wanted one of your own… I came to offer you one.” Explained Jack.

“Interesting, And what did you have in mind?” Asphyxious said running his hands over a number of pages of books.

“Well it all comes down to what you need and what suits you… we have a lot of them who need awakening on my ship… although I did have in mind an Adult Spectrobe called Anubos.”

“Hmmmm, and what do you want in return?” Asphyxious asked reading a book. “I’d like to meet this Anubos.”

“Why would I want anything in return?” Asked Jack before saying “No I just want to make sure if Craig has screwed us all over there are enough Displaced with Spectrobes on call to protect everyone.”

“Hmm not a bad plan.” Asphyxious replied closing a book and looks at Jack. “Go on, I’d like to meet it.”

“Well before we go you’ll need this” Jack said as he opened his hand as a white Prizmod fell into his hand. “These are what we use to store and look after our Spectrobes.”

“I see.” Asphyxious said looking it over. “How do I wake it up. Or is it male or female?”

“This isn’t a Spectrobe… This is a Prizmod it’s a portable home for Spectrobes… Anubos still needs to be awoken from its fossil.”

“Well how do I do that?” Asphyxious asked.

“We have to use the equipment on my ship… we was going to have the equipment on site but that was Jen’s forte and she’s MIA so we can’t get a working machine running yet.”

“Can I look at it?” Asphyxious asked holding out his hand.

“The Prizmod… Sure it is yours after all.” Admitted Jack as he passed Asphyxious the Prizmod. The lich looked it over in his hands.

“It almost like it alive and dead at the same time…” Asphyxious said looking the Prizmod over.

“Well it is a machine that can have spectrobes in it so it does have the capabilities to support life inside it… also when you place it on your arm it will change colour to suit you, it’s also my token if you need me.” Asphyxious looks at it then placed it on his arm, the colours changed to a dark blue and black. It even lined up with his gauntlets.

“So what do you think?” Asked Jack

“Nice, Small don’t take up a lot of space I like it.” Asphyxious replied.

“Well then shall we get you your new partner?”

“Sure, Death Ripper, Fire Bane and Frostbite. Keep an eye on things while I’m away?” Asphyxious asked as he got up.

“Okay then would you mind following me back to my ship” Jack said as he began to walk out of the Lab.

“Lead the way.” Asphyxious said smiling as they walk out of the lab.

Once they Reached Jack’s ship the hatch at the back began to open before they slowly walked in as Jack motioned for Asphyxious to follow him into a room just inside. Once they got inside they could see that the room was surrounded by shelves that had what looked like fossils on them along with some coloured stones in cabinets near the ground.

“Interesting, So which one is Anubos?” Asphyxious asked looking them over one by one.

“None of them… Anubos is the adult form of the Spectrobe, the one you’ll awaken is Anubi it’s child form.” Explained Jack as he reached towards a fossil that seemed to look almost like a Jackal like creature, before picking it up and passing it to Asphyxious.

Asphyxious slowly took it and looked at it in his hand. “Funny… It feels, cool to me.” He said running his fingers over it head.

“Well then… Shall we awaken it… you just need to place it in the computer just put the fossil through the screen don’t worry you won’t break it.” Explained Jack. Asphyxious did as Jack said and put the Aunbi fossil into the computer screen.

“Well now you just need to awaken it using your voice in other words you need to hold a certain note or say something to it so it recognises you as it’s master.”

“I am Asphyxious Hellbringer. And I seek your aid.” Asphyxious said calmly looking at it. Within seconds the fossil began to glow before a new creature appeared on the screen.

“Oh…. Pupa is going to love you.” Asphyxious said smiling at it be it jumped and landed next to him using it’s tail to stand up.

“That is Anubi… you could give it a Nickname if you like and you could also evolve it to the Spectrobe I told you about earlier.

“I think’ll take my time.” Asphyxious said holding it in his arms. “Now then what should I call you?”

“Well it was based of Anubis the Egyptian god of death.”

“Aunbis is nice and all. But I think I’ll call you, Antubis.” Asphyxious said smiling at Antubis.

“Antubis… I think you have a good friend… look after him won’t you.” Jack said calmly before continuing “He isn’t capable of fighting however he is able to search for other fossils and minerals.”

“That alright, there no need to rush these things.” Asphyxious said petting Antubis.

“True… I just hope we don’t need to rush into combat against any enemies.” Jack then realised what he said before moaning “Dammit what did I just say, I’m as bad as Craig.”

“Relax, you’ve seen my work. There nothing to worry about.” Asphyxious said as he start to walk off.

