• Published 18th Mar 2016
  • 942 Views, 32 Comments

Changeling Father - rainbowtiger00

What if the very thing you flee from is what saves you in the end?

  • ...

You lost someone Close...

Magenta Glimmer lay under a fuzzy light purple blanket. She was half asleep, half awake. Her mane was spread all around her like some sort of halo. She was lying in her crib that her dad had crafted for her the day that she was born. A hoof gently touched her back.
She lifted the blanket off of her head, and looked up. A colt was standing above her. He had a black coat, with a dark blue mane and tail that had a lime green streak through it. A horn peeked out from his mane. His eyes were yellowish, with a tint of gold.
They were standing in a light purple and blue room, with pony toys laid neatly in rows on shelves. A bookcase that was made in the shape of a cloud stood in a corner. A closet full of dresses was behind the colt. She smiled. "Dada!"
She cried out. Her hooves lifted into the air together. He smiled, and nuzzled her. "Hello, my little princess. Did you have a good sleep?"
Magenta Glimmer nodded. She grabbed onto the colt's outstretched hoof with both of her hooves. She squeezed tightly. The colt laughed quietly and nuzzled her again. "We go to ball game today!"
Magenta Glimmer cried out. The colt smiled. "Yes, we do. He lifted her out of the crib and placed her onto the floor. The colt walked to the closet and took out a blue dress with purple sleeves.
A little pink silk ribbon was tied around the waist. Magenta Glimmer cheered. " Mommy's special dress!" She cried out. The colt nodded.
"Yes." Magenta Glimmer held still as the colt slipped the dress onto her. As the the colt zipped up the dress, Magenta Glimmer asked a question. "Dada? Why did Mommy hafta go live with angels?"
The colt stopped. A tiny shudder went through his body. "...Because it was time for her to go." Was his reply. Magenta Glimmer sniffed.
"Do...do you think she loves me?" The colt hugged her tightly. "Yes." He said fiercely. "Yes she does."
Magenta Glimmer nodded. "OK." The colt picked up a brush from the closet and began to brush her mane and tail. Magenta Glimmer held still, but smiled. The colt braided her hair into a bun, her tail into a braid.
The bun had a ruby clasp. The braid had a light green ribbon. Four white socks drew onto her hooves, then four pink shoes with tiny heels and golden clasps. Lastly, he placed a light silver ring with a sapphire onto her horn. He drew her in front of the mirror, and smiled.
"What do you think, little princess?" She smiled and bounced around the colt. "I'm pretty! I'm pretty! I'm pretty!"
The colt nuzzled her. "Yes you do." He lifted her up onto his back. She grabbed onto his mane and hugged his neck. The colt walked out of the room, and went to the door.
He opened it with a hoof, showing the outside. Magenta Glimmer blinked at the sudden brightness. The colt walked onto the well paved road. Other ponies smiled at the happy pair as they walked to an Earth Pony ball game. They were at a high balcony.
He placed her onto the golden yellow balcony. "There we go, little princess. Don't want you to fall off now do we?" She glanced at the far ground below. "No I don't."
She shuddered. Magenta Glimmer glanced at a passing pony who had a yellow star on their flank. “Dada?” She asked, glancing at her father who was staring at the ball game. “Yes?”
He asked, turning to her. “How come you and I don't have a mark on our flanks?” She asked, pointing a small hoof to her father's flank which was blank. He quickly shrugged, an embarrassed blush on his face. “I...just haven't found my cutie mark yet, little princess.
But don't you worry.” He picked her up, and nuzzled her belly. “I'll find it one day. And you will find yours.” She giggled.
He placed her back down on the ground, and stroked her mane. “I'll hold onto your clasp for ya, OK?” She grinned. “OK!” Her father leaned out over the balcony rail.
“He's gonna get it, he's gonna get it!” Her father said rapidly. He looked back at her with a wide grin on his face. “That Earth Pony is gonna score a goal real soon, I just know it!” She jumped up and down with happiness.
“Yay!” Her father leaned out further. Magenta Glimmer heard a whistle. She turned to the sound, and saw a foal blowing a whistle that a clown had given him. She ran up to the clown.
“Ooh! A real clown!” The clown pony smiled at her. “Ah, what a cutie you are.” Magenta Glimmer giggled.
“That's what every pony says.” At that moment some pony that walked by the balcony screamed. Magenta Glimmer turned to the pony who screamed. She went to the balcony and saw that her father wasn't there. “Dada?” She questioned.
No answer. She went to peek over the edge, but was stopped by a hoof. “No kiddo.” The pony said. “D-don't look over there.”
Magenta Glimmer felt her heart sink down into her chest. “Dada?” She called again. Still no reply. A wail of an ambulance came, and stopped underneath the balcony.
It stayed there for a while, then disappeared. The pony finally allowed her to look over the edge. Her father had been holding her clasp. It was now lying on the ground. She gasped.
“Dada!” She ran down to where the clasp lay, her little hooves pounding on the ground. The well paved stones made clicking and clacking noises as her heels hit them. Magenta Glimmer finally reached where the clasp lay. It was broken in two.
Little bits of ruby were scattered over the pavement like it had fallen from a great height. The ground had previously been washed as if something had stained it before. There was a foreboding feeling, as if something in her life had just changed. A police pony walked over to her while her partner stretched tape over the area. “Little filly?
Was your daddy up there?” She pointed a hoof at the balcony where the pony who had stopped Magenta Glimmer was now staring over the railing. Magenta Glimmer nodded. “Yes, he disappeared. Where did he go?”
The words seemed to sadden the officer. “...Come with me kid.” She said, placing a hoof on her back. “I'll take you to him. Magenta Glimmer entered the police cart with her.
For a reason unknown to her, tears began to pour down her face.

Author's Note:

So remember back when Magenta Glimmer commented on having her 'Dada' fall off a balcony? If you go back and read on what she says, you'll figure out what is going to happen next. :fluttercry: :raritycry: :applecry: :pinkiesad2: