• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,585 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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Pink and Red Part 1

Author's Note:

Forgive me for the long wait. I'm sorry.

"New York rests easy since that menace known as Spider-Man has given up and left the city. Where is he now... WHO CARES! As long as that wall crawling coward doesn't come back. So as a runner upper for Mayor, I declare that who ever wears a mask that resembles a spider or a costume that resembles Spider-Man, shall be arrested for before they cause poison to New York City." Peter watched the news of what's going on back at his old home in New York. And it seems J. Johna Jameson rents that he doesn't want Spider-Man back.

Before he and his Aunt May left New York. He told her that he was Spider-Man and explained everything, about how Uncle Ben died, to how he made up for not saving him, and the enemies he fought and to the point where he was about to give it all up and drink an antidote, and how he felt responsible for killing his best friend's dad. Aunt May was shocked, scared and sad. But she hugged Peter and told him she forgives him and how she is proud that he protected people. And since Harry Osborn planned to let out all of villains, that's how Aunt May decided that they should move away and start a new life in a new city. That how Peter got to Canterlot City in the first place.

Peter leaped off the couch. And walked towards the kitchen. "Hey Aunt May. How are you feeling?" Peter asked.

Aunt May turned her head while she was washing dishes. "I'm okay Peter. How are things lately at your new school?" She asked.

"Well it's fine to be honest. I made some new friends already. Even though their girls. But I did made some guy friends." Peter answered.

"That Jameson guy still rants badly about you even since we moved out huh?" Aunt May asked.

"Yeah. I just ignore him. It's not like he'll make up a wanted sign anti being back home." Peter said.

"Don't jinx it dare. Remember, every enemy you make is tracking you down. Luckily this city appreciates you and your new partner." She mentioned.

"New partner? Wait you mean Spider-Girl?" He asked his aunt.

Aunt May nodded. "She seems like a nice girl. I love her outfit too, it's very cute. You could say she might have a crush in you."

"That preposterous Aunt May. Spider-Girl is just a friend." Peter said while blushing.

"Look, I know how she looks at you in the news. Do you know something about her?" She asked.

"Not really."

The tv news changed while they were talking. "Breaking news! Some man that looks like he's on fire is reaking havoc on the streets. He's been calling out for Spider-Man. From our recent researchers... the man calls himself Molten Man. And he appears to be furious."

"The Molten Man!" Peter gasped. "By that's impossible."

"Peter. You need to go and stop that man before he burns this city." Aunt May said.

Peter agreed and hugged his aunt. "I dealt with him once, I'll dealt with him twice, and I'll do it again for chicken soup with rice." Aunt May chuckled a bit and Peter grabbed his bag that has his Spider-Man costume in it. And left off to fight Molten Man.


At the studio, Twilight and her friends were dressed up in superhero costumes known as the Power ponies, and they were in the middle of a case of tracking down the their who stole the relics for the Daring Do movie. They chased the cloaked figure all over the studio until Rainbow Dash got locked in the closet. Sunset and Twilight got Rainbow out and Twilight said to herself out loud. "I wonder how Peter is doing."

"SPIDER-MAN!!! I KMOW YOUR OUT THERE! COME OUT AND FACE ME!" Molten Man was screaming in rage to get Spider-Man. And it worked.

"Alright. Long time no see Molty. The last time I saw you was back in the prison I was in." Spider-Man said.

"You killed the Green Goblin... And now.... I'm stuck like this forever!"

"So you got out prison to hunt me down?" Spider-Man asked.

"Yes! Hammerhead give me that last
coordinates where the enforcers left off before getting attack by that Spider-Chick. But now that know that your here, I'm gonna burn you up and take you back to New York City for execution." Molten Man said.

Molten Man threw fireballs at Spider-Man and Spidey dodged them constantly. Until he threw web balls at him. "I've learned a few new tricks Spidey." Molten Man used both of his hands and shoots fire to the ground and the was lifted up. "Now I chase you properly."

Spider-Man started running like dog and then soon web swing across the street until Molten Man blasted him.


Twilight and her friends have already solved out stole the relics. And Twilight pointed out that it was the Director Mr. Zoom's niece Juniper Montage. She explained everything of how did stole them and tried to hide them. And how she was using Midnight Wolf to get on his good side. Mr. Zoom was upset with Juniper. "Why would you do this!?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I just hate Chestnut!" Juniper explained.

"That's hardly a reason to-"

"And I was mad at you for casting her as Daring Do. And I told you over and over again how badly I wanted to play Daring Do and you just ignored me!" Juniper said while cutting her uncle's sentence short.

