• Published 9th Jan 2016
  • 2,698 Views, 40 Comments

A Displaced Spectrobes Master - The Dark Brony

Jack was once a normal guy… well as normal as you can be with a girlfriend who’s a technological genius. But everything change as they are thrust into adventure as they must now face the fury of the Krawl to protect The Lucena System from destruc

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Chapter 12

“So how was your trip?” Sweetie Drops asked as she approached Jack’s ship after it landed.

“It was different that Jen expected I bet” admitted Jack.

“Where is she by the way?” Sweetie Drops asked as she approached the ship’s entrance.

“probably in the lab, trying to imitate what she saw whilst we were gone,” replied Jack calmly.

“Oh? and what happened this time exactly?” Sweetie Drops asked as she stopped in front of Jack.

“Let's just say that we think there are some very important mares that aren’t recorded in our record that may be important and it seems the Krawl are not just limited to our reality.”

“You sure? we picked up some unusual wormhole activity while you were gone.” Sweetie drops said, alarmed.

“Unusual how?” asked Jack.

“Well, it was as if portals were forming to random other solar systems before closing.” Sweetie Drops explained.

“Almost like the Krawl were being sent through in small burst to attack other realities before shutting it to ensure we couldn’t go after them to help anyone on the other side,” muttered Jack.

“You speak as if you had seen this happen before.” Sweetie Drops commented as she began to step around him.

“you think I've had a chance to see this before?” replied Jack as he followed her into the ship.

“I don't know, you're from somewhere far far away. for all I know you could have seen things we never even dreamed of.” Sweetie Drops pointed out.

“A world where our technology is less advanced than yours, though,” added Jack.

“Yet you know how to deal with a threat that renders our technology useless.” Sweetie Drops countered as she approached the door to Jen’s lab.

“I suppose you're right… but even then I hate to say this but up yet I think I've got by due to sheer luck,” admitted Jack.

“Luck? I don't believe what you accomplished could ever be accounted to luck... Why is the door locked?” Sweetie drops said as she tried to get the door to open.

“Huh? Wait, what?” Jack then walked closer before he said “Jen you okay?”

There were a few banging and clattering noises before footsteps could be heard coming in the direction of the door. “Don't come in!” Jen scratched.

“Jen are you okay?” repeated Jack before continuing to say “What's happened.”

“It's nothing! Just don’t come in!” Jen shouted as the sound of her hurrying around and doing stuff echoed through the door.

Jack then looked towards Sweetie Drops before he said “You think she’s okay?”

“I don't know… Think it's her time of the month?” Sweetie Drops teased.

“Maybe, maybe… still she sounds like she busy, though like she trying to make or upgrade something,” replied Jack.

“I don't hear any parts being assembled, it sounds more like she’s trying to sow something.” Sweetie Drops said as her ears twitched a bit.

“What would she be sowing?” muttered Jack.

“I have no clue.” Sweetie Drops said before a snapping sound was heard.

“Dang it! that's the third bra this week!” Jen wailed from the other side of the door.

“Oh… Oh… yeah I'm not going in there” said Jack whilst he walked away from the door.

“Looks like she’s going through a growth spurt.” Sweetie Drops giggled.

“Sounds like I’ll need to go” Jack then shuddered before he continued, “Shopping… god, save me.”

“I’ll go let the commander know you're going to be a while.” Sweetie Drops said before jogging off.

“Thank you!” shouted Jack just before she left the ship.

“Is she gone?” Jen asked as she peeked through the door, having opened it up just enough for her to see.

“Yeah, she’s gone… I persuaded her that we were going shopping to get you some new clothes,” explained Jack.

“Well, we just might… I actually do need a new bra…” Jen said, blushing a little.

“Well then… We might as well make a day of it and this place could use… how would you say a few home touches.” admitted Jack.

“Ok, let me go put on something decent then,” Jen said before slowly closing the door.

“I’ll wait for you outside” Jack shouted before he walked out of the ship.

“That was a lot more fun than I thought it would be!” Jen giggled as she danced into the ship, she was wearing a long sleeved yellow sundress that she had just bought.

“It would be fun for you” muttered Jack as he carried multiple bags in his hands before placing them down and shaking his hands as they cramped up.

