• Published 9th Jan 2016
  • 2,697 Views, 40 Comments

A Displaced Spectrobes Master - The Dark Brony

Jack was once a normal guy… well as normal as you can be with a girlfriend who’s a technological genius. But everything change as they are thrust into adventure as they must now face the fury of the Krawl to protect The Lucena System from destruc

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Chapter 14

“I’m sorry for your loss Jack… We’ll keep a lookout to see if anyone can find clues as to what happened to her. But you can't spend your time moping around like this, we still need you in order to fight the Krawl.” Commander Grant sighed as he sat next to Jack.

“It’s not just that… I met her after I lost my cousins before they disappeared, she helped me to keep myself together while I came to terms with what happened… and now I’ve lost her as well,” Jack admitted while reaching down and rubbing the back of Komainu’s head.

“I see…” Commander Grant said, “Well, know that you have friends here to help you get through this.” He said patting Jack on the back before getting up.

Jack then looked forwards before saying, “Thanks Commander… I needed that.”

“What are friends for?” The commander replied as he walked out of the break room.

Jack then thought yeah what are friends for. He then stood up before saying to himself, “Why am I sitting here acting like I can’t do anything… the longer I sit here the longer I’m not looking for her.” He then jumped up before continuing to say to Komainu “Let's move, we have people to save,” before running towards his ship.

As Jack reached the ship, he slowly walked through the halls thinking time to sort this mess out.

Once he reached the cockpit he began to prepare the ship for takeoff. Once he finished all of the flight checks he slowly he slowly eased the ship forwards towards the hangar doors as they slowly opened.

The communicator then turned on, “Mission control to agent Jack! I repeat mission control to agent Jack! There has been a Krawl sighting around the vicinity of the orbital research center, we request your assistance in subduing the threat and assuring the safety of Professor Sparkle!”

Twilight Jack thought before he quickly said, “Send me the coordinates of the research station… I’ve got a friend to save.” The coordinates of the space station then began to scrawl across the communicator's screen before he started to input them into the ship’s guidance system.

Once the coordinates had been accepted, Jack then said, “Let her know I’m on my way,” before quickly getting the ship airborne and flew towards the coordinates.

As the ship slowly approached the Orbital Space Station, Jack could easily see multiple Krawl swarms moving in onto the station as he thought this place is going to be swarming with these things… and Vilakroma is definitely not an option here, can’t risk blowing the station up as the ship slowly docked with one of the numerous landing pads along the exterior of the station.

As soon as the ship docked he made his way to the back of the ship before he said “If this is following beyond the portals they will know my tricks from before… I need to come up with new techniques,” before he quickly went into the lab.

As he entered the lab he noticed Jen’s Prizmod resting against the table before muttering “I will find you… even if you can’t hear me, I swear I will get you back.”

He then walked towards the computer before Leo appeared on the screen. He then hectically grabbed multiple minerals from around the room before feeding them to Leo.

After a few minutes, Leo began to glow before a pen like object appeared in Jack’s hands before he clicked on a small button that appeared on the screen before Leo was surrounded by a white shell. He then quickly sliced it in a vertical pattern as the shell broke and a large red lion appeared where the egg was moments before.

Seconds later Leo disappeared before he was replaced by Ryan. Jack then repeated the same process as he had previously as the image of Ryan disappeared, before a six legged creature that looked similar to him appeared on the screen before disappearing.

Jack then turned away from the Lab before grabbing Jen’s Prizmod and saying “I’m keeping this with me… when I find her I’m going to make sure this is returned.” He then placed it on his left arm as it snapped into place like his own. He then walked out of the lab and opened the ship's door ready to fight his way to Twilight.

Once Jack got out of his ship the hanger seemed deathly quiet… too quiet. This led him to think this place was supposed to be crawling with Krawl… so why is it so quiet?

