• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,585 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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Knights and Dragons

With Miles Morales joining them. The three spiders plan to swing back to Danny's place and prepare to take on the Kingpin. But before they could, their spider senses were tingling.

"Did you sense that?" Miles said while the three spiders landed on a building to stop and think.

Peter looks around and sees nothing. "My spider sense is tingling, but I don't see anything." He said. "Must be something."

"Or probably nothing." Twilight pointed out.

Peter looked around, he couldn't see anything. "We better keep a look out." He said.

As the three spiders were about to swing off, Peter's spider sense began to tingled again. "Someone is definitely following us." Peter said.

Miles sensed it again too. He saw a mysterious shadow but it disappeared. "Yeah... Me too. We better keep an eye out."

As they slowly walk away, Spider-Girl noticed something, using her magic she blasted at the wall.

Peter and Miles looked back at her. "Twilight, what at you doing?" Peter whispered. We were using the element of surprise."

"Just listen guys, look."

Spider-Man, Kid Arachnid and Spider-Girl saw a guy in a black and red patterned jacket, his hair was blue, and he'd appeared to have a cloaking device.

Spider-Man walked up to the guy. "Who are you?" He ask.

"My name is Ender Knight. And I swear I do not want to hurt you."

"Then why were you following us." Kid Arachnid asked.

Ender got up on his legs and explain himself. "I followed you because I wanted to help you in the shadows. But I've also come with a warning."

Spider-Man scratched his head in confusion. "What warning?" He asked.

Clearing his throat, Ender gave his warning. "Look, ever since Master Strike came back and brought the bacon hair girl and your pink sidekick to New York, that siren has allied herself with the Kingpin."

Spider-Girl's eyes opened wide in shock. "A siren...?" She gasp! "So Danny's theory about Adagio teaming up with Kingpin was true along." She realized. "Wait if Adagio is helping Kingpin, then what about that speed guy?"

"Speed Demon?" Ender asked. Spider-Girl nodded her head. "Looks like he also allied himself with the Squadron Supreme."

"Well that explains Hyperion." Spider-Man pointed out. "By the way, why do you want to Help us? He asked.

"Yeah, i agree, why do you want to help us?" Miles asked.

"My reasons are for me alone, don't you want to stop Kingpin or not. You know it's your fault he's focused on you now." Ender replied while starting to walk off.

Kid Arachnid finds Ender a tad bit suspicious. "Spidey, do you think we can trust this guy?" He whispered.

"I'm not quite sure yet. We'll just have to find out." Spider-Man replied.


Thorne sees puts his at his prisoner. The dragon woke up with a massive headache trying to see where he was. His vision was blur but it was starting to get clear. "Who the heck are you...?" The dragon asked.

"I am Throne, your master. Now tell me, whom are you?" Thorne asked.

"My name is Garble, and where am i?" The dragon asked while scratching his head. "And for that matter what are you, some kind of hairless monkey?"

Thonre looks at Garble with a glare. "This isn't your home Garble. And I am a human being. If you would know." He said. "Welcome to earth, a planet infested with humans, that you can have fun with."

"Ha! Well it sure beats little pretty ponies otherwise I'd be very pissed. I had enough to deal with a pony lovin' dragon lord." Garble said.

Thorne laughed. "We may have horses here, but they can't talk or do magical stuff." He said. "But that's not why your here. You want to get back at everyone in your world for what they've done to you." Gargle nodded. "Well, I can help you with that. But.. You'll need to do something for me."

"What kind?" Garble asked.

I need you to take down 2 humans in spider costumes." Throne showed Garble who he was talking about. "One that calls himself Spider-Man and his little sidekick Spider-Girl."

"So are they actual spiders or these 'humans'…?"

"Their humans dressed up as spiders." Throne said.

"Wait a minute... That pink one looks familiar..." Garble pointed out while looking at the picture. It hair made him remembered someone. "I know that creature, she's that princess mare." He said.

