• Published 18th Mar 2016
  • 942 Views, 32 Comments

Changeling Father - rainbowtiger00

What if the very thing you flee from is what saves you in the end?

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I was Broken and Cold...

Princess Celestia's sun rose from the ground into the sky. It filled the land with warmth and light. Such light went through the cracks in the stone barrier and onto his coat, warming it. Bop. Something soft hit his nose.

Bop. It felt like a hoof. Bop. His nose twitched. Bop.

It twitched again. Bop. He sniffed, then sneezed. A giggle could be heard. “Dada went aw chew!”

Cried out a tiny little voice. The changeling's eyes shot open wide. There was the filly, wide awake and grinning between his hoofs. A strand of blackish blue hair from his mane had fallen across his nose. Magenta Glimmer bopped her hoof on his nose, trying to hit the strand like a cat with a piece of string.

Bop. A smile spread slowly across his lips. He nuzzled the child's belly. She giggled, her laughter echoing throughout the hole they slept in. Once the changeling was finished nuzzling, the filly scrambled to her hooves.

She stood on her hind legs, and placed her hooves onto his forehead so she could stare into his eyes. “Dada stay awakes this time?” She asked a pleading tone in her voice. He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, little filly?”

She frowned. “Dada fell asleep after falling off a balcony. You wouldn't come awakes. The scwary doctas came and took you away. Then I got placed in that pinkie winkle room.

But.” Here the filly grinned. “You came back! And now, you won't ever leave!” She pressed her forehead onto his.

“I love ya, Dada.” She said. He blinked. So the filly thought he was her father? Perhaps the filly's real father had resembled him somehow.

As he looked into Magenta Glimmer's joyful eyes, a black hoof stroked the small filly's back. His knowledge that he wasn't the filly's true father made the words so much harder to hear. Yet. The emotion behind them was pure love. He could feel the love pouring out of her.

He could get a faint taste of it. So sweet. “NO!” Screamed his own thoughts. “Don't you dare eat this young filly's love!

That would hurt the filly!” But as if to remind him, his stomach growled. He silently strangled the thought till it was silent. The poor filly had already been through so much. It would be better to the filly to tell her the truth, but…

“You know something little filly?” He asked, hooves caressing her coat. “What?” She asked, her tiny head cocked. “Dada.”

At this, he stopped himself, for tears were threatening to come out. “Dada loves you too.” Those four words sent off another sweet wave of emotion from Magenta Glimmer. “Me knows you do! I'm your winkle prwince ess.”

He nuzzled her again. But as he nuzzled her, he could hear the stirrings of an empty stomach. “Is my little princess hungry?” He cooed at her. Magenta Glimmer wrinkled her brow at this.

“Hmm?” Her stomach gave a loud growl. “Yes, I am.” She looked around the hole. “Dada, what we gonna eat?”

She asked. The changeling got to his feet, and picked up the filly. “How about…we find out.” He placed her again between his wings, and removed the stone barrier. Once he got out of the hole, the changeling was blinded by very bright light of the sun.

The sun had rose while he was asleep, and was now towering overhead. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the sunlight, he placed Magenta Glimmer behind his neck. “Now, hold on little one. Otherwise, you will fall off.” Magenta Glimmer nodded fast, and tightly grasped his neck with her little hooves.

He stretched out his wings, and took off. Up into the air he flew. Warm air flew in their faces as they flew. Magenta Glimmer giggled with joy. “This is fun!”

She crowed. The changeling smiled. He couldn't resist showing off a little, it had been so long since someone admired his skills…With his wings buzzing, he flew up high, then dived low. Magenta Glimmer grinned at him.

He smiled back. Looking ahead, he landed mere inches from the dirt, sending a plume of dust in the air. Panting, he stood still. From the flight they had gone far. But there still was nothing to eat.

The little filly looked at the sun with glee. Then curiosity covered her face. “Dada?” He glanced back at her. “Yes?”

Magenta Glimmer pointed a hoof to the sun. “How did the sun come to be?” The changeling blinked in surprise. “No one has told you, little one?” Magenta Glimmer's head shook.

“No…could you, Dada?” He smiled. “Of course. Its about time you knew.” He took off again, speaking over his shoulder. “Listen close, for its a long tale…”

In the beginning, there was no sun. There were no clouds, plants, or animals. That not to say that there were no stars or moon. For stars had always been there. So had the moon.

Their beginning had come earlier. Not one soul suffered though, as the Dragons, and Phoenixes lived in that time. They lit the sky with their flame, pierced the dark with their song. Each Dragon had their own tribe for each Element of Harmony. The same was for the Phoenixes.

The only source they needed to live was a bright jewel that rained from the heavens. They were called the tears of the stars. With the jewels, they stored their power and became strong. For eons they lived, built their empires, tore them down, rebuilt them again. On it went.

But one day, the jewels stopped coming. The Dragons and Phoenixes gathered together to consult the moon on why the tears had stopped. The moon told them that their time was finished. That wasn't to say that their race was to disappear. Far from it.

New ones were to evolve from their ancestors glory. It was time to leave a testament to their power. So, all remaining tears of the stars were combined together to make one sphere. Then the Dragons and Phoenixes chose ten members from each race to pour their essence into the sphere. This took eons.

As the time passed, a little filly was found on their doorstep. They raised the filly to become one of them. She was magnificent. Auburn hair that formed a beautiful mane and tail. The mane flowed down her neck, and the tail brushed the floor.

Cream colored fur, with angelic wings. A mark of a pen and quill was on her flank. A graceful horn curved from her brow. But the most wondrous thing about her was her eyes. Crystal blue, with the power to look deep into one's soul.

Her name was…Faust. As the last tendrils of essence flew into the sphere, Faust raised the sphere into the sky, with the Dragons and Phoenixes help. The smoke that flew from their nostrils formed the clouds. The sphere arrived at the highest point of the sky. The moon congratulated them and dubbed Faust a princess.

From then on, Princess Faust ruled the Dragons and Phoenixes, raising and setting the sun… “That my little one, is how the sun came to be. Magenta Glimmer's eyes were filled with wonder. “How did you know that, Dada?” She asked.

He smiled. “My father told me that story when I was your age.” Magenta Glimmer snuggled closer. “Could you tell me more Dada?” The changeling smiled at her hopeful face.

Telling the young legends of old was always a treat. “Of course little one.”

Author's Note:

I really love Lauren Faust's work, and wanted to make a thank you to her for creating My Little Pony. Plus I wanted the bond between the changeling and Magenta Glimmer to grow so out came a legend for you guys. The next time we will get to these guys again will have some violence so watch out. Also those who wanted Selena to make a reappearance should really look at the next few chapters, when I get past the added substance. (If you don't know who Selena is, go check out 'A Thousand Years.')