• Published 9th Jan 2016
  • 2,698 Views, 40 Comments

A Displaced Spectrobes Master - The Dark Brony

Jack was once a normal guy… well as normal as you can be with a girlfriend who’s a technological genius. But everything change as they are thrust into adventure as they must now face the fury of the Krawl to protect The Lucena System from destruc

  • ...

Chapter 10

Author's Note:

This chapter Includes part one of a crossover with cyberlord4444 and his story SPD Emergency

We are now accepting suggestions and ideas for possible future events in A Displaced Spectrobes Master. Please either post in the comments or Pm Solphestus your ideas/suggestions, we hope you continue to enjoy this story.

“So you went to another universe…” Commander Grant said, “And that's why you disappeared for a few days?”

“Well, yes but I didn't realise that it was a few days… for me it was a few hours,” explained Jack.

“I see, I’ll document this in case you ever disappear like that again so we don't have any mass panic like we did when you disappeared again… This is going to be a lot of paperwork…” Commander Grant sighed as he pinched the bridge of his beak with a talon.

“Sorry about that,” Jack admitted.

“It’s fine, making allies with powerful beings from other worlds will probably be more of a boon to us than a hindrance so don't worry about it…” Commander Grant commented, “Anyway, Professor Sparkle has already submitted a fully detailed report on the events that had transpired so you are dismissed. Jen could really use some time with you now that your back.”

“I’m sure we both do, thank you commander” Jack replied before he saluted him and walked out of the room.

As Jack got out the building he looked around to search for Jen, only for her jump him from behind and pull him into a kiss.

Once Jack was released from the kiss he began to smile before saying “you couldn’t help yourself could you Jen?”

“Nope!” Jen giggled, “I haven't seen you for about a week so I couldn't resist. I’m glad that these ponies have healing magic, otherwise, I would have been hospitalized for months!”

“So am I… So you wanted to see our ship?” replies Jack

“Lead the way,” Jen said with a wide grin.

Jack then smiled before placing his hand out saying “shall we?”

Jen took Jack's hand and proceeded to follow him until they reached his ship, where she proceeded to freeze mid-stride and begin to drool at the sight of the advanced spaceship.

Jack then began to laugh before saying “so what do you think?”

“Y-you should know my opinion already.” Jen stuttered as she wiped the drool from her face while blushing in embarrassment.

“That I do Jen… that I do… so want to go for a ride?” Jack asked cheekily already knowing the answer.

“Yes!” Jen squeaked before running onto the ship with childish glee.

“Well then let’s head in,”

As soon as Jack arrived in the cockpit he sees Jen already in the pilot's seat before he says “however, I'm keeping the ship under my control… for now.” as he sits in the co-pilot's chair.

“Did you think I would try to pilot this?” Jen joked, “I'm just checking out the controls, I fully plan on leaving the piloting to the expert.”

“Oh is Sweetie Drops with us again?” Asked Jack.

“I was talking about you silly,” Jen said as she punched Jack in the shoulder before getting up and wandering off, “I’m going to check out the new lab space, I will be back after takeoff!”

“Okay then… oh and just so you know Twilight has the prototype Prizmod,” admitted Jack.

“I would have given it to her anyway. I don't need it anymore!” Jen called back before the sound of the door to the lab closing was heard.

Jack then smiled before he began to prep the Ship for takeoff. Once ready, he slowly began to move it from the docking platform and out into space.

“Ok. everything is prepped, accounted for, and organized!” Jen said as she came out of the lab before entering the cockpit and sitting in the copilot seat.

“So where do you want to go. it’s your choice?”

“Well, let's just fly around for a bit. I just want to spend some time with you wandering about to make up for you disappearing on me.” Jen said as she batted her eyes at him with a sly smile.

At that moment, a wormhole decided to appear in front of Jack's ship.

“Well then Jen, looks like we're going to another reality.” with that Jack flies directly into the wormhole.

“Wha…” Jen said as she stared at the wormhole in confusion before the ship passed through it.

As the ship exited the wormhole Jen just stared at the lush forest below them for a few seconds before spotting a clearing, Jack noticed the clearing also and proceeded to land in it.

