• Published 9th Jan 2016
  • 2,698 Views, 40 Comments

A Displaced Spectrobes Master - The Dark Brony

Jack was once a normal guy… well as normal as you can be with a girlfriend who’s a technological genius. But everything change as they are thrust into adventure as they must now face the fury of the Krawl to protect The Lucena System from destruc

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Chapter 5

Author's Note:

This is the second part of the crossover with FrostTheWolf's story Monkey Business.

The moment that the doors opened, Sun swiftly leaped out of the room and onto the walkway where Jack and Jen was. And from what they could tell, the situation looked… Really bad considering the amount of Krawl that were waiting outside.

“Well this is just great.” mutters Jack.

“Well, at least, it’s just like in the game?” Jen offered with a dry chuckle. Unfortunately, when that was said, all the Krawl that were outside were now looking in her direction. Slowly inching towards her...

“You just had to say that, did you?” Sun grumbled. “Alright, looks like there's only one thing to do now,” He said, preparing his Prizmod, “Kill ‘em with fire.”

Jack then smiles as he raises his Prizmod before Windora and Pinorska appear beside him. Copying the same motions, Sun raised his up in the air as Torgazar appeared by his side ready for combat.

Jack then turns to Jen and says “You need to sort yourself out an adult Spectrobe Jen, we’ll hold them off until you're prepared.”

“Smart alek,” Jen replied before running back into the ship.

Jack then smiles and says “better to be smart than dead.” As soon as Jen went into the ship the door closed behind her and the Krawl surrounded Jack and Sun.

Jack continued to smile as he turned to Sun and said “Well you ready?”

“I was going to ask you the same thing.” The Faunus smirked. “Let’s trample these guys.”

Jack then glared towards the Krawl then said “Windora, Blow them away” seconds later two tornado flew into the group of Krawl launching them into the air.

“Torgazar, let’s go!” The Faunus said, preparing his weapons for combat as he and his Spectrobe began to attack the Krawl that were falling for the ground while also trying to assist Jack with any Krawl that his Spectrobe missed.

Jack then turned around and Pinorska crushed a group of them with his spiked tail as he rolled out of the way of a group of Swar. The two of them and their spectrobes were defeating Krawl left and right, but Sun soon noticed something crawling around nearby. “Jack… On the roof.”

Jack then looks up and says “Oh fuck my life, I can’t deal with these things right now.” as he see’s a group of Rach appear behind him.

Jack then turns around and says “We really could use some backup right now.”

“Yeah, no kidding… Wait… How long does it take Jen to get ready?” Sun said, looking at Jack.

“Depends when you mean?” jokes Jack.

“Like right now…” He said.

Jack then looks around and says “It would depend on the Spectrobe she picks.”

“Fire in the hole!” Jen shouted before a canon shot is heard and something crashes into the middle of the group of Rach. when the dust cleared there was a creature that looked like half rhinoceros beetle and half samurai standing in the middle of the group of reach.

“Jesus Christ! Who called in the calvary!?” Sun cursed, the sudden crash landing of the new Spectrobe catching him off guard.

“That would be Jen’s new Spectrobe, Vilamasta… you think this is dangerous you should see it’s final form.” replies Jack.

“When you say that, you make me think of Frieza.” Sun snickered. “Let’s just stick with what we got for right now and clean up this mess before these guys get anywhere else.”

“I’m with you on that. Windora, Pinorska. End this.” shouts Jack.

“Torgazar, let’s kick it up a notch!” Sun roared as Torgazar and the two other Spectrobes prepared for one last attack to finish off the remaining Krawl.

“Don’t forget me!” Jen said. “Give Jack some cover Tank!” she then told the Vilamasta.

Sun just looked at Jen with a raised eyebrow. “You named your Spectrobe Tank?”

“You would understand if you saw his final form. anyway, take cover!” Jen called over to Sun from on top of the spaceship. Listening to Jen, Sun used his weapon to launch himself upward to where Jen was while Torgazar began to channel rings of fire to prevent the remaining Krawl from running away.

Jack then shouts up to Jen “Jen let's end them!”

“Then use your combo move already!” Jen shouted back.

Jack then smirks and says “That's all you needed to say” with that both Windora and Pinorska are surrounded in a silver glow before a giant tornado appeared in the middle of the Krawl that threw them around the battlefield until they turned into purple smoke.

“Well… That was something… Just curious though… How much do you think the extent of the damage is in collateral?” The Faunus asked, looking at all the devastation that was left behind by the attack.

“It depends on what spectrobes you use and their level.” Jen explained. “If you end up using spectrobes in your world you might want to see about having me and Jack teach a class on them.” She added with a slight giggle at Sun’s stunned expression.

The word class though… got Sun thinking. “Actually… you just gave me an idea.”

“Oh? And what pray tell would that be?” Jen asked as Jack recalled his spectrobes and went into the ship to heal them.

“In the series RWBY, there’s a special academy named Beacon Academy. Think Hogwarts for Huntsmen and Huntresses like the people in my world,” He said, recalling Torgazar as he spoke. “Right now, we’re in the process of building our own Beacon and with what you just said, I was thinking of making it more than just a school for the ponies in my world, but also a school for Displaced. If you want… I can have the both of you be teachers and you can establish a Spectrobes Lab in the Academy. I really like you guys and if what you say is true about the Krawl and Spectrobes, then some ponies can learn to use them for good purposes.”