“You know the Krawl get stronger by merging with things around them… it’s why I worry because most weaponry does nothing to them, the only effective things I have are the Spectrobes,” admitted Jack.

“I don’t know what a Krawl are but I’m sure they’ll fall to my dragonblight like anything else.” Asphyxious replied. “It’ll either turn them or kill them, I can handle myself.”

“Let's hope so.” Jack replied hopefully before they walked out the lab.

A few minutes after they left Jacks lab Asphyxious had decided to go back to his lab as Jack roamed the gardens of the school looking to the sky calmly before he saw what looked to be a black portal opened above them before a swarm of familiar back tornados appeared in the sky above as he shouted “Dammit Murphy!”

He then saw multiple bright blue lights fire from the roofs before a figure flew towards the oncoming Krawl almost as if he knew what they were.

Jack then turned a corner a hand on his sword even though he knew it was less than useless against the Krawl before he saw Asphyxious with a the particles of destroyed Krawl behind him. He then walked over to Asphyxious before saying “Remember what I told you earlier, you don’t want to make them more powerful.” Asphyxious just growled, and changed into his dragon form.

“Fine then, I’ll just eat them!” Asphyxious growled before flying off, before taking a bite out of a Krawl in mid air.

“Ew.” Jubilee said.

“That is just nasty!” A random voice said. “You just spoiled my Dinner.”

“Can we all just focus on killing these things” shouted Craig, and somehow being heard.

“That is a good idea…….”

“Also that thing that fell isn’t a normal Krawl I need someone to back me up,” Craig said.

“So…..No one can hear me.”

“I’ll help.” Jubilee said.

Jack then nodded his head as two Spectrobes appeared behind him as he said “Aoba give him support” to which the Spectrobe nodded before flying off as Jack climbed onto the the other Spectrobes back before saying “Jubilee, want a lift?”

“Sure.” Jubilee hopped on and lit her hand with multicolored sparks.

Jack then tapped the Spectrobes head before saying “Ryan let’s move” before it nodded it’s head and began to run towards where Craig was. Asphyxious roared breathing fire on anything that tried to attack him, as well as eat anything stupid enough to attack him.

As Jack and Jubilee approached the area where Craig had requested help from they saw a massive stone bipedal, humanoid mass, it had a face with spreading yellow lines as its only features, a Krawl of which Jack hadn’t seen before.

As Jack got closer to the fight he saw Sun nearby flanked by two of his Spectrobes and Nicko attacking the creature with Craig before he heard him yell “I believe that the beast is weakening! Can’t you see the fear in it’s eyes!?” Soon the beast looked like it was going to move… until a well placed spell caused it to fall over. “TAKE THAT!!”

“...He’s going to die isn’t he?” Asphyxious deadpanned at everyone.

“Uh… Is it just me or did it just fall over?”


“ATTACK!” Asphyxious yelled before running over to help Nicko.


“CHARGE!!!” The single order caused all of them to race towards Nicko’s location as they began to attack the exposed core with everything they had.

“Caustic Mist.” Asphyxious said as he casted the spell on the core as a green mist start to eat away at it. “Back off guys that a cloud of acid. Even if it get up again, that will keep eating away at it until it wear off.”

Everyone listened, but when the beast got up, it’s counterattack sent him flying into a nearby cave in the mountainside. “This is bad…” Asphyxious said to himself lying in the cave.

“Hey are you ok?” Nick asked while flying in the air.

“I’m fan fucking tastic, nothing but gumdrops and Ice cream in here...” Asphyxious replied. Only to realize that Nicko actually said the same thing.

“Well never mind then.” Nick said in a angry voice. Only to hear Twilight’s assistant Spike actually respond to that.

“Oh boy, can I come in there?”

“...... I’m surrounded by idiots…”

“I agree…” Asphyxious added.

“Oh can it!” Nick said.

“Aww… I thought you said you were surrounded by gumdrops and Ice cream.” They heard Spike say, only to hear Nicko scream so loud that the small cavern he was in began to break apart as it pissed off the Rune Slayer.


Jack then looked towards everyone and said “Everyone back up… i’m bringing in the heavy artillery.” Before a large golden Spectrobe that looked like a beetle that seemed to have a cannon for a face appeared behind him.

“Can’t in a hole…” Asphyxious replied still in the cave, or what left of it. “Also the rocks are crushing me…”

“What’s happening?” Jubilee asked.

“Some heavy weaponry Jubilee.” Jack replied

“I’m still in a hole, why is nobody helping me?” Asphyxious called out.

Craig then reaches into the hole before saying “need a hand?”

