• Published 18th Mar 2016
  • 942 Views, 32 Comments

Changeling Father - rainbowtiger00

What if the very thing you flee from is what saves you in the end?

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When You Saw Me...

As cool night prevailed the world, Canterlot castle bustled and hustled with activity. The white alicorn named Princess Celestia felt the painful pangs of a stress induced headache. After the party, she and her sister Princess Luna were left to deal with all the refugees from the invasion. Which meant lots of paperwork. Lots.

So here she was, five hours into the night, and already she had a horn cramp from so much magic use. Her two faithful friends and assistants, Paper Quill and Inkwell helped out. Paper Quill was a light brown unicorn mare with a dark brown mane held back in a bun with a tiny red bow. A dark green tie was at her neck. A quill was at her flank, representing her talent at being a secretary.

Paper Quill was Princess Celestia's secretary, keeping track of everything while copying every down for Celestia to read later. It was surprisingly useful. While Paper Quill wrote every last detail on paper, Inkwell entertained most of the ponies with her unique stories from her life. She was a black haired mare with a light gray coat covered in wrinkles. One eye was tightly shut from a long ago wound.

Many remembered her as a teacher at the Princess Celestia's academy for Gifted Unicorns from when they were fillies and foals. Princess Celestia rubbed her aching head with a hoof. Hopefully every pony was okay. But as she thought these thoughts, Princess Luna came up with a colorless white mare. The mane of this mare dragged at the floor, it was so long.

It was a contrast to be sure, as Princess Luna was dark blue in coat and mane. Princess Celestia came to meet them. “What is it, Luna? Has changelings attacked this poor mare, as well?” Princess Luna shook her head.

“Yes, the foul beasts attacked her square. But this mare has another reason why she came to you. Her name is Brushing Paint." Brushing Paint looked at the Princess of the Day with fear in her colorless eyes. “Y-your highness you see, the changeling I encountered went into the building where I'm hired to take care of orphans.

And I admit.” Here she hung her head in sadness. “I was so frightened by the changeling, that I ran into the street and headed to the palace. But once I arrived, I was given orders from my boss Cherry Cider not to return.” Princess Luna sniffed.

“Cherry Cider, the colt who dreams of nothing but cider, day and night.” Brushing Paint nodded. “Well, I have to say. I'm worried for the foals and fillies that are in there. What if the changeling hurt them?”

Princess Celestia nodded her regal head. “Don't worry, Brushing Paint, Luna and I shall look into the orphanage. We shall see if there is any damage. Although.” Princess Celestia lifted the remaining paperwork in front of Brushing Paint.

“You will have to help me with paperwork.” Finished Celestia with a smile at the shocked look on Brushing Paint's face at the size of paper. “Y-yes your highness.” She mumbled. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna ran down the hallway at full gallop.

When they reached the balcony, they spread their wings, and flew into the night sky. The cool wind blowing against her wings was soothing. Since the orphanage was a short distance away from the palace, and they were going at the speed of the wind during a storm, they only had to fly over a few rooftops. With a loud clapping of hooves, they reached the orphanage. It was very small, and only two stories high.

The door was open, and a few ashy hoof steps on the carpet marked where said changeling fell. Princess Luna stepped into the house, and stood still. She shook her head in amazement. “There are over fifty foals and fillies here.” Princess Celestia gritted her teeth.

How she hated when ponies ended up in tight, small, dirty areas due to poor income. Grown ponies were bad enough, but for children? “So, they don't have proper funding for more room? I'll take care of that.” She muttered.

Princess Luna frowned. “They really should have enough though. Fancy Pants, the famous pony celebrity donates frequently to all the orphanages.” Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Does he now?”

Princess Luna nodded. “He was once a poor orphan. But he moved from being nearly homeless to the top of society through his fashion sense and brains. He frequently has dreams of his parents, or as he has imagined them. I spoke to him about it in one of them, but no matter how hard he tries, his heart dwells on it.

But the pleasant colt, as you well know, can be rather…” Princess Celestia smiled. “Clumsy? He mentioned once or twice about bumping into Rarity simply because he forgot to pay attention to where they were going.” Princess Luna smiled.

“Yes, I bet my very crown that if you were to hint at him about the orphanage's state, he'll give a small fortune to the owner. Although.” Here Princess Luna frowned. “We'd better make sure Cherry Cider isn't wasting the money on cider.” Princess Celestia nodded.

“I think I can manage that.” The two ponies wandered throughout the house, looking in all the cribs. Each crib they passed, made the princesses angrier and angrier. While Brushing Paint had clearly done everything to make the atmosphere as pleasing as possible, it was crystal clear that the foals and fillies needed more attention. If there were only two ponies, one who drank all day and night, the other with almost no experience at childcare, here then it was no wonder the fillies and foals were so neglected.

Over every crib was a chart, saying what status of adoption each foal and filly was at. Just like if they were nothing more than a source of income. As Princess Celestia wandered, she found a stairway up into the second story. Ashy hoof steps ran slowly up the stairs. She frowned.

Slowly, in case the enemy might be laying in wait, she climbed the stairs, spell ready. As the last step creaked underneath her hoof, a unknown noise was made. She fired. A loud bang sounded from her spell. From the smoke of the small burnt mark, she saw the ashy, fried remains of a small pitiful…mouse.

A long, slow, sigh of relief escaped from her lips. Princess Luna's voice sounded below. “What happened?! You scared all the fillies and foals!” As if on cue, over fifty voices wailed their fright to the world.

Princess Celestia faced hoofed. “Sorry, Lulu! Take care of them as best you can!” Princess Celestia hurried from the stairs, as in order not to here the irritated words from Luna. “What!

Me? Tia, you know you are the one who plays with them all the time awake! I don't do it in the waking world!” After the sentence came a loud groan. “Tia…”

Smiling slightly, Princess Celestia examined the hallway she was in. It was small and narrow. The ashy hoof steps led into the room at the end. In there, was a crib piled with blankets. No noise of an unhappy filly or foal came from it.

Curious, Princess Celestia went over. Like the others, this one had a chart on it. It read, Magenta Glimmer. Status, Orphan. Rate of being adopted, 12%. Rate of not, 97%.”

Princess Celestia growled. Those with the higher score of being adopted, looked cared for better. She glanced into the crib. Magenta Glimmer was not in it. Where was she?

But as she looked, she saw the ashy hoof steps. Beside them was a single strand of blackish blue hair. And in front of it, lay a changeling sized hole in the wall, leading out to the wastelands. Princess Celestia's eyes widened. Princess Luna's voice came through the floor.

“Tia! When you find that Cherry Cider, personally burn him to a crisp! He doesn't even have proper food here!”

Author's Note:

So, there you have it. The colt responsible for Magenta Glimmer's neglect. Just so you know, Brushing Paint and Cherry Cider are characters that I created. Paper Quill came from the assistant pony who is always writing. I just fleshed her out a little. Inkwell was a character from a My little Pony comic that I really enjoyed. I decided to give her character some love. Say what you think in the comments below!