"But Juniper, your too young. And you don't have experience!" Mr. Zoom explained.

"I know. But I thought if things go wrong. Maybe Chestnut would quit the production and maybe..." Juniper looked up to her uncle with innocent grin. "Maybe you'll give me a shot?"

"Not only did you jeopardized the production, endangered the safety of the actors and the film crew, but you lied to me and took advantage of my trust!" Mr. Zoom lashed out.

"I know, I'm sorry..." Juniper said. "I never meant to hurt anyone. And I was gonna return the props just as soon as Chestnut quit. I hope you can forgive."

Mr. Zoom rubbed his eyes and put his hand on Juniper's shoulder. "Your my niece Juniper, so of course I can forgive you. But-"

Spider-Man crashed through the studio feeling burned.

Juniper looked at the wallcrawler. "Spider-Man? Is here?

And then Molten Man walks in. Never thought of being a movie here.

"Oh no. This is bad. Everyone, get to the safe room!" Mr. Zoom told his film crew.

Twilight ran up to Midnight. "We got to get changed."

"Not yet. I'll catch up." Midnight said. He walked up to Juniper. "Is this true Juniper? You were just using me? You never really liked me." He asked.

"I was about to Midnight. I mean your a nice guy." Juniper explained. "Believe me, I did kinda like you."

"No you don't. You used me to hurt my friends." Midnight said. "I don't wanna talk to you. You care about me. You care only for yourself." And run off. And Juniper lowered her head and closed her eyes. Just when she was actually starting to like Midnight.

"Twilight, I think that's Molten Man." Sunset said.

"Are you sure? Last thing I remember, you said he was bigger. He looks stronger but he's younger." Twilight explained. "That reset thing effected Spider-Man's enemies. Remember what I said about my fighting with Shocker?" Twilight asked.

Sunset nodded.

"If Molten Man use to be larger, then this reset version made him Peter's age." Twilight explained. She quickly got into her Spider-Girl costume and striked. Twilight's friends stayed behind to help repair the damage. "Molten Man I pressure?"

"So your the spider-chick that took down Shocker. Now I'm gonna burn you to ashes."

But then Molten Man got slashed. "Aww, a party? And no one invited me? Guess I'll just crash it!"

"Who the hell are you!" Spider-Man asked.

"This is my friend Wolf Spider. You can trust him." Spider-Girl said to Spider-Man.

"Alright. I trust you. Now let's take down that fire freak. We need to drown him in water." Spider-Man said.

"I have an idea. You took distract him." Wolf Spider ran off.

Molten Man shot more fire balls at Spider-Man and Spider-Girl. They were fast to Molten Man to hit. They can't touch him cause he's living fire. "I'm getting tired of seeing living fire people." Spider-Girl said. They throw their webs at Molten Man and throw him outside.

Wolf Spider brought a fire hose while he was waiting outside. Molten Man was almost done for. As he looked up and sees Wolf Spider. "Say hello to my little friend!" Wolf Spider said. He turned up the hose and blasted Molten Man with intensive water.

While being hosed, Spider-Man and Spider-Girl ran up and finished him off with a double spider punch! "Good job with the fire hose Wolf Spider." Spidey said. "Your okay in my book."

Mr. Zoom and his film crew got out of the safe room and wanted to congratulate Spider-Man, Spider-Girl and Wolf Spider for saving their lives and thank Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer for keeping the movie set safe and restoring the damage. Later as the spiders leave. Spidey said he'll take Molten Man to jail. So he swinged away. Twilight and Midnight changed back to their regular clothes. "Is everyone okay?" Twilight asked.

"Yes we're fine. Thanks to the spiders." Mr. Zoom said. "And thanks to the girls. Everything looks like it's back to normal." Mr. Zoom then turned to his and walked towards her. "As I was saying before. I can forgive you Juniper. But I'm sorry to say that you are no longer welcomed on the set, and it will take a long time before I consider you back here." He snapped his fingers and the security guard came and he asked Juniper for the keys. The security guard took her to the exit. She stares at the girls with a mean look. As she exits the set.

Midnight at her walking away. He had sad.

"Midnight darling... will you be okay." Rarity asked.

"I don't know... maybe I was a little hard on her. But once it used. I'll give her some space. Maybe a.few days. I'll talk to her. I'm sorry for what she did to you."

"It's alright Wolf." Rainbow Dash said. "Now come on! We got a movie to shoot!"

To be continued...

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