“Sure, although I hope you don't mind if I accidentally tinker with a few things… Hehe… I’m worse than Ruby when it comes to machines I haven’t seen before…” Jen said nervously.

“Well, you will definitely like meeting Raven then. She’s a blacksmith and weapon maker. Made a few weapons for friends of mine. I bet that if you ask her nicely and not pester her, than she might teach you a thing or two about them.”

“Sounds fun! But no promises about the pestering her thing…” Jen said as she recalled Tank and let Swift out.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Sun replied back to her. “We should check and see if everypony is okay after that. I’m sure that Sweetie Drops could take care of herself, but we should check with Twilight and Commander Grant.”

“Crap! I almost forgot about the commander! We need to hurry!” Jen shouted before radioing Jack to catch up with them once he was done and running off towards the commander's office.

Jack then said over the communicator “Sun you catch up with her i’ll meet up with you soon, just need to heal everyone up.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice… or at all actually... WAIT UP!!” Sun yelled, running after Jen.

By the time Jen and Sun finally reached the commander's office Jack had caught up with them.

“OK, So are we going to charge in or think of a battle plan?” Jen asked as she stood in front of the doors to Commander Grants office.

“Jen, we already cleared out all the Krawl that tried to attack us outside. Are you sure there would be any inside because I thought that this place would have some high tech security.”

“No we didn’t this is almost a copy of a mission in the game, there a boss behind these doors” explains Jack

“... Well, I’ll take your word for it.”

“Well, Might as well Just go in then.” Jen said before pushing open the doors and running into the room. But what the three of them found though, caught them by surprise.

“Okay… I might be the first to say this… but this guy is seriously ugly.”

“That's Gyforma, the first boss Spectrobe in the game, he attacks by charging your Spectrobes when he’s next to Gyreel and Gyroll. we just need to dodge him when thats happens,” explains Jack.

“Its uglier than in the game though….” Jen said before vomiting.

“anyone else up for the tactic, hit it until it dies?” jokes Jack.

“No seriously don’t try that, Jen we need to use Combination attacks on it, You and Sun work together and i’ll do the same.”

“Got it… we’ll be the bait…” Jen said as she managed to stop herself from being sick from merely looking at the Krawl Boss.

Only to find Sun enacting a different strategy as he was trying to get up close and hit the Gyforma. Followed up by him getting thrown backwards. “Well, there goes me trying to be bait.”

Jack then sighs and says “Time for a new plan.” He then Throws his arm up as Windora and Leopuba appear beside him.

“You arent going to…” Jen asked with a horrified expression, “Are you CRAZY!? This is a confined space!” She then brought out Tank to use as a shield.

“Run for cover!!” Sun hollered, leaping behind the commander's desk and trying to protect himself from what came next.

“Bout time Backup arrived.” Commander Grant grumbled from next to sun under the desk.

“Leo, Windora!” Seconds later Leo charges forwards and rams Gyforma followed by Windora charging into Gyreel.

“Grah!” Gyforma roared as it prepared to charge Jacks spectrobes.

“Ah hell, I don’t have that much of a lifespan anyway.” Sun muttered before running out of cover. “Torgazar! Give Jack some backup!!”

“Thank you… You both need to cover me, I’m going for a combination attack but I need to charge it!” shouts Jack.

“Got it,” The Faunus replied, getting his weapons ready before looking at Torgazar. “Buy Jack some time!” The Spectrobe nodded, charging in and ramming into the Krawl in front of them to provide Jack as much time as possible. Using its flames and forward charges to damage the opponent and distract it as the redhead began to charge up one final move.

“Jen, I could use your help!” The Faunus called out. “The more people that are distracting these guys, the more time we can buy for Jack!”

“Tank isnt fast enough for that so I'm a bit busy using him to block any attacks that come me and jacks way… along with the fact that this attack could harm him just as much as it will harm this Boss monster!” Jen called over as Her spectrobe took a sumo stance and prepared to shield Jack and Jen from anything that came their way.

Jack then shouts “One of you get the commander out of the room!”

“On it!” Sun yelled, having Torgazar retrieve Commander Grant as he looked back at the two of them. “We’ll leave this to you so we can get him out of harm's way.”

“Okey Sun, Jen get out of room! Now.” Shouts Jack.

“Don't need to tell me twice!” Jen panicked as she ran out the room behind Sun and the Commander.

Jack then turns back around as both Windora and Leo are surrounded in a white glow and the ground area around them began to glow red as a wall of flames surrounds Gyforma and then knocks it back, only to find it survived the attack.

Jack then looked around then muttered “I guess i’ve got no choice.” Windora then disappeared as a massive a golden beetle that’s horn had been replaced by a cannon appeared as he shouted “Vilakroma, Jamcannon.”

Seconds latter Vilakroma charged forwards before its cannon fired from just in front of Gyforma, obliterating it on contact.