“I have broken bones, the only reason I’m not screaming in pain is that things not a displaced.” Asphyxious replied as one of his legs was facing the wrong way, and an arm… “Think you can heal me please?”

“Easily… kind of became my job.” Replied Craig as his hand began to glow, before Asphyxious bones began to move back into place and heal instantly.

“God damn… That stings!” The lich said as he get back up. “So, what the plan now?”

Jack then shouted “Vilakroma, Fire in the hole!” before the Spectrobe fired a blast of energy from its cannon directly at the Krawl’s face.

“Oh shi-!”

“Son of a Bi-”

“Everyone keep attacking!” Jack ordered.

“Release the Kraken!” Asphyxious yelled as his Kraken walked out of a hole in the ground by beacon. Then started to open fire on the Krawl.

“Everyone back up!!” Nicko yelled as he unleashed his hyperactive skill as dozens of swords and runes appeared around the core of the Galgore. “Shining… RUNE… BUSTER!!!”

“Holy shit, Nicko! That was insane!” Yelled Jack.


“MY KILL!” Asphyxious shouted as he run over then drives his cutlass into it core, causing it to shatter and turn the rest of the giant Krawl turn to dust.

“Well, guess that’s done.” Nicko said as he left the vicinity and ran back to the academy.

“Well, I feel like a badass. Anyone else?” Asphyxious asked as he walks back covered in dust. As Antubis crawls out of his hood and looks around.

“I have a feeling that Spectrobe does,” Craig replied pointing to Vilakroma.

“Probably” Jack replied before Vilakroma disappeared.

“Well I’m going back and getting cleaned up, laters.” Asphyxious told them walking back to Beacon.

“Well then we’ll see you later” Both Craig and Jack replied.

“Well that was like a circus act…… well you could say it was “Intents”.” Nick said before cracking up at his own joke. “That was puntastic!”

“Nick you make anymore of those dreadful puns and i will ground you.”

“WOW…...Just WOW this is a bad crowd. So it wasn’t…….Pu…..”

“Nick,” Craig replied calmly.

“Fine as long as you don’t send me home.”

“Well while you two talk i’m going to head back to my ship, I’ll see you both later,” Jack replied

“Ok see you later…….Wait who are you?” Nick asked.

“Craig’s cousin, your uncle” he simply replied as he walked off.

“Oh. Ok well bye!”

Once they reached the ship Craig shouted “Jack you here?!”

A voice then shouted back “yeah, come on in, I’m in the lab!”

Craig then turned to nick before saying “You ready?”

“Of course let’s go.”

“Well then, follow me” Craig said as they walked onto the ship.

Once they stepped into the lab Jack turned around before saying “Hey Craig, you feeling okay after that Krawl attack?”

“yeah, i’m fine but i’d like you to meet my son Nick.”


“Well” Jack said as he knelt down in front of Nick before he said “It a pleasure to meet you, Nick.” he said as he ruffled Nick’s hair.


“Really Jack? Was that really necessary.” Asked Craig

“Well do you have a problem with it?” Nick asked.

“Not a problem… just memories and i remember you used to hate it when it was done to you Jack.”

“Shut up Craig” Jack groaned.

“It’s nothing you need to worry about Nick.” Jack and Craig admitted in unison.

“So anyway, Nick here’s a gift for you” Jack said as he handed him a small white hexagonal piece of metal.

“Ummm….. What is that?”

“Well you saw the Spectrobe Craig had earlier right” Jack said as a small dog like creature appeared by his leg.


“Well that is a Prizmod basicly there home when you become a spectrobe master and also my token… you saw Craig’s I bet,” He then reached down and picked up the dog like creature before saying “this is Komainu one of mine.”

“Umm….. why would I need a spectrobe Just asking.”Nick asked.

“Well simple answer this world has the Krawl and Spectrobes are one of the few creatures that can fight them, I give a Spectrobe to every displaced that fancies one also they make amazing companion for their master.” Jack explained.

“Oh, ok”

“In the end it’s all goes on if you would like a Spectrobe, if you don’t it’s no problem.” Craig explained.

“So……. I think I have no idea what I am doing.So what now?”

“Well what sort of Spectrobe would you like?” Jack asked.

“Well what types are there?”

“Well there are multiple types I more mean what sort of things do you do, like your powers and stuff like that, i’ll be able to match you with a suitable Spectrobe from that information.”

“I kind of an archangel so……I mostly store energy. And in combat I am a defencive type.”

“Hmm well there is Spectrobe that may suit you,” Jack said as he walked towards one of the shelves.

“Ok…… only if it’s not scary like Nora.”