As he slowly walked out of the ship with his sword drawn both Ryan and Leo appeared beside him before Leo walked forwards almost as if he was scouting the area ahead of him out. After a few seconds, he nodded his head towards him to tell him the coast was clear.

With that Jack walked off the ship swiftly followed by Ryan before walking to the nearest door as Leo got ready to attack any waiting Krawl once Jack opened the door.

Once Jack opened the door he saw that the corridor was swarming with Krawl. He then quietly nodded towards Leo before he fired off a red beam of energy that instantly disintegrated all the Krawl in the hallway excluding a small few that Ryan instantly speared with the blades on his wings.

Ryan then quickly charged to the end of the corridor before stopping at another pair of doors before Jack ran through the hallway flanked by Leo.

Jack then cracked the door open and scanned the room to make sure it was clear of Krawl, before slowly opening the door the rest of the way to find desks full of schematics and prototype devices that looked eerily familiar to him somehow.

”Who’s there!” Shouted a voice from behind one of the desks as a prototype blaster was lifted into the air by a purple aura and aimed at the entryway where Jack was standing.

“Relax Twilight it’s me, I came to get you out of here” Jack replied calmly as Ryan and Leo were keeping an eye on the door at the other end of the hall.

“Jack?” Twilight said in confusion as she popped up from behind the desk she was hiding under. “Oh thank goodness it's you!” She sighed before walking over to him.

“Yep… you feeling okay?”

“Mostly… I haven't eaten in over a day…” Twilight chuckled nervously.

“Well then once we get back to the ship you can eat what you want. Better to get you out of here, grab anything you need and we’ll move, but make sure you can carry it easily by yourself,” replied Jack calmly, thinking back to when they first met.

“All I need is this disc,” Twilight said holding up a CD with Jen’s signature on it. “I can't let these designs fall into the wrong hands, especially those of the Krawl.”

“I doubt they need it now Twilight, let's get moving.”

“Just let me destroy the paper copies.” Twilight said before casting a spell on the lab causing it to catch fire, “Now let's get out of here!”

“I’m with you. Ryan, Leo you ready?”

Leo then lowered it's head before Jack said, “Jump on,” as he climbed onto Leo’s back. Twilight did as told and climbed onto Leo’s back before holding onto Jack so that she didn't fall off.

Jack then calmly said “Leo, get us back to the ship. Ryan, clear the way, Twilight… hold on tight.” They then began to head back towards the ship.

Once they got onto the ship Jack asked, “Okay Twilight, were there anyone else on the station?”

“The others were able to evacuate in the escape pods before the Krawl arrived, but I ended up trapped because I went back for Jen’s designs,” Twilight replied.

”Right then, let's get out of here, ” Jack said as he recalled Leo and Ryan before they made their way to the ship's cockpit before they made their way back towards Equis.

Once the ship landed back safely at the spaceport in Equestria Jack turned to Twilight before he said, “And we’re back. Twilight, you know the Krawl won’t need your information, they do have Jen now.”

“Just because they have her doesn't mean that she will cooperate with them if they decided to keep her alive for some reason that is…” Twilight said as she walked out of the ship. “I’ll report to the commander, you take a few days off. You look like you could use some alone time.”

“I guess you're right, I just worry for her. Anyway thanks, Twilight… a break will do me some good, anything you’d recommend doing in town?”

“Well, I would recommend going to the shopping district. They have some interesting stuff there that you might find useful.” Twilight said before teleporting away.

Jack then chuckled before asking himself, “Whats with women and shopping?” as he made his way towards the shopping District.

Once Jack reached the shopping District he saw multiple shops that appeared to be working out of some old patrol ships.

The first was selling what seemed to be some potions of some kind, the second tons of minerals but the ones that Jack was the wariest of were some strange black minerals that seemed out of place with the rest of them, the third store sold what appeared to be some sort of badges of some kind which led him to think maybe something I could start collecting when I'm not busy.

