• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,585 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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Spider meets Spider Part 2

In the Avengers Tower, Daredevil, Spider-Man, Jessica Jones, Thing and Human Torch wanted Master Strike to explain what's the deal with the two girls dressing up in costumes pretending to be heroes. Master Strike explained that their names are Sunset Shimmer, his girlfriend and Twilight Sparkle her friend. Then he explained how Sunset has magic powers and how Twilight has spider powers.

"Wait a minute, are you that same girl I..." Spider-Man realised and asked. His head was shaking. Twilight nodded. Spider-Man was in shock. "I knew I recognised that hair style. But I can't believe you actually became a spider like me."

Twilight nodded again while she blushed. "Well, you did save me from Scorpion. So, I became a costumed heroine so I can be like you."

"Well, it's nice to see you again." Spider-Man said.

"So, your dating this... girl with bacon hair, Wayne?" Jessica asked Master Strike.

"Well that's insulting." Sunrise said.

"Look Jones," Thing said. "The boy's been through some hard time alright, so give him a break. After all, he if it weren't for his friend over there, Hyperion would've made you into corpses."

"Toché Grimm." Said Daredevil. "So, you came just came back to New York just to bring two heroines?"

"Uh.... no, well kinda." Master Strike nervously. Daredevil knows that he's partly lying. "Look, the real reason i came back was because... I'm going to bring Kingpin to justice."

Everybody except for Sunrise and Spider-Girl were shocked. "Why in hell, you want to take Kingpin down, OK yeah, he did try to kill me and Daredevil for years but still, after what he did to you, your gonna go back to his building and fight him? You won't stand a chance. He's gotten stronger ever since you left." Spider-Man pointed out.

Daredevil stepped in. "I'm with Spidey on this one. Kingpin's gotten stronger since you left."

Master Strike took off his helmet, and Danny said. "I know, but remember you two took him down before, right?"

"Well yeah," Spider-Man replied. "but since you left, he's been manipulating Jameson saying that I'm like a virus poisoning young minds. That's kind of why I disbanded the Web Warriors."

"Not to mention the fact that he's been getting rid of any evidence against him. Even security surveillance. He's gotten stronger and smarter." Jessica pointed out. "Whatever more proof you try to get, he'll always find a way to prevent you from taking you to jail."

"Wow, the Kingpin seems to have everything plan to be sure that no one takes him down." Sunset said.

Twilight added a point to the conversation. "So basically, it'll take more than just fighting him, it's more of 'outthinking' him."

"Kid's got a point." Thing said.

"So, what are you going to plan when you go fight the Kingpin?" Daredevil asked.

Danny scratched his head. "Well.... I figured I show Sunset around the city, while Spidey spend some time with Twilight to help her train to use her powers. Besides, the summer break is here, so I'll plan something in due time."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute Strikey. You want me to train this girl?" Spider-Man asked very loud.

"Well... Yeah. I've trained her a little on how to fight, so I figure you can teach her how to use her spider powers." Danny replied nervously.

Spider-Man pointed out something. "How am I supposed to know she has real spider powers?"

Twilight does a flip and formed a handstand with spits. "Does this answer your question?"

"Wow, she's got you good, webhead." Jessica said sarcastically.

"Shut up!" Spider-Man replied.

"Okay so its settled." Sunset said. "Danny will show me around New York and Spidey and help train Twilight. And we'll meet back at the Baxter Building at night. Just be careful, Twilight."

"I will."

Spider-Man swings Spider-Girl to an alleyway to see if she can wall crawl. He was very impress. Next was to web swing. "When I started to web swing, it was a little tricky. I keep slamming into signs." He said. But I soon learned how to control my direction of swinging." He said. "Watch this." Spider-Man leaped and swung to another building. "Now this is kinda tricky but a little easy. You try now."

Spider-Girl leaped and tried to web swing but she pulled it too soon and crashed at the wall.

"Well, no one said this was going to be easy." Spider-Man said to himself. " But then again, no one literally said that."

"I'm okay..." Spider-Girl said weakly.

A few tries later... Spider-Girl was able to control her web swings. The way she swings to her it's like flying, she felt like a bird. Spider-Man swung by her side and said. "You did it. You can web swing. How does it feel."

"Like I have wings soaring into the sky. Now I see why you like it. It's amazing." Spider-Girl replied.

Spider-Man chuckled nervously. "Well I wouldn't say that." Spider-Man and Spider-Girl swung to another building and sat down. "So, tell me, how did you a spider became like me? I mean, how did you get your spider powers?" He asked.

"I've been studying you, doing a lot of research, and analyzing each spider trying to create my own spider venom I even added some magic for support." Spider-Girl said. "And it was a petrified experience. But when I woke up, I felt stronger, faster."

"Wow, you're into science like me." Spider-Man said.

"I didn't know you're into science." Spider-Girl replied back. "To be honest, I became Spider-Girl for a reason."