“Nothing is as scary as Nora,” Craig added.

“Ok….If you say so…..”

“Oh and you’ll want to place the Prizmod you were given on your arm,” Craig added.

“Ok…...Then?” He replied as he attached the Prizmod to his arm.

“Then Jack will explain the rest once he find you the fossil that relates to a Spectrobe for you.”


It was then that a familiar face walked in as he heard the commotion from upstairs. “Hey guys… Getting Nick a spectrobes?” It was Sun, but instead of exposing his chest like with his other choice of clothes, this time his outfit mostly resembled that of Noctis from Final Fantasy XV.”

“Do you ever not sneak up on people Sun?”

“Hey, If I were sneaking up on you, I would’ve climbed the tree outside the window… This time I just used the front door.”

Jack then said “Well Nick this…” he then notices Sun in the room and says “oh hello Sun, did you need something?”

“Nah, I just heard some people in here and I was curious to see what you were up too. How’s Nick liking the place?” He asked, noticing his newfound prizmod as Nick could see the one attached to his gauntlet.

“They have a…..Nevermind.”

“So what kind of Spectrobe do you have for Nick?”

“Well I was planning on Zappi and then having us get him it’s adult form Zappira.” Jack explained as he handed Nick the fossil.

“This feels weird.”

“Weird in what way?” Craig asked Nick.

“Just the feeling of Death.”

“Well they aren’t dead as such, it’s actually just sleeping, hence why we refer to this as awakening a Spectrobe.” Jack explained.

“No, the presence of another person.”

“You mean besides me? Because I know that the only other guy that has a Spectrobe is the Lich Asphyxious and he’s in the laboratory he constructed in the basement.” He said as he began to walk back out the door. “Once you guys are done, call me and we can do a training session. I’ll be outside when you’re ready.”

“Ok, let’s a go it’s a me Mario!!!!!!! Oh by the way does anyone want to duel me?”

Sun smirked. “Why do you think I’ll be waiting outside?”

“I meant duel me, my physical being. Like in a weapons duel. I need to gauge my power.”

“That’s what he meant Nick, it includes training our Spectrobes and ourselves,” Craig admitted.

“I must warn you I need you to put a shield up, I have tons of power stored up!!”

“Yeah, I know you do… I struggle to forget after you moved,” Craig groaned

“Hey, it wasn’t that bad.”Nick said as he started to pout.

“Never said it was, you need to stop assuming that's what I meant.”

“I know what you were thinking.”

Jack then began laughing before he said “are you two always like this?”

“No, not normally.”Nick said.

“This is very rare us acting like this” Craig admitted

“Fine anyway shall we sort you out with your Spectrobe Nick?” Jack asked

“Ok, let’s do this.”

“Right then first you need to put the fossil I gave you in this computer,” Jack said as he touched the screen causing it to ripple.

“Ok like this.” Nick said as he did what he was told.

“Yep now you just need to speak to it and it will awaken,” Jack explained.

“Ummm……..” Nick was confused.

“He means you’ll need to say something so it recognizes and listens to your voice, so basically something like your name or ever hold a whistle for a few seconds.” Craig explained

“Any random thing?”

“Near enough” Jack admitted.

“Well…… Let’s have fun together.” With that there was a white flash from inside the computer before a small lizard like creature appeared in the screen before jumping out of it towards Nick.


“And there’s your child class Spectrobe, Zappi, it’s up to you if you want to nickname it.” Jack explained.

“I think the name 'Armure' would be nice.”

Jack then said “Well then now it’s down to if you want to train it to an adult.”

“Of course I do.”

“Well then, you’ll need to give him a few of these” Jack said as he passed Nick five purple pyramid shaped gems.

“Ok what now?”

“After he eats them he’ll begin to shine, you’ll need to put him back into the computer and he’ll evolve to an adult, it’s why you needed a Prizmod.”

“Ok?” Nick gives Armure the gems before he began to shine. Nick covered his eyes.

“Ow, my eyes.”

“It’s not that bright Nick” Craig chuckled.

“Sorry I am just tired.”

“Don’t worry, anyway you need to place him back in the computer.” Jack explained

“On it.” As Nick puts Armure in the computer.

“Right, now you’ll want this” Jack said as he passed Nick a small pen as Armure was surround in what looked to be a shell, he then said “you’ll need to use this to open the shell just move you hand down vertically with then pen in it.”

“Ok.”As Nick does what Jack says before the shell around Armure opened as a new Spectrobe appeared on the screen.

“Oh, Hi.”Nick said as Armure nodded and disappeared into the prizmod.