"Princess?" Throne asked.

Garble gave a glare and growled. "Yeah, she became a princess and her beat friends with a little dragon. They've humiliatied me!"


"Really, I remember how I was almost the new Dragon Lord, but she and her dragon pet, stopped me and humiliated me by giving everyone a hug." Garble replied. "I wanted my revenge towards her and her town."

Thorns let out a smirk. "Is that so...?" He said. "I can help you with that."

Garble turns his head to Thorne. "How?" He asked.

Thorns explained his proposition. "Bring me Spider-Girl but don't kill her, that can be for later. But you can kill Spider-Man, my partner might do something interesting in mind for her. And when he's done, you have permission to kill her. So... Do we have a deal?"

Garble shows a smirking smile. "Consider it done." He said.

As the three spiders and Ender Knight tried going back to Master Strike's location. Miles was curious about something. "Hey uh, Ender was it?" He asked.

Ender turned his head to Kid Arachnid. "What do you want?" He asked.

"I have a question, why do you want to help us take down Kingpin?"

Ender paused and then sighed. "It's not really Kingpin I'm after, he's working with someone even powerful as him." He answered.

Kid Arachnid was shocked. "Really? Who- spider sense!"

The three spiders' spider sense were going haywire. Until Ender saw fire coming towards them. "Guys, look out!" He yelled.

Spider-Man, Kid Arachnid and Spider-Girl dodged the fire, and landed where Ender was. "What was that?" Spider-Girl asked. She saw who made shot the fire, as the figure came down, it didn't look like a person. It looked like a lizard like creature with wings. "Is that... A DRAGON!!!??" She cried.

Kid Arachnid was very surprised. "Is it just me or did Fin Fang Foom brought in a brother?" He asked.

"Shut up!" Ender said.

"Twilight Sparkle I presume?" The dragon said.

Spider-Girl was petrified. "W-what? H-how did you...?" She startled.

Dragon gave a grin. "Your hair hanging loose gives it away, I don't know why these humans are such dumbasses. Besides, you wouldn't forget your old friend right?" He said.

"I-I don't even remember you?" Spider-Girl pointed out.

Garble was confuse so he scratched his head. "Wait, you don't remember me? That can't be, you have the hair, the voice, it should be it."

Spider-Girl realized something. "Y-you must be referring to my pony counterpart." She pointed out.

"Pony counterpart? Oh I get it, you must be a different version of her, that means... If There's another you, then that means there's another Spike in this world too, right?" Garble asked.

Spider-Man interfered. "What the hell is going on?"

"Well it doesn't matter, my aqueintice wants you for something special. And then i can have some fun with you." Garble while walking up to Spider-Girl.

"Oh no you don't!!!" Spider-Man jumped onto Garble and gave him a kick.

Garble was now pissed. "Oh... You shouldn't have done that." He said. "Let's have some fun!"

Garble swooped after Spider-Girl but luckily Kid Arachnid shocked the dragon with his venom blast. Then Spider-Man gave Garble a web swinging kick. Ender Knight ran up to the dragon, and landed a combo move. But Garble led out a breath of fire, the 3 heroes manage to dodge it. Garble was going towards Spider-Girl. Mid Arachnid tried to web up Garble, but he got whipped by the dragon's tail. Spider-Man then tried using his web teasers, it stuned Garble but then he grabbed Spider-Man and threw him to the ground. Garble saw that Spider-Girl was running away, so he chased after her.

"What's a matter princess? Are you scared of me?!" Garble asked. "WELL YOU SHOULD!!!" He yelled.

"Stay away from me!" Spider-Girl was still running until she tried web swinging until she a wall.

Garble showed up, walking slowly against the weak Spider-Girl. "I was told not to kill you, but no one said I should fry you." He said.

"Wait... You were told? Who told you? Who do you work for?!" Said a scared Spider-Girl.

