• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 5,582 Views, 416 Comments

Spiders and Magic Equestria Girls - Alvaxerox

SciTwilight becomes the Spider-Girl in this Spin-Off story where it all takes place after "Friendship Games"

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The fat man sings part 2

Twilight woke up, in a void of darkness. She can hear whispers, until she found a light, and she ended up in her bedroom. She's home. She didn't know how or why, until she saw her friends coming inside. Her heart was pounding. Was everything that happened to her was a dream? She didn't care anymore. She was back at home with her friends. Including Sunset. Twilight ran up to the girls and gave them a hug.

"Uh... Twilight?" Asked Fluttershy. "What with the hug? Not that it bothers us."

"It's nothing Fluttershy." Twilight replied. "Let's just say I had a really bad dream."

"Well you got to remember, it was just a dream. Nothing more." Sunset pointed out.

"Yeah your right." Twilight said. "But it's just that, I must've had too much pressure in me since the friendship games incident. You know for a second, I thought I'd had a crush on Spider-Man. Boy what was I thinking?"

Rainbow Dash raised a brow. "Uh... Spider-Man, as much as that name sounds, who or what I'd Spider-Man?"

Twilight's eyes begen to widened. "You don't know who Spider-Man is?" She asked.

"We absolutely have no idea what or who your talking about darling." Rarity replied.

Twilight's heart now began to race rapidly. Her friends don't remember talking about Spider-Man. Would that mean... "Well do you remember that I called myself Spider-Girl?"

"Spider-Girl? That's silly. Your not a spider. Your just a girl." Pinkie Pie said.

Now Twilight was getting scared. Her friends don't remember her being a superhero. She started to walk back, "No... No no no no. It can't be. You can't be my friends." She said while panicking.

Sunset and the girls started to walk up to her.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Sunset asked.

Twilight didn't answered. She slowly moved to until she paused at the mirror. Finally she said. "Your not friends, this can't be real!" She shouted.

"You got that right!" a voice echoed, throughout her room. Until Twilight's Bedroom was turning into pixles, while it was disappearing. Until The voice started to take a body. It showed enormous dark purple wings and a glowing horn. And big fiery purple hair. It was Twilight's darker side, the one that haunts her.

"MIDNIGHT SPARKLE!!!!" Everyone yelled.

"It can't be. It's not possible!!!" Twilight Said while her heart was pounding really fast now. "Sunset Shimmer helped me defeat you at the Friendship Games."

"Oh Twilight, I thought you would know this by now." Midnight Sparkle said. "You and your worthless friends can never defeat me!" While letting out a chuckle, Twilight's bedroom was turned into into a living nightmare. Her friends, including her dog Spike were vanished. Twilight was horrified. "Midnight Spike is a part of you." The bedroom vanished. Turining into a nightmare Midnight would create.

"I'll always be there... waiting in the deepest darkest shadows of your mind. YOU'LL NEVER CONTROL ME, I'LL BE BACK TWILIGHT!!! And this time, I'll never stop until I have ALL THE MAGIC!!!!!!" Midnight went inside Twilight as she screams in horror.

Twilight woke up from her nightmare and found herself strapped on a table.

"Where am I? What's going on?!" She cried.

"Relax cherry blossom, your not dead... Yet,"

"Who are you?" Twilight nervously asked.

"I am the Tinkerer, and you are in the Fisk tower, home to the Kingpin of Crime."


Flames bursted out from Garble's mouth, Master Strike and Ender Night were dealing with Adagio. Sunrise and Kid Arachnid were handling Garble. Spider-Man helps out by webbing up Garble. "Spider-Man," Master Strike said to Spidey. "We'll take care of these clowns. You go to the Fish Tower and get Spider-Girl back."

"Alright." Spider-Man replied. "Be careful."

"We'll make sure they don't follow." Kid Arachnid said.

Spider-Man left while the 4 four heroes keep the dragon and the siren distracted.

"Why am I here?" Twilight asked while still being held captive.

"The Speed Demon brought you here. You must be the girl who's been helping the wall crawling monster." Tinkerer answered. "Your very lucky. Thanks to you and your becon hair friend, the Kingpin and Throne have been researching you."

"Your the one who brought that red talking dragon to me?" Twilight asked.

"More or less. You got Thorns to thank for that." Tinkerer said. "He manage to get through to that other world where that siren came from."

"Throne? "

"That's me..." Thorne appeared from the shadows. "Twilight... Sparkle. The Spider-Girl, former student from Crystal Prep, and the new transfer student of Canterlot High School. Thank god that I studied your life. Especially the part where you once became a monster of absolute power!"

Twilight doesn't want to remember Midnight Sparkle. Thorne used it to his advantage. "How did feel... Having all that power. You could've ruled 2 worlds. You had power to rip open dimensions. But instead... You were defeating by a majestic creature. And yet... After that you decided to dress up in a body stocking just so you can redeem yourself for what you did. And my nemesis Strikey boy, andbhe encourage you to embrace it. does it remind you of how your former principle did to you..."

Throne struck Twilight in her heart and her mind. He's trying to break her mentally. Twilight keeps tying to hood back her tears, but the memories were too strong. "You're nothing. But a tool." Throne whispered into Twilight's ear. "That monster is still inside you. She always have been... And she'll always will be..."

Spider-Man made it to the Fisk Tower. With the help of Daredevil of course. "Thanks for coming with me Daredevil. Where's Jessica?" He asked.

"She's busy with some things." Daredevil answered.

The two heroes Sneaked inside the tower, knocking the guards out, and disable the cameras. This caught the Kingpin's attention. "WHAT'S GOING ON!!!?" he yelled.

