• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,585 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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The Spot returns...

At Moondancer's place...

"Cinch stole the soul stone?" Moondancer and Spike asked.

"Yes." Twilight said in shame. "She must've spied on me in order to find it. I've noticed my spider sense went off. But I didn't listen. I screwed up."

"Oh come on Twilight. It's entirely your fault." Spike said.

"But it is. I'm a superhero. I'm supposed to predict these things." Twilight said sobbing.

"Even superheroes screw up. Why else do you think Jameson keeps slandering Spider-Man." Moondancer mentioned.

The door was kicked opened as Rainbow Dash ran fast to the room. "What the he'll is wrong with you!!!!??"

Spike began to bark loud. "Calm down Rainbow!" He said. "It wasn't her fault."

"The point of being a superhero is to predict even the tiniest danger." Rainbow Dash said.

"We already discuss that sometimes superheroes can screw up." Moondancer said. "And besides. Cinch is the least of your problems. Turns out that Kavitor guy that Twilight fought last year is back. And Cinch is working with him."

"I know that. Fluttershy told me, Pinkie, Applejack and Rarity everything. After you made her into a parasite superhero." Rainbow said. "Why didn't you asked me for help?"

"Because I need Fluttershy's taming the symbiote. I didn't know it would spawn another and bond with her." Twilight said.

"Well next time... call me. I already asked Rarity make me a superhero costume." Rainbow said.

"We took a bad guy to jail without superhero costumes." Twilight said.

"That was different. Those outfits we wear, were part of our pony transformation." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Like every cliche anime and non animes." Spike said.

"I'll decide what I do as a superhero Rainbow. And I can't predict." Twilight said. "I'm Spider-Girl, not Time Girl."

"Whatever. So are their any details about what this Kavitor said." Rainbow asked.

"He said he's gonna try to bring back Doctor Jonathan Ohn, who is also known as the Spot." Twilight said.

"Really? The Spot?" Rainbow Dash laugh of how stupid the name was. "Wait, is he that domination theme supervillain that you defeated a while back?" She asked.

"Yes. He can open portals Rainbow. To anywhere in the world. But since he was sent to a limbo dimension with the Kingpin, Kavitor plans to get him out."

"Okay... I get that." Rainbow Dash noticed something. "Hey, where's Peter?" She asked.

"Well... it's kinda a long story." Twilight said. "But let's just say..."


Kavitor's loyal servents, who are cult worshipers of him, were busy building a machine to open a portal. Kavitor will use the soul stone to activate the machine's energy and find the soul signature of Dr. Johnathon Ohnn, as known as the Spot. "Scarlet! Report. How is the machine?" Kavitor asked his second in command.

"So far... 90% done." Scarlet said. "Soon we'll have a gateway between Earth and Equestria."

"Good. Once we find Ohnn, he will be my energy source to travel through multiple worlds. Perhaps parreal worlds with Twilight Sparkles..." Kavitor said.

"So despite destroy Princess Twilight back in Equestria and the Twilight of Earth, why go to parreal Equestrias to find multiple Twilights?" Scarlet asked her master.

"The sastifaction of killing Sparkle will never be enough. All the Twilight Sparkles will pay. Human, pony, dragon, alien, all of the above. To everlasting revenge will reach multiple Twilights through out the multiverse. And with the soul stone, I can kill one by one with one strike of my fist!" Kavitor said. "But science won't be enough even with the Spot. I'll need more then his power. That is why....I plan something interesting. Now that Peter Parker is confuse, there no doubt he'll question existence. I need to lore the Spider-Girl Twilight, that's when the crow Cinch comes into play... She will take over Canterlot High, and that's when Mysterio appears. He'll pretend to kidnap Twilight, so Parker can be Spider-Man to save her. And once then... I reveal myself and he becomes the one kidnapped, and Spider-Girl will try to save him..."

"A reverse kidnapping with a hint of illusion..." Scarlet pointed out. "Excellent master."

A masked firgure approached Kavitor and Scarlet Heart. "My Lord, exude my intrusion."

"Speak Deity." Kavitor allowed.

"The portal machine is now at 100%. It is complete." Deity said. "You can now find Johnathon Ohnn in the limbo realm."

"Well done my servent." Kavitor said.

"I live to serve, oh Lord father Kavitor." Deity said while kneeling to his master.

"Scarlet, accompanied Cinch. All must be according to plan if I wanna commit Twilight Sparkle Genocide." Kavitor said.

"Yes Master." Scarlet said as Kavitor walks into the portal.

Back at Moondancer's house...