When he reached the fourth ship he saw what looked to a lot of different mining equipment ranging from drills to what looked like a hairdryer of some kind, but what interested him the most was and object that looked like a scanner which he recognised as the Giga tool which he brought in a heartbeat. He also brought two new drills, one which was red, and another that was blue but strangely looked like it had a shower head attached to it.

Once he finished buying the equipment he needed from the stores he began to walk through towards the nearby streets. As he was walking along he saw a small store that had a sign which looked like a feather with what looked to be a sofa of some kind.

As Jack walked inside he saw what appeared to be a tan earth pony with a brown mane and green eyes, he also wore what appeared to be a blue suit. As he got closer he also saw that the pony was wearing two cufflinks one in the shape of a feather and the second in the shape of a chair. He also had what appeared to be nameplate engraved with the name ‘Davenport.’

“Hello there! How may I help you today sir?” Davenport said to Jack as he approached the shop.

“Well, to be honest, I was actually wondering what you actually have here?” Jack asked calmly.

“Well, we mainly sell writing utensils and furniture. Would you like to buy some?” Davenport said excitedly.

“Actually, furniture may be a good idea, my ship does seem to be missing a few home touches and I am living there more often than not… sure what you got?”

Davenport led Jack into the shop. As he saw that the inside of the ship had what appeared to be stone supports that appeared to be holding up carved arches around the room. There were also what looked to beds around the room and different coloured pillows set out on shelves. But what surprised Jack the most was a strange lack of furniture that he expected as the shop seemed to only be selling bedding.

“I was expecting more furniture” Jack admitted.

“Well… due to the recent attacks I haven’t been getting any new wares in, so I’m working with what I have left.” Davenport sighed.

“Uh, the Krawl are making it hell for everyone. I guess I forgot how they are affecting local businesses” Jack admitted.

“Well… I'm sure the PPP are doing their best it’s not like it’s easy for them to deal with those things.”

“It’s not easy without some special friends”

“You're acting like you survived them before.”

“I’m the one who’s been dealing with them. When I next go out I'll see if I can pick up any of your shipments.”

“You would!? Thank you, that would be very helpful!” Davenport then said excitedly as he took Jack’s hand and shook it in gratitude.

“Where do you get your wares from, I might struggle to get them for you without knowing that.”

“Oh, I think they come from a small community on Daipon. When you get there ask for someone named Braeburn, he can help you find the people who make the furniture.” Davenport said as he released Jack from the handshake.

“Well, then I’ll go get your shipments and once I do I'll buy some of them off you,” Jack said calmly

“Thank you, I’ll repay you for this someday!” Davenport said as Jack left the shop.

Once Jack got out of the shop he heard someone shout, “Hey! You, your that Jack kid, the only person who’s capable of getting minerals safely with those alien creatures around!”

Jack then turned around to see a brown unicorn that had a yellow mane that was pulled back and cut short so it looked ended just behind his head. He then said “I’m sorry sir… is there something you need?”

“It’s not what I need from you… it’s what I can do for you.” The Unicorn said.

“Sorry, and you are?”

“The names Cyrus, mineral expert and information broker, you need information I'm your guy”

Jack the groaned as he thought Oh this guy is as bad as in the game… I actually want to punch him through a wall

“And I want to offer you a job, you’ll be paid of course”

“Right… umm, Cyrus… I need to ask what is it you actually want of me, I can’t be your little slave.”

“I never called you a slave… you’ll need to bring me any minerals you find and I’ll pay you with information or bits depending on the rarity of the mineral in question, you won’t get a better deal in the whole system.” Cyrus shouted.

“So I bring you my minerals and you pay me for what you think it’s worth.”

“Exactly kid”

“So you rip me off and pay me the worst price of the planet,” Jack argued

“No I'd never rip off an honest member of the PPP, especially one who would be working with me,” Cyrus replied

“Forgive me for being sceptical, but your kind are all the same. You lie your way into power and then cheat hard working citizens out of their money to buy yourself more rings and fancy clothes while the rest of us struggle to make enough to survive the week.”

