• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,585 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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You just lost the jackpot

Peter woke up in the morning, getting ready for a brand-new day. As he was done changing his clothes, he walked down stairs and saw his Aunt May talking to a girl. She was beautiful and she looked very familiar. She has dark bluish-purple hair. Then he remembered, it was Twilight.

"Peter, you never told you made a new friend." Aunt May said.

"Uhhhh.... Hey Twilight, I see you met my Aunt May, Aunt May, this is Twilight Sparkle, she's from Equestria city. She's visiting for vacation." Peter was nervous. His palms were starting to sweat. "Hey Twilight, can i see you in the kitchen, please?" He asked while taking Twilight's hand. In the kitchen Peter asks... "How did you know where I live?"

"Well funny story..." Twilight said.


As Twilight and Sunset woke up in the guest rooms. They started to brush their teeth. Sunset talked to Twilight about what did she do yesterday. "So, Twilight, how did feel swinging across the city?" She asked.

"It felt amazing Sunset, for the first time ever, flying through the sky, at first scary, but later..." Twilight paused. "... You feel like your free, like you don't feel nothing anymore. *sigh* But enough about me, how was your date with Danny yesterday?" She asked.

Sunset smiled while images from yesterday played through her head. "It was great Twilight, you should've been there. At first, we were discussing some stuff. Then saw some trouble on the news. We fought a man covered in fire-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, stop." Twilight cut Sunset's sentence short because she was confused. "A man covered in fire? Was it the Human Torch?"

"Uh... No. He called himself Molten Man." Sunset said.

"How many people set on fire are there." Twilight asked.

"Well there's Human Torch, Molten Man, Firelord and that's all Danny told me." Sunset replied.

Twilight fainted, and Sunset puts her on her bed. About 2 minutes later, Twilight woke up and went down stairs. "Man, I have such a headache. How can people be set on fire and not feel pain. *Sigh* I think I'll go over to Peter's house."

Danny got up from the table. "Wait a minute, did you just say Peter?"

"Yeah, Peter Parker. He's Spider-Man."

"Okay yeah we know that already." Danny said.

"I didn't." Sunset said.

Twilight began to scratch the back of her head. "Look, it's a big deal. Besides I should him my secret identity when you introduced us. So, it’s your fault."

Danny felt a little bit guitly. "Fine whatever. So, you're going to his place?" He asked.

"Yeah. But he didn't tell me where he lives."

"Well maybe this GPS can work. He lives on Queens, with his Aunt May." Danny said.

"Thanks Danny." Twilight said. "I'll be back in a little while."

Sunset started to get worried. "Hope she'll be okay.

Danny walks next to her and cheered her up. "Don't worry about her, Sunset. She'll be okay.

Present Day...

"... And that's how I got here." Twilight ended.

"Well that explains it. Come, I was planning on having breakfast. Care to join?"

Twilight nodded. And the both of them walked back to the living room. While Aunt May was making some pancakes, Peter showed Twilight the rest of the house. Twilight looks around Peter's house, and saw a picture of Peter and a few other guys. "Are these your friends Peter?" She asked.

Peter looked at the picture. He sees his friends, Miles Morales, Joe Amadeus, Flash Thompson and Ben Reilly. "Yep, those are my friends." He said.

Twilight was amazed. "So, I'm guessing this one here..."

Peter looks at the part of picture of himself putting his arm around the middle guy's shoulder. "Oh, that's Miles." He said. "We became close friends."

"Got to say, you and your Aunt have a nice home." Twilight said nicely. "Huh," Twilight was about to the kitchen to see if May needed some help with the pancakes until she came across another picture of Peter, May and someone else. "Uh... Peter... Who's this with you and or Aunt?" She asked.

Peter was shocked to see that picture. "Oh uh... That's... my uncle... Ben."

Twilight noticed something, she looked around the living room. "If this man is your uncle... Then where is he?" She asked. Aunt May overheard those words Twilight said, and so did Peter. It made them a little sad. Twilight asked. "Was it something I said?"