“Where are we? And what just happened?” Jen asked jack as he made his way to exit the ship.

“Well Jen, it appears we are in someone's reality and being I saw someone with some lights guide us in, I can imagine they’ll be able to tell us more about why they needed us.” explained Jack as he exited the ship.

“So we were summoned? but by who?” Jen said as she followed jack out of the ship,

“I’d guess the guy in front us, Jen… maybe it would be better to ask him?” Jack replied.

“Jack? I think I know who that is…” Jen said as she stared at Cruger with bugged out eyes.

Jack then looked towards Cruger before saying “I’m sorry she going to be fangirling for a while… sorry in advance.”

“Not a problem,” Cruger replied, “she won’t be any worse than the last fan I met.”

“And now we need to worry about Murphy’s Law” moans Jack whilst pinching the bridge of his nose.

Cruger merely grinned, “The last one was an emo chick who called SPD a cheap knockoff, I don’t think even Murphy could beat that.”

“You really are going to wish you hadn’t said that” admitted Jack.

“Probably,” said Cruger, “now, mind helping me with this?” Cruger held up his fossil.

“Cruger just asked us… to help him…” Jen muttered with a grin that could rival Pinkie Pie’s before fainting.

Jack then sighed before picking her up bridal style, “Sorry about that… yes, we can help you, follow me.” With that, he turns back around gesturing for Cruger to follow him back into the ship.

“I can slightly relate,” Cruger replied as he followed, “before this happened to me, I was an engineer. Tinkering helps me keep in touch with my old self, as well as a way to give me and my allies an edge. I wouldn’t mind showing her my private workshop when we’re done here.”

Jack then smiled before saying “that it does, and I bet she would be likely to lose it.”

“What happened?” Jen asked groggily as she started to wake up from fainting.

“You fainted because Cruger asked us to help him with a fossil he found... please don’t say you found it in your universe,” Jack muttered hopefully.

“Maybe?” Cruger said sheepishly, “I did find it beside your token, it could have just hitched a ride?”

“Let’s hope that’s the case, we don’t want too many people dealing with the Krawl.” admits Jack

“Nothing personal,” said Cruger, “but I don’t think they’ll be a match for my giant robots.”

“Krawl can assimilate machines… and some can be as big as a Megazord if given time to grow…” Jen said while blushing at her current situation, “Jack? you can put me down now, I’m starting to get embarrassed…”

Jack then smiled before saying “What? I thought you wanted to spend time with me.” before putting her back on the ground

“If you don’t mind me asking,” Cruger interjected, “the relationship between you two is…”

“He’s my boyfriend…” Jen said before trying to act as professional as possible, “Sorry about earlier… I’m a huge fan of Power Rangers…”

“As am I,” said Cruger, “how do you think I got stuck with this handsome mug?”

“I would say muzzle but that would probably end with a bad pun.” Jen giggled, “So you found a fossil? which one?”

Cruger held up his fossil, “It's been a long time since I’ve played, but I think it's called a Seg...something.”

Jack then looked at it before saying “I think it’s the fossil for Segu… would you want to take it as your Spectrobe?”

“I wouldn’t mind,” said Cruger, “I already met someone who’s gonna help me get a Pokemon, why limit myself?”

“This displaced thing just gets more and more fascinating!” Jen giggled to herself before hurrying off. “I’ll prep the lab!” She called back from a room she went into.

“If you don’t mind me saying,” Cruger said to Jack, “she's crazy. That said, I’ve met crazier.”

“She may be crazy… but heck she’s the only one I need,” admits Jack

“Gah! get back here!” Jen shouted from the lab as explosions and other miscellaneous noises could be heard.

Jack then sighed before muttering “we better get in there before she hurts herself… again.”

A small chimera like creature then flew out of the lab and past Jack and Cruger’s heads while holding something as it laughed.

Cruger frowned, “Hello Discord, long time.”

“Hey pally,” Discord replied, “you’re not still mad about that little joke all those years ago, are ya?”

