• Published 9th Jan 2016
  • 2,697 Views, 40 Comments

A Displaced Spectrobes Master - The Dark Brony

Jack was once a normal guy… well as normal as you can be with a girlfriend who’s a technological genius. But everything change as they are thrust into adventure as they must now face the fury of the Krawl to protect The Lucena System from destruc

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Chapter 6

“And where were you all night?” Jen asked Jack as he entered Sweetie Drops ship.

“With Twilight, Arguing about me messing up the headquarters” moaned Jack. “She also was asking me about Vilakroma and Leo.”

“Well, that makes me feel better.” Jen chuckled as she walked to the cockpit where Sweetie Drops was waiting.

“Anyhow Jen, Sun mention about us finding a way to train other to use Spectrobes, but I know we’d need more Prizmod and we can’t just give our token to everyone… we need to find a way to create them? Maybe get a copy of a Prizmod and you reverse engineer it?”

“I actually have already gotten started on that.” Jen said as she sat down in the chair next to Sweetie Drops, “But first, let's go fossil hunting. since we have some free time before our next mission.”

Jack then looks at Sweetie Drops and says “But where would you recommend we go to find the most fossils and minerals?”

“Well, people rarely go to Daipon so we would have the best luck starting there.” Sweetie Drops said as she prepped her ship for launch.

“Okey then Sweetie Drops, set course for Daipon.” says Jack.

She then smiles and says “Who’s the captain here?”

“yeah, sorry, got caught up in the moment” admits Jack as Jen giggled at his antics.

Seconds later Sweetie Drops smiled and said “No harm done, let's face it we’ve got to be ready for anything.”

“You have no idea,” Jen said as she pulled Jack into the seat next to her before Sweetie Drops started the launch sequence.

Jack then smiles and says “let's get this party started.”

Sweetie Drops rolled her eyes at jack before she returned to looking at the controls and launched into space. a short flight later, via warp drive, and they were in orbit around planet Daipon.

“So what are we mainly searching for here, Fossils, Minerals or cubes?” asks Jack.

“Cubes?” Sweetie Drops said.

“The cubes aren't important right now, and I don't know if they exist here,” Jen said, “But we're here for fossils and minerals.”

“Okay so if any cube’s appear and I lose them it’s no big loss then. Got ya,” replies Jack.

“Seeing as there are practically hundreds of each version, yes,” Jen confirmed as the ship landed.

Jack then smiled and asks Jen “so what's the plan? stick to together or go our separate ways?”

“Well, we're obviously going to stick together,” Jen said.

“Okey then so where do you want to check first?”

“Well, where's the best place to find stuff?” Jen said, “The mountains.”

“sounds like an idea” Jack then turns to Sweetie Drops then says “we will be back later if the commander calls just raise us on the communicator.”

She then smiles at us then says “If anything comes up, I'll contact you, just find what you can.”

“Alright, let's go!” Jen said as she walked out of the ship and onto the grassy plains of Daipon.

Once Jack got outside he turned to Jen and said, “Let's use Leo to make a beeline straight to the mountains, might as well get as much as we can from this venture.”

“It would be fun to ride an actual Spectrobe.” Jen muttered to herself, “Alright, But if we come across another mount type Spectrobe it's mine!”

“That's fair. let's face it, I have two teams as it is,” admits Jack.

Jen nodded in agreement before turning to face the mountains in the distance. “You ready Swift?” Jen asked her Apectrobe as it floated beside her.

Jack’s Prizmod then opened as Leo appeared next to him and he lowered his head as Jack says “you ready Jen?”

“whenever you are,” Jen replied as she crawls onto Leo’s back.

Jack then rubs the back of Leo’s head then says “Thanks, buddy” Jack then sits just in front of Jen then says “Leo can you take us to those mountains in the distance?”

Leo then nods his head as he begins to slowly move forwards as Jack says “You may want to hold on tight Jen.” causing her to hug him from behind.

Jack blushed before saying “Leo, whenever you're ready” which caused the Spectrobe to bolt forwards, covering multiple metres faster than he could run with ease.

Once the group reached the mountains Jack and Jen crawled off of Leo before he went back into Jack's prizmod.

“Ok, let's start searching!” Jen said as she and Swift wandered off.

“Ok then, Let's hope there something around here” Seconds later Komainu appeared by Jack's side as he said “can you find any fossils around here buddy”

Komainu then stared at Jack before he ran towards the edge of the cliff and then started clawing at the ground. As Jack began to dig around the area where Komainu indicated and dug further into the ground he found what looked like a three-headed dragon, a fossil for the Spectrobe Grilda.

Jack then looked back to Komainu then said “good work, can you feel anything else around” He then quickly looked back down and carefully excavated the fossil.

Once I get it free I look around to see that there were multiple small holes in the ground with Komainu already digging another one.

As I walked towards another one of the holes I noticed that he’d already dug up to another fossil this one looking almost like a small beetle wearing platebody. As I began to dig more of it out I realised exactly what it was a fossil for a Samukabu.

I then pulled out my communicator then said “Jen you there?”

“Yes?” Jen replied over the communicator.

“Just checking up, you found much up to yet?” asks Jack.