“Hmm, you think me to bad of a guy. But fine if that's your opinion of me I’ll leave you be, but you will regret your choice one day,” he replied as he walked past Jack, punching him in the ribs with brass covered knuckles.

Jack collapsed to the floor while holding his side in pain before muttering, “I doubt that”. He then thought I could get him for assaulting a government official… but I ain’t that petty before slowly getting up and making his way back towards the ship.

Once Jack reached Daipon he began to skim the treeline with the cruiser looking for any hints of civilisation only to find that there was no way to see through the dense treeline from above. “I’ll need to land the ship and search for it on foot… not a desirable outcome,” he muttered to himself before he saw a nearby clearing that looked just big enough for the ship to land in.

Once the ship landed Jack slowly walked out before he said “Leo will stick out here, better use Ryan to search for the town.” Before Ryan appeared just outside the ship with his head lowered waiting for Jack to jump on.

Jack then chuckled before saying, “You couldn’t wait could you buddy?” As he slowly walked off the ship and climbed onto Ryan’s back before the ship's hatch began to close behind him. They then began to search the forest floor.

As they travelled through the forest, Jack realised that the trees seemed to begin separating slightly, as if the area was organised. Jack then looked up as he noticed that the trees were bearing some sort of familiar fruit. As he reached towards it he realised that it was an apple and therefore meant he was most likely in an apple orchard.

“Whatcha doin?” Came a gravelly voice from behind Jack.

Jack then quickly spun around to see a tall red earth pony that had orange hair that who wearing blue overalls and a stetson. He then shook his head before he said “Sorry I was looking for somebody who goes by the name Braeburn, I was asked to pick up a delivery for Davenport from here,” Jack admitted before recalling Ryan back to his Prizmod.

“I see, so why are you reaching for one of my apples?” The pony asked, crossing his arms.

“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t actually realise I was on a farm I been wandering through the forest and wandered here, If you would prefer I could pay for the apple as a lot extra for me trespassing on your property,” Jack admitted.

“Anyone is allowed to walk around here, it's just the fruit that people have to be careful of.” The pony snorted as he waved the subject off.

“Ah well sorry… how much do you need me to pay for the apple?”

“Two bits an apple for off-worlders.” The pony said, “Now, you said you were looking for Braeburn?”

“Yes I did” Jack replied as he passed three bits to the pony and said “I was sent by one of his clients he hadn't been getting his shipments due to all the attacks. I came to collect it for him.” Jack explained.

“I see, I’ll take you straight to him then.” The pony said as he accepted the bits before walking off, indicating for Jack to follow him.

“Okay then” Jack calmly replied as he followed the pony.

After a while of wandering through the forest like orchard with the earth pony they eventually, exited the forest into what looked like a small town. “Welcome to Appleloosa, Braeburn house is the second one to your left once you enter town via the main road.” He said before walking off.

“Ah, thank you for you help,” Jack replied before following the directions he was given by the pony.

Once Jack had reached the house that the pony had directed him to he saw that in front of him was what appeared to be a small cottage. The outside looked to have been painted red, and near the top appeared to have a symbol in the shape of an apple carved into the wood on the door, as well as a second that seemed to painted into the wood in what seemed to be pink paint.

As he approached the house he notices a small red mailbox in the shape of what appeared to be a barn that had the name ‘Braeburn’ spelt out underneath it.Well can’t say it isn’t clear who lives here, Jack thought to himself.

He then slowly began to walk towards the door before he knocked on it as he heard the sound of someone moving on the other side.

“I’m coming!” Someone shouted from inside before the sound of hooves approaching the door was heard and the door was pulled open from the inside.

As the door opened Jack could see a tall earth pony stallion that had yellow coat along with orange mane and tail, he was wearing a brown vest along with some blue jeans and a brown stetson.

“Sorry, but are you Braeburn?” Jack asked the pony.

“The one and only, do you need something?” Braeburn asked politely.