“Is it safe yet?” Jen asked as she peeked into the room.

“Yeah, it’s safe… just look what's in front of you and what isn’t,” replies Jack

“Very funny.” Jen says before coming back into the room with Sun and the Commander right behind her.

“And it looks like collateral has reached… an all time high.”

Jack then looks down then mutters “yeah sorry about that.”

“Not to worry. Something tells me that the repairs might be easier to fix than appear,” Sun tried to lighten the mood, putting a hand on Jack’s shoulder. “Hell, unicorns are almost capable of a lot of things these days. I’m sure a bit of magic will get this place to look good as new again.”

Jack then looks around then says “We’ve got to hope that’s the case.”

“Yeah. Trust me, there are a lot of unknowns when dealing with certain things,” The Faunus told him, remembering the situation with the Grimm back in his world. “But if you look on the bright side, you can always persevere and overcome any obstacle. Heck, Jen and Twilight can probably find a way to have a defense system for the city if they put their heads together… not literally of course.”

“Yeah I suppose… even then, it’s a longshot. The Krawl are relentless, they literally devour entire solar systems… how could we design weaponry to combat that. No our only weapon is the Spectrobes themselves.” Admits Jack

“Hey, lets not see them as weapons… I would see Torgazar as more of a… companion so to speak.”

“I didn’t mean it that way… I meant it more like they are the only creatures that can harm them… my sword does nothing but annoy them, so what are civilians going to be able to do.”

“That’s where you step up… You find a way to provide shelter for them… Hell, I know for a fact that you two can help Sweetie Drops and some other agents here by teaching them about Spectrobes and showing them how to fight with one. You must adapt to the enemy that you are facing and the best way to do that is what you are doing now.” Sun finished, looking at Leopuba and smiling a little before petting it on the head. “I see what you did Jack… This was my fossil that I showed you right?”

“Yeah… look I’m sorry about grabbing it, I didn’t have much choice I couldn’t combat that Krawl with-.”

“I’m not mad, Jack. Sure I was surprised when I first noticed it, but I am actually glad that you did.” He said to him as he turned back around to look at him. To Jack’s surprise, Sun was actually glad instead of angry. “You did what was right. In fact, I think Leo here is better with you than me. Leo is a lion and your pride is like a lion… You don’t back down from anything you face.”

Jack then smiles and says “I suppose you're right and besides… if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have found Vilakroma in my Prizmod.” He then looks back toward the damage he caused then says “but even then, is it worth the damage I caused to stop just one enemy?”

“It doesn’t matter the damage on the outside,” The Faunus told him, his tail coming around and poking Jack with his tail. “Just don’t let them damage what’s important. What makes you who you are. Your pride can guide you, but it means that you can’t turn and run whenever you feel like it. You need to stand up and stand strong against whatever you face.”

“You know Sun… you are an amazing motivational speaker, I may not be able to defend everyone but I can’t just give up and let them win.” He then looks up to the sky through the hole in the wall Vilakroma made then says “Once Beacon is made, I would be honoured to teach people there, but I’d probably leave the theory to Jen, books always did my head in.”

“No worries… I was going to leave the science part to Jen… I was thinking that Combat Instructor would suit you better.” He said, looking at his Spectrobes and Jack. “You clearly know how to fight as a team. Some of the students there, once they pass their entrance exams, are paired up into groups of four. With a team of them being formed based on their initials. For example, RWBY is made up of Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladona, and Yang Xiao Long. Four… other people I know.”

“I was always a solo fighter back home, in team sports I’d always be the person to tried to take people on by myself… until one of my cousins help me understand the benefits of working as a team.” admits Jack.

“Both Solo and Team instructor then. Works for me…” The Stray Faunus said, smiling a little. “It may not be my place to say this… but if Kirito, Asuna or Craig were here… I think they would be proud of you for what you were able to achieve.” He then looked back in his pocket to find his token and sighed a little. “Even though I would like to stick around and chat, I need to get back to my world. I can’t ignore my own responsibilities.”

Jack then smiles and says “Well then good luck back home, I know you will be able to help everyone, heck you helped us both more than anyone else has in years.”

“Good to hear. Oh and also, you can use my token to stop by where I am anytime. If you just want to chat or start setting up once the school is ready. I’ll let you know when that day comes.” He assured them, taking his token as he created a rift using a little bit of his energy before stepping through. Leaving Jack and Jen with their Spectrobes, the Commander…


And an angry Twilight.

“And time to face the consequences for my actions, I’ll see you around Sun, Spectrobe Trainer.” Before waving him off.

“I think you might want to go deal with that.” Commander Grant told Jack as he watched Sun disappear.

Jack then sighed and says “I suppose you're right.” He then turns around then asks Twilight “what’s wrong?”

“You are coming with me right now.” Twilight said as she grabbed Jack's ear and started to drag him away.

“I guess that leaves me to debrief the commander on what happened.” Jen sighed.

“Sorry Jen, I make it up to you eventually,” Says Jack as his Spectrobes disappear back into his Prizmod.

“I honestly feel bad for him.” Commander grant sighed, “So what can you tell me about what just happened?”

“Well, It all started when…” Jen started.