“Um… I’ll let you see when we return to the ship. Just remember to store your fossils in your prizmod so that they don't weigh you down.” Jen said with a nervous chuckle before she turned off her communicator.

Jack then turns back to Komainu and says “we’re going to be in this for the long haul, best keep focused.” he then knelt back down and carefully removed the fossil he just uncovered from the ground before storing it in his Prizmod and moving on to the next hole.

After repeating the process multiple times, Jack had found a multitude of minerals, a few other fossils and by luck two cubes. However just before Jack left he saw two rectangular shaped objects resting against some rocks. as Jack picked them up he noticed that they were two input cards that contained Geos!

“Jack! What's taking you so long?” Jen said as she walked over.

“well, I’ve just found what looks to be Input cards.” replies Jack before saying “when would you like to meet”

“I just finished. And I think we should start heading back to the ship.” Jen said as she looked towards the horizon to see abnormally large storm clouds heading in their direction.

“that can’t be good,” says jack before Leo appears beside him and he says “Leo we need to get back to the ship quickly.”

Leo then nodded his head before lowering it as Jen and Jack climbed onto his back. Once they were seated, Leo started running back in the direction they came from earlier.

“Once we get to the ship we need to take off immediately, otherwise, we're going to have to wait that storm out!” Jen said as she contacted Sweetie Drops over her communicator and relayed the situation to her.

Sweetie Drops then shouted over the communicator “well you better be quick or we won’t be able to get away in time.”

“Were trying!” Jen shouted back as she turned her communicator back off before they reached the ship.

As they reached the ship Leo quickly jolted to a stop as Jen and Jack jumped off and Leo disappeared back into Jack’s Prizmod before they run onto the ship.

“I’ll go put away what we gathered, You go help Sweetie Drops get us out of here!” Jen said before running off to the lab with the fossils and minerals she and jack had collected.

“Wheres Jen?” Sweetie Drops asked.

“Dropping off everything, we found out there. She asked me to help you get us out of here,” replies Jack.

“Do you know how to fly?” Sweetie Drops asked.

“I wish I could say yes, for as smart as Jen is she doesn’t always think everything through.” admits Jack.

“Then I guess I will have to teach you. This would be a good time to practice seeing as I won't be with you guys all the time anymore once we get back.” Sweetie Drops Said as she moved to the copilot seat.

Jack then took a deep breath before sitting in the pilot seat then saying “Ok what do I need to do?”

“Have you driven any kind of vehicle before?” Sweetie Drops asked.

“Umm does learning to drive a car count?” asks Jack hopefully.

“If cars from where you come from are anything like our cars, then yes.” Sweetie Drops said before pushing some buttons that caused a steering wheel appear out of the control panel with a few buttons on the sides. She then proceeded to tell Jack what buttons do what. “Any questions?” she asked after her quick tutorial.

“Not about operating the ship.” replies Jack as he follows the instruction he was told to do to the letter as he manages to get the ship off the ground seconds before the storm hit the ship.

“You sure you have never flown one of these before?” Sweetie Drops asked as Jack managed to expertly maneuver the ship away from the planet with no problems.

“A ship… not a real ship no, in computer games, a lot.” jokes Jack.

“Then I’m impressed, you're a natural!” Sweetie Drops laughed as she pressed a few buttons causing the autopilot kick in, “Now let's go check on Jen.”

Jack smiles then says “That's probably a good idea.”

There was then the sound of an explosion as the ship shook.

Jack then fell to the floor as he said “What the? What just happened?”

“I don't know… It sounded like it came from-” Sweetie Drops started to say but was interrupted by a blood-curdling scream that sounded like Jen.

Jack then shot up and then began to run towards the lab following the scream.

“Crap! I'm going to have to take over from the autopilot.” Sweetie Drops said as she ran back to the cockpit and took the controls just in time before the autopilot failed from the internal ship damage.

As Jack reached the lab he saw that the place was trashed, there were fossils and minerals everywhere! and in the middle of the room was Jen, lying on the floor. He quickly ran over to her then began to shake her whilst saying “Jen, Jen wake up!”

“J-jack? W-what… H-happened?” Jen said as she tried to get up, but winced in pain instead.

“Jen, just relax, you’re injured, don’t push yourself,” Jack said clearly worried for her wellbeing.

“I-I can't… F-feel the l-left half... Of m-my body…” Jen said as she gasped for breath.

“Just rest, Jen, we’ll get back to Equis and get you to a hospital, can you remember what happened here… anything at all?”

“The white Krawl… It escaped… But I think I defeated it…” Jen said before passing out again.

Jack then quickly grabbed his communicator then say “Sweetie Drops, we need to get back to Equis now… Jen is down and in critical condition, and we need to get her to a hospital. Now!”

“What!? Ok, hold on tight!” Sweetie Drops Replied before activating the warp drive. A few moments later the ship warped right above PPP HQ and Sweetie Drops made a crash landing in front of the entrance.

Seconds after landing Jack shouted over the communicator “Where is the nearest hospital!”

“I'm contacting the commander!” Sweetie Drops replied. Moments later, an emergency response team arrived and put Jen on a stretcher before taking her to the medical wing of PPP HQ.

Jack then collapsed in the corner of the lab muttering “She can’t die… She can’t.”