“No need to be a party pooper! I know you think I look cute in the new clothes I got while we were out.” Jen said as she crossed her arms under her bust and made a pouty face.

“I’m not arguing that point, more the fact that I was the one carrying everything.” explained Jack

“But it’s a gentleman's job to carry what a woman buy’s for her.” Jen teased, “So should we go see the commander or do you want to try something?” she then asked as her eyes turned from blue to pink and back again.

“umm, what were you thinking and were you aware that you eyes changed colour,” asked Jack

“My eyes what?” Jen asked shaking her head as if she had snapped out of a trance, “Nevermind, let's go give the commander our report…”

“Okay then” replied Jack as they both made their way towards the headquarters.

“This is quite interesting… Next time you see this commander Cruger I would like to meet him.” Commander Grant said as Jack and Jen finished their report though they left out the detail about Jen becoming part Krawl.

“Yeah, it would be interesting.” Jen chuckled as she rubbed her left shoulder, imagining Grant with his own command center Megazord.

Jack then smirked before he said “Definitely interesting, I'll agree with you on that”

“What? is there something funny?” Commander grant asked, confused by Jack and Jen’s reactions.

“Oh it’s nothing” replied Jack.

“I get it, It’s an inside joke isn't it. Well, how do you two feel about going to explore Zeba’s two moons?” Commander Grant said, changing the subject.

“Hmm, intriguing. What do you think Jack?” Jen commented.

“I was there with Twilight, but won’t the ship need and upgrade to withstand the increased Gravitational pull from the moons?”

“Why don't you go down to the R&D department and talk to Twilight now then? She’s been preparing something ever since we picked up an unknown signal from the moon Celoshi while you were gone.” Commander Grant said smugly.

“Great… now I need to deal with Twilight again, this is going to be so fun” muttered Jack.

“What's wrong? can't handle there being more than one person like me?” Jen teased.

“Why would I want anyone else like you?” joked Jack, “you’re the only one I need.”

Jen giggled before she kissed Jack on the cheek and skipped out of the commanders office.

“You two have quite the interesting relationship.” Commander Grant chuckled.

“yeah… I just hope nothing happens to change that.” agrees Jack.

“While it’s true not all change is good it can’t be avoided, the best you can do is go with the flow.” The commander said sagely.

“I know” muttered Jack, whilst thinking about the Krawl that she was infected by.

“What's taking you so long? come on!” Jen called from outside the commander's office.

“Coming” Jack shouted back then turned to the Commander and said “good luck on your end as well commander,” before running after Jen.

As Jack and Jen approached the R&D wing of the headquarters, they were able to see to a muridae of different weapons and armour ranging from basic gloves to cosmo blasters, that were laid out against the walls.

Jack then looked at Jen before whispering to her “This a Jen wants moment?”

“Me-gusta…” Jen said in agreement.

“Oh, you two finally arrived,” Twilight said as she walked over from one of the many desks scattered throughout the room.

“Yeah. Sorry about taking so long Twilight” admitted Jack.

“It’s alright, now follow me. I have something to show you two.” Twilight giggled as she walked away.

Jen shrugged before following the unicorn scientist.

Jack then sighed as he began to follow them both.

Twilight led them over to a section of the room where there were two suits and a strange device sitting next to a desk before she stopped and handed the suits to Jack and Jen. “These are special suits I designed to decrease the gravitational effects of Celoshi and Lunoshi on their wearers, I want you to have them.” She said.

Jack then looked at her cautiously before he said “are you sure Twilight?”

“I made these two for the both of you specifically, as well as this gravity modification module for your ship,” Twilight said patting the device that was next to the suits with a smug grin.

"Well then, If you made these specifically for us, it would be disrespectful for us to refuse,” admitted Jack, whilst he slowly pick up one of the suits.

“Thanks, Twi,” Jen said as she walked over and tried to pick up the gravity modification module and failed. “Dang this is heavy…”

Jack then looked at her before walking over Gravity Modification Module before easily picking to up before looking at Jen before he said with a worried voice “Jen you sure you’re okay… maybe you should rest whilst we’re flying?”

“I guess…” Jen sighed before she headed back to the ship with Jack.

As soon as Jack and Jen returned to the ship they set down the new equipment and headed into the room that they had set up as a bedroom.