“Congratulations now you have your own Spectrobe” Jack said.


“Right then now I guess we head out and train” Craig admitted.

“Yeah, you’ll be training with me and Sun .” Jack admitted

“Ok lets go.”

“I’ll meet you both outside, i just need to sort something and i’ll catch you up.” Jack replied

“Okay we’ll meet you outside,” Craig replied as both him and Nick walked off the ship.

As they walked off, they found the monkey faunus that they were looking for relaxing next to a yellow pegasus with a pink mane as she lifted her head up and noticed the two of them.

Nick walks outside and says “Hello everybody, how’s it going?”

Sun shrugged, “Just fine. Waiting on-. What the?”

Craig and Nick then heard a voice shout “Amazingly, she’s so awesome!” As Maka ran past with Scootaloo on her back.

“Oops” craig muttered, “I think I forget about Scootaloo and Maka earlier.”

“You did, she’s been after you since… she’s very protective isn’t she!” Scootaloo shouted as Maka skidded to a stop before she lay down.

“Hey Scootaloo do you want to see something?”Nick asked.

“Dad what has he done now!” Groaned Scootaloo as she jumped of Maka.

“I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!”Nick shouted.

“For once he hasn’t Scoots I think there’s someone he wants to show you,” Craig said as Maka disappeared, and Armure came out of nowhere and laid down next to Nick.

“See I did nothing wrong.”Nick said.

“Oh… sorry Nick kind of expected something to happen, so we have two of these guys now?” Scootaloo asked as she looked curiously at Armure.

“Do you know what his name is?”Nick asked.

“Nope... but I’m wishing I had one as well.” Scootaloo admitted.

“His name is Armure and do you know what that means?”

“No idea,” Scootaloo admitted as she crossed her front hooves and sat down.

“It means “armor” because it looks like he is wearing armor.”Nick stated.

“I should have guessed that,” moaned Scootaloo.

“I don’t think anyone would have known that.”

Jack then walked out from behind them and said “handbags away ladies.”


“Jack that's not fair, it would more likely be swords away for those two,” Craig joked.

“Dad, that’s not funny!” Screeched Scootaloo.

“It really was,” Jack admitted

“NO……..NO…….NO…...just no.”Nick said “My humor just died.” Asphyxious teleported outside working on a note, with Antubis on his shoulder. Watching him work.

“I think I’m just done.”

“What's wrong now Nick?” Craig asked.

“My humor is just dead.”

Asphyxious then looked up at the ship and waved.

“Asphyxious, it’s good to see you again!” Jack shouted.

“What up.” Asphyxious called over.

“Just gave my grandson here a Spectrobe” Jack said as he gestured to Nick

“Didn’t know you had kids. Say is he seeing anyone? I think Pupa might like him.” He asked walking over.

“I will send you to the moon with a portal gun if you try!” Shouted Craig.

“Try what, seeing if Pupa likes him or not? What the big deal?” The Lich asked.

“Don’t try marrying my son off,” pointed out Craig.

“Fine, I was just asking anyway.” Asphyxious replied waving it off. “Besides up to him anyway.”

Craig then teleported over to Asphyxious before whispering “Just wait till he’s older.”

“Older? How old is he?” The Lich asked.

“Six.” Craig pointed out, Asphyxious did a double take on this before agreeing with Craig.

“So what are you all doing now?” He asked as Antubis waved.

“We were going for some training being me and Nick here are new to our Spectrobes,” Craig said as he gestured to Armure.

“I see, well have fun with that. I need to head home and make sure Ditto didn’t get into trouble again.” Asphyxious said as he start to walk off.

“Wait……..What? Who is……..?”

“A pokemon, Also Mawile… I’m not really sure, likes me I guess? Always trying to bite me.” Asphyxious replied walking off. “Anyway have fun guys.”

“You to Asphyxious!” Shouted Craig.

“Well let’s do this.”

“And I was beginning to wait for when everything was calmer…” Sun replied as he leaped up onto his feet. “Nice Spectrobe by the way, Nick.”


“Your welcome,” The Faunus commented. “So, is there any specific way you want to do this or do we just let our Spectrobes duke it out in a brawl?”

“I guess it’s up to how we want to do this,” Jack admitted.

“Well, since Nick only has one Spectrobe, it’ll be unfair to go all out with all of ours,” Sun thought this out loud.

“You mean both me and Nick” Craig pointed out.

“To be honest, I thought you had one already… Guess I was mistaken. Anyways though, we should all pick one and then we can get to the training session. For those who have more than one like Jack and I, we won’t switch out our Spectrobes. That was it won’t be seen as cheating.”

“Seems fine to me, and I can imagine it will just be the spectrobes and not us as well.” Craig added

“We’ll start with just the Spectrobes first. We’ll save hand to hand combat for afterwards.” Sun informed them. “Now, come on out Sabogar!”

“I’ll go first, let Nick see how it’s done” Craig admitted before Maka appeared behind him. “So who will go first?”

“To start things off? I’m game.” Sun confidently replied.

Jack then walked in between and says “This will be a one on one battle between Sun Wukong and Craig, as decided Sun will attack first… begin.”

“Sabogar, Spiny Storm!”

“Maka, Dodge to the right and the charge towards Sabogar.”

Sabogar noticed the motions as soon as Maka dodged to the right and whipped its tail around, the spiky side of it striking along the side as it pushed Maka back a few feet.

“Maka, let's go for it, Chawjaw” Craig called to the Spectrobe as it spat a fireball towards Sabogar what struck it head on.

This only caused Sun to chuckle a little though in the process. “Hit reflect!” Sabogar snarled, sending part of the fireball back in Craig and Maka’s general direction as the Spectrobe got back on it’s feet.

“Roll to the right then attack from the left,” Craig ordered before whispering something as Maka began following his orders. Sun watched his opponent in anticipation to see what Maka would do, having Sabogar go on the defensive as a precaution.

Craig then smiled before he shouted “Maka, go for the tail” as within seconds he charged behind Sabogar before biting his tail and throwing it into the air before quickly firing off a fireball towards it. However, Sabogar in midair flipped forward and slammed its tail into the ground, charging with the spines on it’s tail and the new spines that were outstretched on it’s tail.

Craig then smiled before saying “Burning Strike,” as Maka surrounded herself in flames as she ran towards Sabogar before spinning causing herself to spin into Sabogar like a drill burning it with the flames surrounding its body.

“Sabogar, back up!” Sun called to his spectrobe, which was damaged by the attack but able to get some space.

Craig then nodded before he said “Maka fireball barrage.” before the Spectrobe pointed its head upwards as multiple fireballs rained down from above them and fragmented multiple times creating a shower of them then cascaded towards Sabogar.

“Sabogar, run!” Sun commanded, having his spectrobe run at Maka before lunging when it got close enough.

“Maka fire cloak!” Craig shouted as flames erupted from her mouth and covered her body.

“Spiny storm!” Sun then said, having Sabogar spin around and send needles flying. The spinning of the Spectrobes body also coughed up a cloud of dust in Maka’s face, altering her vision as he spun faster.

Craig then looked to Maka before he said “Make keep the flames around you fire a fireball at the ground,” The spectrobe as she was asked before the fire hit the ground in front of Sabogar causing the fireball to separate and created burns along Sabogar’s body. However, Sabogar still hold it’s ground.

“Go for the face!” Sun said as Sabogar then headbutted Maka before smacking her backwards with it’s tail, getting some space as to prepared to launch more spines at her.

Craig realised what was about to happen before he said “Maka, firewall.” he said before she spat multiple fireballs in front of her be it created a small wall that concealed her. Making it a problem for Sabogar given that the firewall would cause any spines thrown at it to disintegrate.

However, with some quick thinking, Sun found a way to bypass it. Pointing out a target, he had Sabogar fire at a steel pole that was in the middle at the side of the arena. However, the angle that the spine hit the pole caused the spike itself to ricochet and race towards Maka. Who had her right side open and exposed as the spike impaled her along the shoulder..

The spectrobe collapsed onto the ground before Jack said “And that's the game, the win goes to Sun and Sabogar.”

“Wow… I can’t believe that actually worked.” He smiled, falling backwards on the ground. “Man was that exhausting.”

“Yeah it was,” Craig said as he made his way towards Maka as he slowly removed the spine from the Spectrobe as it began to whimper in pain as the spine was removed. Craig then rubbed the spectrobes side before he said “Don’t worry girl you’ll be fine,” as his hand glowed and the wound in the Spectrobes side healed over.

“You were pretty good. Had to have me think outside the box and take a gamble on that last attack,” Sun smiled. “You’re a good fighter!”

“You pretty good yourself,” Craig replied

“Thanks… I’m still kind of new to this though. I just only woke up Sabogar recently.”

“Same here, I woke Maka up just earlier today with Jack.”

Sun smirked as he had Sabogar return to him as he looked back at Craig. “Alright, I’m guessing it’s time for someone else to have a turn then.”

“We’ll then I guess it’s time for the real Spectrobe Master to show us all how it’s done,” Craig said with a smirk.