“Yes,” Cruger said before he punched him so hard that he left a few teeth behind as he went flying out the hatch. Cruger turned to Jack, “Sorry if I scared ya, bad blood, long story.”

“I’m not going to question anything in your personal life” admitted Jack.

“It’s nothing too terrible, let’s just say that he’s one of the few beings that can get me truly mad.” Cruger grinned, “Now, let’s see what he did to your girl.”

“That's probably a good idea” replied Jack before walking into the lab.

“Can someone get me the number of that chimera so I can beat the stuffing out of him?” Said a pissed looking pink mare that was sprawled on the ground in the lab as it tried to keep on some clothes that Jen had been wearing.

Cruger chuckled, “Uh dude, question, it wasn’t Jen’s body that you’re interested in, was it?”

Jack then glared angrily at Cruger then shouted “You ever even think that's all I care about her and you will regret it!”

“Jack, he’s joking. Though I would appreciate being turned back now.” Jen deadpanned.

“Standby,” Cruger said as he opened a portal, reaching in and pulling out a bruised looking Discord. “Now, what did we say about changing people into whatever you want?”

Discord humphed, “Well I see no reason to turn her back, she looks cuter this way.”

Cruger frowned, “I’m giving you one chance to change your mind on this subject.”

Discord grinned, “Or what, you gonna put me in one of those card thingies? I could use a vacation.”

Cruger grinned too, “No, I’m gonna let her figure out how to change herself back, by examining you,” Cruger turned to Jen, “think you’re up to being the first scientist in the Multiverse to figure out how this guy ticks?”

“I never dissected a living thing before… But I think it would be interesting to find out how that jerk ticks.” Jen replied with an evil grin of her own.

Jack then grinned sadistically before saying “I bet Swift would love to help.”

“Oh yes~” Jen purred before she tapped her prizmod, bringing out the sword-shaped Spectrobe.

“Last chance,” Cruger said as Discord literally turned white, “turn the mad scientist back, and leave in one piece, or become her new project, and leave in several pieces. either way, no one will notice the difference.”

Discord just screamed, “UNCLE!!!” as he snapped his fingers, changing Jen back and disappearing.

“Shame, I wanted to try firing him out of a cannon,” admitted Jack.

“I’m just glad to be human again… I will never part with my hands and legs!” Jen said as she hugged herself, before noticing that some of her clothes were on her the wrong way… “I’ll be right back...” She said while blushing before running off to another part of the ship to reorient herself.

Cruger just sighed, “Vengeance feels good. By the way, didn’t anyone warn you about the lord of chaos?”

“The lord of what now? Never came across him back home,” admitted Jack with a shrug.

“Lucky duck,” Cruger pouted, “well, we might as well hatch this thing, assuming, of course, there are no further interruptions.”

“I’m back… Sorry about that…” Jen chuckled nervously as she ran back into the lab, “Now let's revive that Spectrobe!”

“Finally,” Cruger said as he handed Jen the fossil, “well, you’re the mad scientist, where do we start?”

“Well, first we awaken it,” Jen said as she put the fossil into the computer through the liquid screen as if it was a portal to a pocket dimension.

“I remember this bit, just didn’t know which machine it was,” Cruger said, “Now assuming we follow the method in Beyond the Portals, I have to do this.” Cruger started whistling a steady note.

“Yep… you’ve got the idea,” agreed Jack.

As Cruger whistled, the fossil started glowing. Once it was a bright as it could get, it burst open, revealing a green seed looking creature with little wheels for feet.

As it leapt out of the screen, it started wheeling around, trying to stay between Cruger and Jack and Jen. Cruger chuckled, “Stand down, they’re friendlies.” The Segu stopped moving, but it kept on giving Jack the gimlet eye. “Protective little guy, isn’t he?” Cruger said as he picked it up, “think I’ll call you Bunker.”

“The defence classes usually are.” Jen giggled before she reached over and patted Bunker, “You want to keep him as a child form? or would you like to evolve him?”

“Well, he is useful for finding things right now and cute in an armored badass kind of way, but I think he’ll be even more useful when he’s a bit more grown up.” As Cruger said that Bunker spun his wheels, apparently in agreement.

Jack then walked towards a nearby desk before picking up four minerals and saying “you may need these to evolve him to his adult form.” Before passing the minerals over to Cruger.

Cruger set Bunker on the ground, “I know how this works, ready for some munchies Bunker?” Bunker spun around, which Cruger took as a yes. One at a time, he gently tossed the minerals to Bunker, who snapped them up. After eating the last one, Bunker started sparkling. “Mind giving me a hand triggering this?” Cruger asked.

Jack then smiled before flipping a small pen-like object in his hands before passing it to Cruger and saying “just put him in the incubator system in the computer and then it’s the same process as in the games.”

Cruger nodded, “Got ya, ready to grow up Bunker?” Bunker simply leapt into the screen. Cruger chuckled as he used the pen to trigger his evolution, turning him into a much larger being, looking like a floating wooden ball with a pair of shields attached by branches.

As Bunker floated out, Cruger rapped one of his shields with a knuckle, “Ready for some action buddy?” Bunker just did a one-two punch with his shields in the air. Cruger nodded and turned to Jack, “So, why don’t we continue this at my base? I’m pretty sure we can fit this on one of the airship docks.”

Jack then laughed before saying “Well, if that's where you feel the most comfortable, Jen is there anything else you want to sort first?”

“NO! SPD BASE! NOW!” Jen said with a crazed look like she had just consumed a mountain of caffeine before running off to the spaceship’s cockpit.

“Okay then, Cruger would you like to join us in the cockpit?” Asked Jack calmly.

“Don’t see why not,” Cruger said, “you’ll need me to get landing clearance anyway.”

“That we do... come on, we best get moving.” Jack says as he walks towards the Cockpit. “oh, and keep a close eye on Jen when we're in your base.”

“Don’t worry,” Cruger replied, “I can deal with Pinkie Pie, Jen will be easy in comparison.”

“I’ll hold you to that” laughs Jack as he continues to walk to the pilot's seat.

“COME ON, COME ON, COME ON!!! YOU TWO ARE GOING TOO SLOW!” Jen said as she bounced around the cockpit.

Jack them sighed before saying “we’re coming Jen, we’re coming.”

Cruger chuckled as he punched some coordinates into the computer, “Delta Command, course laid in, we may depart whenever you’re ready.”

“Ok then… You may want to get seated, this may be a bumpy ride… I'm still new to this” admits Jack before preparing the ship for take off.

“Well, this should be interesting,” said Cruger as he took his seat. Bunker nodded before going into Anubis’s Prizmod.

“Okay then heading towards Delta Command” announced Jack before the ship begins to head towards the pre-entered coordinates.

As they arrived at one of the airship docks, Cruger beamed with pride at the opportunity to show off his hard work. A crew of technicians awaited them, even if they were unsure how to service the vessel. When the ship touched down, Cruger simply said, “Welcome, to Space Patrol Delta.”

Jack slowly got up from his seat before saying “I will admit this place looks amazing… and if the ride here was a bit bumpy I apologize.”

“Not a problem,” Cruger said, pointing at Jen, “though you may want to open the hatch before she pops.”

Jack then laughed before saying “yeah… probably a good idea” as the doors slowly began to open.

“When does the tour start?” Jen asked eagerly, barely containing her excitement.

“That depends... if you want the public tour, there's one every half hour. but if you’d prefer, the Displaced Special starts as soon as your friend here opens the hatch.”

Jack then laughs before saying “I’d better get the hatch open faster then.” as the hatch hits the floor of the hanger.

“Well, follow me,” Cruger said, “where do you want to start? The gym? Short term holding? R&D?”

“Did you say, R&D?” Jen asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“That I did,” Cruger replied as they approached an elevator, “so, Runner Bay, central lab, or my personal workshop?”

“Let's go in that order.” Jen said, internally fangirling.

“Sounds like a plan,” Cruger said, “Runner Bay.” With a lurch, the elevator started downwards. After a minute, the doors opened to a large, dark, cavernous room. With a mighty thunk, the lights turned on, revealing something that caused Jen to immediately start salivating.