"It's Spider-Man! And the Daredevil!" Said one of the guards on the monitor.

"WHAT!!!?? TWO OF MY GREATEST ENEMIES ARE HERE!!!???" Kingpin Cried out. "They must be here for Spider-Girl. SPEED DEMON, THRONE, TINKERER!!! We have intruders in the building!!! I want them destroyed!!!"

"I AM NOT YOUR HENCHMEN!!!" Throne yelled.

"Shut your trap bounty hunter, your lucky that Kingpin didn't ask you to find the Spot." Tinkerer said to Throne.

"I don't have to worry about Fisk," Thorne said while calming down. "For all I know... He won't be around here for much longer." Throne ran to meet up with Kingpin. Leaving The Tinkerer in confusion.

Speed Demon and Throne showed up at the doors waiting for Daredevil and Spider-Man to break in. "Once they enter in, I'm gonna send them to a volcano." Said Speed Demon.

But what they didn't know... Spider-Man and Daredevil weren't coming through the doors. While Daredevil was going through the air ducts, Spidey was going through the vents underneath Kingpin's chair. Spider-Man jumped out and used his spider strength to web throw Kingpin to Speed Demon. Thorne dodged Kingpin's body and used his blaster to shoot Daredevil out of the ducts.

"You must be Throne," Daredevil said. Throne nodded."Master Strike told us a lot about you."

"I know... Where kinda alike" Throne pointed out.

"Spidey," Daredevil said to Spider-Man. "Go save your sidekick, I'll hold them as long as I can. But you got hurry."

Spider-Man nodded, and went to where Spider-Girl would be. He found her I
Strapped to a board. But she looked like she was scared for life. "Twilight... Twilight...!"

"Ugh... P-Peter?" Twilight opened her eyes, seeing Spider-Man on the ceiling. "Peter, oh thank god your here."

"Don't worry Twilight, everything will be alright. I'm gonna get you out of here." Spidey said.

Twilight got up and put on her mask. "Peter, we got stop Kingpin, he's gonna open a portal to Equestria."

"Not necessarily, my fellow spiders." Tinkerer appeared with a canon blaster. "The machine can not be fixed. Unless Dr. Johnathon Ohn is found again. And I'm not letting you ruin this."

"Spider-Girl, go help Daredevil." Spider-Man said. "I'll take care the old man."

"Are you sure?" Spider-Girl asked.

"Yes. I'll catch up later." Spidey replied.

As Spider-Girl runs to the next room. Spider-Man dodged every single blast from Tinkerer's canon. Noticing that he ran out of ammo. Spider-Man striked the old man unconscious. "What's with villains taking over different worlds. Has this world become boring or is it just me. Ugh, what am i saying, I need Kingpin to give the keys to free the web warriors." Spider-Man said.

Spider-Girl saw Daredevil getting beaten by Speed Demon and Throne. That is, until Spider-Girl webbed up Speed Demon and kick him on his jaw. The web throughed him to the wall next to Kingpin. Kingpin, very angry, charged at Spider-Girl, giving her a massive bearhug to break her bones.

Spider-Girl tried to break free by rapidly moving her legs, but Kingpin tries to break her in half, until Spider-Man popped up and tried to choke Kingpin into letting go of Spider-Girl. But Kingpin just walks back to wall and hit Spider-Man with it so he can let go. Twilight, having no choice, decided to try to use her magic to blast free from Kingpin's body. And at a desprite act. She used her magic again to blast Kingpin away from Spider-Man. And then blasted Speed Demon and Thorne, and after Kingpin was blasted. Spider-Girl open a portal to an unknown void. Spider-Man went to Kingpin's desk and found the locations of where the other two Webb warriors are. The dark void was sucking everything. Even the machine That the Tinkerer's finished. Kingpin was also being sucked in as well. He was almost at the portal. And Throne was right in front of him. "Throne... HELP ME!!!" Kingpin Begged.

Throne took off his mask and gave Kingpin a smirk. "Oh... I'm sorry... But I'm afraid I can't do that... Fisk."

Kingpin's eyes widdd in shock and betrayal. "What!!!?" He asked, angrily. "WHY WOULD YOU BETRAY ME!!!??"

"Your time is over Fisk. It's for a new generation. Don't worry though, I'll tell your family that you said goodbye." Throne blasted Kingpin fingers, that he let go and fell into the void.

"I kill for this!!! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!!!". Kingpin's last words before fading away into the void. Spider-Girl closed the portal. And was weak. Speed Demon was knocked up. And New York has been saved.

Thorne grabbed Tinkerer, and took Fisk's private jet, "I'll let you off the hook since you helped me get rid of Kingpin. Beginner's luck if you ask me. But don't worry, we'll meet again... Another time." Throne and Tinkerer left. The fight was over.

Twilight took off her mask, she looks at her hands. And tears started to shed from her eyes. "What... Have I done..."

"You saved us." Peter said while taking off his mask. "And the city who feared."

Daredevil walked up to the two spiders. "What happened to Fisk?" He asked.

Twilight looks down at the floor as she replies. "I don't know.."

Spider-Man communicated Master Strike Letting him know that Kingpin's gone. Forever. He's not dead but.lost in another dimension. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, Twilight sent him to a void of darkness." Spider-Man said.

Master Strike said that they defeated Garble and Adagio. They'll bring them to the Fisk Tower while the cops come.

It's over...

"Hey... Peter..?" Twilight said.

Peter walked close to Twilight. "What's wrong?"

"I think... I lost my powers."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Happy New Years Everyone.

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