• Published 18th Mar 2016
  • 942 Views, 32 Comments

Changeling Father - rainbowtiger00

What if the very thing you flee from is what saves you in the end?

  • ...

Together, we Bonded...

Author's Note:

Writing this made me hungry! OK, so I introduced some pony languages. Prench is supposed to be French, and Patin is supposed to be Latin. When the ponies speak in either language, another pony will translate so you are not missing on anything.

A dark blue haired colt with light blue highlights in his mane, mustache and tail adjusted his eyepiece as he looked at the sign of the restaurant. It was written in Prench, the language of ponies across the sea that lived in Prance. They were the fashion makers of the world, and Prench was said to be the language of love. He was wearing a black fashionable suit that came out only last week. It really showed the white of his coat.

It also matched his cane that bore the silver head of a griffon. The griffon had sapphire eyes. His wife, Fleur de Lis stood next to him, redoing her coat. Fleur de Lis had a cotton candy colored mane, with streaks of lighter pink and hardly visible white. Her eyes were a lovely shade of lavender, complimented by a slight pink eye shadow and very light blush.

Her coat was perfectly brushed silky smooth, her hooves polished in jasmine oil. A cutie mark of a gold fleur-de-lys with pink streaks adorned her flank. He was Fancy Pants, a member of Canterlot society. He was a fashion adviser, his opinion was worth tons of bits. Fancy Pants was standing in a square that was reserved for elite society.

Princess Celestia had invited him over there to a specific restaurant for a discussion. Personally he was honored, but wondered on how it would reflect his status with the other Canterlot society members. Fleur de Lis looked at herself a final time, before closing the mirror. “Fleur dear, are we at the right place, or did I go off in the wrong spot? Again?”

Fleur de Lis glanced at the sign. “Mm, no you're good dear. We're at the right place. Although…” She leaned in close to his ear in order to whisper.

“How good is your Prench?” Fancy Pants stroked his mustache as he did when he was thinking. “Um, not too good. I can't seem to remember certain words. I'm much better with Patin.”

Patin was the language of the Pegasus tribe a thousand years ago. Pegasi still spoke it in some parts of Cloudsdale. Some unicorns like himself learned it simply for a way to expand their vocabulary. Fleur de Lis smiled a charming smile. “Ah yes, Patin.

I remember now, that is the language you spoke to me all the time back when we were dating. You were stuck thinking it was my native language.” Fancy Pants smiled gently. “Eh, it won you over didn't it?” Fleur de Lis chuckled.

“Slightly. You won me over more so by.” Fleur de Lis's words were cut off by a crack of thunder. A second later a drop of water splashed nearby Fleur de Lis. “Oh no, its raining.”

Commented Fancy Pants. He glanced at Fleur de Lis. “Here.” He lifted his cane with his magic and twisted the bottom. It came off to reveal a dark blue silk umbrella edged with gold lining.

He lifted it over Fleur de Lis's head before it started raining rather heavily. Fleur de Lis smiled at him, and planted a kiss onto his cheek. “That is what won me over.” Fancy Pants raised an eyebrow. “Oh?

Lifting an umbrella over your head?” Fleur de Lis grinned. “No, being a true gentlecolt. Your manners would rival a native Prench colt.” Fancy Pants blushed.

The two entered the restaurant. Waiters in Prench suits carried tasty looking platters of tiny food. Fancy Pants closed the umbrella, and put it back in his cane. Fleur de Lis smiled. “At this restaurant, they serve fruits, certain vegetables, and flowers.”

Fleur de Lis closed her eyes at the thought of the delectable foods. “I can remember how good their style of serving potatoes are. That mealy taste of potato cooked in butter, while you also have the taste of garlic. Added with finely chopped marigolds. Fleur de Lis's eyes opened in embarrassment.

“But that's just my opinion. If the taste combination is a little weird for everyone else, I'm sorry. Fancy Pants rolled his eyes. “Don't be silly my dear. Just because you lived in Prance for most of your childhood doesn't mean that your tastes and customs should be frowned upon.

They make you unique here. Like your dislike of heavy makeup. Your country prefers natural beauty to added beauty. I mean, who else can carry a conversation in Prench, while translating it for those who don't understand it?” Fleur de Lis smiled.

“Thanks, Fancy Pants. I needed that. Also, speaking of my country's customs, the bread here is amazing too. Not too dry, not too soft, not too hard. And the crust.

Oh, hearing it crackle is music to my ears.” Fancy Pants nodded his head. “Is there chocolate dipped tulips here? Those are my favorite.” Fleur nodded.

“There is also my favorite, chocolate roses. They can be so tasty, yet so expensive. The flowers aren't limited to sweets however, there is a strawberry, cherry, mango and rose, soup flavored with barley crumbs and mint leaves. It is a delicious mouthful.” As they talked, a waiter noticed that they were standing there.

He came over, holding a menu. Speaking in Prench, he said. “Bonjour. Voulez-vous que je vous trouve un siège ou un stand?” Fancy Pants blinked several times in confusion.

Fleur de Lis smiled and spoke, her words coming out in a steady stream of Prench. “Nous tenons `a s'asseoir avec la Princesse Celestia.” The waiter nodded, and left. Fancy Pants stared. “What are you saying?”

He whispered. Fleur turned to him. “That waiter wanted to know if we were going to sit in a booth or sit in a seat at a table. I told him that we were sitting with Princess Celestia.” Fancy Pants nodded.

“Okay.” The waiter came back. Pointing with a hoof at a table, he asked in Prench. “Et avec la Princesse Luna ainsi?” Fleur de Lis blinked, but said.

“Oui.” As the waiter led them to the table, Fleur de Lis said. “Princess Luna is joining us as well.” Fancy Pants nodded. “Ah yes, Princess Luna.

I've met her once or twice.” Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna were sitting at a white metal table with one side covered with a gold satin table cloth for Celestia, and the other side covered with a dark blue satin table cloth. The metal of the table was skillfully designed into curves and loops. Two empty chairs sat on the other end of the table. Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis bowed before the Princesses.

Fancy Pants bowed with his head to the ground. Fleur de Lis however, bowed with her left back leg crossing over her right back leg, and her right front leg crossing over her left front hoof. This was the traditional Prench bow. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” They said in unison.