So May walked towards the living room, talked to Twilight about what happened to Peter's Uncle Ben. "It's a long story but... A few years ago... Ben was... Shot and murdered, by some common crook. It was hard for Peter and I lately."

Twilight was surprised. She sees Peter and May a little blue whenever they talk about how Peter's uncle Ben died Years ago. "I... didn't know..." She said. "I'm so sorry for your lost." Twilight gives Peter a hug. "I have another question. Mrs. Parker, when did you found out that your nephew was Spider-Man?"

"Well it's a long story. But I'll make it short. A few years ago, New York was being taken into space by some alien lunatic. I think he called himself the Grandmaster. Anyways, Peter was getting everyone off the Grandmaster's spaceship and that's where I said I know he was Spider-Man. Since then. He started sharing his identity to everyone close to him." May explained.

"Wow." Twilight said. After a while. Twilight join them for breakfast. While Twilight and Peter were eating their pancakes, May asked Twilight a question.

"Twilight, I read in the newspaper about Spider-Man having a new sidekick. She calls herself Spider-Girl. Is that you?" She asked.

Twilight was kinda worry, but still, she took a deep breath. And said. "Yeah, that's me. I'm Spider-Girl."

May had another question. "Why did you become like my nephew. I mean I've seen a lot of Spider-Men, but never a female spider before. So why?" She asked.

Peter stepped in. "She told me that she wanted to be my sidekick. So, she did research about me back in that city of hers.

"Well actually..." Twilight paused for a moment. "That's not entirely true. I have a real reason why I became Spider-Girl. It kinda a long story."

"Why don't you tell us, dear." May said while sitting down in the living room. Peter followed.

Twilight joined them in the living room, and began to tell her story of why she became Spider-Girl in the first place. "A year ago, I was a student in a private school called Crystal Prep. And I mostly focused on my studies. During my time. I studied another school called Canterlot High. There were weird supernatural phenomenons happening there, and I wanted to understand it. But in Crystal Prep, I was treated like an outcast, like I was invisible. I created a trinket that can absorb whatever was flowing in CHS, I remember one time I visited that school, early in the morning to figure out what was the phenomenon. Until I was interfered and flee. One day, my principal Cinch, suggested that enter a competition called the Friendship Games would help improve my grades to help me get into university. Crystal Prep was competing against its rival Canerlot High. I was clumsy at the time as well. But for some unexpected reason, everyone at CHS knew my name. Like they've seen me before. I was scared, it felt like everyone must've stalked me. Even the CHS Principal Celestia knew who I was. They even know my pet dog Spike. Anyways, while my time at CHS, I tried befriending some girls. Until my trinket somehow absorbs something from them. Later during a race, my trinket miraculously opens a portal to what appears to be another dimension. I was scared. But later a girl name Sunset Shimmer told me about the phenomenons are what they call magic from a dimension called Equestria. I wanted to learn and understand magic. But out of anger, Sunset yelled at me. The other girls thought I was like the Twilight they know. Because I'm not. Unfortunately, I have made the biggest mistake of my life. During the final competition, Principal Cinch manipulated me into releasing all the magic I stole. But that cost me to turn into a monster. I called myself Midnight Sparkle. Now all I wanted was to take all the magic from Equestria. Even if it means destroying Earth to get to it. But luckily Sunset defeated and saved me from almost ending this world trying to get to another one. After that horrifying experience, I transfer to CHS. If I want to learn about friendship to understand magic. But later on, I still have nightmares about Midnight. It's like I can still feel her... Inside me. But then I remember how Spider-Man saved me 2 years ago. So, I've been doing research on him to create my own spider venom. But later on, I realized that I still have Midnight's magic powers. So, I tried to use it on my research. It worked. I developed spider powers with a combination of both science and magic. When i injected myself, it felt... Strange. The next day I woke up, and I realized that my body felt very strong. I could stick to the walls. So i made up a costume using some sort of cloth fabric, with flexibility, some sort of body stocking. That's how I called myself Spider-Girl."

"Wow, you had it pretty rough." Peter said. "Is that's why you wanted to be a hero?" He asked.

"Yeah. I almost destroyed Earth, all for trying to get to another dimension." Twilight said while a tear fell from her eye. Peter can tell she was about to cry. "Everybody will forgive for I done. But I can't do the same for myself. I became Spider-Girl so I can forgive myself for what I've done in the past. It was..." Twilight started to cry, but Peter and May walked close to her and gave her a hug. "What are you doing?"

"It wasn't your fault dear." May said. "That woman took advantage of you, because you were alone."

"She's right, Twilight. You have friends that love you and support you. As long as you keep them in your hearts, you'll never be alone." Peter pointed out.

"Thanks Mrs. Parker, and especially you Peter." Twilight said while leaning in to kiss him.

While that was happening, there was a knock at the door. May went to go see what it is. When she opened the door, there was beautiful girl, with red hair. "Hey Aunt May."

"Mary Jane, nice to see you again. But uh... What are you doing here?" May asked.

"I came here to see if Peter's home." Mary Jane asked.

"Why, yes he is. But he's comforting a friend right now." May said. While putting her hand on the back of her head.

"Well if you don't mind, I'll just let myself in, and tell him something important. " Mary Jane went inside the house, and went to the living room. And there she saw Peter kissing a girl with violet hair. She was shocked and jealous. "Peter Parker!?" She yelled.

Peter stopped Twilight's kiss and turned his head. He screamed. "Mary Jane?" He was confused and his face was turning red. "This isn't what it looks like!!!" He cried.

"Peter who's that?" Twilight asked.

Peter sighed, and introduce Twilight. "Mary Jane, this is Twilight Sparkle, she's from Canterlot City. Twilight, this is my ex-girlfriend Mary Jane Waston. Since now that's MJ what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't know, I was just thinking that we should get back together, before I saw you making out with a girl who looks like she's cosplaying an anime character!!!" Mary Jane said angrily.

"What? No! Twilight looks nothing like that!" Peter said. "She's been through a lot, me and Aunt May were just comforting her."

"'Comforting her' my ass!"

May smacked Mary Jane at the back of her head. "Watch your language, young lady."

"Besides, you broke my heart a bunch of times. Why should we get back together if you're going to dump me again just for being Spider-Man. And before you ask, Twilight already knows that I'm Spider-Man." Peter pointed out.

Mary Jane was now sweating. "Because, I felt bad and I remember that you have responsibilities. But I reconsidered breaking up with you. When I saw something in the newspaper saying that Spider-Man has a new sidekick. So, I thought to myself, I should apologize and ask if we can get back together." Mary Jane explain. "But now i think you've just moved one."

"Look uh... Mary Jane was it?" Twilight asked. "I don't what happened between you and Peter so that you can get jealous and ask for him back. But I've been doing research on him. That 'sidekick' in the newspaper, that's me."

Mary Jane said. "Yeah right, and I'm the goblin."

Twilight proved she's the sidekick in the newspaper by bringing out her costume from her backpack and putting it on.

"Still?" She asked.

Mary Jane refused to believe it. Until Twilight jump to the ceiling and was standing on it upside down. Mary Jane fainted. A few minutes later, she woke up seeing Twilight back in her normal clothes. "Fine, I believe. Now if you'll excuse me. I escort myself out from the building." She said. "Hope I won't see you around, Sparkle."

As Mary Jane went out the door. Peter ran up to her. "MJ wait." He said. "Look I'm sorry, but you got to know that kiss meant nothing to me, okay?"

"How about this, I'll forgive her that if and only if you if, you'll come to the carnival with me this weekend." She said.

"... Fine, I'll take you to the carnival." Peter sighed.

As Mary Jane left, Twilight walked up to Peter. "So that's your ex-girlfriend?" She asked.

"Yep" Peter replied.

"Pardon my language, but if she knows you have responsibilities, but you can't keep a relationship going. Can she be such a bitch?"

"Sometimes..." Peter said. "That's the partial reason why I like her. Anyways, I better give Miles a call. Hope Danny doesn't mind."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. I've been very busy with some birthday stuff. But anyways. Next Chapter Miles Morales.

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