"So Peter is not the real Peter all along? That's why he didn't remember you when he arrived here?" Rainbow asked.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy arrived and were catched up on Twilight's recent event about Kavitor.

"So Cinch is gonna try to take over the school for revenge, why is she involved with Kavitor?" Applejack asked.

"Duh, it's an alliance. Kavitor is playing Cinch. And after she gets what she wants, Kavitor will double cross her." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"I'm gonna more then help. And I remember after we destroyed the memory stone, a trace of its magic was inside Wallflower Blush. I plan to ask for her help." Twilight said. "Where's Sunset by the way?"

"Ever since Wallflower took her memories, and after we restore ours back, she quit the superhero gig. Now she just wants to be normal. And apparently, being exposed to the memory stone gave Sunset the ability to transform into her she-demon form." Rarity said.

"Sunset can turn herself into a monster whenever she wants to?" Twilight asked. "Now that's something I wished happened to me."

"No offense Twilight but you and Sunset are literally to fearsist monsters. No one can never forget that. It's like we can forgive you, but we can't forgive your actions. Sometimes villains can never really be forgiven." Pinkie Pie said. "Its like the mask is nothing but a persona to hide the monster inside you."

"I don't have to worry about Midnight Sparkle anymore. You see... I asked Sunset to help with something..." twilight said...

Many months ago...

"Okay Twilight, once this machine turns on, you will enter your mind, and once your in, find Midnight Sparkle and conquer your fear. Got It?" Sunset said.

"Got it." Twilight said.

"Now use your midnight magic and lift those 5 cinder blocks." Sunset said.

Twilight tried to use her magic, and she was scared. But her eyes were turning fiery blue and her hair was turning fiery as well. The machine shocked her in that form and she got knocked out.

Twilight woke up and sees nothing... then it turned into the school yard. Her friends were having a picnic. So she joined in. She was feeling happy, she looked down at her shadow and it began to change... "Oh no!" The shadow grew, and grew and grew until it formed a monster.

"MIDNIGHT SPARKLE!!!" Everyone said.

Twilight stood up to the monster sge once was... "I've let you feed on my fear long enough!

"Your in my way!" Midnight said.

"You've kept me hidden from friendship, from love, because of your desire, your anger and your lust for power, You've blinded me and now... i can see it! You can't control me ANYMORE!!! MY NAME IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!! AND THE MAGIC I CARRY WITH ME IS THE MAGIC OF FREINDSHIP."

Twilight's body cracks and her costume turns into a brighter pink to unleash a burst of energy coming from her body.

"No Twilight wait!" Midnight said out of mercy. Twilight magic aure changed from a light blue to a magenta pink. "Please no!"

"Goodbye... Midnight Sparkle..." Twilight said as she gets ready to blast Midnight.

"No Twilight! Don't do this to me... PLEASE!!!" It was too late for Midnight Sparkle to plead for mercy. Twilight blasted her with the magic energy. "I... NEED... YOU...!!!" Midnight's last words before she got blasted by the magical energy...

Twilight had done it... she cleansed herself of the evil that was in her. She woke up in the real world, Sunset walked towards her. "Twilight, are you alright?" Sunset asked. Twilight gave out a smile. "You did it. Did you?" Sunset said while giving a smile too.

"I'm... whole again. Execpt for the magic that's now part of me. But I got use to it while being a superhero." Twilight said.

Present day...

"... I don't need to worry about Midnight Sparkle anymore." Twilight said.

"Glad to hear it." Rainbow Dash said. "So what are we gonna do about Kavitor?"

"I'll need Midnight Wolf's help. I'll see if he's available." Twilight said.

"Why wouldn't he be?" Rarity asked.

"Ever since the incident a while back with Gloriosa Daisy, he's been living with Juniper Montage. And they've been a cute little couple thus far." Twilight said. "I hope he hasn't retired.


"Lord Kavitor..."

"Speak Deity."

"We found the dimensional limbo where Dr. Johnathon Ohnn resigns." Deity said.

"Excellent. Open the portal. It's time to bring the Spot back home..." Kavitor said. The portal opened and Kavitor walked in. He sees the Spot floating in the air, like he's in a purgatory. "Doctor..." Kavitor said. "I've come to take you home."

The Spot opened his eyes to see the dark armor man. "Who are you?"

Kavitor grabbed Spot by the neck. "A man who you owe your rescue."

"Alright... alright..." Spot said. "I owe you for my rescue."

"Good... Cause I have a job for you Ohnn..." Kavitor said "... And it involves getting back at Spider-Girl for getting rid of you and the Kingpin..."

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