"For copyright infringement? Ow!" Spider-Man said sarcastically while Spider-Girl punched him in the arm. "I'm kidding, anyways why'd you became Spider-Girl?"

"I want to be to be your sidekick." Spider-Girl said. "I want to get to know you and I want to fight by your side, like a sidekick.

"Well this is a shocker." Spider-Man said.

Spider-Girl was getting crossed. "Do i have to punch you again?" Suddenly her spider-sense was tingling.

"No, I mean Shocker, down there." Spider-Man said.

A man in a yellow and brown quilted costume with two gauntlets was shooting at the two spiders.

The two spiders dodged Shocker's blast and landed on the ground. "It's quite a shock running into you Wallcrawler, aw, and i see you got yourself a cute little spider-girlfriend."

"Okay, first of all, she's not my girlfriend. And second of all, what are you doing here Shocker?"

"The hell if I know, but the Kingpin promised to pay me if i get rid of you and those other wannabes." Shocker said.

"Wait Kingpin sent you?" Spider-Girl asked.

"Hell, yeah he sent me. Well he didn't tell anything about a pink Spider-Girl. Oh well, getting rid of the virus himself is going to worth it, everyone will brand me a hero after i kill you." Shocker replied. "No more talk, let's dance!"

Shocker used his shockwaves to push Spider-Man and Spider-Girl away. Spider-Man leaped over shocker and gave him a web throw into the hard ground. Spider-Girl tried to web him up, but he broke free from the web and kicked Spider-Girl in the chest. It made Spider-Man very crossed.

"Oh, not you didn't." Spider-Man said. He webbed up Shocker so he can web zip up and give him an air kick, but Shocker broke free from the webbing and blasted Spider-Man to a building.

"Ha ha ha, oh yes I did." Shocker said back. Then Spider-Girl sucker-punched Shocker in face and used her magic blast to send him flying. "Now there's something you don't see Spidey do every day." Shocker focused his gauntlets and gave them a full charge and created a ground pound, it shook Spider-Girl. Shocker threw her to a near car. "Sorry kid, but you can't play with the big boys." Shocker said to Spider-Girl. "Since I'm trying to kill the web-head, I'll make this quick and painless." As Shocker was about to finish off Spider-Girl, she blasted her magic at one of Shocker's gloves, it was damaged up. "Your one clever bitch."

"I believed the term is witch." Spider-Man said. With one of Shocker's gloves damaged, Spider-Man can easily beat him faster. He webs strikes Shocker and gave him three punches and two kicks. Shocker blocked one of the attacks and gave Spider-Man a shock punch. Spider-Girl recovered and used her magic to blast Shocker's other glove. That gave Spider-Man the advantage. He threw Shocker to the air and gave him one final punch the face. Shocker fell to another car.

Spider-Girl gave him a punch in the face herself. "Did you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Shocker said. "Yes, you got a problem with that?!"

Spider-Girl shot magic at him and it knocked him unconscious. "Indeed, I do." She said. Everyone looked at her.

'Is that a girl dressed up like a spider?'

'Was Jameson right, is Spider-Man a plague?'

Spider-Girl was getting nervous. Until Spider-Man showed up. "Uh... Hey everyone this is.... uh..... Spider-Girl, my new sidekick."

A few people applauded but it was mostly girls. Because it was about time a girl should be a spider hero.

"R-really, I'm... Your sidekick." Spider-Girl asked.

"You've earned it, Spider-Girl." Spider-Man replied.

Spider-Girl was so happy she holds on to Spider-Man's face and kissed. The people yelled in 'ooooohhhhhh' Spider-Man was very shocked. Was Spider-Girl kissing him? Apparently so.


Oh Herman Schultz, you've failed me. But very unexpected. That arachnid has a new sidekick, and she manage to beat Hyperion and Shocker. So that means... That low hearted Master Strike is back! ELECTRO! MOLTEN MAN!!!"

"Got something us Kingpin?" Electro asked.

Kingpin stand up and placed his hands on his hips.

"Electro, Shocker has failed me, you'll go after Spider-Man and destroy him and his little pink spider sidekick."

"Sweet, I've been dying to fry that little bug up." Electro said sarcastically.

"Anything for me Boss?" Molten Man asked.

Kingpin gave him a sinister grin. "You go find Master Strike and bring him to me. I believe we have a lot of catching up to.""Electro, Shocker has failed me, you'll go after Spider-Man and destroy him and his little pink spider sidekick."

"Sweet, I've been dying to fry that little bug up." Electro said sarcastically.

"Anything for me Boss?" Molten Man asked.

Kingpin gave him a sinister grin. "You go find Master Strike and bring him to me. I believe we have a lot of catching up to."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

OK I did originally attended to add some music for the fight against Shocker so I'll modify later. In the meantime you can copy the link and listen to it.

Forgive me for using bad language.

Molten Man and Electro. How will this work out?

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