“Oh… My… GOD! THE SPD ZORDS!” Jen squealed with all the enthusiasm of a legion of pink party ponies hyped up on sugar before running off in their direction.

“Um, you might wanna,” before Cruger could finish, a beam of light hit Jen, encasing her in a bubble of energy and rendering her immobile. Cruger chuckled as he walked towards her, “Sorry, you didn’t give me a chance to mention our security systems.”

“Fascinating…” Jen muttered as she observed the technological wonders around her.

“Told you I could keep her out of trouble,” Cruger said as he pressed a button on a console, releasing Jen, “now, no more running off.”

Jack then smiled before saying “I guess I was wrong… you can handle her”

“You know it,” Cruger said before turning to Jen, “so, want a look under the hood of one of these?”

“YES! YES! YES!” Jen cheered as she bounced in place.

Cruger grinned as he brought them towards Delta Runner 4, which was in a minor state of disassembly. “What do you think? We’re in the middle of upgrading them from a mark 4 mana reactor to a mark 5, but the primary drive system’s intact.”

“Whats a mana reactor? and why aren't you using fusion reactors?” Jen asked as she started rummaging through the zord and analyzing its systems.

Cruger grinned, “Mana reactors tap into the planet’s natural magical field to generate energy. While admittedly they don’t generate quite as much power as a fusion reactor of the same size, they’re cleaner, safer, cheaper to build, and you don’t have to worry about running out of fuel.”

“If you say so.” Jen said as she finished examining the zords mechanisms, “Also, I can make a list of things you can do to improve its performance and durability.”

Cruger passed her a tablet, “Here, put your ideas on this, I’ll take it back before you leave.”

“Thanks.” Jen said before grabbing the tablet and starting to jot down notes upon notes for Cruger to use.

“So,” Cruger continued, “ready for our next stop?”

“Yup!” Jen said as she followed Cruger while still jotting down notes.

They re-entered the elevator, arriving at a good sized laboratory, with various scientists and engineers working on various projects.

“So,” Cruger said, “see anything that strikes your fancy?”

Jen then wandered in and started looking around like a kid in a candy store.

“I’m going to look around for a bit…” Jen said before disappearing from view.

Jack then looked at Jen as she disappeared before saying “She really is one in a million.”

Cruger shrugged, “She’s your girlfriend. By the way, mind if I ask what other Displaced you’ve met?”

“We met a guy called Sun who was displaced as Sun Wukong from RWBY and we met two Kamen Riders called Natsumi and Haruka.” said Jack.

Cruger nodded, “I’ve met a Kamen Rider myself, I’m working on something for him that I’ll show ya when we get to my lab. I’ve also met a female Overlord named Umbra, a female Majin Bu named Eriba, a half Salamance named Zinnia, a Monkey D Luffy Displaced named Sean and his wife Ashley, there’s Black Alice, she’s that emo fangirl I mentioned earlier, oh and I almost forgot this guy called Aaron, he’s an interdimensional salesman. Oh, and that Kamen Rider I met is named Katsuo.”

“you’ve met a pretty large variety of us, although we’ve only been around for a few days… although during my last displacement Jen was injured and time worked differently so a few hours turned into a week for her.” explained Jack

“Yeah, that happens sometimes,” Cruger said sagely, “by the way, watch out if you meet Zinnia, the only reason she won’t want to sleep with you, is if she wants to have a threesome with you and your girl. She’ll understand if you say no, but still.”

“So in short if we meet her be prepared for a bit of ‘fun’” Jack replied cheekily.

“When you’re not fighting evil mind-controlled Pokemon, yeah.”

“Sound’s like we’d have a ton of fun if that happened.”

Cruger shrugged, “To each his own, I like a good spar, but I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t like starting fights, ending them on the other hand...”

Jack then sighed before saying “Sometimes though you can’t avoid starting a fight… when that happens you need to accept whatever happens.”

“Wise words,” Cruger said, “now, what has your girlfriend been up...” Before he could continue, he was interrupted by an explosion.