"He's working for someone name Kingpin, but he's called Thorne." Garble answered while Spider-Girl became shocked. "No time for talking, tonight I might dine on Twilight soup."

As Garble was about burn Spider-Girl alive, Ender jumped and strangled on Garble's neck.

"Keep your stink'n fire off her, you damn dirty dragon!!!" Ender said.

Spider-Girl watch as Ender tried to hold onto Garble with his might, but Garble was about to fly to the sky. Spider-Girl didn't want to watch anymore, instead... She decided to fight. "Garble, I'm done running. YOU WANNA GET NUTS? COME ON THEN, Let's get nuts!!!" She cried.

"Oh now we're talking." Garble came back down and threw Ender at a brick wall. And now he's getting ready to face off against Spider-Girl.

Spider-Girl charged at Garble. And flip over him and webs him up and threw him over the building. Garble breaks free from the web, and tries to throw some scratches onto Spider-Girl. Unfortunately, she dodges his moves and threw some punches and a lot of kicks. Ender and Kid Arachnid stepped in and helped beat Garble, Ender shows his flexibility moves and Kid Arachnid turned invisible and sneaked up behind Garble and stun him. That gave Spider-Girl an advantage. Spider-Man got up and noticed it. "Alright Spider-Girl, now's your chance!" He cheered.

Spider-Girl was feeling confident. She ran up to Garble while he was regaining some sight, and he charges towards her. They both jumped off and at the second...

Garble landed with his neck broken, but Spider-Girl was not finished, she walked up to Garble looking kinda menacing. "Is that all you got?" He cried. "I'm not afraid of you!" His voice was aching.

Spider-Girl grabbed Garble up, and he notices that her eyes were glowing. "You don't know what to be scared of, beast... I'll show you true terror, as I watch you fade into OBLIVION!!!" Spider-Girl threw Garble at a wall, and began shoot her midnight magical blast. Ender, Kid Arachnid and Spider-Man saw what she was going. "Now dragon... Sleep...!" She whispered.

"TWILIGHT STOP!" Spider-Man yelled.

Spider-Girl stopped and her eyes were turned back to normal. She saw how she was hurting the dragon. Shrnwant to far, and she felt like she went out of control. She was terrified of what she did. Until Garble got up very weak. "This isn't over..." He said. He ran up to Spider-Girl, while pulling people out of his way, and grabbed and threw her to an edge of the building. He was still active to fly, but he's very weak. He let out a breath of smokey fire, and fleed. Spider-Man ran to help Spider-Girl up.

"Twilight, you okay?" He asked, while pulling her up.

Spider-Girl felt a slight chill on her bones. "Eh-I... think so..." She replied feeling nervous.

Kid Arachnid and Ender walked towards the two spiders. "Okay 3 questions. One, why was there a dragon that was not Fin Fang Foom? Two, since when can a spider do magic. And three, what the hell is going on?!" He cried.

"For once, I'm with the Kid on this one. Sparkle, what the hell were you doing?" Ender asked. "It felt like you wanted to kill that dragon."

Spider-Girl stood up feeling very shy like her oldself. "I... Don't know what happened. I felt like something is trying to control... Or someone." Spider-Girl shook her head, hoping that it wasn't her trying to get out. So the Ender and the spiders continue going back to Master Strike's place.


Garble returned to the Kingpin's tower, where Thorns was waiting for him. "What happened...?" He asked.

"I was almost fried by that pony bitch!" Garble explained. "She had some sort of magic that felt intense."

"Really...?" Throne was intrigued by this new type information. "I'm gonna go and have a little chat with Kingpin. In the meantime. You go to where the siren is. I believe there might be more to this Spider-Girl thennwe thought."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for the long wait, I didn't had time to work in it, because I was very busy with stuff and I had to do some research on stuff, so yeah. This chapter will feel like it doesn't make sense. Wish I had a co-author.

Anyways... Next Chapter... Til the fat man sings, along with a hint...

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