“I’m not that good,” Jack admitted while he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Well you do train with your guys almost daily… you should be better than us,” Craig pointed out.

Jack then smiled before he looked to Nick before he said “So you ready or is there anything you want to know?”

“So…… how does this work?” Nick asked.

“Well, we’ll both summon the Spectrobes we will use and then either Craig or Sun will call the beginning and end of the fight,” Jack explained.

“Ok, that sounds simple enough!”

Craig then looked over at Nick then Jack before he said “Call your chosen spectrobe when ready.”

Jack then nodded his head before he said “Samurite, let's do this” as a large purple spectrobe appeared behind him.

“Oh god…. Umm Armure……..” Nick said as Armure appeared behind him.

“Being your new to this, I will let you attack first” Jack added.

Craig then walked in between the two of them before and says “This will be a one on one battle between Nick and Jack, as decided Nick will attack first… begin.”

“Wait what?” Nick said giving Jack a look of confusion.

“Now you have Armure spar with Samurite, and once one Spectrobe is unable to continue Craig will call the fight,” Jack explained.

“Like pokemon?”

“Exactly,” Craig added.

“Is mind link allowed?

“Between you and Armure…. Yeah why not,” Jack admitted.

“Yay! Mind link set!” Nick said.

“Well then,” Jack nodded to Craig.

“Continue,” Craig replied before teleporting out of the way.

Armure made the first move, a defensive move. As Armure did that Nick disappeared.

Jack then looked towards Samurite before just nodding his head as he charged towards Armure before beginning to swing his arms Armure three times consecutively before moving off behind Armure ready to attack again.

Armure turned around and as that happened Armure’s right eye turned white.

“Well that's different, Samurite be careful” Jack said before Samurite charged towards the side of Armure slicing it as he past.

It healed almost instantly. Then Armures other eye turned black.

Jack then looked for Nick before saying “You are actually going to attack instead of just blocking… right?”

Samurite suddenly turned completely green. “So your turn……” Nick said.

Jack then looked at Samurite before he said “You okay there buddy?” to which the Spectrobes slowly looked back towards him and nodded weakly before preparing for another attack.

“Now……?” Nick says.

Jack then looked back towards Armure as he saw a cross appear behind Armure.

“So you see the seal then?” Nick said.

“What the heck I thought we wasn’t supposed to buff our Spectrobes” groaned Jack.

“It’s not a boost it dampens power.” Nick said before saying “Shall I release the seal?”

Jack then looks to Craig before saying “I’ll allow it, but I have a feeling things are about to get heated.”

“I am right now one with Armure. That is why I put the seal there.” Nick said.

“Well then… will you agree to me using Two spectrobes instead of just one?” Jack asked

“Ok!” Nick said a ghost like form appearing above Armure looking fired up.

“No group attacks or Geo’s” Craig ordered.

“That’s fine by me reduces collateral damage.” Jack answered as Windora appeared next to him

“Ok let’s a go!!!!!!” Nick says before casting a spell.

“Windora, let's get Armure moving” Jack ordered him before multiple tornadoes made their way towards Armure.

“Not a chance!!!” Nick said as Armure disappeared.

“Windora, Samurite, get ready,” Jack replied as they both went back to back with each other.

“Thanks for making a bigger target!” Nick said as the ground turned blue.

Jack then looked at the ground before samurite ran it to the tornado being launched into the air as Windora used it jets to get airborne as Samurite landed on its back.

“You saw it crap!” Nick said “Explosion now, Air mines now!” As the ground and the air explode.

“Well that was unexpected,” Jack replied looking up to see Windora hovering unaffected by the explosion.

“Rust….. Bucket…….oh…….god…….” Nick says as he collapses.

“Windora, Samurite stand down!” Jack orders as he runs over to Nick. He then knelt down before saying “Is anyone here a doctor?”

“Doctor not certified, but i can help,” Craig said as he ran towards them.

“.........Ow…..” Nick said his body had bruises everywhere. “ I didn’t take into account that I also take damage.”

Craig then sighed before saying “I give the win to Jack, due to the fact the opposing Spectrobe master is unable to continue.”

“Hey…. Craig……” Nick says between breaths.

“You okay Nick,”

“Sure…… Do you have any S.A.O. healing potions on you?” Nick said with a determined look.

Craig then smiled before a small screen appeared in front of him as he muttered “Thank you Kirito.” as a small red vial of liquid appeared in front of him which he instantly passed to Nick.

Jack then looked to Craig before saying “couldn’t you just use healing magic like you did for Asphyxious Craig?”

