• Published 18th Mar 2016
  • 942 Views, 32 Comments

Changeling Father - rainbowtiger00

What if the very thing you flee from is what saves you in the end?

  • ...

To Us Both...

Selena nodded slowly, as King Sombra paused for breath. “Was this my father?” King Sombra shook his head. “No. I include his tale because he was a very good friend of your father, and a good friend of mine.”

King Sombra's eyes glistened for a moment as he recalled the memories. “The pony that masked as Arnaldo was the one to lead me to your father.” Selena nodded as King Sombra continued with his tale. “The pony that was in his place was entirely different. It was a tall stallion that was the size of Queen Calla.

But he owned wings that were transparent and buzzed on his back. A twisted horn turned from his forehead. He had a green bluish mane that hung from his shoulders, and a green bluish tail that fell onto the floor.

A straight scar ran from his horn, all the way down to the bottom of his chin. I recognized the scar. It was one that was made from a crystal spear. And there was only one place where crystal spears were made. He had a black smooth coat.

His hooves had a few holes at the bottom, and from his mouth protruded two fangs. Dark mysterious green eyes stared out at me, taking in each part of my body. My eyes fascinated him the most. Unlike my previous experiences, fury didn't frighten him to the point where he would eye me nervously the whole time I was in the room, nor did he get all defensive and throw insults. Instead, he merely observed them quietly.

The real Arnaldo came forward, a bundle of brightly colored blankets in his hooves. Queen Calla cleared her throat and looked at me. "Asher, this is King Alaric." I bowed, out of simple courtesy. When one lives among the rich and powerful, they pick up little habits that occurred naturally to then.

Queen Calla looked at King Alaric. "This is Adviser Asher Sparkle. Previous High General to the Crystal Empire. He is the one that asked for help." King Alaric bowed to me as well.

Arnaldo looked at me. "He was the one who the Bat Ponies contacted, and the one who gave you that letter." I nodded, then looked at him.
"So, then King Alaric. We must now give you your part of the bargain?"

King Alaric's head shook. He spoke, his voice sounding like it had seen too many years. "First, I must give you your part of the bargain." He turned to the room where the real Arnaldo came out of, and gave a low whistle. A head poked out.

It was a mare that had a twisted horn just like King Alaric. Like him, she had a long greenish blue mane. Her eyes were a lovely shade of brown. At first she peered at King Alaric, who gestured at her with a hoof. Then she caught sight of me.

At first her eyes grew rather wide and she looked like she was going to faint. I felt the familiar pangs of self consciousness. But then, she went away to the back of the room. As she went, I swore I heard her whispering loudly to whoever was in the room with her. "It's him!

It's really him!" Two other heads popped out and stared at me. One had maroon eyes, and other had silver. The way they stared at me was unusual. It was without fear.

It was more like I was someone famous. The first came out dragging a pony that was wrapped in a light green goo and had a bag stuffed over their head.

She saw me watching her and the other two. With an embarrassed blush, she glared at the other two who scurried away, and came out dragging two other ponies bound in the same manner. Each slowly put the ponies in front of Arnaldo and Queen Calla. Each time they passed me. I was given quick glances.

One that were given to celebrities that were out on the street. However slowly they came, they were rather quick to scurry away. Queen Calla raised an eyebrow as another head poked out. The three had not noticed that one. It was younger than the others.

The eyes were the same color as a blackberry. They were wide with curiosity. A tiny, dirty, ragged piece of ribbon was on her head. A filly I supposed. The filly saw me.

Her eyes got huge, like the others. Unlike the others, she squealed loudly. "Ooh!" The other three quickly looked at the filly who seemed to be very happy to see me. Arnaldo giggled.

"Asher, I think you have some fans." The one with the brown eyes quickly ran over to the filly and began to push her into the room. The filly looked at the brown eyed mare and outstretched a hoof. She pointed toward me and uttered a word. "Tiliac!"

I glanced at King Alaric who was watching me intently. "Tiliac?" King Alaric gestured a hoof at me. "It's a title that we give to ponies who have different ideas than the majority. Male ponies are called 'Tiliac', female ponies are called 'Tiliaca'.

Such ponies are rare, and therefore are well liked in my kingdom." King Alaric glanced at the filly with a look of tenderness. "If it bothers you, I can tell them to stop." I looked at him, then at the filly. Her eyes were filled with so much joy from seeing me.


A grin was on her face. Wide and happy. "It doesn't bother me." Queen Calla looked at the bound ponies.

“These are the advisers that tried to assassinate my husband?” King Alaric turned to look at them. His gaze narrowed. If looks could kill, the
bound adviser ponies would of already been dead. “Yes.

I would hope that they get a befitting punishment.” He growled, his voice suddenly turning bitter as stone. A bound adviser pony's bag was removed by Arnaldo. He started at the sight of Queen Calla. “Y-your Highness?”

Then he saw me, and winced. “Adviser Asher Sparkle?” He asked nervously. Then he saw Arnaldo. “Your Majesty?”

Then and only then, did he see King Alaric. A yelp came out and the pony tried to move away. “What in the name of the Crystal Queens is he doing here?” Queen Calla raised an eyebrow. “You know each other?”

The adviser froze, and clamped his mouth shut. King Alaric spat. “These advisers killed my mate. My wife, in your terms.” The tension in the air suddenly went up.

I grimaced at the lack of spoken reply. “Calla?” Quickly looking over my shoulder, I saw that Queen Calla was currently frozen still with shock. But not for long. Arnaldo took a step back.

“Oh no.” I began moving back as well. “I suggest moving back.” I told King Alaric. He took my advice, as Queen Calla's eye twitched.

Twice. The look was turning rather awful. The three pony's heads peeked out, caught an eyeful of Queen Calla and started to come over to
King Alaric. They must of thought he was being attacked. He saw them though, and waved them away with a hoof.

Queen Calla stood very still. The look on her face was one of pure holy anger. Her wings flared, horn went ablaze, and she suddenly inhaled deeply. Arnaldo yelped. “Cover your ears!”

I placed my hooves over my poor sensitive ears as Queen Calla glared ferociously at the adviser. The adviser cowered. Then the room exploded with sound. “YOU DARE TO KILL A MEMBER OF ROYALTY THAT IS A NEIGHBOR TO US!?” Selena snickered.

“What was the look on his face?” King Sombra smiled. “One of absolute fear. Then the adviser fainted.” Selena's laughter echoed across the sky.

Author's Note:

I feel so sorry for the adviser. That Royal Canterlot Voice can be rather...royally loud. :moustache: Tell me what you think.