“I think I’ll rest now… like you suggested…” Jen yawned as she took off her dress and crawled onto her bed.

“Okay then, I’ll wake you up once we get near to the moons… which one would you want to head to first?”

“Celoshi, we should check out that unknown signal they picked up…” Jen said as she fell asleep. Once she was asleep she rolled onto her left side exposing her left shoulder to Jack. The Krawl infection on her shoulder had now spread one-fourth of the way down her arm and neck, it even had spread over part of the upper left side of her chest.

Jack then began to blush before he quickly turned around and walked out of the room with a strange feeling of dread as he began to contemplate on the progression of the Krawl infection that was rapidly spreading through Jen’s body, which led him to start thinking about what had happened to Krux and he began to wish he had listened to Jen when she told him about the third game.

He then slowly began to walk to the ship’s cockpit before he sat down and began to prep the ship for taking off for the trip to Celoshi.

As the ship approached Celoshi Jen stumbled into the cockpit of the ship, “Sorry, just woke up and managed to install the gravity device.” She said while trying to get into her gravity suit.

“Don’t worry about it… Would you take the wheel while I get sorted,” asked Jack calmly?

“Sure…” Jen replied as she finally managed to get her suit on before grabbing the controls from Jack so that he could go put his suit on.

“Thanks” replied Jack as he stood up before walking into a room near the back of the ship.

A few bumpy minutes later Jack had his suit on and Jen eagerly handed back the ship controls to him.

“I am never doing that again… I almost crashed into an asteroid!” Jen said while shuddering.

“I doubt you were that bad,” said jack calmly as if nothing had happened.

“Just land the ship so that we can go see what we can find…” Jen pouted.

“Fine, just calm down and I’ll land” replies Jack as the ship slowly begins to land on Celoshi.

Once the ship touched down Jen huffed and walked out of the ship and started smirking once she was outside. “You know, I think I’ll let you handle any Krawl while were here.” She called back to Jack.

“Worried about the Krawl reacting to you?” asked Jack as he followed her out the ship.

“Possibly…” Jen admitted before three Swar appeared. “Aaand I’m somehow attracting Krawl now…”

“Maybe there resonating with the infection, trying to find a new leader… maybe there’s more to them than we realised” replied Jack as Vilakroma appeared in front of them before firing his cannon and quickly destroying all three Swar in front of it.

Jack then looked back at Jen as Vilakroma disappeared before he said “but I don’t want to find out if that's the case.”

“yeah, I agree,” Jen said as she shivered. “Come on, let's go look around and see if we can find the source of the signal.”

“yeah, that's probably a good idea, sooner we find that signal sooner we can get you away from the Krawl.”

Jen then pulled out a tracking device she had made and held it up. “According to my readings, the signal came from over… There!” Jen said pointing at a nearby mountain.

“Okay then” replied Jack as Leo appeared in front of him before slowly backing away from Jen, causing Jack to look at him in confusion before he asked Leo “what’s wrong buddy?”

He then glared at Jen before lowering himself as if he was ready to pounce.

Jen tensed at Leo’s actions and started backing away. “Calm down now buddy, it’s me, Jen. Remember?” She said nervously.

“Leo, calm down, it’s just Jen,” Jack said in a calm voice as Leo began to walk towards Jen slowly before tilting his head sideways before lowering his head towards the ground.

Jen reached over to pet Leo on the head but then quickly retracted her hand, images of Spectrobes tearing her to pieces flooded her mind. “Just great… Now I’m afraid of Spectrobes…” Jen sighed as she shivered in fear.

“Jen, I think they're reacting to you, in the same manner, they react to the Krawl… Leo must have thought you were going to attack me and went to protect me.” Jack said, trying to calm Jen down.

“This sucks…” Jen muttered. “I guess I’ll walk, see you at the mountain.”

“Nah… We’ll walk together” replies Jack as Leo disappears before he continued to say “besides… you can’t call your Spectrobes if you're scared of them and that would leave you defenseless.”

“I… Oh yeah…” Jen said as she realized her predicament. “Today couldn't possibly get worse…” She sighed while starting to walk towards the mountain.

“Murphy’s Law… Jen what will you cause today,” muttered Jack as he followed Jen towards the mountain.