• Published 18th Mar 2016
  • 942 Views, 32 Comments

Changeling Father - rainbowtiger00

What if the very thing you flee from is what saves you in the end?

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The Loss was Painful...

It was nighttime at Ponyvillie. Most ponies were tucking away their things, and going to their beds to await Princess Celestia's day. Some however, were wide awake at this time, either working on a tough order, or wishing to gaze upon Princess Luna's stars. One pony was also awake, but for a different reason than the others. The pony sat on a silvery cloud, its cold moisture seeping into her bones.

Her horn glistened in the moonlight. The dark blackish blue of her coat mixed well with the bright light of the moon. Her mane and tail were light blue, with black highlights. The mane had been braided into an elaborate bun held in place with a silver pin that had a moonstone in the center. Her ears were tufted at the ends, and two of her teeth were a tiny bit longer and sharper than the others.

The pony's wings were folded onto her back, sea blue feathers edged with black. Her eyes were a bright turquoise, and looked dragon-like. She was intently reading a book that had been stolen from the tree library below by King Sombra. His ability to transform into shadow, and sneak around like that made stealing things that much easier. Ever since the two had discovered that her mother was dead, they had to live without a home.

The first year was hard. This one was easier, though. The book was about a species that lived in Equestria. They called themselves the Diamond Dogs. They lived in tunnels under the earth, and hunted for jewels.

The more jewels they got, the happier they were. Not one pony could ever figure out why they longed for jewels so badly. The Diamond Dogs were rather aggressive with other species except with Bat Ponies, and the one creature named Ahuizotl. He was a demigod, but where or how he came to be was a mystery. He kept trying to open ancient tombs and dungeons, as if he were looking for something or someone…

King Sombra was reading over her shoulder in Shadow form. King Sombra's shadow form needed a shadow cast by an object in order for him to move. So Selena's shadow from the moonlight served its purpose. It was a perfect time to read, because there was a gentle silence that surrounded them. Selena sighed and glanced at the moon. "Sombra?"

Her voice rang out in the silence, breaking it. Her shadow moved, and the head looked at her. "What is it, little star?" Selena's eyes glistened. "Did, did you ever know who my father was?"

Thoughtful silence followed the question. The head of the shadow looked toward the mountain that held Canterlot City. "Before... My transformation. I was his closest adviser.

Selena's head jerked and she quickly looked at the shadow. "Really?" The shadow nodded. "Yes. Your father was a very kind man."

The shadow's head glanced at her. "Would you like to hear how I met him?" Selena smiled softly. "Yes, I would." King Sombra cleared his throat.

"Well, make yourself comfortable. It is a long tale." Selena's hoof closed the book, and she settled onto the damp cloud. Her shadow turned from a flat two dimensional to a full pony like three dimensional. The nostrils, mouth, and eyes were visible because they were outlined with light purple.

"First of all. Do you remember when you were on the moon and your mother was teaching you about the different lands?" Selena nodded. "On top of the planet, there was an icy land full of puffy white clouds. Mother said the kingdom that lived there was saved from Aunt Celestia."

The last two words were spat out with enough venom to kill an Ursula Major. King Sombra nodded. "The kingdom that lived there was called the Crystal Empire. A thousand fifty years ago, it was ruled by the Crystal Queens. They were alicorns, just like your mother, and her two sisters.

But instead of being kind, like your mother, they were cruel and bloodthirsty. Like your Aunt. Princess Celestia.” He too, snarled when he spoke the Sun Princess's name. “I was born during then.

A completely black Unicorn, with maroon eyes named Asher Sparkle. My coat was black, my tail, mane. Everything. My family was very high on the noble scale. They wanted to provide for their empire, and sent me to military service when I was sixteen.

There was a very cruel but smart Queen at the time. Her name was Queen Odi. There had been another name for her at a different time, but once she heard the Pegasus tribe's new title for her, she quickly accepted it. What it meant, only she knows. Queen Odi was a beautiful dark purple alicorn with wings edged with a lovely violet color. Her eyes were a bright, bright pink.

Her mane was a regal black, that cascaded down her shoulders in curls. The usual style for the Crystal Queens. Her tail was black, with curls as well. If I remember correctly, her cutie mark was of a pink star. Probably because she had a very strong talent in magic.

Used it in her advantage during the battles. I do recall that she had allies in the Dragon Kingdom, but they were only the greedy ones. The kinder ones didn't like her at all. She was at war with the Griffon kingdom. I served in all the battles, and was promoted to high general. But then came the final battle. We were losing badly.

At the high climax of the final battle, a Griffon warrior came very nearly to killing me. My right eye was scratched terribly, and I was slowly dying from the poison that the Griffon warriors lined their weapons with. Queen Odi, frightened of losing her high general during a battle that she was desperately losing, turned to dark magic to fix me. She took me to a Bat Pony tribe that lived nearby. This was something that was unheard of.

Bat ponies were mostly considered within the Crystal Empire the monsters that stole fillies and foals away. Many were chased away from the empire borders. But this time, she came in peace. They were offered safety from her empire, if they could keep me from dying. This was not my choice, however.

I was unconscious from pain. The Bat Ponies agreed. But they had to leave me with them for seven days. Casting their magic, they saved me. But I was changed.

My mane and tail turned from being ordinary, to floating around in the air. My coat turned dark gray. My eyes changed as well. From maroon to light blue. A misty white smoke, very barely visible seemed to float from my eyes.

The ritual was done during the terms of surrender or perish with the Griffon warriors. We were greatly outnumbered. Queen Odi made a deal. She would stay behind and die, while the soldiers went back to the empire. It was the one kind she she did that I knew of.

Even if you are the most vilest thing in all of the lands, if you belong to the Crystal Empire, you are loyal to it for the rest of your days. Her sacrifice was not forgotten, and a statue was made to honor her. I went back as well. My changed appearance made my fellow warriors to refuse to work with me because of the fear that I would turn on them. I was honorably discharged, and given a high place in the adviser court.

At first, I thought that my family would try to wipe me away from their tree in order not to harm their public appearance. But I was wrong. They supported me thoroughly. The Princess, Princess Calla, was very young during the time, practically a filly. She was a lighter shade of violet, and her mane and tail were a very dark blue with a white streak through it.

Her eyes were a less bright pink. Slightly darker. While she grew, we concerned ourselves with rebuilding the empire. I scared ponies with my appearance, and for the first time I felt what it was like to be hated for something you had no control over. The only pony who wasn't scared of me was Princess Calla.

I played with her during those years. I saw her receive her cutie mark. A crescent moon with a staff over it. Like her late mother, she was strong in magic. Around that time, I was examined by a doctor.

I had not aged one bit during those years. He estimated that my lifespan was now in some sort of limbo. I could not age and therefore not die of old age. That is not to say that I was invincible. Far from it. I could be harmed just as easily as an ordinary pony. I could sicken and die, or an assassin's blade could hurt me.

Many things could still happen. But I was still there for Princess Calla. I was rather like a father to her, since her father died before she was born. When Princess Calla came of age to sit upon the throne, her title was changed to Queen. But she kept her mother's promise and did not attack the Bat Ponies.

Queen Calla also did not attack the Griffons, leaving the Crystal Ponies to wonder if they were going to attack the other lands. But she did not. Instead, she focused on building our economy. During this process, she had found a pony that came from Equestria. We referred these lands as the southern lands.

Not much thought was given to them. Most thought that their warm lands made them soft. His name was Arnaldo Lulamoon. He was a light blue Pegasus with a cutie mark of the stars. He enjoyed the night sky and used it to find his way through the lands.

The advisers thought that he was soft, and payed him no mind. But playing with me had opened Queen Calla's mind. She gave him a chance to talk. They discussed many things. After some time had passed, they married.

It was a grand wedding. I wed her off like a father would. They were very happy together. But the advisers were not happy. At all.

Arnaldo brought talk of making peace to the lands, and spreading friendship and love. He claimed that was what happened with the three leaders in Equestria, long ago. Queen Calla believed him. The advisers did not. They tried to assassinate him two times.

After the second attempt, I decided to do something. I went back to the Bat Ponies that changed me to ask of their help. I would admit that after seeing and learning what I did, that my views were changed greatly. The Bat Ponies listened to my predicament, pondered upon it, then told me to go to the very edge of the Crystal Empire, where the snow actually melts.

I did as they said. There, a letter was awaiting me. It read that if I were to give a race called the Changelings, a home and a filly, then their hive father, or King, would help. I accepted. I did not meet this king until two months after.

But during these two months, I saw Arnaldo change in his ways. Not in private, though. There he was the same. But in public, he changed to a more cold and cruel attitude. He ate with manners, but the way his eyes would light up at the taste of the very rich foods he and Queen Calla were served was odd.

Not to mention his sudden ability to manipulate ponies. Then, after the two months, I was called to Queen Calla's chambers. When I walked in the door, no guards were present. There was just Queen Calla, and Arnaldo. But then I noticed Arnaldo coming out from another room.
The shock of seeing two ponies that looked alike was great, and I nearly fainted. Queen Calla held me steady however. She explained that the one beside her was not the real one, and that he was the hive father that was helping us. As if to prove the point, that Arnaldo disappeared in a flash of green flame.”

Author's Note:

Whew! King Sombra is going to be out of breath at the end of this! This conversation will be continued in the next. Tell me what you think.