“You see I can’t be healed on the outside but on the inside it’s different.” Nick said that as he drank it.

“I need to get more of these things made for you Nick, i’ve only got three left.” Craig admitted

“Don’t worry I have an inventory just couldn’t open it at the moment.” Nick replied.

“Yeah but it seemed i always end up handing you mine when you need it,” Craig groaned.

“And I will repay you.” Nick says as he hands Craig ten more potions.

“I know you will, you always do, but it doesn’t mean i can’t sort myself out a few extra from time to time,” Craig admitted as potions Nick gave him disappeared.

“Now here you go…..” Nick says as one hundred and fifty gold appeared in front of Jack.

“Nick, i’m not taking your money.”

“Not my money….. A boss’s money that I don’t need.” Nick says.

“Nick, I don’t need any money from you, i get paid enough by the PPP for my work, you keep it,”

“Take another look at it.” Nick says as it transforms.

Jack then takes another look as he see’s bricks of Adamantium. He then looks back at Nick before he said “And this is?”

“Adamantium.” Nick replied. “Oh and some vibranium.

“Wait… adamantium and how would I use a metal that harder than anything I could could get back home?”

“Well I was doing some experimenting and…….” Nick said as some armor appeared on Nick.

“So you’ve got, adamantium armour?” Jack asked

“Yes…..” Nick replied. “Here…..” Nick hands him some armor but it’s really light.

“Are you sure you want to give this to me? This is your work after all.”

“What am I going to use it for?” Nick asked.

“Extra armour when you fight, this stuff is stronger and more durable than most conventional metals,” Jack pointed out.

“Well I also have this…” Nick says before pulling out another set of armor.

“How many sets have you made?” Jack asked Nick.

“Over Nine thousand.” Nick said.

“Fair enough then, I honestly thought i was taking your only set.” Jack said.

“No, but take this.” Nick replied and handed him a chest plate. “Wear this, it has certain properties…..”

“Whats sort of properties are we talking about?” Jack asked inquisitively.

“This kind….” Nick as he stabs Jack. The wounds heal instantly.

“Now that I like,” Jack replied before saying “If only it was in black and white instead of silver.”

“It change’s colour.” Nick said as it changes colour to fit Jack’s uniform as it almost seemed to blend into his uniform.

“That’s actually pretty amazing,” Jack admitted.

“Now just avoid head shots to your head and you’re good.” Nick said.

“I should really get some better gear made back home when i get time,” Craig muttered.

“You getting jelly?” Nick said.

“Nah, just realized how unequipped I am in terms of armour,” Craig admitted.

“Oh Scootaloo has the same armor.” Nick said just remembering.

“You gave her anything else you didn’t tell me about?” Craig asked.

“Maybe…….” Nick said slowly being very careful.

“Great… well, I’ll just be surprised later when we next train won’t I.”

“Well me too she got into my closet.” Nick replied.

Jack then smiled before saying “We really are a weird family ain’t we,”

“Trust me we’re tame in comparison to other displaced’s families.” Craig admitted.

“I guess.” Jack admitted before saying “When you're ready meet me back at my ship, I want to upgrade your Prizmods.”

“You sure you want us being able to control multiple of Spectrobes?” Craig asked Jack.

“Yeah, are you sure?” Nick also said to Jack.

“Your family, I trust you more than I actually trust my commander back home,” Jack admitted.

“You should be able to trust him, it’s not like he’s tried to trick you is it,” Craig admitted.

“No but let's face it he isn’t exactly the most upfront about his feeling.”

“You know I trust you Jack,” Craig said as he removed his prizmod from his arm before continuing to say “Just don’t break it.”

“.............” Nick said nothing.

“Something wrong Nick?” Jack asked him.

“No just keep in mind what element I am Craig.” Nick said.

“Why is that a problem, Nick?” Craig replied

“Just reminding you…..” Nick said as he disappeared.

“Oh well, shall we?” Craig asked Jack before they made their way back into the ship.

Twenty minutes later Craig left the ship with a smile on his face and a small black cat like Spectrobe sitting on his shoulders.

He then looked towards the cockpit before he thought I guess I need to head back soon, hopefully no Krawl have appeared while I was gone.

He then walked up to the cockpit before sitting down as he said “Let’s head home,” before shouting “Anyone on the ship who shouldn’t be has two minutes to leave!”

After those two minutes past with nobody replying or leaving the hangar door closed before Jack prepared the ship for liftoff before opening a portal in front of it as he flew through back to his own universe.

Comments ( 2 )

Can we get a list of all other story used in this chapter

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