“Ah yes, I was asked by one of your clients to come and get his next shipment of furniture. He hasn’t received anything thanks to all the attacks.”

“Oh, I see,” Braeburn said as he motioned for Jack to come inside before leading him into what looked like a living room and sitting down. “So what would you like me to do about it?”

“I was wondering if it was possible for me to collect Davenport’s next shipment for him and take it back to Equis,” Jack explained.

“Oh? Is that all?” Breyburn asked quizzically, raising an eyebrow at Jack.

“Why are you so sceptical about why I’m here… I’m not here to lie I'm here to help everyone, it is my job as a member of the PPP,” Jack admitted.

“If you say so, can't be too sure nowadays.” Braeburn sighed.

“You don’t really seem to trust people do you,” Jack pointed out.

“We don't really trust outsiders that much nowadays, you can blame Cyrus for that.” Braeburn said, “Now how do you plan on transporting all Davenport's supplies?”

“I was going to bring my ship around once I found you, It would take a while to get to it and I didn’t know where to find you he only told me you were on the planet,” Jack explained.

“Well, that's because Davenport, even if he is a good friend of mine, has never been to this here town before. He only knows what I told him back in the day. Now go get your ship and land it in the clearing at the center of town, we’ll meet you there with the cargo.”

“Okay then, I’ll be back soon,” Jack replied as he walked out the house as Ryan appeared outside the door with his head lowered towards Jack. Jack quickly climbed onto it’s back before he made his way back to his ship.

Once Jack had brought his ship towards the location that Braeburn had directed him to, he slowly began to dock the ship in the clearing.

Once the ship landed he opened the hanger's door to see multiple ponies some of them waiting nearby and order holding multiple pieces of cargo.

“Took ya long enough,” Braeburn said with a sly grin.

“Well I’m sorry, it’s not like I had to travel on the back of a Spectrobe or anything for about an hour before even reaching my ship,” Jack muttered.

“Take it easy, I was just teasing.” Braeburn chuckled, “Now, where do you want us to put all of Davenport's cargo?”

“The best place from be to place it inside and tie it down, we had an issue in the past when some cargo wasn’t and… someone I knew got a bit of a shock as we made our way around the ship once it was on autopilot.”

“I see… Alright, let's get this cargo ready to go, everyone!” Breyburn said before shouting as he and some of the other villagers began loading the stuff meant to go to davenport into Jack’s ship.

Jack then looked back to Braeburn before saying “Thank you for helping me with this. I was also wondering what did Cyrus do to make you wary of outsiders?”

“It's no problem, though as for what Cyrus did… It's best if we don't talk about that. Many of us are still sore about the incident.” Braeburn replied

“Fair enough, and you are not the only ones who are sore because of him,” Jack admitted as he remembered his encounter with Cyrus earlier. “I feel like what I said to him will cause problems in the near future.”

“I know how you feel, we refused to go along with one of his harebrained schemes and there hasn't been a shipment crew or merchant here since.” Braeburn chuckled nervously as the last of the goods were loaded onto Jack’s ship.

“Well… I’ll make sure to fix what he did you all and get trade back to your town, you have my word,” Jack promised.

“Thanks, your generosity is appreciated,” Braeburn said before saying goodbye and leaving along with the rest of the bystanders.

“And it’s a promise I aim to keep,” muttered Jack and he slowly walked back to his ship as the door shut behind him. He then carefully checked that each piece of cargo was tied down correctly before making his way back to the cockpit before he prepped the ship for takeoff and made his way back to Equis.

Shortly after Jack delivered the cargo to Davenport he received a letter that seemed to materialise out of thin air, inviting him to come to Beacon academy where Sun was awaiting his arrival. He smiled weakly before accepting the invitation and preparing for the dimension jump.

Author's Note:

Well finally a new chapter, and finally this story is off Hiatus.

I would like to thank Cyberlord4444 for his help in editing this chapter